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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. it just zeroes heat, its not influenced by heat. The reason is that there is some sort of cost to use cause fights. An other reason is that lowering heat prevents you, theoretically, to use spells till you recover that heat. An other reason is that symbolically "will consumes energy" I have some changes pending to the needle, i will announce them when done. They were based on the results of this test. @kyph.. for now people have a problem using the needle , so countering it is not needed for now. However, anything is possible if later on it will be needed.
  2. i keep telling that over and over again. Legislator items are meant to focus mob power so they should work , somehow, regardless if an individual wins or not. THey have different behaviour if most lose, than when most win, but they still do have an effect. Initial idea was that "lost fights" will weaken and won fights will hurt (penalize) but the eon mass paranoia made me alter that a bit for these testings Anyway, with the help of some of you that finaly DID something, and with Eon (yeah believe it or not he actively helps to make the needles more painful for him), i will adjust these legislator items to be more effective and balanced. However, they can't be TOO painful, not if not enough people join forces.
  3. not older than the last batch of codes received (Ann. 1687 - [2010-12-01 12:47:15 - Stage 10]) as Burns said.
  4. bahhahhahhaaa :| i was in shock when i saw it..better laugh than cry no?
  5. several server crashes today, i am waiting for an investigation from the hosting. i will announce results
  6. I am requesting all LR citizens to report with the following information. Best if this info is centralized and handed to me by Firs directly. The number of WP CODES (not wishpoints) they got so far for quests they organized ,or for other reasons, in this format: [color=#0000ff]playername the wp was sent to; quest name or reward reason it was sent for; aproximate period when it happend[/color] I am requesting to [b]King Firsanthalas[/b] a list of WP codes he gave out and a list of wishpoints he grantes in this format [color=#0000ff]wp. or wp code; playername; reason in short; aproximate period; citizen of lr or not; on request / sponsorship/award[/color] the last info means : [b]on request[/b] = the wp was requested by the organizer or by someone else that asked the king to sponsor the event or reward [b]sponsorship[/b] = the king offered to sponsor the event/quest/etc but did not decide who the winner is (organizer did that) [b]award [/b]= the king decided who gets the wp and granted it directly not through someone else I don't want to acquire this info from logs because it contains parts that are not tracked (and shouldnt). I need it asap and if you let out or miss to mention players or events i will consider they were not that important to be named (such a thing doesn't exist but how else then). Try to name as many as possible as this is a direct indicator of Loreroots activity so far when it comes to rewards and WP distribution. Its not just the number that matter but the reasons. To few means low activity , too many for weak reasons means bad activity. DENIED WP REQUESTS SHOULD BE INCLUDED ON A SEPARATE LIST. This should include any wp request sent to the LR leadership and denied. Players that made these requests pls remind Firs about it so he can include it on the list. The king doesnt have to note rejected requests so better you make sure yours will be on this list too. Thank you
  7. i am [u]seriously [/u]thinking to quadruple eons stat damage to the point that he will be able to null anyone stats within a week. In my opinion, eon did probably the best favor to the md community any fighter ever did. I am still waiting for a quester to balance his actions on the other side. In his way he makes you reach an absurd situation , a situation where you might finally realise that MD is not just about fighting and getting stats. If after eon 'period', all players that are blindly obsessed about their stats and run in panic from statdamage will go bye bye, it means that only those that put more focus on other aspects of MD will remain. I am refering to things that make you think, that create activities, that stimulate creativity. For example, trying to draw the level 2 grasan was anyhow affected by eon? Raising resource producting creatures will anyhow affected by eon? Eon hits in your fear and in some cases in your ego, [b]he is not ruining md, YOU are[/b] through your reactions. What happens with eon is a phenomenon that happens very often in rl. Now stay still a second and look at the big picture. A large majority of md population is crying and pointing the finger at eon 'destroying the game'. Even if you are so many, you are incapable of doing two things. One thing is to realise that what eon 'affects' just a fraction of what you should care about in md, and the other, most important thing you fail to see is that you are so united when it comes to complaining together but you are not so united anymore when it comes to solve the issue yourself. 90% of the upcomming features will depend on team work, those that can't understand team work doen't mean "team complaining" but "team actions" are free to go, later it will be more frustrating trust me. You are risking a couple of stats for this "lesson" I am risking my lifes work for it. Oh and btw... its almost offending to talk about things you didnt care to find more about, but you talk as if you know. THE NEEDLE NEEDS A MINIMUM OF 3 PEOPLE TO OPERATE. If 3 people is too much teamwork requirement, then what is? Fact is, you either learn something out of this, learn to DO something in this situation, not just "learn" a philosophical thing, or you better start quitting now. I will soon provide a 'delete account' link for anyone asking for it, if things go this way, so you wont lose time waiting for my email replies. [size=2]..You compared again md with other games, or what other game companies do in similar cases. Well, again i tell you md is not a game, myself am not 'a company', but a very crazy person with a very sane mind that plays with, and against, all of you through your characters. Any other game company aims to survive, to get more money, thats why any game company would not know the notions i respect and would simply aim to please. Conceptually speaking MD is far more pure and true than any other game out there, simply because I am incorruptible by money or by the fear of displeased players. I am offering all of you something from all my heart, i expect at least you shut up if you can;t see it, and not make comments of that sort.[/size]
  8. resources that are marked in use can be released only during the brewing, while the cauldron is open. If you close the cauldron by mistake and they remain in use its very possible they will remain so forever. Idk if i add a fix for this yet or not, cant remember, but i know about the problem. The fix was supposed to be a periodic thing to clean in use items on a certain date, preferably when the items return to the item dispatcher. Sadly i am extreamely busy right now with other things so i won't be able to check this, so keep bugging me about it in a week, if its still the case. Once i start fixing this i will probably address other item related issues. Keep the [in use] items as they will return to normal when this is fixed, they are not lost.
  9. Any of you thought the announcements were grose? BAHAHAHA..here it is, the second part of the grasan movie I can't look at it for too long, i find it "better" than the announcements [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq4CgoPALF8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xq4CgoPALF8[/url] Ungarn! LOOK, its for u
  10. i am not sure what you are asking for exactly. eon sent me screenshots and itc transfer copies he gathered regarding what he thought it was abused. i picked the top 3 winners and here it is. Do you want the screenshots or what exactly? As far as i know he was the only one to actually contact me in this regard and claim the bounty. You know...as a bounty hunter you need to bring the pray to the sheriffs office not just scream somewhere you saw it. Do you want me to hunt your replies and look for who might have said something? You do realise this was not a quest i hope?! i needed someone to save me time not a reason to lose more time. Anyone can contact me by email or forum pm, eon had no special treatment, he just did what nobody else did.
  11. again, last think i have to say about this, and i said it in different ways already: i asked you all not to do anything fishy about the tools, i have no time to check what you do , or to investigate your actions and your reasons. When i say i have no time to do police on this subject it obviously also means i won't check what you announce you will do and prevent what you will do just so you won't get in trouble. It simply means i am very busy and that at some point i will take a quick look over the logs, or someone will do that for me, and i will pick the "winners" for the penalty. I spiecifically said this penalty is not based on a careful judgement of each case but on a raw statistic/logs. Its how it will happen each time i say i wont do police work but i will punish whatever comes out in the logs, be it with reason or without. One of the things i said not to be done was to hoard tools. simple as that. My intention about the tools is that they FORCE you to do teamwork. One person grabbing more means other people won't be able to have a choice if they want to deplete the resources or not. It also means a potential abuse. Nad maybe had good intentions, as i said i didnt judge that, but in a stage where these tools are still new to many, it is far more important that they get 'tested' and used by as many people as possible. Part of USING A TOOL is that you find how to grab one yourself and actually do it, not that you are pushed to use one or ask on the moodpanel you want one.. [size=2]offtopic remarks about eon:[/size] [size=2]seems eon paranoia hunts this topic too. it makes me sick. eon plays by the rules and amuses himself on your fear. I have to say i enjoy to see that. This is ofc a very personal opinion and i can't take any official stand regarding it. I rarely look at players supporter status (its usualy when i am about to ip ban them). I NEVER get influenced by how much a player pays and those of you that dared to email me with lines like "i am a paying member", know very well my style of telling them to fuck off politely, or less politely. Eon is not under my protection more than his role as contest organizer allows. md server is not running because of eons money, how you so rudely put it, but because of the payments of all of you that pay anything. In md there are people that never paid a $ but got things others never managed to get after spending lots, and players that spent lots but don't become gossip subject because they don't cause 'mess' like eon. You have a problem with eon, face it, dont blame me on a potential 'protection' i might be ofering him.[/size]
  12. I thought this is something that needs to be public. It doesn't contain any 'too personal' lines or anything that could require it to be kept private so i am posting it here for reference. ------ [i]Hello Mur, This is an email to officially state i am going to step down as king of Golemus. I have many reasons for this some i will out line below. When I joined MD I found MD to be a wonderful positive place to be. The creativity of that time was like a drug to me. The RP and interaction of players was great and encouraged one to strive for things in the realm and to discover. I am sorry to day that this to me has been lost. MD has become what seems like a big ball of negativity and hate between the players. many have tried to improve the mood but have not been able to break out of the cycle of mood swings and negativity. I dont know may be this is just one of the balancing cycles of MD as for such a long time things where good and positive. To me things needed fixing and have not been and probably wont be at this stage. Many where brought to you and the council and yet nothing got done even the things that got agreed to didn't get done. It is also this lack of support that drives me away from my role as king as what is the point when one cannot enforce the basic rules of the land. Eon is proving that point very clearly right now with the draining of land resources and the complete lack of respect for other lands and their rules. If i was to do what i could to stop eon i know you would reverse it again and and i would gain another point agents me. so in essence you have tied my hand to any sort of punishment i could enact on him. I love the land of Golemus and that is where i will always be. I am not leaving MD. I am just stepping down as king. As to me i no longer see the reason for a king. Yes the king has some powers but nothing like what they should have and the lack of support for the position and lack or respect for the kingship has made it a pointless role. I hate the idea of removing myself from that role but i think to save my sanity and who i am in MD I should go back to what i know best and carry one being the technomage. I am sorry to send you such bad new like this or good news depends on how you look at it i suppose. Yrthilian Golemus Technomage Ex King[/i]
  13. a few scenes were named by me with player names, on diffrent occasions, as a reward or gift or whatever it was to those players. It is forbidden for someone to name a scene with reference to his name by using a the subtitle name change wish. The names i gave with the playername in them are named either in the actual title as such or in the coordinates, something you cant change, so dont compare with those.
  14. the packs are bugged indeed but their suppsoed content can be given out anytime, Seigh knows what they were supposed to contain. Only difference is that they won't come in a nice packing.
  15. i have something in plan regarding shared tools to lower this sort of abuse. First of all they won't be transferable to certain types of characters that aren't supposed to use them anyway. More items might be untransferable directly but only by code. There is also an other restriction that i will announce at that time (still undecided about it now).
  16. I would like to ask you (all) about what you think to have a permanent jump to papercabin link in the interface. The link, unlike the meeting links, will have following properties: People that won't be able to use it: those with the word "jail" in their tag those in locations marked as 'no jump' those under movelock spell those in story mode those in tutorial chapter Think about it, write short and to the point. Consider the major gameplay implications this will have on the gameplay, because they will be major. It will change the 'fluidity' of movement in such a way that it will drag you back to the papercabin, leaving GOE for other meetings. It will still be more time consuing to move deeper in the realm but it will be easy to get out, if stuck, or if mored in deeper places. There might be reasons to this i am not willing to detail at this point, because they might be very well wrong, so i will wait to see your opinion on this. The bad parts i see so far would be that it will discourage people from building roles deeper in the realm because everything will suddenly seem "far from the papercabin". A similar feel grew slowly around the "send to gazebo" ability i believe. Is it good to allow anyone to jump back? will this make exploring less dangerous so to speak? (getting stuck or lost) [b]UPDATES / SUGESTIONS:[/b] - enable during tranquility day only - if player has citizenship it will show jump to a dedicated location within the land that player belongs to (only there not to pc anymore) (hit and run no longer an issue due to tranquility day)
  17. fixed?
  18. i like to keep my elus rebel as they were meant to be, so they might end up eating candy or colored items , sucking color out of tokens and whatever other things i can imagine to make an elu happy and complete its paper collection.
  19. [attachment=3281:1.png] [b]The Elucubration Creature[/b] Elucubrations are very friendly creatures. They so friendly that they won't even fight! They do however participate in fights out of curiosity. At some point i needed a creature as a guinee pig for my wildest experiments so i created this one. The b/w version is a HALLOWEEN collectable creature, while the colored/premium version is still highly unstable (wild features such as jumping from owner to owner, multiplicating, eating candy, laying eggs and a lot more). The reason it looks slightly different than the other MD creatures is that the sketch is done by me and i am no 'Artist'. I consider this to be the friendliest creatures around and represents for me a sort of pet. The Elu always takes care of its offsprings with most care. The most important thing for them is to provide their little ones with candy. Candy is THE best thing that can happen to such a creature. Elucubrations think they can fly, so you should never tell them otherwise..even if they don't always succeed, they think they can fly, and that keeps them happy. Don't get fooled by their dumb face, elucubrations think differently. They might not understand simple things but they understand feelings better than any other creature..and in the end..thoughts are made of feelings to express feelings. When elucubrations are angry they will run away, write random stuff, or eat a lot, thats why currently i keep these abilities unfinished Elucubrations love colors, they think that colors are the soul of candy so colors should be good. Offer flowers or something colorful and they will be very happy about it. Careful, they eat flowers but can't digest them. Elu enjoys collecting colored paper or on some occasions it even produces it out of plants and natural dyes. The colored paper collection of this creature represents its most important achievement. This paper can be collected by the creature owner but that would make the Elu very unhappy. I wish elucubrations were immortal, sadly they are not, they die of loneliness or sadness, A happy elucubration however lives forever.
  20. [quote]I also am a bit concerned with his thought that he is superhuman and in his own words a god of MD[/quote] hey don't put words in my mouth, i never said i am a superHUMAN And yeah, i am a _god_ in MD, by all meanings of the word, i create i destroy i have life and death rights, i alter reality, i am above any law, i can move mountains if i so want, or even better, create them, so yeah technically i am a god in md...can't deny that. Careful how you put that, i don't want to have to write in bold "IN MD" because you think i think "i am a god", and MD is not my own 'god delusion playground'. If these two different things , rl and in-game, are risky to mix for you, they don't for me. It sounds as a personal attack to Firs, because I am an animal, like all of you, and when someone bites me i bite back. Not to mention its a totally bad period for me to think of all this, but thats an other story. The forum is a mixed realm between outer world and md world, so when i get attacked sometimes is not Mur answering. Have that sort of attitude with me in the realm Firs and Mur would reply without the human factor to it, you will be amazed how well i make a difference and how unreasonably cruel i can be if needed. And none of you dare to think i dont have moods and that wont reach a point where i will be full of all this...this. One thing i can brag about in MD is not that "i am a god" thats something that comes along weather i like it or not...it is however the fact that i believe to be FAIR/JUST ..not sure the difference in the words, but you know how i am and what i mean. Again, i still don't get it what you want from me, summerize this "naked truth" please, like i would be an idiot, explain me , what is it you want to achieve by this except the obvious off getting me angry.
  21. In my eyes, all lands have their good and bad parts. Each land has its own ways and whining is not 'embeded' into loreroot. But sometimes i need to vent or i will explode
  22. the best thing you can do is try the needles _as they are_ without spending spells and calling for special abilities. The purpose of the needle(s) is to be usable by weak but many players to bring down ferocious giants. See how that goes, and if its not working well, i will adapt them items... so far nobody bothered to find any real issue with them, they were just not used.
  23. If i say "you have issues" would that be opinion or offence? Cause thats how i think right now, and to be honest i don't give a FUCK that you don't agree to the way i talk. People play pretend and talk nice just when they have something to lose, but when they are at the edge of quitting they enjoy talking shit to me.. so you claim I can't afford talking honest in the only place I can't leave from? Same rule for all? That is funny comming from one that can alter his land rules as he thinks fit and that benefits of a certain level of immunity. Have you ever heard of diplomatic immunity? Consider me the president, judge me for my 'crimes' when i will be gone, till then if i feel some spices are needed to make my speech more hot , i will add them as I think fit. You basically make no point in all of the above, I find it hard not to make sarcastic comments or sounding offending, I still don't know what it is that bothers you. You make topics with titles like "shameful MD", when you, as a symbolic role, represent a big percentage of MD, and you expect me to talk nice? I get it. you have a very fragile ego, you have personal problems at home or work, _WHATEVER_ , we all do, you need to vent, fine..thats the only excuse i can find you, and i am doing an effort here. "i never appologized" ..maybe true..this is beacause appology is in my view a cowardly reaction aimed to save us from the effects of our mistakes. I do however admit when i am wrong and by not appologising I show i take full responsability for my own mistakes. So in the end, you have an issue with me? with md in general? with the fact you are not in the council? with what, put it in less words so my frustrated tired brain can comprehend it.
  24. Apart from the packages distributed by the TK I will distribute an other batch, similar but as direct gifts/rewards. not for sponsoring events or contests. I am writing this here to make it clear its not part of the Treasure Keepers packages. I will announce what they contain, maybe, before I give them, if not, after..i am still undecided
  25. this topic is not about any specific person, i get that, but i also get that you could whine about nothing in particular but just cry plain and simple. My answer still stands, at a more conceptual level, in case you missed that: Legislator items like the needle are items that allow more people to fight for the same cause and obtain results they can't otherwise. In case you argue about this being unfair, i remind you that the jury system is exactly that, more people deciding the fate of one person. Here with these items consider it "voting" if more people decide Eon, or any other one, should not do that or that, they can take action. A gang, if you prefer that word. Police is also a gang in a similar way. Instead of keeping things 'official' and formal, these tools allow those affected to take action on their own. IF you would take a look on what they do, you would see that it is the number of involved people that can change something about the effect of legislator items. That means also "voting"... but what do i talk here, you don;t even know what these items do, you just enjoy crying..its probably trendy in LR now days.
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