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  1. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Holiday scene/ makeover contest voting   
    Re-make the poll and delete my name.
  2. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Rewards   
    It's not about greed. I can live perfectly fine without that prize. It's about the attitude the TKs and specially Seigheart has. Which is a shi**y attitude.
  3. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in A bit of negativity during Christmas?   
    Am I the only one to know that mp2s are NOT allowed to main lands?

    Now, let's take them one by one:

    [quote]There are no rules regarding the limitations of MP2 and so by another rule, she's technically allowed to do as she pleases.[/quote]
    Yes, there is a rule. Mur forbid all mp2s to exit GG because of the way they were abused. And it's not jail time but direct ban.

    [quote]Even If there is such a rule that MP2s are not allowed off GG, she could have done nothing as she was forcibly moved each time [/quote]
    She was warned that mp2s are NOT allowed leave GG, If she cared so much for her own safety, she would have said something (I am sure there are ways she can express herself).

    The LHOs who said they have no idea about such rule should be decapitated (Greedo you should lose an ear too for not teaching those guys all the rules ).

    Now, be honest: you are old enough to know that the mp2s have been banned. You were a GGG user and you know what happened when we discovered mp2s can fight any level. This is also the reason why mp2s are not allowed outside.

    [quote]I've made clear on other separate posts that I live in a college, there are people who of course unfortunately share the computer with me and therefore the alt restriction applies.[/quote]
    And I said that there are others in the same situation (myself included). The best example are Sage and Windy (so you'll not say that I have an advantage because Mur knows both me and No one).

    So sorry for your friend but she has to decide: mp2 only in GG or mp3 roaming free with no restrictions.
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Deatznce0 in A bit of negativity during Christmas?   
    dst, now that I've read the my post back, I suppose that it can be considered that I might have been shifting the blame to you, I apologise but I mentioned your name in particular because I was sure that you would have access to the teleportation spell logs. I am not blaming you nor anyone else, what I am noting is two things:

    First, there are NO RULES AVAILABLE based on why MP2s should not be allowed to roam freely, if there are no rules surrounding this then why on earth should my friend be punished?
    Second: The teleportations were done by an ANONYMOUS PERSON, neither my friend nor anyone else knows who teleported her on and off GG.

    Now here's why we shout unfairness (I apologise for the repetition but it is to clarify for those that still do not understand what i'm emphasising);[list]
    [*]There are no rules regarding the limitations of MP2 and so by another rule, she's technically allowed to do as she pleases.
    [*]Even If there is such a rule that MP2s are not allowed off GG, she could have done nothing as she was forcibly moved each time (twice off GG and twice back on).

    And as for your remaining queries or comments that I can clarify; dst:

    I've made clear on other separate posts that I live in a college, there are people who of course unfortunately share the computer with me and therefore the alt restriction applies. We have not engaged in any alt abuse and this has nothing to do with my own account so I don't think this is necessarily relevant.

    If it is tough luck how this has come to this then we're willing to fight out this injustice.

    EDIT: Chewett and Burns, surprisingly you two made me laugh!
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Rewards   
    What are you freaking out for?

    First off, I knew about it since it was posted.

    Second of all, Mur JUST got around to dealing with it.

    Third of all, try having some composure. You have a public role now, act like it.


    It seems that Mur may have forgotten about his little promise to the other participants. I will remind it. Sorry for the delay to those of you who it affects.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Hedge Munos in MD Radio ?!   
    Presenting MagicDuel Public Radio:

    >>> [url="http://turntable.fm/magicduel_public_radio"]http://turntable.fm/...el_public_radio[/url]

    (Unfortunately, you'll need a Twitter or Facebook to log in.)

    Hedge was concerned about privacy, and would like me to mention that you can change your username for privacy and no link is shown to the Twitter or Facebook account. It's just for authentication. Oh, and go to [url="http://turntable.fm/"]http://turntable.fm/[/url] first to sign up if this is a concern, so you can change your turntable username prior to entering the room.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Peace in So far...   
    To begin with I would like to say that the following topic is addressed not only to those of Necrovion but even those out of it who are watching and waiting for some answers perhaps. For the time being, I will only give my, Peace’s, thoughts.[/indent]
    [indent=2]Ann. 1989 - [2011-08-18 22:05:15 - Stage 10]
    [b]Jester's Fate [/b]
    Summary: King Jester decided to jail/excommunicate himself and also summoned in prison a large part of MD population, using tools meant to be used for kingship. As a king, he had already 2 penalty points. Necrovion is in partial chaos, being the land with most rebels, and also lost a guild recently.

    Result: For abusing kingship tools and using them on non-citizens, Jester received an other penalty point (3/4 now). For ending up in jail as a convict of his own actions, he loses his rights and by that all his kings tools and abilities, including verbal rights to demand things for his land. He keeps his crown however, and by that Necrovion reaches a delicate political state. King Jester is to be "hanged by the neck till dead" probably or will reach an other outcome (have to decide, things still in progress). Necrovion fate will be announced next.[/indent]
    [indent=2]Ann. 1990 - [2011-08-19 14:54:10 - Stage 10]
    [b]Necrovion Closed[/b]
    King Jester reached a situation where he can't rule Necrovion anymore, (and no i won't allow elections because he still has a penalty point left so tehnically he still has the crown). Due to the recent events, and the fact that all Necrovion alliances/guilds are currently DISBANDED, Necrovion remains without a social/political structure. Necrovion was from the start in a special situation. Its human inhabitants were allowed on that land by the will of the Shades, to guard it and preserve its values. As this is no longer possible in a decent manner, the LAND WILL BE CLOSED. What will happen to its current citizens, to resources present in this land, creatures, ..we shall see.[/indent]
    [indent=2]Ann. 2034 - [2011-09-28 13:30:02 - Stage 11]
    And so it happens that without fully realizing what he wished for, TTL got Necrovion citiznship back, with all what that implies. Tainted Warriors ally "brought back from the dead"..
    [indent=2]Ann. 2057 - [2011-10-19 23:59:16 - Stage 11]
    [b]Jesters Punishment[/b]
    Jester has been banned for at least 3 months for repeated harassment via multiple mediums and previous offenses. This does not mean jail but a full ban.[/indent]
    [indent=2]After the new year the future of Necrovion shall be decided and further action taken, until then Necrovion still has jester as a mock king. [/indent]
    [indent=2]I believe it is known to all by now that this still stands. Jester is still banned and I believe he has no intention to return after all this. Unless he returns only to be hung in public display. Until the time that decisions are taken the only one left wearing the badge of Necrovion’s Tainted Warriors will be only myself and TTL, to keep the alliance safe and alive. Mostly because the ones currently interested to return to the alliance are what triggered some to almost disband the alliance a couple days ago. But this only one of the reasons as I do not know all the details. [/indent]
    We have no tools to grant citizenship to whoever asks for it, those were confiscated by Rendril Revant and I believe they will remain in his possession until further notice without being used. [/indent]
    There will be no invitations granted to join the alliance. Joining this land is more than a badge of an alliance. To be of Necrovion means to understand what the land stands for, who inhabits it still and what is their meaning and purpose. It isn’t my place to tell you so. There are stories in the Adventure Log that point it out, there are certain events that took place that signify it. There are still few people left to go ask and do your research.
    [indent=2]Recently I had an interview with Passant the Weak. The article hasn’t been published. All this is merely an addition to it. Nobody put me in charge of anything in Necrovion to speak of it, but I am obligated to answer to whoever asks. I do not know what will happen, if I or others will be part of it or not but hopefully we will all know in the beginning of the next year.I am open to any questions or thoughts.[/indent]
  8. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in The Bunny Empire Lives!   
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   

    The Christmas tree artwork is a fractal. The cuts and folds are made as per a simple rule, that could be repeated endlessly, were it not for the limitations of the paper.


    “Mister, what are you doing?”

    The wizened old man put down his cutting implement, glanced for a moment at the creased paper in his hand, then looked at the girl. He hesitated and then spoke “I’m giving this leaf of paper back its form. I’m making it into a tree again.”

    “How will you do that?”

    “Watch.” The man folded the paper again, and then made a straight slice with his blade, along the width of the paper, but not to the edges. He folded the paper again, and repeated. The girl looked on puzzled. Soon the old man was done. He took the paper and deftly poked at it. As if by magic, a tree stood out from the rest of the page.

    “It’s a Christmas tree!” exclaimed the girl.


    “I miss Christmas…”

    “Well, I’ll let you in a little secret. Christmas is forever. It comes but once a year, but every year it comes. Soon enough, we will be celebrating it once more. That is why I have made this tree, to remind me that Christmas is always coming.”

    “Christmas is forever?”

    “Yes, forever.”
  10. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Reporter Quest: Who killed Eon?   
    I was supposed to be awarded a WP for winning first place in this quest. Seems it got buried somehow though, so I asked again.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to awiiya in Bubble Quest Hall of Fame!   
    There have been some truly great answers to some of my random quests. Here is one, which is a tune meant to be played at Raven's Peace


  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Duke of Malfi in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    Christmas piano room.
  13. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Arkken in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   

    The Christmas tree artwork is a fractal. The cuts and folds are made as per a simple rule, that could be repeated endlessly, were it not for the limitations of the paper.


    “Mister, what are you doing?”

    The wizened old man put down his cutting implement, glanced for a moment at the creased paper in his hand, then looked at the girl. He hesitated and then spoke “I’m giving this leaf of paper back its form. I’m making it into a tree again.”

    “How will you do that?”

    “Watch.” The man folded the paper again, and then made a straight slice with his blade, along the width of the paper, but not to the edges. He folded the paper again, and repeated. The girl looked on puzzled. Soon the old man was done. He took the paper and deftly poked at it. As if by magic, a tree stood out from the rest of the page.

    “It’s a Christmas tree!” exclaimed the girl.


    “I miss Christmas…”

    “Well, I’ll let you in a little secret. Christmas is forever. It comes but once a year, but every year it comes. Soon enough, we will be celebrating it once more. That is why I have made this tree, to remind me that Christmas is always coming.”

    “Christmas is forever?”

    “Yes, forever.”
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   

    The Christmas tree artwork is a fractal. The cuts and folds are made as per a simple rule, that could be repeated endlessly, were it not for the limitations of the paper.


    “Mister, what are you doing?”

    The wizened old man put down his cutting implement, glanced for a moment at the creased paper in his hand, then looked at the girl. He hesitated and then spoke “I’m giving this leaf of paper back its form. I’m making it into a tree again.”

    “How will you do that?”

    “Watch.” The man folded the paper again, and then made a straight slice with his blade, along the width of the paper, but not to the edges. He folded the paper again, and repeated. The girl looked on puzzled. Soon the old man was done. He took the paper and deftly poked at it. As if by magic, a tree stood out from the rest of the page.

    “It’s a Christmas tree!” exclaimed the girl.


    “I miss Christmas…”

    “Well, I’ll let you in a little secret. Christmas is forever. It comes but once a year, but every year it comes. Soon enough, we will be celebrating it once more. That is why I have made this tree, to remind me that Christmas is always coming.”

    “Christmas is forever?”

    “Yes, forever.”
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Esmaralda in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   

    The Christmas tree artwork is a fractal. The cuts and folds are made as per a simple rule, that could be repeated endlessly, were it not for the limitations of the paper.


    “Mister, what are you doing?”

    The wizened old man put down his cutting implement, glanced for a moment at the creased paper in his hand, then looked at the girl. He hesitated and then spoke “I’m giving this leaf of paper back its form. I’m making it into a tree again.”

    “How will you do that?”

    “Watch.” The man folded the paper again, and then made a straight slice with his blade, along the width of the paper, but not to the edges. He folded the paper again, and repeated. The girl looked on puzzled. Soon the old man was done. He took the paper and deftly poked at it. As if by magic, a tree stood out from the rest of the page.

    “It’s a Christmas tree!” exclaimed the girl.


    “I miss Christmas…”

    “Well, I’ll let you in a little secret. Christmas is forever. It comes but once a year, but every year it comes. Soon enough, we will be celebrating it once more. That is why I have made this tree, to remind me that Christmas is always coming.”

    “Christmas is forever?”

    “Yes, forever.”
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dragonrider7 in WTS Wind   
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Brulant in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1323555160' post='97656']
    A scene that could be called the TK's HQ would be excellent. Not entirely sure where it would be though. If it were in the Lands, a summon spell WOULD be needed because of the high AP.

    Or the Gazebo could be fixed and there could just be a dedicated teleportation code. Or is the Gazebo permanently shut off? I never heard what happened to it. If they must have an office somewhere, why not just give them a "one way scene" somewhere that can only be reached through the Gazebo and automatically links back to the GoE when you want to leave?

    Echoing those before me though, I don't really feel that there is a need for an office or the summon/chase spells. It's pretty easy to get in contact with any of the "trainees" and there are already so many ways to transfer things…
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    I'm not sure whether or not this is even needed to be honest.

    A chase spell, or a summon spell would have its usefulness, but a new spell that allows us to immediately transfer creatures/items to another player? Unnecessary.

    It would undermine the entirety of the TKs. If I could handle every single reward dispatch myself, I would do it.

    A scene that could be called the TK's HQ would be excellent. Not entirely sure where it would be though. If it were in the Lands, a summon spell WOULD be needed because of the high AP.

    As far as this talk of abuse and crap; Really? I have creatures most, if not any, of you have ever seen before in my inventory, far more rare than morphs, windys, and darklings, and yet, you think I would abuse a spell(if such a thing is even possible?)? Do you understand how silly that sounds?
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to duxie in Santa Drawings (Level 3)   

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]couldn't stand this discrimination anymore, had to do something...[/font][/size]

    [size=3][font=verdana,geneva,sans-serif]for those who don't understand what i am talking about:[/font][/size]
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    No offense meant at Phantom Orchids , however I find the rewards the TK's have offered for her quest, considering the relative (emphasise on relative) simplicity of the quest, to be incredibly excessive. Some of MD's most valuable assets do not deserve to be offered for the Dream Quest Part 2.

    While it does require extensive knowledge to have any chance of winning first place, the simplicity that most entries are capable of being while still being good make it, to me at least, unworth of such incredible prizes as Morphs, Wishpoints, and "Any shop creature, limited edition or otherwise" (which, fyi, far as I hear means that it includes Morphs since you could for a short period get them in the shop. Might be wrong on that though, and I doubt Seigheart would honor it even if I am right)
  21. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in What is going on?   
    Because, you know, the TKs have been burned to the ground, that we don't do anything. That I have all this "power" that went to my head.

    Of course I would upset people. They aren't getting everything they wanted. Sorry, but that's life. I have to keep a check of balances here.

    Yes, I deem quests worthy or not. I can't just go sponsoring absolutely anything someone claims is a quest. That's just ridiculous.

    You clearly put a lot of thought into your post Cury.

    And claiming that I've burned down the TKs. Well, considering that you effectively put me in charge of the TKs when you had your hissy fit, what does that say about you?
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to awiiya in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    Curiose - calm it down. "Have you even once thought that, hey, maybe ths is wrong to actually insult people when they request something, or insult their quest, or generally, be a douchebag to everyone in MD." There's no reason to be hostile to ZenTao, her post was entirely reasonable, and though it may come from a different perspective, your own abusive response is uncalled for. I'll be direct with you, since that seems to be the style you most employ: I'm tired of seeing such tactless rampages. There's no excuse to meet poor behavior with equally poor behavior.

    Frankly I would like to see Seigheart handle requests in a more diplomatic manner. That said - the distinction between asking for a specific reward and indicating that a quest exists which he might want to sponsor makes sense. I'm all for transparency, especially in such a crucial role as Seigheart's.

  23. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in What is going on?   
    Yes, you're right, feel free to SUGGEST rewards.

    And again, you're right. But the TKs are not here to sponsor every quest and event. If it is a lousy event/quest, we're not going to sponsor it.

    Btw; Do not confuse lousy, and simple. There is a difference.
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to smartalekrj in Question Time Post   
    why can't you guys(girl) make a masked screenname(s) ingame and have a realtime questionairre? Why bring popularity to the forum and not the game?
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Question Time Post   
    Do you know who else is on the council, or are you unaware of each others identities?
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