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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Kaf, please note the difference between surviving mostly unharmed (lose a dummy) and standing a realistic chance to win (win the fight). Of course everybody can play a game of losing rather little against any ritual that exists, as long as they know a little about fighting. What they can't do is win against any rituals that exist, not without experience, big creatures or shop features. Most newbies i find have little of all that.
  2. It's been a while since i met you last, but happy b-day nonetheless
  3. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1294437440' post='77067'] unless you are telling me that you have evidencial proof from new players that they leave because at lower levels they are being attacked constantly by insane rits they don't feel they have a hope of hell in beating and that they can never beat anyone else at their level...no wait...isn't that is [b]what is being said constantly about MP5? [/b] [/quote] Absolutely. No need to drag the same issue down to MP3 and 4, too, is there? And there are far, far too many 'monsters' who were created solely for the purpose of showing off with their monsters. And if you annoy the wrong persons, they bring them out, just for the sake of hurting you. Or, in some cases, just because the can, with no reason whatsoever.
  4. I've found an article I've used for music majors which was dealing with 'visualized music', maybe you'll like it. Speaking for myself, I don't experience to see shapes when i listen to music, regardless of what kind. The best i got was colors [url="http://ezinearticles.com/?Shapes-of-Music---Visual-Art-and-Music&id=4906273"]Visual Art and Music[/url]
  5. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' timestamp='1294354739' post='76992'] Is it? I really don't think it is. In the alternative version of this thread that Kafuuka made [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8805-a-partial-solution-to-mp-levels-being-broken/page__p__76283#entry76283"]here[/url] I explained how by reasoning the only viable end result of this idea here is an attempt at re-populating MP5, it won't actually do anything else it claims to attempt as far as I can tell. [/quote] I'll try to explain my reasoning and arguments, if you/anybody think that this is about getting newbies for mp5. I think that there shouldn't be any rituals that can't be beaten without lots of shop features. I see that it's unavoidable for MP5, though, simply because MD needs to make money of something. 5 is ultimate fighting, fine, then ultimate fighting. But i think that doesn't have to be the case in MP3 and 4. THAT is my argument. I'm certain that anybody who complains here has vast knowledge of the stats of the creatures in question, so i don't need to spoil. Seeing MP3 is MP3, and personal stats are therefore neglectable. In MP4, they do a little, but no more than, say, 100-150 attack and defence. So, example 1: Angien on lvl 3 has a bit of defence, as you are aware. Compare that defence to, say, the attack of a dark archer, aramor assassin, grasan II. You see a little problem yet? example 2: Drachorn level 4 already deals that much damage. With considerable VE on it. Seeing that the common everyday drachorn comes with critboost these days... If i say 150 damage i'm pretty much on the lower end of a _big_ scale. Compare that to the damage of the formerly mentioned usual mp3 creatures. And their Vitalities. Same in blue for MP4. They have a little stronger creatures and a bit more stats, but compared to angien's defence or drachorn's damage, their usual creatures are but little bugs waiting to be squished. Here goes my argument summarized: I don't want those creatures to be accessible to MP3 and MP4 because there are other players who might enjoy the game in all its aspects, also fighting, who stop after a few days because the general message of fighting such rituals is the following: To stand a good ground on NEWBIE level, i need to invest about 60 bucks now AND wait for 2 months. For the WEAKEST of the THREE levels of combat. THAT is my problem about it.
  6. happy B-Day, puppy-target! =)
  7. I was having the same problem last week at Marble Dale Park. Try to reboot, that did the trick for me.
  8. New Years Baby? Really? Happy B-Day, Bored
  9. Since apophsy outranks me for the shade, i'd like to put my rusty as bid for 2, 3 and 4 instead. (Soulweaver and the 2 sharptears).
  10. Happy B-day, old bookworm^^
  11. 1 rusty for shade #9 and sharptear #3
  12. Finally get a drachorn. And a Wind Dragon. Neither by trade. Find a smart use for my item-coding ability, probably a quest with code snippets on various items. Win 2011 Best Quest Maker Award.
  13. By no means do i want to discourage general population to be picky about the requirements. I just asked Mur to take a general stand. Because i want to know if he finds such account inappropriate or not. I am indeed fairly certain that i won't be able to find a non-alt mp3 with a drachorn, or an angien over lvl 2. You're right that angiens make nice quest rewards, but they most definitely won't reach lvl 3 on a plain, normal mp3 account, simply due to the age requirement on them. Other than that, no, Kyphis, restricting creatures doesn't make things worse. I have done serious combat for a long, long time, and there is very little in MD that can't be beaten with strategy. But some things, like big angiens or boosted drachorns, require advanced creatures and/or high stats i haven't yet seen on any normal mp4 accounts. I neither want to restrict diversity, nor collectors, but it seems that very many people lack the common sense some show. It hurts a lot to restrict all over the abuse of a few, but apparently there is no other way to stop a selected few of abusing the mp-system. I would, by lots, prefer to ban the accounts that receive the monstrous creatures of older accounts. But it seems that this is not an option in the current set of rules, unless it's flawlessly proven that the accounts in question are alts. If you don't believe me, ask the Wookie, he knows them just as well.
  14. We indeed do monitor the trade logs. And it is alt/main abuse imo, you use one old account to benefit the young. The kind that gets banned immidiately is the alt-abuse Udgard talks about, like Ledah's coin alts. Other pretty abusive things seem to slip through. Unfortunately, there is no tool to confirm their altness without going through Mur, even when everybody can see that they ARE alts. I regularly meet Chewie in the Log Review Room, the black sheep are known. But taking action against them is fairly hard, because the proof you need to ban them is inaccessible. And seriously, if we bothered Mur with such morons every time, he'd soon kill us all. xD
  15. Due to once again increasing problems, i, again, want to propose an idea to stop alts from bashing on newbies. Since GGG ceased, there are only minor problems with monstrous stats left, and people now take their massively aged, tokened and traded creatures and transfer them to mp3 to create new god accounts. So now, instead of banning certain creatures from certain mps, i'd like to implement MP-level as an upgrade requirement for creatures in general. The most important to me appear to be angiens, which should get requirement mp4 for level 3+ and mp5 for level 6+, drachorns, with mp4 for level 3+ and specially the rusts and reins, and probably other crit-boosters, with way steeper requirements, probably mp4 for lvl 2+ and mp5 for level 4+. Existing creature of that kind would either need to be downgraded, or the holders put on the matching mp-level. MAGIC-ctcs would need to be un-MAGIC-ed when they are transferred to an account that doesn't have the mp-requirement necessary to hold that creature, but only as far as the level is concerned. Like, if such is possible, they could well keep their age, xp and wins, as long as they get downgraded to the highest level accessible to the account in question. Plus, Mur, i ask you personally to take a stand on that matter. Not the technical aspects or about starting to get nit-picky about what creatures should have what mp-requirement, but a general opinion on the matter of overly well equipped accounts in newbie-levels. I hate not knowing what's on your mind =P
  16. I imagine that it's simpler to restrict the hardly used accounts, firstly because the alt checks can also throw out people that are only logging from the same network, like college, school, work, etc., and secondly because there are some alts that should receive gifts because they are actual, well played personalities. Unfortunately, people took longer breaks at a time are also not eligible for gifts anymore, that may or may not be intentional. Currently, i think it is.
  17. Mur has placed an activity requirement on the gifts. I'm uncertain if it considers activity lately or in general, but i guess latter, and you obviously don't meet it with 69%. The new rule is in place to stop people from using hardly used accounts to access gifts and transfer/sell them.
  18. Since Dec 1st, 170 people started at the shopkeeper, 40 reached part 2, 7 got to halfway through part 2, and 1 person solved it. Either i'm too hard, or the newbies are too weak.

    1. Asterdai


      and i person couldnt complete because he couldnt remember the question, and wasnt allowed to get it repeated :P

    2. Khaoila


      well personally for me the issue i am having is there is no hint as to who the inquisitor is at the step i am at to give me a direction to look all i knew is the archives book on left table that reacts to the name of the inquisitor

  19. I yelled at wraping paper in the North Pole because the voices told me to.
  20. Happy Christmas to all of MD in general! And thanks for the gifts, too =)
  21. I take it that christmas special creatures are one time shoppings, like avatar access and many other things from extra features.
  22. To me, automatisms such as injuries after lost battles or being robbed by someone who is bigger than you is very insensible. Just imagine how easily those systems could, and would, be abused. If anything that goes into the bigger aspects of your character development would be part of a system, you'd soon find yourself ruled by a few people. Aysun and the rebels might find it funny if they could assassinate the king, but trust on thing, if such a thing gets possible, Jester will assassinate them first. And if it got implemented globally, they'd be dead before they even noticed. Put it that way: As long as the most useful buttons are not in your hands, this is a free world. The moment they get in public hands, this is the world of dst. A lot of things MUST NOT be run by system, because any veteran player can easily fulfill any criteria to do something, unless they get insane to such a point that they are practically not possible, like, dunno, beat a drachorn to death with an unholy priest. Things of such an importance as a rebellion, a permanent murder, or any lasting change to anybody's character, must be decided by the person it falls back on, like the decision to become a rebel, or by somebody who sees MD on a different level, without considering who gains what out of a decision and only deciding on obvious facts in MD, things that the general population has access to. Nobody searches for your plans in hidden places and carries them out because they sound wise, it's up to you to carry them out, and THEN, something will or won't happen, depending on how well it's done. As long as people ignore you and the things you do, you haven't done things properly. And always when you call for more automatisms and 'goals an individual or group can actually accomplish without outside help', bear in mind that anything you and your group can do in a robotic system can also be done by any other individual or group in MD, just by pushing the right button and meeting the right criteria. I'm very certain that you wouldn't really want that.
  23. Happy Birthday! Tell us if celebrating was any different for a married man
  24. You'll find most quests by reading people's quest docs, not on the forums.
  25. It's way less than quarter of the people, that's where you're wrong. And just because you don't see how it works doesn't mean it doesn't
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