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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Where's the fun in having drachorn in defence? For most MP3 it's a lot simpler to use the time they can spend on MD to win, and use the time they can't spend on MD to lose. On high MP-levels, you'll find the exact opposite, people will use most of their idle-time to gather wins on very strong rituals, and their actual online time to gather wins on weaker creatures. Mur wanted things to be a lot different, and to have the strongest folks be balanced, therefore you should gather honor by beating strong folks, and lose it by beating on weakers. But the incentives to stay balanced are not good enough to make strong people stay there >.<
  2. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Poppitz Resurrection' date='04 June 2010 - 09:51 PM' timestamp='1275681072' post='61027'] I'm (Poppi Chulloz) dont get anything from GGG coz i never train there, so i dont care if u all close the place or whatever, but i'm not thinking about you, i'm thinking about they who need that place.. ][b]Ps: I'm (Poppi Chulloz) My self will guide the MP3 and MP4 but NO MP5! to get their win count training, and as i said before, you all over ruled veterans can't ruin the trainees unless you all get over reacting and using ur alts for bullying them (again), so please act as a mateur and experienced player. [/b] [/quote] Only those who need it? Then it should be available for nobody but MP5, young MP5 are exactly the only people who 'need' it. As i already said, 3 and 4 have caps because they are CAPPED. This is not Mur's way to tell you that you should get creative and find a way around it. This is Mur's way of telling you that you are not supposed to interfere with the newbies. There's old players, and new players. They have been seperated with the MP-levels because there was too much difference in the creatures, stats and everything in general. And then you come and dare to even think 'Oh well, the MP5 are so strong, it's better to have god accounts on MP3 and 4'? Here's some historical data on how Mur imagined things to be like: [quote][2008-01-10 09:56:53 - Alpha 4] Player are now divided based on MindPower level. Additional mindpower advancement requirements will be added to the story. Game areas will be locked based on MindPower. Players on all lands can fight eachother if they are same MP, and alliances have same fighting rules. [/quote] [quote][2008-01-10 12:26:34 - Alpha 4] MAX XP cap. When you reach the required xp to advance to next mindpower level you wont get anymore skillpoints reward from the battles you win. This will limit players from remaining at lower MP levels but will also give them enough time to decide when they want to advance. (Testing and feedback needed - test if player that is over the required xp still gets xp, skills and wins/losses for his creatures both when attacked or attacking)[/quote] [quote][2008-01-17 06:45:48 - Alpha 5] A lot of players have been reassigned today to a different mindpower level based on their TOTAL XP . The ones that dropped a Mindpower point should be happy that they can do the story again and gain the story bonuses again, the ones that were increased MP level (very very few) unfortunatly lost their chance to replay the story at that mp level. Next time try to avoid staying at a lower mp level when you should advance.[/quote] His opinions might have changed, but he usually considers carefully before doing stuff like that. I claim that massive stats and access to highlevel creatures is NOT what Mur wishes for MP3 and 4. And therefore, i want GGG closed for 3/4. Without exceptions.
  3. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Several changes to the honor system have been proposed, also to the tokens and everything else. But they don't gather momentum because 80% of the population don't give a crap about it. Why? Tokens play no role in GGG. Being balanced is the worst thing you can do in GGG. Crit-boost? What's that? Token... Crit-Boost... Combinations...?? When Willow's stopped, people got into stat-loss because they were already way off before stat-loss existed. I'm fairly certain that a lot of people will get into statloss very fast when GGG stops, because about a quarter of its users have been at GoE and literally asked to get 300-400 more losses, for the purpose of not having such problems with their honor in GGG. But really losing 1000 times takes a lot, a whole lot of time. Before people get into that range, from balance, there will be a solution to that kind of things. Options to GGG? Were there any options offered to the people who were at Willows? Which was closed due to the pressure of a few? But of course i'm a nice guy, so i'll offer a few: Actually cooperate with people, not robotically auto-attack, and pick fights with people on your level, or lower than yourself Ask for help of those who are stronger than yourself Don't idle in the open (something GGG-users shouldn't find hard) Only very few people are always using unbeatable rits, avoid them Hit-and-Run, as evil as it seems [spoiler] It's also very very simple to kill all your creatures, that saves you from attacks. A few people do nothing else. All it costs you are your creatures with natural regen, and then you can at any time revive a few creatures and start a new hitting series.[/spoiler] That's a lot of things to do, in case it gets closed completely. Which i find rather unlikely anyway. I'm fairly satisfied once only MP5 are allowed in GGG.
  4. Oh please, change the title to Idling, or Idleing, or some other form of what he actually means... Apart from that, idle is necessary because there are not so many active players, and most of us have something else to do with out lives, too. If idle gets impossible, most of the fighting at large gets impossible together with it... Not to speak of leaving traces for somebody to find, how do you read the papers of people who can't stay when there's no idle-function? You wouldn't even see most of the people, we are spread worldwide and in all timezones, and a lot of people use idle as a roleplay function as well (mostly as sleep) So, yeah, i like idle. It allows people to be somewhere while they have to take care of their real life.
  5. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    [quote name='Chewett' date='04 June 2010 - 02:27 PM' timestamp='1275654460' post='60982'] A) noobs are learning it as a way of playing MD - This can be fixed, i have asked everyone NOT to post stuff on the mood panel about it B) people are training massively overpowered MAIN accounts for mp3/4 - I cannot answer for everyone, but i dislike this and agree it is hurting MD, perhaps it needs to be limited for mp3/4 or totally removed C) people are not fighting properly - If the GGG was changed so that people were to use it to train certain creatures up or something, or to shut GGG down a couple times a week then people would also move around much more. I Think this would be a good solution but again, this is only my personal opinion. I am open to suggestions about what people think, i would like them, If the community wants GGG to change it will, since its a community project. But just running into GGG, attacking everyone, will just make both parties angry. Anyone can be a redneck and come in and attack everyone, but it takes someone with more intelligence to come and talk it out. [/quote] We've already talked about that in private, and it's not like we just came to notice yesterday. Unfortunately it seems that actions like No one's were needed to start a movement, and that in itself makes it a sad day, even when things finally start to change. These points summarize my concerns about GGG fairly well. I have no issue with it existing on MP5, it doesn't make me happy, but i can live with it. As was already mentioned, most of the MP5 who use GGG have no clue what to do with the VE and their stats, it's quite funny to watch them stumble along and lose to elementary defences^^ On the lower MP-levels, stats and VE win battles. The people there do not have what little stats it takes (i am talking about things like 50 attack, 50 defence, 10 power, nothing more is necessary), and the few helpful creatures to defend themselves. I'll gladly repeat, as long as any MP3/4 is tolerated in GGG, i am not going to tolerate its existance anymore. The cap is there to cap people, not to be outsmarted, or to create the best possible account on mp4 or mp3. It's there so you need to move on and leave the newbies alone if you want to see more of MD. I don't fully support No one because i don't consider force a valid approach to discussion. But if that's what it takes to be heard, i applaud No one for his actions. Unfortunately, talking things out sounds so easy, but if you get locked at GoC for 30 minutes after the first sentence, it seems slightly futile.
  6. no, bunny meant that there are 2 mercenaries in Guerilla But i'm fairly sure that a few more will join, just probably not as mercenaries^^
  7. Since your intentions are to cause havoc, i take it that i can interfere with your parties without being in one of them at the start? I do want to take part in that stage (i personally found the first quite boring, honestly, it was clear who, how, when and where, and the motives are of no matter to me), but i have issues with selling myself and probably ending up in a situation/party i'm not comfortable with xD oh, and i obviously don't wish to be paid for doing things my way, no worries ^^
  8. ahem... I kinda expected to find a lot of amusing, if hardly helpful, ideas from all kinds of people, not a debate about whether it's nice of dst to tell you what she already found out, or whether it's appropriate to kill people. *pushes the thread back to ontopic*
  9. No, simple because GoE works, too, and people are already there. Why have them move back to Willow's when 1) GoE works just as fine 2) GoE is the most public place you can find, and therefore perfectly fit for being a gathering point for newbies, too 3) Willow's always interferred with the poor 2-day-newbies who tried to beat the guards
  10. Burns

    Combat Balance

    It might be true that some people have too much power, too, but my point is not about some players, but some rituals being absurdly overpowered. I mean, any jackass can get their principles to cap, and with enough money you can buy as much crit-boost as you wish and as many tokens as you like, but the ammount that crit-boost adds in certain combinations is simply insane. What is the point of the most eloquent combat-system when there's a god-ritual in the shop? Since we're at remembering things, i bet you'll remember the evil rits you (and others) invented back then. Fat baby, 5 birds+grasan, 6 grasans+massive stats... We couldn't beat them just like that, but they could be beaten, with freezers, with singles and some stats, at times with eles. Drachorns were an extension that was kinda tough already, with their massive powers, but those were rare. Rustgold was a step down, but it was necessary. We adapted, and Mur granted us new hollow warriors to deal with so much freeze. Not that a lot of rusties were easy to beat, but you can outstat them, and you can antifreeze their evil powers. But now, critboost+tokens makes an absolutely insane combination, and you don't outstat that with a lot of grinding. That's too insane to be outstated. After years of grinding, there's that remote chance to win under certain circumstances. Easy for us to say, with two years of active days, a lot of tricks, and decent stats. Harder for a newcomer, if you ask me. Constantly losing to the shop, with a 1:500 chance to win unless they buy things or grind 24/7 for a year or two, doesn't sound very appealing to newbies, does it? It doesn't even sound appealing to vets, for that matter... And about _players_ being more powerful than others, that is simple: age and activity give an advantage. But the first 100 active days are worth more for your MD-experience than the 5th 100 days. We grow slower, we don't learn new tricks, we start to specialize on something we find particularly useful. Newbies don't do that, and with a bit of stats and experience, they can beat mere stats, specially when the stats don't come in the best rits we have, but in the rits we train something with. New players can look forward to their first angien, which will go and beat most people's stats singlehandedly. But keeping up with the monsterdamages is too much to ask for, even from and Angien.
  11. Burns

    Combat Balance

    Probably i can't see all the reasons, then... What i found as reasons for token to go first are the following: Logic structure (Crit, Crit-related, Rit, Rit-related, player as order from smallest bit to biggest part of the ritual [Creature, then token, then critboost, then combo, then influence]) Not making blooddrops overpowered, they are pretty cheap after all Keeping other %-based tokens lower, too A few auras that still don't work (mostly skillvampire) What i found as reasons for tokens to go second: Antifreeze-tokens, which are currently useless according to your explanation :/ Logc order, if you consider tokens not part of a creature, but a spell cast on them (not a natural part of a crit, but a special feature added by a player's shop) Not having 50k+ as damage standards anymore If i remember right, you invented tokens as a way for a newbie to beat the stats of a veteran. That just doesn't work out as it is, Vets don't need their stats when they can play with critboost-tokens. In fact, they make sure to not play their stats, because that would lower their init and damage a _[size="6"][color="#FF0000"]LOT[/color][/size]_.
  12. Definitely no to permanent stat gains. In the ultimate result, that would mean that anybody who manages to get 9 WPs can increase his own stats, and the stats of anybody he likes, endlessly without any effort. What i'd suggest are a few simple spells, like heal, freeze, guardianarmy or weaken, to be available in an item, with the normal heat cost and a new form of limitation, i'd think a max of 5 casts and a cast only possible when the item is charged with 2k heat or more. I also have some other ideas: -Strenghten, the opposite of weaken (as in, same syntax and same influenced stats, but positive effect) -AntiToken: For a cost of 4k heat, it sets token-power of the target to 0 for... say... 8 minutes, as usual? -AntiFreeze: Pretty obvious imo, when an item holds a lot of heat, it can unfreeze creatures. I'd think of that as a permanent ability, with a cost of 2k heat per unfrozen creature. This also leads to my next idea: -Timelimit: An item that is charged with heat can be passed to somebody and returns to the old owner when the heat reaches 0. Obviously that shouldn't be the case for all items, but it could be a function the editor can put into it, probably even with a target the coder can change, not only 'the old owner'.
  13. Burns

    Cats In Md

    i think i recognize... dst, Amoran, Kafuuka, No one, Jester, Akasha, Pip, Lightsage, and myself, even though i hope i'm actually not the one i think i am >.< Cool idea =DD
  14. the button for the log is only there right after you did an offensive fight, you don't get it when you replay a combat, or look at a defensive fight. You always can let the combat scroll through and highlight all the text (via the rightclick-option, or ctrl a), and copy-paste it into a notepad to read it
  15. Burns

    Make Game 'right'

    Interesting how things come up again at times... http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4673-is-md-too-exclusive-to-entice-a-larger-player-base-than-hard-cores/page__view__findpost__p__37421
  16. Happy birthday, evil old void brother =)) Have a good one, and drop in occassionally, it's fun to talk to you at times^^
  17. Hmm... new book is not the problem, 'old internet' might be. When your connection is quite crappy and gives monstrous pings every once in a while, it could appear to the server as if you were sending two-three commands at once, and that makes it idle you. Wait a bit longer, specially when fighting, and let the site finsih loading, once you are not downloading anymore, even the crappiest connection will be able to upload in decent time^^
  18. Who says that a not-biological being can't conceive and give birth? I mean, sure, the good old robots with the steel arms and two finger per hand can't, but this is a realm of magic where a land is created by accident, souls are captured from dreams and spellcasting is as common as walking. In such settings, golems who can spawn other golems are very possible. Take a look at creationism: Adam is made of clay, Eve made of his rib, and some godly spark makes them alive, and capable of having children. If god can do such in his worlds, why would a wizard not be able to in ours? Not any wizard, maybe, but Mur? Or even each of us, if we are the gods of our phantasyworlds in MD? Magical beings are definitely artificial in a sense that they are not born by a female, but if enchanted properly, they could conceive and give birth just fine, see creationism.
  19. Ahm... And when we all are artificial, why are our babies not? Same argument as post 30, with exchanged signs, something artificial can create something else that is artificial, like robots designed to built other robots. the internet is full of them, ai that creates more, or even changed ai, usually called polymorphic viruses. I mean, we could consider the existance of different races, like humans and cyborgs, in MD, but... where's the indication for that?
  20. Ah, but Awii, batteries don't reproduce cells with extra-energy, but only push electrons from A to B iirc. They are only able to hold energy, but if you scratch their edges, they don't 'heal' like organic things do. They also don't grow bigger when you overfeed them. So i would think that, at least in classical chemics, there's a sharp destinction between them, it just gets harder as they find new things... And now that we talk about natural/unnatural again, what makes you consider players as unnatural? Unnatural things are such that don't occur in nature, like a White Khalazdad Cube (see Khalazdad), an Elemental Cube (see Golemus), or a Wooden Cube (see first chapter of story). Natural things, on the other hand, are those that don't need man's influence to be there, like Wind's Crossing and Raven's Peace. Other creatures are rather not natural, by my understanding, like Aramors and Tormented Souls, but that's a different argument i guess. Given that, would you rather put a player in natural or unnatural? (Within the intrinsic logic, metalogic could argue that chars are made by the person who plays) And when you agree that they are natural, why would they not be able to give birth? There are only so many animals that can't, like those donkey-horse halfbreeds for example (mules and hinnies), are players in MD such sterile halfbreeds in your opinion?
  21. my conservation of energy law says that there is no battery that recharges itself. Beat that. there's tons of devices to make a battery recharge with solar energy, heat, mechanical energy and what not, but the battery doesn't simply recharge over time. If it did, there would be a whole lot less problems in the world, and we'd have to rewrite all physics-books. And there's that subtle difference between being bound to something and residing somewhere. I agree that a lot cultures wanted the body to be objected to certain rituals and parts of it kept safe for the soul to find rest. But none of them believed that the soul was trapped in some part of the body. In fact, they believed that the soul was bound to be restless for evermore if the body was completely destroyed, like you told us about the Egyptians. That implies that they were fairly certain that the soul was NOT some molecul, atom or other, but something beyond physics, chemics and biology, but something spiritual. spiritual doesn't know the organic-inorganic thingie, it doesn't work there. And... the worst thing to happen are more splits, not like this was something absolutely uninteresting xD
  22. I'm fairly certain the problem lies somewhere else, the shaleves are public items and anybody with public-rights can just re-save when they pass by... But i think Rendril does work on a solution, it seems he ponders those shelves in every free minute... always standing there, looking at things xD
  23. Tons of natural things are inorganic. Organic is merely what we consider life, because it's by some coincidence carbon-based on earth. Almost all forms of minerals and metals, for example, are not manmade, and inorganic. Anything that doesn't live is inorganic by definition. All forms of salt, and even water is inorganic. Natural and organic are definitely not exchangeable. Organic and alive would be better, even if not completely correct, either. Reproduction, for one thing, is something only living things do (again, by definition). I'll point your attention to the regeneration intervals and simply state that, if you weren't alive, you wouldn't regenerate, which is merely a form of reproduction. Therefore, you are organic. Maybe nothing else in MD is, which i find highly unlikely, but each player definitely is. Inorganic things do not reproduce lost substance. The soul is a special matter. According to almost any religion ever, it's not bound to anything. As such, it's neither organic nor inorganic, it's simply not built from any elements. If you wish, a soul is like an electric impulse, but not quite that either, because... how would that be mystic? The only interesting part of Ghost in a Shell is the fiction that the whole soul can be taken from a human and implanted into a puppet without major losses.
  24. Lorearchers are great, but they won't ever play amongst tops. Stat increases are not sufficient to make a creature be major league material, only crit boost does, so nobody will ever care for them in the big fights. What they do, though, is great. When there's enough VE on the field, they break all defensive values with ease and take out the strongest opponents one by one. They are doing a really nice job, technically. Practically, they are hard to use, because most people with a rather high VE use something way above Lorearchers, and the ones who wouldn't kill them instantly usually have too little VE to make them pay off. I personally like them, and use them every now and then, but rather for fun than for killing. It takes a lot of VE to make them really cool... Most people rather fill their slots with angiens than Lorearchers, simply because they have no clue what to do with a Lore, it doesn't do anything fancy in test-fights.
  25. Hey, you totally can't say that! I'm going to sue you! Defamation! Slander! > ... At least i would if it wasn't true...
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