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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Mya, nobody's trying to discredit you or your quest. They are only trying to inform you that the information you're looking for is ancient lore. Not to mention, Burns already tried to answer you: [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1314470110' post='90853'] The whole article is pulled from the forums. Just the warning is added [/quote] Does the article have what you were looking for, or is it not from the post you're thinking of?
  2. Shade 5 gold
  3. Hey Amoran, what time is it? Oh wait, you think I shouldn't play MD.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pipstickz


      Slap me on the wrist? You've only proven yourself as petty as I am.

    3. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      There is a difference between an opinion and an insult. Believe what you want, little Pip.
      I liked you better when you sniffled and sighed around the game.

    4. Pipstickz


      My statements about your alliance say nothing about you. YOU decided to take it personally and blame me for insulting you. I said nothing of YOUR character or of ANYBODY's in my statements, and in fact thought well of you until you decided to make it personal. How Lorerootian.

  4. Happy birthday, have a great day!
  5. So what's the problem? Send them to Katt. Problem solved.
  6. If you give the coins to Katt, she'll most likely send them to Lone Wolf anyways, unless they are alts in which case it can't be pinned on you if you give them to her, though this could easily just be solved by asking Lone Wolf to do a quick trade of 1 silver or something, so you could confirm they were not alts.
  7. Ele 4 can't normally use the same targets as ele 3 >>
  8. You would perma-ban someone who wants to try out different ways of playing MD? Granted, most of us "high and mighty" vets would not dream of doing such things, but the addition of fugitives does allow jail to be made into a [b]playable[/b] role, and I would hope that the ones who wish to have such a role and agree to throw their social status away to get it would be allowed to have it.
  9. Fenths Press is currently at 2.75/0
  10. So you just HAD to throw a man overboard to keep your ship on course?
  11. Why sit in a cave when you know you can do so much more?
  12. So it's been like...500 hours or something, any word?
  13. Synex: Lower EXP can be done by sacrificing creatures as well, all you need to do is buy it from somebody. The creatures being disabled doesn't affect MP5, only MP4 and MP3 And I haven't seen you trying to recruit adepts, but I may just be a little blind. I will say that MP6 is achieved through effort, not time. In fact, someone who's 150 days old may have an easier time than someone who's 600, because they would be more connected with the MP3s and MP4s that they grew with whereas the 600 day old might only notice a younger player once they get to MP5, or once they're pointed out by somebody. How often do you just go to the Park and say hello to the younger players?
  14. Everybody: I think Mur's reputation rating on the initial post speaks quite well about what the community feels. When else has Mur had negative ratings? Mur: you may not realize what it's like to be a player, so I'll try to describe it. If the SoS was killed and the Tribunal proclaimed disbanded by the Council, I wouldn't run to them and ask to keep my citizenship, because as far as I know, this isn't a special situation. Did the Artisans keep their citizenship when they were disbanded? Did the Sentinels? This event is unprecedented, you're making the rules as you go. This, from the announcement, is proof itself: [quote]King Jester reached a situation where he can't rule Necrovion anymore, (and no i won't allow elections because he still has a penalty point left so tehnically he still has the crown).[/quote] He's still king but cannot rule the land? Why? He may not command alliances, but he's still got the kingship tool to give citizenship. That aside, though, Jester's activity recently suggests he does not want to be king anymore and has given up on it, but that's what elections are for. So, I guess because of Mur's new made up rules, the rest of us suffer by losing 1/4 of our (mainland) citizenship options and 1/4 of our leadership. It leaves me wondering, did the Council agree to this? Declaring a land closed seems like a game-changing issue that shouldn't be in the hands of a king, demi-god or not. As a citizen of the Tribunal, I will follow Mur's wishes, but as a citizen of MD I can't see how this is working. As for the rest of you arguing about the archives and stuff, I don't see any relevance, share a PM conversation if you want to argue about it that bad.
  15. [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1988 - [2011-08-18 07:31:22 - Stage 10][/color] [b]Aromatic Tea![/b] At the tea market, deep inside Tribunal Land, you can find teapots and tea recipes (shared tools) to brew aromatic tea. You will require branches, tea leaves some aromatic herbs and of course water. Heat is also needed (heat stones or heat jars) to light up the branches and boil the water. The tea its quite tasty and caffeinated so you will get quite a kick from it. Effect lasts about 20min and its similar to the shop regeneration time booster, with a twist. Effect is stackable so careful if you drink too much tea, you will run around like crazy. Oh and don't forget to get some tea cups on your way there, you can find them in the kitchen, enter by Jesters door. A teapot holds enough tea to fill four cups. (Remeber - cauldron type items require serious team work, you wont be able to use them on your own and will take some learning time till you learn how to prepare a recipe, but its worth it so dont give up. Use the forum for feedback)[/quote]
  16. Mur has implied, or maybe outright said, that WPs will become more common, the first step of this being WP for active days.
  17. There's already an upgrade creature option with Wishpoints, though
  18. When saying "The land is closed", I believe Mur refers to alliances and citizenship, not literal entry.
  19. I'll pay 5 gold for the Aramor, if you don't have other offers on it.
  20. Haha, more reasons to say the council sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BFH


      Well I guess council isn't $100,000.00 to be loved by everyone... :)

    3. Grido


      I'd prefer £'s...

    4. Shadowseeker


      And already the opinions diverge :))

  21. Have you checked your vault on your profile page?
  22. I would like to bring up, now that I've remembered, that this isn't the first time dst has abuse a silence tool, though last time chatban wasn't around, so she had to use the silence spell. Honestly, after reading a bit of that thread again, I'm still in favour of removing the silence completely, or at least restricting it to certain responsible people who have shown they are level-headed in heated situations, and I think dst should be with the first ones to lose it, because she has too many personal arguments, and LHO status SHOULD NOT grant immunity to punishment as Grido's silence so far seems to indicate. As much as LHOs may be beneficial, they get rewarded with medals and credits and trust in the community, they should not have official immunities as well, and the trust they recieve should be as limited as anybody's.
  23. The number of people trying to get tools to gather resources will die down over time, you just have to wait for it. It is too early to judge whether or not action needs to be taken to ensure resources remain available, and even if they are depleted, it's not like they're gone forever. MD requires patience. Not to mention, land laws can't cover everybody who can get tools, and kings don't have the ability to limit somebody's access to the tools, AND most importantly, I doubt they'd watch close enough to see who takes what resources from where. Besides, what's the point in having x/10 resources if nobody can harvest more than 5 at a time? It might as well be x/5 and regen full, right? I firmly believe this is why Mur will not limit the tools, or give anybody the ability to do so. It's just like telling Eon to stop attacking you so that you can heal your creatures, he's not going to stop, and he's only one person that we have to live with, because he has as much right as anybody.
  24. Who needs to wait and see if shared tools will work, or heaven forbid, suggest any solutions! Let's just all say it's a bad idea until it's taken out, and then go on a witch hunt for anyone who gathered resources and make them outcasts.

    1. Jubaris


      at least we'll be RICH outcasts! muhahaha!

    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Wow, that's overreacting a bit much, isn't it?

    3. Pipstickz


      Are we pretending, or are we just bad at picking up sarcasm and criticism, Amoran?

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