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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Chew and the forum team should only become involved if it can be shown clearly by the victim or a third party that the perpetrator is doing so with no intent other than to decrease the victim's rep score. If you find yourself negative repped by someone repeatedly, think about why they are doing it, ask an uninvolved person for their opinion, or talk to the person directly. If handled well, you can probably figure out why they are doing it, and try to adjust your behavior, or how to present your ideas. Let's not add extra work to Chew's plate.
  2. { "title": "Former Leader of the MR's", "recipient": "MRD", "authorities": { "granting authority": "MRAlyon", "confirming authority": "Muratus del Mur" } This makes more sense to me. The current leader grants the former leader. Same should be applied to all other "former" titles if possible. Also, Junior could confirm BFH for Advertisers, if he's still around. { "title": "Master Advertiser", "recipient": "BFH", "authorities": { "granting authority": "Muratus del Mur", "confirming authority": "Junior" }
  3. Everybody, stop talking takeovers without me. It's quite rude to dabble in someone else's business, you know.

    1. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      Takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover, takeover!

    2. Ackshan Bemunah
    3. Pipstickz
  4. Rather than using a full map of MD as the DOM map, a map of one or two lands could be used, and the game could be themed around it/them.
  5. How big will the parcel be, approximately? Will it be in a large folder, or a box, or what? What if the mailman is grumpy and crumples it up or damages it?
  6. This power to lock people out sounds like a land weapon.
  7. As I understand, Autumn2050 is going to fix a number of issues regarding the tutorial and entry into the game.
  8. Dark Demon bought Mallos for 10 silver 25% 7sc to Mallos 3 sc to TK powle bought concussion for 10 silver 33% 7sc to concussion 3sc to TK dst bought No one for 2 gold 3 silver 25% 1g 10 silver to No one 8sc to TK No one bought dst for 5 gold 3 silver 25% 3g 13 silver to dst 20 silver to TK
  9. Happy birthday Prackets
  10. I have a couple...uh... certain creatures that haven't been trained very much (but they do have 280% token bonus) that give me three luck each. Not sure how much it would go up with more training, but I'll try to find out. First must lower heat.
  11. This article is not specific to any particular program. If you have reached this page by following a link from the website for a particular program, DO NOT send bug reports for that program to me. Instead, return to the page you came from to find out where to report bugs in the program.

    1. Pipstickz
    2. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      I read everything except the footer. I respect the holy horizontal line. :p

    3. Chewett


      Its a good read :)

  12. Sorting hat approach to citizenship? Perhaps as part of MP5 "story mode", you are encouraged to seek citizenship or alliance membership.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jubaris


      I agree with Ary.
      Pip, I think that's how Story Mode was intended to be in the first place, it just wasn't carried out.

    3. Rophs


      Hostile takeovers on paper are rather pointless, but in reality some people probably do it for the lulz.

    4. Chewett


      Yrth was trying to do some alliance changes but never got around to actually implementing, it was a case of lots of talk and no actual action :(

  13. Why the shop and not GoE, where a few people gather already?
  14. Regarding Aeo's training: Great drama everybody, A+ in things blown out of proportion. My thanks to the stars, Nimrodel and Aeoshattr and all the supporting cast members. Come back tomorrow for another showing!

  15. Transposition. I like the name, it feels less clunky than all the others. I was initially drawn to it because when I was but a simple MP3, I thought it'd give me teleport spells (SPOILER ALERT: I didn't read much) Tribunal. Appeals strongly to my explorer side as the most recently opened land, and it's just a neat place. Fire. Dunno, just guessed.
  16. Happy birthday Perro!

  17. Happy birthday <3
  18. I traded a Rustgold and two gold coins for a 9th Anniversary Aramor.
  19. Fine on my end.
  20. Happy birthday bud, I seriously love you.
  21. A way to convert resources into negative heat (EXP) to keep that cap away.
  22. I have received two Anniversary Aramors. Thanks to Council and all the players that made this event so fun. <3<3
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