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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ravenstrider in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']
    The actions of a king or a leader should never be, and are never, observed at face value. The fact that Pample may or may not have been plotting treason is absolutely important. However, the related facts aren't open for discussion and neither will they be determined within this thread. What we can glean from it, however, is a sense of Jester's capacity for diplomacy and his abilities to lead and to unify a nation of people.

    So, let's look into that shall we?[/quote]

    For one, i don't see why would you have any concern of how Jester leads his people. You are not a part of Necrovion any more, if I recall correctly. Besides, Necrovion isn't a "nation", it's a heterogeneous group of people, and a small one at that... I would rather call it a court then a nation.

    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']Right out of the gates something as important as the appointment and inauguration of a king's equal is likened to a rash and hastily conducted experiment. At least he apologizes for it... [/quote]

    Everything in MD is an experiment. It's the nature of the game. One must try new things in order to try and escape this rut the realm has gotten into. And who are you to say this experiment was rash and hastily conducted? Just because it went south does not mean it was hastily done.

    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']Well, which is it then? The king's fault for making such a poor decision or Pample's fault for taking advantage? What began as an appropriate admission of failure quickly became a platform for cowardly ad hominem attacks. [/quote]

    If you try to deduce blame in a situation like this, good luck. Besides, one has to be bitter when someone close to you betrays you. Friendship and all that... You do know what that is? Besides, stating an opinion is just that... I don't believe it was a major attack on Pample's persona.

    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']Once again, this seems like an excellent opportunity to admit wrong and prove to Necrovion that you've learned from the mistake. Why weren't you controlling your own queen? If you couldn't or weren't willing to lead such a powerful and prominent figure, why should anyone assume you could govern a kingdom? [/quote]

    Again, why would you need to control your queen if you consider her your friend and close associate? If you are controlling everyone and everything, you become nothing but a sad puppet master, alone, tugging the strings.

    [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1289397619' post='71828']And it concludes with more slander and ad hominem. Nothing of the future. Nothing of repairing damage done or the glory that is yet to belong to such a deserving people. Only embarrassment.[/quote]

    Actually, this was all a statement about the excommunication. The words were bitter and full of resentment, yes, but easily understood if you put yourself in his shoes. I don't believe Jester has an obligation to state his plans for the future here. I don't see why he should. Again, Necrovion isn't a people, it's small group. It would be different if it was a nation...

    I'm actually pretty amused by your replies. And by this I mean all of you... It is nice to see your true nature... Nothing but scavengers, waiting for a wrong move. It's pitiful.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Wishshop Requirements   
    Clearly I am missing what the fuss is about...what is the problem with alts having the abilities the wps grant you? So alts can cast spells and edit things...what is the issue with that? This should only be afforded to very few people should it?

  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kamisha in Wishshop Requirements   
    The problem with that is the restriction of players who play on the same LAN connection. For example if my brother played which he doesn't (He is an FPS junky) he would be on the same LAN connection that I am on which would mean only one of us would have access to the WP function for days. There are also the people who have or are playing in an internet cafe or in my case in the University of Winnipeg in my spare time. Its an IP address tracker not a MAC address tracker.
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Espartano in Bonus From Mp5 Story Mode Is Too Low   
    the last page of the mp4 story mode give me alot of bonus e.g. 6000+ vit
    when the option to jump mp5 apeared there are a msg that say something like this:
    mp5 story will give +4% bonus each page plus the meditation bonus.
    so after my 1st choice of 24h I get this:

    Bonus skills received

    Exploring points +7.6
    [b]Maximum vital Energy +190[/b][i]like I say before at mp4 get 6000 after 24h[/i]
    Maximum value points +152
    Initiative +3.8
    Attack +1.9
    Meditation Bonus: 90%

    Principle of Enthropy
    + 1

    so this is normal? because the msg also say to train at mp4 and sac some crits to get better bonus!?
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kamisha in Wishshop Requirements   
    Though im often not in complete agreement with many people I have to agree with DST on this. Retro activation is a almost a requirement. As for the system being unbalanced you have to look at the active days. If you are bound to the same rules as everybody else then the system is stable. Besides WP spells have limited effects. You don't need wish-points to be successful they just give you that extra push.

    Besides Fryd its not a question of if its a question of when now.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yoshi in Shoe Family   
    Yeah so... up all night carving this with just my switchblade... I need some carving tools... anyways... here ya go.

    After opening it, gutting it, I blew up Kets avi by like 400%, printed it, then drew it onto the pumpkin, using my paper stencil as a guideline.

    A good 7 hours in from opening it, gutting, and carving.

    Took about another hour to refine it, make it brighter.

    Oh and, yeah, MD is carved into it.

    Tomorrow we'll see about a graveyard photo... it's kind of illegal to go into one after dusk... but screw the rules, it's devils night xD
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Lifeline in Introduction To Marind Bell   
    "The remains of a once flourishing town, Marind Bell's real name was forgotten, and its current name is given after Marind, the protector of these lands. Its power lies in deep mysteries and powerful protective magic developed in time to withstand Necrovion's constant attacks. This land was once peaceful but is now tainted by the fury of war and hatred against darkness."

    To fully understand this introduction inscribed at the Gates of Marind Bell, we must first consider some of the special places within the land…
    · Marind's Roundabout, a fountain holding special water - a place for redemption, cleansing and a new beginning.
    · Stairs to Champion's Challenge, inspiring a climb to higher achievement and new challenges.
    · Angien's Shrine, the place where Angiens dwell, mysterious and legendary beings we don’t know what true power or knowledge they might bring
    · Sage's Keep holding information and knowledge of unknown but possibly immense value.
    · Wind's Sanctuary, a colossal place with unearthly architecture.
    · Passage of War, with mysterious guardians that won’t let anybody pass, and yet the tunnel beeing an undeniable connection to Necrovion.
    · Champion's Dome, a mysterious vault inaccessible by all, with unknown treasure or danger lying within.
    · And finally take notice of the ancient Gates of Marind Bell which are made by the same hand as the cube that was handed to you.

    The appearance of a land and the creatures that inhabit it reflect the mind and mentality of its people. The struggle of the heretic archer but also the harmony of the Angien and the aura of glory and hope that surrounds the land. Marind Bell is shrouded in mystery, its past taken away by time. It is a place of glory, harmony, taint and above all self reflection, a sanctuary for your mind and a haven of personal growth. But it is also a dangerous tool that might as easily destroy you as become a step-stone towards a brighter future.

    The vision I have of Marind Bell is a pilgrimage. A journey that we must all take, facing its challenges in order to learn and grow. We all start blind and helpless, inside a small cube and with every step we take we eventually leave behind the old one and arrive in a newer, ever-larger cube with more opportunities. The trials we face inside Marind Bell make us grow and bring us closer to enlightenment.
    Marind Bell is open to all, and is the starting point of most who enter the Magic Duel realm. The land is thus a reflection of you, the citizens. It is in our power to create what we wish for, and you are welcome to join in this creative adventure. Let us honor the legacy of this beautiful land and rebuild it to the prosperous nation it once was, only better. The remains of a noble and true civilization shall not remain just a monument of history, but shall become a symbol for the future, an incarnation of our shared goals and motivations. Let us, together, create a glorious kingdom worthy of remembrance for generations to come.

  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to adiomino in Oh My! Adio Is A Boy?   
    : Pipstickz uses his magical shiny long rod to turn adio into a real boy!

    Well a minor role change for adio. He's a boy now. err xD with a shiny new golden avatar!

    (the puppy on the forums is going to stay though )
  9. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ravenstrider in Mr Squiggle   
    I sat in the grass.
    as wind blowed where the gates howl.
    The shadow rises.
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Faith and Mercy in Mr Squiggle   
    A poem - Please read slowly and with all the commas, and stops. Read it with feelings(for some reason, poems make sense that way).
    I wanted to participate in this contest, but im still new to this game (8 days) - so, this is pretty much all that i know about MD - sorry if i get some things wrong, im still a mp3 myself - so i dont know much.. and i dont do poetry at all- this is like my 2nd poem in my whole life... But here, enjoy.

    [center]MD Noob[/center]

    I was born in paper cabin,
    Who is sorta like my mother.
    Live help is like my father,
    Who taught me to be strong.

    I ask a bunch of questions,
    And then forget the answers.
    I fight all day to win,
    And now my honor stinks.
    And every elder, asks - "What for?"
    I proudly say!
    "At least my Aramor is level 4!"

    And many many days i was exploring,
    The awesomeness of MD Story.
    And with each try to solve a quest,
    I have sent more than 50 different help requests.

    I role play like I'm tough,
    But fight, hoping on luck.

    Oh when, oh when - will i be mp4!?
    And they shall call me noob No more!
    But that day, is yet to come.

    And to my fellow noobs I say!
    "How dare you, fall into despair!
    This realm is yet to see us rise,
    We are its future and its life!
    For we are free in all our choices.
    Now raise your voices, - strive towards your dream,
    Whether it's to become - good King, or Queen,
    Or maybe an evil ruler of Necroveen.
    Be strong in spirit, and stand your ground -
    One day you'll understand this realm.
  11. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Goodbye   
    Bla bla bla. Yes, I am to blame for all your problems. I am to blame for the hole in the ozone layer. And for the extinction of the dinosaurs. And for <insert reason here>. Happy now?

    I can't stand such whiners! If you had a piece of dignity you would have left without making such a topic. This says enough.

    Good bye! Have a nice life!
  12. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to alazzah in Gifts   
    As I See Game Was Down For More Than 12H Until Now And Maybe Coz Of Game Need Some Maintenance Or Update ...
    Alote Of Games Has These Things Up And Reward After Maintenance Is Done System Add Some Gift To The Main Account ...

    First Do You Like These Idea ? And If Yes Please Put YOUR Suggestion Here About The Gift ..

    Have Agood Day

    and btw about what you typing mr.CHewett it was very kind from you calling me fool... i dont even know who put you as an administrators while your talking bad ward like these .. i bleaves that people is give things like haw the live in these world and as i see after you call me with afool its ok for me and am not ganna somthing bad in returne .. i can say have agreat life
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I have much to say, but I am not sure how much of it [u]needs[/u] to be said. I will therefore try to keep my remarks relatively brief.

    [*][b]Language.[/b] dst raises the valid concern of my pompous, high-flown language being problematic for non-native speakers. Sorry about that. I'll try to tone it down, and to include synonyms [word-equivalents] in brackets [] where I simply can't resist the temptation to use a fancy word.

    [*][b]Semantics.[/b] @ Zlei - the question of the usage of "hubris" is indeed a semantic [definition-oriented] one, and therefore of trivial [minor] importance to the discussion. Therefore let us agree to courteously disagree, eh?

    [*][b]Right.[/b] The legitimacy of Rask's claim [i]de jure,[/i] [by "right" or law] is actually in my mind pretty strong given Rask's parentage, and those of you who [i]reckon without his mother[/i] are doing yourselves a disservice. Pamplemousse and Jester both dismiss the [i]de jure[/i] claim as void because the House of Khalazdad's tenure [possession] of the throne has been surrendered. Rask appears to have abandoned this angle of his claim for now, and that makes things simpler.

    [*][b]Fact.[/b] Rask now seems to claim he can [u]prove[/u] his fitness to rule, and this claim is consistent with the desert culture of his father ("kill them for their water") and the strongly patriarchal culture of his mother from the counter-Earth ("be defined by the swords of others"). If that is the case, let him prove himself in fact. Such proof requires no further words on the forum from anyone.

    [*][b]History.[/b] I am a little annoyed by the readiness of others to dismiss Rask's knowledge of the shades, and more annoyed by the assertion [claim] that the shades' will is not relevant. I encourage everyone to consider what Khalazdad's tag was and how he got it. Again, Rask's education at the hands of his very intelligent and well-versed mother should not be dismissed out of hand. It is easy to try to lampoon [ridicule] Rask as a fiction, but he is not an easy fiction because his existence is grounded in in-game events to which I, as Keith Moon, am a witness. I am not the only witness, either. That grounding makes a difference to me as an historian, even if it makes none to anyone else.

    [*][b]Alts.[/b] The fact that Rask is the alt of Kittiness, a now defunct account, means very little to me. It is certainly not, to my way of thinking, a reason to exclude him from serious consideration.

    [*][b]Roleplay.[/b] MagicDuel has historically had an uneasy relationship with roleplay. Rask, you might not realize that roleplay is technically forbidden in the forums. That is why I, at least, do not address the relationship of either of my developed characters* to the House of Khalazdad. I think it is clear that you, Rask/Kitti, are a strong roleplayer and have something to offer the game. Welcome back. Show us what you can do.
    *I have another alt, Konstantin Harknesse, who sees little use and has not been much developed as a character.

    If you're still reading at this point, thanks for your attention.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rask in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    [quote name='Aysun' timestamp='1287011481' post='70294']
    YOU will act as befits THEM? The Shades do not need [i]you[/i] to do anything for them. Already you assume too much, but by all means, do continue- the hole you insist on digging for yourself will only grow deeper and wider.

    As you say
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rask in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1287010602' post='70292']
    If you want the bloody crown you will have to fight for it.

    I agree. The rest of your words are quite irrelevant to me. Do remember to sharpen your teeth and nails though.

    To Rasiel: As you say
  16. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rask in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    [quote name='lightsage' timestamp='1287006840' post='70287']
    Perhaps I was unclear, your motives puzzled me.
    It is clear to me now through, that you lack what your father had and will always have, authority.

    Now, it also seems to me you have not understood your father's teachings, I seem to remember him saying "A king is only king as long as his people allow him to be". This is a quote I might be wrong about, as I it was a long time ago, I am left with the expression through.

    What I am certain he has said and perhaps these are words you ought to heed:

    .Khalazdad.: One day I was celebrating a victory with my men after a long campaign south of the Khaladzad desert, from which my first name is drawn. The heat and he sun and wine combined to rob me of my native quickness -
    .Khalazdad.: and in truth I was never much of a warrior. Darker arts hold my attention.
    .Khalazdad.: An enemy, Lim-Tul from the Shull tribe of the Northern Wastes, infiltrated the camp. When I went to the trenches to releive myself,
    .Khalazdad.: he sprang up from the muck and quickly had me at his mercy at the point of his spear.
    .Khalazdad.: "You killed my family," he said, "and I would have you know who it was who has defeated you. See my scars? These you gave me years ago when I was but..."
    .Khalazdad.: He stopped talking quite abruptly. It took a moment for me to notice the cloth yard standing from his chest, so suddenly had it sprouted there. One of my sentries had saved me with his eagle eye.
    .Khalazdad.: Before the light went out of Tul's eyes, as it did slowly, I told him: "When its time to talk, talk. When its time to kill, kill. Don't talk."
    .Khalazdad.: Being a master of Death, I kept death from him for three days, during which time I acquainted him well with the sound of his own voice. Some mistakes are made but once.
    .Khalazdad.: You will have the chance to repeat your error or not many times over.

    I am not my Father, nor am I his preacher.

    I remember hearing that story from my Mother. I agree completely.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rask in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    [quote name='Rasiel' timestamp='1286921660' post='70230']
    So shall the people of Necrovion be swept aside like useless old papers?

    If the people of Necrovion are as useless old papers, then they should be swept aside.
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to pamplemousse in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I do not contest your citizenship, I am not disputing that you do indeed belong in Necrovion. But you have no right be King. Those that would speak for the Dynasty did so when they allowed the power to be transferred to the current King. If this was so important to you, you should have made damn sure you were there to take it, or that Peace not give it away. The Dynasty lost all rights to the throne when Peace willingly gave Jester, a “commoner”, the crown. This abdication entitles you to nothing, Rask.

    This hubris of yours, so clumsily disguised as strength, only proves that you have only your own purposes to serve, not the good of the people of Necrovion, who you seek to speak for, yet do not know.

    Legacy is [i]far[/i] different from birthright.

    Khalazdad was a warrior, not some fawning family man. He was not “Daddy”, he was a commanding force of nature capable of teaching brutal lessons. You know this as well as I.

    It is [b][u]this[/u][/b] spirit that I uphold, it is [b][u]this[/u][/b] legacy that I value. You would do well to remember that before bringing your misguided sense of entitlement to Necrovion.

    (I believe this topic has served its purpose: the character role has been stated. Could the mods please close this topic.)
  19. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to pipster in Freed Credit Links Ban   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1286611436' post='69961']
    Did you know if you write a check, then spend all the money in your bank you can use more money than you have? Your excuse is "that's how it was set up and why wouldn't someone want to make the most out of their money worth" Yet you will still go to jail for fraud. Do you have no morals/brains?

    Are you stupid? You are complaining how something has been removed to aid you to play without paying, yet your suggested solution is to make everyone pay? You can still play without paying, its still very possible.

    chewett it seems you jump to conclusions just like someone else around here. that is whats wrong! i didn't ever try to cheat mur, i don't think a lot of people have tried to. if they have then he should look at how he sets things up not just come out and say i am being cheated so i am removing this! i have morals and i have apparently more brains then you as i think accusing anyone of anything is wrong without proof! (note: writing a check knowing you have no money in your account isn't the same, unless you are simpleminded/chewett. so try again with a better analogy next time)

    as for your other thing about making the game pay, it is a very simple solution to murs problems of people trying to get free credits to buy things. if you remove the whole chance of them and make the game pay only then no one can ever cheat him. will there be a ton less players? sure. will you lose out on people trying it then maybe paying? you bet you will. but this is a very simple solution to this problem. this is based not only off the free credits link being removed but the current events in the game.
  20. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Stunning Creatures   
    The idea of stunning creatures has occured to me, very much like freezing creatures but instead it also hurts them a little and after 3 rounds the hits will be combined and apply to the monster, dealing a serious critical hit if the monster survives that long.
  21. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to pipster in Freed Credit Links Ban   
    Yrthilian your right about one thing not a lot of people are crying over it. but at same time if you look at the activity on these forums you will notice they fairly dead. who comes mostly to the forums? the higher older players who have everything from the shops in the first place.

    this was presented as a matter of people scamming the system which i don't see. i voted everyday i could, except for when the links were all messed up due to lag they didn't work right and i don't know if my votes were counted. i can remember a time when mur made it so if you became a supporter you got an increase in in your amount of credits for that month alone, but then people would cancel and resubscribe. he called this cheating him? well, maybe it was but maybe it wasn't? point is that's how it was set up and why wouldn't someone want to make the most out of their money worth?

    bottom line here is if mur thinks everyone is out to cheat him in one form or another just make the game pay to play. then those of us who don't have means to pay or can't pay will move on and no one will be "cheating him"!
  22. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Poll   
    Aye thanks for filling out my poll, or if not... fill it please!(it isnt imperative to my health though, and dont feel forced) And im not trying to sell any, at least not yet, im just wondering how much they would be worth in the general market.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Sociology Of Md?   
    @Amoran: did I stated ANYWHERE that the alliance was given RIGHT AWAY to jazira? I merely stated that it was given away but I had no idea by whom since both Firs and Marvolo were involved at one point. You say it was dormant? You may be right (I don't have proof of it to be otherwise) BUT there was someone who activated it!(that person is the one I am talking about).

    As for this:

    [quote]You were also wrong to even bring the issue of the Savelites up, that is not what this topic is about, nor is the issue of the Savelites a personal matter any longer. Marvolo has left and moved on, and Rhaegar has left.[/quote]

    seems like Princ himself contradicts you

    [quote]of course it has relations to the whole issue there was with Loreroot[/quote]
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Md Calendar Completion   
    Id like to expand the calander, but i have little to no information on how to program, id like to write it about something i will not share because if I did then i would probably get the idea stolen :/
  25. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jubaris in Sociology Of Md?   
    [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1286465766' post='69838']
    I still don't understand what you are saying here Rhaegar. By this: "[i]since you busted my motives to live in an equal-chanced society[/i]" are you suggesting we turn MD into a communist society? I mean what is it you are suggesting here?

    difference is clear (I knew someone would mention communism if I said equal, so I added "chanced"), not equal-class but equal-chanced society, in sense that one doesn't have advantages of Mur's privileges against another. This is generalizing, which I don't like to do, you can't apply one rule on everything, considering these are relative terms, and I responded to DST's usual hate mail, so I would like it better if we stay on something concrete.

    Everyone in MD DOES have an equal chance to achieve anything they want to if they work for it. These set authority powers you talk about didn't enter the game like that, they all worked hard and were rewarded for efforts they made, and more often than not have been supported by the community when they achieved reward - and as I said before, Kings were voted in they didnt just get handed the poition on a plate, everyone had the right to stand. Will people who do things that turn the game in a way the game maker doesn't want get rewarded - unlikely. Should that be a surprise? - no.

    how can you say that?! and how can you support a popularity contest?! it's ridiculous.

    how would you call "candidate and vote" reward-based competition?
    I'll just mention this, without pointing out names, but just look at the votes of kingships, its candidates, and check those lower-ranked, how much votes they received, and point finger in your forehead asking yourself: what da hell? (in sense that there were some ridiculous candidacies that gained should-not-be-overlooked number of votes) and reason of that is to see the pointlessness of having votes for something like that with simple "yes or no" answers.
    it's serving on a plate to me at least.

    the authority of a king is permanent and was forced into the game, and it is a feature that influences others in very great way.

    I'd also appreciate if when you talk about Tengri, you say Tengri, because T and Z are two totally independent characters - and there are already enough rumours and mess about me going around without adding to that (yes, Im looking at you guys, you know who you are). I get that you refer to me the player, but please, if you could.
    Tengri is a different situation to kings or LHO, totally different. Seeing as I never mentionned who I was and you never knew T existed - it gave me no mental authority over anyone. It is also one of those situations where the game maker wanted to implement something and used a player based on his views of people in game and what they have done - so again not just handed on a plate to any old person without them having to have done things to be given such a position. Any authority anyone gives to me now, that they wouldnt have given to me before, is either sheer paranoia that I can do things I in fact can't, or it's because of things I may know - and anyone in game can be given that authority if they do their research etc.

    when I mentioned Tengri in that way, I mentioned accounts that have/had authority (I'm not sure on all the abilities Tengri had), that doesn't necessarily mean that they used their authority in a damaging way (there was a question to name the other authorities).
    My apologizes for identifying Zleiphneir and Tengri as one and the same, but I don't know your name and Zleiphneir has two meanings, person and a player, and I referred Zleiphneir as a person there. I won't do it again.

    I mean, I have to agree with dst. It does seem like this is another attack of jealousy. Maybe I'm just not understanding, or maybe you arn't putting it across well enough. Either way, I still don't see how any of the points being made are valid.


    another attack of jealousy? pfff believe her biased spitting-offs if you want about my motives, my facts stand, that there are authorities in a game, the difference is that number of you don't see them as damaging as I see.
    Saying that implementing of authorities doesn't change a thing or something similar as that is simply ignorant. There are many perspectives on such things, and I'm just pointing one of them... it was meant to be a discussion on how the system works, how does it affect others and number of different opinions about the system.

    everything has it's light and bad side, and all the time in MD I keep running on people that refuse to accept the fact that nothing can be perfectly done.

    It's kind of a shock to me how you all just accept such drastic changes lightheartedly, I mean fixed authorities ain't that small thing, and yet you all talk about it like it's perfectly normal...

    [b]I'll make a summarization in an hour or two, need to take care of some things at home, have little time to sit down properly[/b]
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