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  1. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Death is coming   
    Yes, Rhaegar. The intended purpose was to kill Chewett, and use his popularity to have both Spart and himself revived.

    But as of right now, it is just a feces flinging and a bunch of brown finger pointing.

    So, instead of pointing fingers, and complaining about it. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

    In the time you've spent complaining, you could have started another thread to set up a revival ceremony or something.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Chewett in Death is coming   
    [quote name='Isabella Finch' timestamp='1339440231' post='114370']
    Though it almost makes the revival items completely pointless as I believe they have a cool down period that lasts as long as the cool down on the kill items.

    I don't think this would be the case at all. If you could sell the use of a revive item quarterly for 20 GC (or even 5) that adds up fairly quickly.
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rumi in Death is coming   
    Why not have all dead characters revived during the torch competition, just like torch participants who get beat up and killed. Of course, we'd need some kind of regular torch competition for that to work.

    If you want to pay someone for the use of a revival item, the cost could be adjusted to the time period until the next competition. In ancient Israel, debt contracts were negotiated with an understanding that every fiftieth year would be a "jovel" or jubilee year, in which all debts were forgiven and every person was free to return to their family land. A debt of servitude negotiated with 45 years remaining was worth substantially more than a debt negotiated with 3 years remaining. I think you get the idea.

    If the torch competition were a quarterly event, the longest you could remain dead and forgotten would be 3 months. That wait might merit the asking price of 20gc. 3 days might be worth 5sc.
  4. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in A funeral   
    Very good on your part Rannel.

    There are many others out there with revival items.

    There is absolutely no reason not to use them other than selfish reasons and cowardice.
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in A funeral   
    Chewett was murdered because of the realm's inhabitants unwillingness to have him revived.

    Save the Wookie, save the Spartan.

    Do you think you can do it?
  6. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Liberty4life in Petition: Return of the Children of the Eclipse   
    [quote name='Karak' timestamp='1339411055' post='114339']
    ... recognised for our contribution. though the votes of public support tell us we are valued ....

    unsure about wut contribution ya talkin about, i noticed ... none, i guess i am wrong about this since i cant see lr internal things nor do i notice minor unimportant stuff if any (talkin about last 6 months, havent seen anythin done by coe)

    moreover, yoar public support... well half of them are tryin to be nice and/or combat "competition", just like when politicians are collectin signups for their candidature, folks dunt really sign it up cuz of them, they sign it mainly cuz they dunt like that other dude more than him so they go on to help the lesser of two evils so to speak, in this case md players wanna act nice and hate all that ally takeover mambo jambo, tryin to make open revolt against ally takeovers, and show support to alliances that suffered takeover cuz they fear they could be next to suffer same fate

    i wonder how much of TRUE supporters ya have
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Community Garden Poetry & Short Story Writing Contest   
    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Calling all poets, bards, minstrels, balladeers, and troubadours![/font][/size][/color]

    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Now accepting submissions for a poetry & short story writing contest.[/font][/size][/color]

    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Contestants may submit "community garden" themed entries to both the poetry and writing contest.[/font][/size][/color]

    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Poetry entry guidelines:[/font][/size][/color][list]
    [*][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Up to three unpublished, original poems may be submitted.[/font][/size][/color]
    [*][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]All poems must be 30 lines or fewer[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Short story entry guidelines:[/font][/size][/color][list]
    [*][color=#4B0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]One unpublished, original short story may be submitted[/font][/size][/color]
    [*][color=#4B0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Short stories include fiction, non-fiction, essays, diary or journal entries, or short screenplays[/font][/size][/color]
    [*][color=#4B0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Maximum of five pages (single or double-spaced, please not less than 10 point font)[/font][/size][/color]
    [color=#4B0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Send entries via PM to Phantom Orchid (or, alternatively, you can rehearse them to me in-game while standing on your head and juggling tomatoes with your feet)[/font][/size][/color]

    [color=#4B0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]One poem and one writing submission will be chosen by a panel of judges to be read out loud ([/font][/size][/color][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]or acted out? interpretive danced to?)[/font][/size][/color][color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive] during a community garden event.[/font][/size][/color]

    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Deadline for entries has been extended to September 22, 2012[/font][/size][/color]

    [color=#4b0082][size=4][font=comic sans ms,cursive]Winner/s to receive 1 WP (provided by either Rumi or Phantom Orchid) [i]if [/i]entry shows merit. Organizers reserve the right to dole out candy and additional rewards indiscriminately.[/font][/size][/color]
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Espartano in A funeral   
    [quote name='Isabella Finch' timestamp='1339266626' post='114210']
    Completely ooc here.. What happens with him now? Was this person seriously just run from the game because not enough people would offer coins for a revival or heat for a revival? Does he have to start completely over now or what? I tried to collect coins and people kept insisting the heat thing would work. He even had money tied up in the game and he is forced to quit? I'm not fully understanding this.
    [quote name='Tom Pouce' timestamp='1339267668' post='114214']
    I wonder
    is it possible thats still a greath magic make him resurect?
    is it possible that he make a will to transfer all his possessions to a Spartiatis jr?
    In this game you can kill a character, but can not transfer a creature you paid $ 51 + for yourself. as you may have noticed in other posts I did about it. then surely it is offtopic here. Also same for pay for revive, just to get killed again will be ridiculous.

    would be more funny to use the GC I got to hire an assassin against my murderer.
    Or donate my coins to anyone who is interested in using them in a revive item (not to cast in me as without my crits will not play anymore) ...

    So this is a goodbye.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Guillak in Current location as spell target   
    (Somehow related to [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11883-spells-on-clickables/"]spells on clickables[/url], but much more accessible)

    How about the possibility to cast spells on the current location rather than a specific player? The spell would "hang in the air" in the scene and would be automatically released on the next person who walks in the location. A single wizard could cast several spells in a location, then all of them would be triggered off simultaneously whenever a character enters the scene, friend or foe (or the caster himself if he left and came back, forgetting about his own spells). If the spell allows for multiple targets, then it could effect all players in the current location (?).

    Technically, in order to cast the spell on the location rather than on a player, you would simply use the spell words without specifying the target (e.g. just "movelock" instead of "movelock Grido").

    This would make it possible to set up random traps or blessings on a specific area. In the former case, a group of hunters would have to communicate in order to prevent a member to trigger a trap by accident.

    To protect yourself against such time bombs: walk around being cloaked/ghosted, in which case the spell would be lost (or the spell would ignore you and affect the next person instead?). The caster's spell counter would be decremented at the time of the cast rather than that of the triggering.

    Movelock was obviously the spell I first had in mind … Now it would really get hellish, making it possible to really [i]guard[/i] places. Currently, however strong you are, you can't stop someone from passing by you if the person clicks arrows too swiftly. And even if you see the other's name in the player list, by the time you cast the spell the target is likely to be gone since long ago. This would make up for such situations. It might help slowing down pursuers too, especially if your opponent has a large land loyalty advantage in a highly viscous place.

    Locate might get a new dimension too, as it would allow to watch over a place and report who the first person to visit it is, assuming the caster is online at the time the spell is triggered.

    Etc. All other spells would work as well of course. I think it is an easy way to give much more value to all spells, especially basic ones such as movelock and ghost.
  10. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Petition: Return of the Children of the Eclipse   
    I have a few questions;

    Why do you deserve the alliance?

    Why do you think the alliance was abandoned?

    How did you get the alliance in the first place?

    How do you think peer pressure/people supporting the reinstation of the alliance will help your cause?

    I don't think the alliance should be given back without some SERIOUS effort first, EARN your alliance back.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tom Pouce in A funeral   
    Thanks for the clarification Grido, ... I was knowing the rule but I was wondering as being dead is not an often occurence, (and out of control of the player) if it could be an exception allow in that kind of case ...
  12. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    Of course you do maebius since you have an alt in another ally. You'd not cut the branch you're sitting on, would you?
  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    My own alts are not counted for the 3 members rule (read the rule again). I should have said: I will remove the ALT and not altS.

    LE: also it doesn't matter that the 3rd memeber is an alt. There are tons of alts in different alliances without nay issues.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Udgard in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    It seems to have been brought up several times that an alliance of only a couple members is not really an alliance and therefore should not be supported by mechanics. But if size is all that defines a group as deserving the badge, alliance chat, and citizenship by default, then maybe there isn't any place for alliances at all.

    But I think that this is the wrong way of looking at it. An alliance badge is a symbol. The mechanical abilities that come along with it only exist to support the idea represented by that symbol. An idea can have value (though this is not guaranteed) as long as it abides in a single mind. Ideas that are once deemed worthy should not be stricken down until they are either corrupted, abandoned, and/or entirely forgotten. "And/or" because that needs to remain a human decision.

    This is not to say ideas without recognition are worthless, but that alliances without ideas are. An idea only served by one is more worthy of an alliance than an alliance that serves no idea. Sometimes not just "more" worthy, but actually worthy. Besides, ideas will spread.
  15. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Soothing Sands in Petition: Return of the Children of the Eclipse   
    I can see how council is in a pickle, because you obviously want the alliance back, but a rule is a rule and this should be no exception. If the badge means you will improve and maybe invite some younger members to join in the discussion, then so be it. I would approve. But not because you had 30 members a long time ago. Out of this hibernation should come something positive.
  16. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    To me, an alliance is an official recognition of a group's dedication to a role. Crafters, Dimensional Shifters, MR Fraternity, Shattered Illusions, Seal of Six, Lair Keepers, Soldiers of the Inner Sun, Kelle'tha Order, Caretakers: What role do these groups fulfill? Most of them used to have roles and purposes, but now? They are pretty badges for the few people that wear them actively.

    Crafters and Lair Keepers had a mechanical role, by which I mean they were given unique abilities to accomplish their purpose, how often are those abilities used, though? Even now, the Lair Keepers is violating the three member "rule", and it will continue to do so because Indyra is as inactive as ever. The Crafters, on the other hand, have five members, yet only one is active. I admire Udgard's dedication, but he alone is not an alliance.

    Sasha tried to work on giving a role to DS, then it was taken and is held by someone who will let people in and out as they please, and he has made no statement as to its intended role.

    Shattered Illusions: (Ann. 895)"Its role is to centralise people that have particulary high achievements in understanding and documenting exploits", three of the accounts in the alliance belong to dst, another is somebody else's alt, and the last member is Rex. The fact that the majority of the members are alts says quite enough.

    The Caretakers' role was, initially, "To preserve and glorify names of the most memorable people of MD’s past"* so where are the legends, statues, articles, ceremonies, anything?

    SotIS and Kelle'tha Order are both intended to be research groups of sorts, but each only have one active member: Brulant and Shadowseeker respectively, they are hardly groups.

    MR Frat was meant to be a military group within Golemus, yet it as well only has one active member, the MRs as a group are long gone. Despite Alyon's willingness to invite someone he might consider worthy if they happen to come along, I sincerely doubt that will happen any time soon.

    Finally, SoS, I was not sure whether or not to include them, as they could easily have a role under Eon, but then I remembered his willingness to do away with it in exchange for Loreroot or GG land loyalty in a conversation I had the pleasure of sharing with him.

    I challenge the members of these alliances to step forward and tell me that they indeed have a role and it is being fulfilled by more than one member.

    If the members do not care about the role, they should not be in the alliance. If the alliance does not have a proper role, the alliance should not exist in the first place. Here's an idea: Destroy every alliance, go back to one per land and build from there. Then we will see who really cares about their badge and role, and who simply wears it to wear it.


    Edit: Added Caretakers
  17. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Soothing Sands in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    What I like about this rule is that there is no subjectivity. As a few people pointed out, there are not many good ways of measuring activity in an alliance. If someone comes up with a better rule than the amount of people, then I would support it. But until then, this needs to stay. And besides, the definition of alliance is a formal agreement between two (3, in this case) people. Yes, some alliances were based off a single role, but at it's core, an alliance is a place to discuss ideas. 1 active player can't discuss with themselves, but neither can 1 active player and 2 inactive players...

    Just read Z's comment on the other topic. Seems I just repeated what other people said
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from lashtal in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    It seems to have been brought up several times that an alliance of only a couple members is not really an alliance and therefore should not be supported by mechanics. But if size is all that defines a group as deserving the badge, alliance chat, and citizenship by default, then maybe there isn't any place for alliances at all.

    But I think that this is the wrong way of looking at it. An alliance badge is a symbol. The mechanical abilities that come along with it only exist to support the idea represented by that symbol. An idea can have value (though this is not guaranteed) as long as it abides in a single mind. Ideas that are once deemed worthy should not be stricken down until they are either corrupted, abandoned, and/or entirely forgotten. "And/or" because that needs to remain a human decision.

    This is not to say ideas without recognition are worthless, but that alliances without ideas are. An idea only served by one is more worthy of an alliance than an alliance that serves no idea. Sometimes not just "more" worthy, but actually worthy. Besides, ideas will spread.
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Tarquinus in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    It seems to have been brought up several times that an alliance of only a couple members is not really an alliance and therefore should not be supported by mechanics. But if size is all that defines a group as deserving the badge, alliance chat, and citizenship by default, then maybe there isn't any place for alliances at all.

    But I think that this is the wrong way of looking at it. An alliance badge is a symbol. The mechanical abilities that come along with it only exist to support the idea represented by that symbol. An idea can have value (though this is not guaranteed) as long as it abides in a single mind. Ideas that are once deemed worthy should not be stricken down until they are either corrupted, abandoned, and/or entirely forgotten. "And/or" because that needs to remain a human decision.

    This is not to say ideas without recognition are worthless, but that alliances without ideas are. An idea only served by one is more worthy of an alliance than an alliance that serves no idea. Sometimes not just "more" worthy, but actually worthy. Besides, ideas will spread.
  20. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    It seems to have been brought up several times that an alliance of only a couple members is not really an alliance and therefore should not be supported by mechanics. But if size is all that defines a group as deserving the badge, alliance chat, and citizenship by default, then maybe there isn't any place for alliances at all.

    But I think that this is the wrong way of looking at it. An alliance badge is a symbol. The mechanical abilities that come along with it only exist to support the idea represented by that symbol. An idea can have value (though this is not guaranteed) as long as it abides in a single mind. Ideas that are once deemed worthy should not be stricken down until they are either corrupted, abandoned, and/or entirely forgotten. "And/or" because that needs to remain a human decision.

    This is not to say ideas without recognition are worthless, but that alliances without ideas are. An idea only served by one is more worthy of an alliance than an alliance that serves no idea. Sometimes not just "more" worthy, but actually worthy. Besides, ideas will spread.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Watcher in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    It seems to have been brought up several times that an alliance of only a couple members is not really an alliance and therefore should not be supported by mechanics. But if size is all that defines a group as deserving the badge, alliance chat, and citizenship by default, then maybe there isn't any place for alliances at all.

    But I think that this is the wrong way of looking at it. An alliance badge is a symbol. The mechanical abilities that come along with it only exist to support the idea represented by that symbol. An idea can have value (though this is not guaranteed) as long as it abides in a single mind. Ideas that are once deemed worthy should not be stricken down until they are either corrupted, abandoned, and/or entirely forgotten. "And/or" because that needs to remain a human decision.

    This is not to say ideas without recognition are worthless, but that alliances without ideas are. An idea only served by one is more worthy of an alliance than an alliance that serves no idea. Sometimes not just "more" worthy, but actually worthy. Besides, ideas will spread.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Mya Celestia in 3 Member Alliance Rule   
    [color=#008080][font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]There should always be a bit of flexibility in any rule. If something is measured in black and white, the chance of missing an opportunity is great. Trust points have been brought into play lately. Perhaps giving alliances a trust point or two is something that may work. [/font][/color]
  23. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to MRAlyon in Legend Speakers Disbanded   
    don't understand why you mentioned MR's Fraternity also... we are 4 players and if other aren't active are always part more important of alliance!!!

    MUR post: this actually is valid, if whenever i will open that ally admin and see guilds/aliances with two members or less i WILL click the disband button without warning. Consider this a warning.

    where have you read that the member should be active???... my brothers have done more more things for my fraternity and they are always part of it also if they come one few few times... so please leave MR's out of this... when I will find new players able to deserve MR Badge I will be the first to give it to him...

    PS:I posted this because I see someone spoke about MR's and now deleted it:-)
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kaya in Development Focus   
    [b]Research, connections and spell docs[/b]
    A while ago Mur started with the reintegration of spelldocs through clues, however as of today there still are no new clues, it's still impossible to unlock clues through research and there is no way to gain spell docs.
    I think it's also time these get some new attention.
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Development Focus   
    I'd like to see the AL to be restarted... again.

    And not like the last one, but one where the AL is influenced by the players again
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