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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. [b]THE NEEEEDDLLLEE[/b] and if needles cant adress certain situations, i will always find it entertaining to develop slightly modified tools similar to NEEDLES that will hinder or limit any other ability that might make you unconfortable ..such as speaking. Yeah, why not have items to allow muting. Its simple, you are crushed by someone, offended, just get close together and build a group, that person will end up running from you. I feel like i totally wasted my time making the legislator items, you , all of you complaining here, are totally incompetent to understand how they work or what they do, or i am a total imbecile and cant figure out why you dont use them.
  2. Parts of me incline to answer differently to this...whatever this is... Head under water: I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS, i wonder if your own being is not a threat for your own existence. Careful how you place your words, you might end up harassing yourself. Bullying is part of life, is where you learn something from. AND YES my dears, you are all animals, we all are animals, the beauty is that we afford the luxury to parade our characters and ideas and let THOSE die in this fight for survival, otheriwise it would be full of blood around here. Looking through a black mirror: I gave you the tools, you never touched them, I gave you the kings and land laws authority, you never used them. I gave you incentives you ignored them, and all you see is to complain i gave you FREEDOM? How fucked is that? I will never lock away freedom of behavior and speech, even if through that some get frustrated and hurt. If you like beautiful lies and a charade of comfort rules, that are made up and in no connection with the cruel cold reality, you are free to do that on your own. Players can punish players, kings can listen to the requests of their citizens. The law system in the outer world is not using any divine intervention to make justice, its using crime against crime, plain and simple...if you didn't realize that by now you are blind. If you don't understand that MD laws are meant [u]to preserve the dynamics of this world and NOT to protect you or your safety[/u] you are naive. With my back to the pitch black mirror: Why do i even bother? because i care? ofc I care, more than you think. You are travelers stopping by, i exist in this realm. But mostly because I assigned a council to take decisions I would never bother to do, and that gives me the freedom to speak more freely, without implying that anything I say will remain fixed. Me...as in the old Mur that used to be the only judge around, fair or not fair, I turn my back to the mirror and listen to its whispers. Council has full authority, Rendril has full skill needed to perform any change decided by council. You no longer need my opinion. Ps. if council is unresponsive or too slow, I will appoint judges. My view on the matter is clear as you figured out.
  3. here is the new homepage, much more direct and less confusing i hope. The registration takes one directly to the game. further gameplay changes are pending, magicduel.com/new_begining.php
  4. finally someone does that. time to do some changes
  5. it will be done, maybe also reversed to get in and out, two buttons, and let implications add their fun. movelock for 1h for both in and out, jail escape will work but hey, there is the fugitive thing too... maybe exiting takes you back to initial place, idk
  6. yeah......you are probably right, i teleported all that i could but after that..no. and it was a location impossible to reach the funny sad thing is that it was a perfect example this topic refers to, and i didnt made it on purpose or anything... i'll take more care next time
  7. I admit i have read just the poll options and the question not the rest so pls corrct me if i missed anything relevant. The meetings that should have everyone present are announced on announcement days before, I will try to announce the part of the day they will happen, i cant the hour ..if that upsets you come at your own hour and see if i am still around or ask for a log. I announce meetings when they happen, but they last 6hours, sometimes more, that makes them unavoidable if you actually care to be there. The ad-hoc meetings, those are not planned. and the "entrance fee" to them is simply being there. That is a subjective consideration, but i tried to hold them at various hours so you cant say i favored my timezone or anyone elses. In fact, there is a time i missed 6-11am server....if thats an issue, i will try better,... usualy its empty then. If you plan to make my schedule, call me to wake me up nicely, talk to me a day before to be sure i dont drink and sing me a lulaby song to sleep well to be at the meeting on time ...woaaa... but i guess my own time is unpredictable even for me. SADLY..this reflects also in md development .. its how md was always... the only possible solution to this ...is to ..i dont really know ... but..maybe i will find out i would honestly freak out in and leave in anger if any community leader regardless who he is would treat me as a user/player with such ignorance and disrespect...and i am not ironic here. Usualy people that doo public meetings are organised people leaders, business man. I am more like a pack leader, more at animal level when it comes to creation and planning. I am not doing it out of disrespect, and i am readdy to let you hold the meetings in my place at precise times, if you like, because i know all my life the organizing and schedule part was and is my problem . (and cost me a lot)
  8. i think there might be two creatures on the same id..however that could have happend. don't trade or sac the creature, i will check it and replace it with a 'healthy' aramor.
  9. very cute keep posting, if there is a very good idea but isn't so well made from a technical point of view, i can improve that.
  10. still no ideea...
  11. Its the merit of the writer that worked on md many years ago, Adi. Its not easy to find names that are so original, and i was quite insisting that they need to be 'clean' of previous meanings, otherwise their meaning might get tained.
  12. nice how such a word is not in any language no? like many other things that were done in md to be totally original
  13. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html if it helps. (usualy is simpler to check and remember a fixed hour +/- offset from your time to server time than to recalculate each time with a converter or other ways.
  14. the mouth needs to be changed totally, it is sort of a remarkable feature of the initial drawing. Overall is way to similar still.
  15. SAVE THE GRASAN [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIcKzwxz5Cs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIcKzwxz5Cs[/url] I told you i will upload it ))
  16. Those that can't draw can still support this cause! Recommanded way is to write something specific and do the banana dance or SOMETHING, and post the video here ...and i shall post an example in a day or two SAVE THE GRASAN FROM EXTINCTION, cause if there won't be any suitable artworks i will probably eradicate this species from MD Note: not only copying from any sort of sources isn't allowed, but if i change a creature pic just to find the new one is also copied, the punishment will be fatal. If you are uncertain how much you can inspire from other sources, its simple, just upload together with your artwork also the inspiration source if any (preferably none!) and let me decide if its acceptable.
  17. Muratus del Mur

    The empty aramors ship

    Not long ago i started a fun project, I want to build a ship, the one that the empty aramors used to return. From where they come or why they are empty, or where they return to and all that, that is for you to research..for now here is my current progress on the ship. It is all wood, lots of details, but still far from ready. The rope work will be quite elaborate once done.
  18. i am glad you couldn't find it in previous work. Even if they did copied it from us (that would be sort of cool, lool) I intend to change the Grasan artwork, i can;t know that it is anywhere else and still use it in MD, sorry. Something else is interesting, "magic duel" as keywords are somehow competing with same company, Wizards of the Coast, that use the name "Magic - Duel Cards". Anyway, think of it, why would any artist that already create so many original things copy a relatively unknown artwork from a relatively unknown game and not bother to change it even a bit. I tend more to believe i was just unlucky with that particular artist (same one to make outer Necrovion - not the inner one). Shadowseeker will organize a contest I will sponsor, to replace this artwork. [i saw kyphis post only after finishing this one sry]
  19. this saddens me. It is very likely the artist that made this artwork for me copied it from dnd. Some of his work i couldnt use because he did that and when i found out i stoped working with him and removed all artworks i found copied. However some apparently escaped me. Now i have to remove the grasan , or at least change that level. Regardless if Wizards say anything ever, i can't stand having copied art in md. And when i think this one means also the "pimped" level .. please look more into it see if other creatures are in there as well.
  20. yes i changed cost on some locations and also changed their land affiliation this way being part of a land will matter to enter it, gg was too accessible. mda changed too
  21. People, in general, don't know to admit it when they do mistakes. In this case, both did, grido out of ignorance and the phantom counting on the presumed ignorance of any authority. The way people, in general, fight to defend their mistakes is similar. Those with authority show more authority or try to deviate the reasons because "they know better". Those without authority, try to move the masses in their favor, a bit of mercy here and there a bit of heroism and purpose achieved. The person of authority "wins" when "nothing changes", the person without the authority wins when others admit publicly that he/she is right, regardless of what comes next. I gave it a good thought , and the best way to analyze the matter is to put myself in Grido's place. I am sad to say that i would have acted the same. When _ANYONE_ does something bad, i oftenly punish without talking with that person first. It saves time, but most important it saves potential lies and potential hopes for a punishment that i know it will happen anyway. This apparent ignorance helps me be more strict, and in my eyes that means also fair. I am strongly biased here, I know my ways are not right and they are accepted just because its "my game". I don't know if Grido should have acted similar or not, but i do know he had the option to do so, i cant blame him for using that option, you however can. I do believe that he didn't anticipated the public reaction, and that should be a lesson for him. I also believe that Phantom did something unacceptable too, thats not in question. The hardest punishement i am capable of is public humiliation. That, for me, is part of a punishment, not a side effect i can ignore.
  22. in my point of view, the job/role of the LHO inquisitor is meant to be measured through the effectiveness of the LHO as a group. That effectiveness can be achieved through various ways, by behaving nice, by being a cruel boss, by motivating the lho's, by scaring them, etc. It is only that effectiveness that can be linked to a potential question "is grido fit for his role?". The current poll, as a general discussion about "grido", makes more sense than a vote against his role. Not to mention that all this sounds to me as a personal grudge, probably both ways (i have no clue really, just saying how it looks like)
  23. the medal remains
  24. was not a punishment. he really 'asked' for it, but not a punishment. Might however hurt more than one
  25. it is fixed
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