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  1. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Azull in sad conclusion   
    [quote]as i see nobody from necrovion, with or without a king, bothered to document the recent major events involving necrovion in necrovions historic documents section.[/quote]

    What I will say is not meant as an excuse. But I still want it noted to clarify things. Currently I am traveling and haven't been on MD and the forum a lot. I am aware of recent events however and indeed perhaps should have responded publicly sooner.

    [quote]Azull for example, he was recommended by jester as the next king, i told jester he cant name the next king directly, but if he was aiming for the kingship i would have expected him to react somehow for nc citizens..like for example ask that their citizenship is maintained..anyone could have asked that (before i announced it will) but him most of all should have asked that...thats just an example. You like to stay and watch and wonder what would happen to you next but dont move a finger.[/quote]

    I have been playing MD for almost a year now. And in that time I have learned it is often best to wait and see a little while before acting. I have not asked for anything because I felt it was not my place (yet) to do so. I, together with Peace, have been using the tools we had at our disposal to return NC citizenship to some who lost it as a result of the destruction of the Tainted Warriors. (something I feel very strongly about and so think it best not to talk about for a while yet)

    I could write many paragraphs here about talks I had with Jester and rebels alike concerning plans for the future of NC and things that were slowly set in motion. But all that seems meaningless now so I won't.

    That is all I have to say for now.
  2. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Peace in Necrovion Succession   
    It should be best if someone FROM Necrovion speak of this. Currently we are in the state of chaos. I ask for patience and not questions. I am aware that people need answers but I and others must first answer to those of Necrovion. Then the rest of the world.

    Be patient, embrace the change as it comes and do not oppose it. In the end, if you think about it, it is what it was needed.

    Topic suspended until further notice.
  3. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in Law Advisors   
    If nobody else is interested, since I somewhat do it already, I can be the "law advisor" for the Tribunal, Charging for advice is a silly notion though, the only way I could see people charging for this being viable is if they were going to be directly responsible for any bad advice they give and/or being able to make bribes to bend the legalities under certain circumstances. Which to my understanding would kind of undermine the whole point of this....

    If this is needed? Not really people already are doing this to begin with, if anything it might help direct them to them quicker, but in the end it may lead to more unnecessary buracracy which will just distract people more-so from day to day things (IE - lead to people trying to get more laws, for the grey areas).

    Maybe it will be a good thing though to help enforce the illusion of power over people or make others feel more rebellious (at least sooner in a "non-damaging" way)

    The aspect of law replacement, is a dangerous notion and will really depend on the people involved--I mean imagine if I was allowed to do that?!

    It will be interesting to see what happens with this--but I still think its not really needed, as it is geared towards vets rather than giving newer people roles...

    Just my rambling opinion, take as you want...
  4. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Ivorak in Law Advisors   
    If nobody else is interested, since I somewhat do it already, I can be the "law advisor" for the Tribunal, Charging for advice is a silly notion though, the only way I could see people charging for this being viable is if they were going to be directly responsible for any bad advice they give and/or being able to make bribes to bend the legalities under certain circumstances. Which to my understanding would kind of undermine the whole point of this....

    If this is needed? Not really people already are doing this to begin with, if anything it might help direct them to them quicker, but in the end it may lead to more unnecessary buracracy which will just distract people more-so from day to day things (IE - lead to people trying to get more laws, for the grey areas).

    Maybe it will be a good thing though to help enforce the illusion of power over people or make others feel more rebellious (at least sooner in a "non-damaging" way)

    The aspect of law replacement, is a dangerous notion and will really depend on the people involved--I mean imagine if I was allowed to do that?!

    It will be interesting to see what happens with this--but I still think its not really needed, as it is geared towards vets rather than giving newer people roles...

    Just my rambling opinion, take as you want...
  5. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Chewett in Full Disclosure about Chew <X> accounts   
    All of this refers to all of the Chew <X> alts, They do not apply to any of my other accounts. The full list of accounts will be posted at the bottom of the post. Where there is any reference to Chew X it refers to any account listed below.

    These accounts will be primarily for Bug testing. For some bugs they need a larger test bed than just one or two accounts, and due to the nature of some bugs i test it can lead to a total account banning. This is one of the reasons Mur needs you to inform him of any and all bug tests before running them, so as problems can be sorted out quickly. He has also given me an item that will allow me to unban these alts without his help. Thus acknowledging the authenticity of my alts and their use.

    During their course, they may get credits, wishpoints or creatures that will help them to test certain things. Any wishpoints will specifically be noted as to where they came from, and if they are given in the form of codes i will use other Chew X alts to reward them, keeping my main accounts separate from the testing.

    Any items or such benefits gained via testing will not be used, to further my Main accounts. Any big action that my main or other people interact with these accounts will be detailed here or to the council and Mur, So as to disclose what is happening with the accounts. Due to the nature of some of the tests i cannot disclose what they are testing specifically at any one time.

    They may be used for community events, to help others or my own personal events, whereby their use will be stated on that specific thread or here if there is no specific thread at the time. When doing this they will not use any of their powers attained through bug testing.

    This list may be updated from time to time, to change their use and following announcements from Mur. In changing them i will always bump the thread pointing to the changed areas.

    [log='List of Chew <X> accounts']Chew A
    Chew B
    Chew C
    Chew D
    Chew E
    Chew F
    Chew G
    Chew H
    Chew I
    Chew J
    Chew K
    Chew L
    Chew M
    Chew N
    Chew O
    Chew P
    Chew Q
    Chew R
    Chew S
    Chew T
    Chew U
    Chew V
    Chew W
    Chew X
    Chew Y
    Chew Z[/log]
  6. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Names....   
    I was drunk and eating a burrito.. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it..
  7. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in [Necrovion] Scholar of Necrovion History   
    I suggest reading dune... Good luck with this role...
  8. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Peace in [Necrovion] Scholar of Necrovion History   
    I suggest reading dune... Good luck with this role...
  9. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in [Necrovion] Scholar of Necrovion History   
    I suggest reading dune... Good luck with this role...
  10. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Curiose in [Necrovion] Scholar of Necrovion History   
    I suggest reading dune... Good luck with this role...
  11. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Grido in Brains   
    The shape or make-up of a brain changes as we develop, it's a nature/nurture debate waiting to happen so-to-speak. The basic make-up shape of our head is defined by our skull shape, the brain (generally, not always) filling the shape of it's container, the skull in turn is defined initially by genetics and also by the upbringing, to use a rather harsh metaphor, if you keep a child's head in a jar whilst they grow up, the the head will become jar-shaped.

    Our memories are connections between neural synapses, the way our brain is connected, even brains which are the same shape, twins with the same upbringing for instance, will have a different pattern to their brains, they will send different connected signals, have different memories - more complicated than I can explain/know.

    You can have different levels of activity in different areas of the brain, it's been shown that people in murderers have an increased frontal lobe (whether that was increased before, or developed after the murdering is unable to be defined), so does the increased frontal lobe make you more predisposed to violence/murder? It can be stated that any increased area of the brain would make you predisposed to one thing or the other (hyper-emotionality for example, photographic or better memory as another).

    It's a common misconception that some people use more of their brain than others, each section of the brain is used for different things, some people's brains work faster than others - like a lot of things, more you use it the easier it becomes, but we all use the same proportion (provided you don't have any brain deformities (if someone has a better word, please tell me)).
  12. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Phantom Orchid in Brains   
    Do some brains share the same shape? If so, why do they not share the same thoughts? Just because of the way they develop? Affected by upbringing? Or, does everyone have a different brain shape? [/quote]

    A rough 'shape' might be considered the same on a macro level (ie for identical twins); however, on the micro level the brain is host to a trillion (give or take ) of neurons which have grown and been pruned into their unique shape by their owner's unique upbringing. Take, for instance, the aboveground growth of a tree. It may have the same 'shape' as others of its species, but its environment (weather, soil contents, amount of water available, etc) shapes its particular branching patterns.

    A memory is an experience stored, and since no two people can share the exact same experience, no two people can have the exact same memory.

    [quote]And does this affect the way our brain develops and the way we learn? [/quote]

    For the brain, genetics provide the form from which it will develop, but most of its development comes from environmental influence. Form feeds function, sure - but function feeds form to a much greater extent.

    [quote]Some people have better memory than others, is this because of brain shape? Or are some people just using less of their brain than others?[/quote]

    Memories are formed between neurons and synapses, so the myth of science says; however, do not rocks have memories? Do they not provide a glimpse of Time in the past? Think of fossils found in rock. It is a memory of sorts. But getting back to your question, some people, due to genetic malfunction of environmental stressors, have less memory function.

    Neurons grow like muscles - the more they are used, the more connections are made. If they are not used (ie, if the memories aren't accessed, if the practice of storing memories is weak), they atrophy as well.

    (just a few thoughts, I might elaborate more later if i get the time)
  13. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Pothos in Chat Ban Abuse   
    may be the only one to notice this but... Why in gods name is he useing Internet Explorer? Or should I say the proper name, internet exploder.
    Come on now my friend, There is firefox, there is crome, they shall treat you much, much better than that thing ever shall.
  14. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Chewett in holiday for me (chewett)   
    Im on holiday this week, Might not answer questions or reply to you on the forum. Any forum changes will be left until when i get back.

    Mods can be contacted to ask anything that they can deal with (such as closing topics and such), But if the matter involved is secretive in nature (forum alts, forum changes) you should send me a pm and wait til i return or reply.
  15. Upvote
    Granos reacted to BFH in Your Quests and Events on FB and Twitter   
    If you would like us to share your quests and events on our facebook and twitter pages you need to post it here.

    WE, the moderators of facebook and twitter page, will be selective since we won't spam our pages.

    Please post here or forum pm me the following:

    1. Quest name
    2. Description
    3. Rewards
    4. Requirements
    5. Links to it, if any. (can be forum link)

    Notes: All obviously must be md related and I'll probably talk with you before posting it on fb or twitter.

    Big events have priority
  16. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Esmaralda in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    This... Broke my brain... Seriously... I mean are people really that incapable of reading? Maybe if english wasn't your first language... But still ffs... I fully support the removal of the subtitle with no compensation for stupidity, as for a ban, why not its been awhile since theres been a good example made...

    Can't say I agree with full wp removal, but maybe her right to use the subtitles on all her account or something similar... As we can see she obviously does not understand what is acceptable and what is not in terms of this...

    EDIT: Awiiya's Way and Jester's Streets, are scene names NOT SUBTITLES. Like Alche's Statue, if this was something you were not sure of you could have asked people, but you did not and acted anyways--I stand by the need for an example.
  17. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Muratus del Mur in Unworthy accounts with wishpoints   
    I realised that just me thinking of all implications of somethins is not enough (lol), sometimes i need to share it for the others to understand it right.

    You were used with wishpoints as highly valuable, unachievable rewards. I say unachievable because lets be real about it, there were achievable by a low number elite only.

    " My unannounced plans "

    - add a buffer of about 10 wishpoints to be distributed without a real merit or CHEATABLE.
    - add a buffer of similar number of wishes in the wish shop to dilute the offer there and keep real powerfull wishes for deeper levels.

    these two balance eachother and will make wishpoints taste known to new and old player equally.
    the elite status of wishpoints remains intact, their value just "inflates" at the base of the chain. Getting 10 wishpoints to anyone will mean those that have a hard worked 1wp will have 11wp and those that have 10 will still have to work equally hard to obtain 11. Do you want me to draw you a picture of it? i thought its damn obvious what i do.

    - increase the dynamic of achieving abilities in md. "Viscosity" dear people, applied to the way achievements are achievable and a player evolves up the chain.

    the main reason to this is because there are features lurking in the background that need to come out one way or the other. What is not high-tech top of the line awesome feature will be tomorrow a common thing to have.

    Now the long boring story in a few words:
    Long ago i had a martial arts teacher that made me understood what respect is and what it is for. Years later i still keep in touch with him and one thing hurts me to see... what was once so hard to achive, the trainings that were once at the limit supportability so to say, are now days polite sports classes. I don't want to go back there to discover that what teached me about life turned into a show. It is the same thing here in MD, i don't want years from now to have legends about how wishpoints where equal to medals and they become just ..points.
    Sadly i must admit that wishpoints need severely inflated to fit a perfect integration with the rest of the features. The wish shop alone can double or tripple its offer list anytime, but if i do that, having 2-3 wps will not be realistic.

    There are two ways around that. Inflate lower levels and have low class wishpoints and the old good hard work wishpoints....oh...but wait....oh my..i thought about that when putting a rating number on the wishpoints ..remember? you use it already since wp were implemented. A low class wp as the one received from the active days can still be used as a wp but in rating its a fraction of a full rated wp. hmm...
    What about wp ratings? one simple fix i can think of when writing this is to give a rating also for WHO gave the wp. It is not the case now but i anticipated this long ago already and the "rating" fields are there already (i think visible in the interface?). In other words a new generation noob that will end up giving wishpoints for trivia contests will never compare to a wp rated 8 given by a old time vet.

    get my point? or shall i draw it?
    or maybe i should just shutup and continue my old way without explaining much

    (excuse my obvious mood)
  18. Upvote
    Granos reacted to dst in The Incomplete Tale   
    Aranna, stop with the lies.You know as much as I do what has been said.

    If you wish to show your story, make it public so everyone will see it. I want to read it ON THE FORUM. I never tried to force innocence into doing anything. I asked for TRANSPARENCY. Is that so bad?

    I quoted when you or Ivorak (can't remember right now) asked about the copyright. Also you said you sent the story through PM to Innocence. How does that make it hosted by a 3rd party?

    So you 2 cut the <insert bad word here>. If you have noting to hide get the balls and post the story. I will fight for this until the end. If innocence is allowed to get away with this a dangerous precedent will be created. And soon we'll see tons of WPs awarded for things that "can't be published because the authors are shy or feel uncomfortable about their writings".
  19. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Brulant in Happy Birthday Peace   
    Happy Birthday, enjoy the hang over


  20. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Seigheart in Happy Birthday Awiiya!   
    Happy Birthday!
  21. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Seigheart in Happy Birthday Peace   
    Happy Birthday, enjoy the hang over


  22. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Peace in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    This... Broke my brain... Seriously... I mean are people really that incapable of reading? Maybe if english wasn't your first language... But still ffs... I fully support the removal of the subtitle with no compensation for stupidity, as for a ban, why not its been awhile since theres been a good example made...

    Can't say I agree with full wp removal, but maybe her right to use the subtitles on all her account or something similar... As we can see she obviously does not understand what is acceptable and what is not in terms of this...

    EDIT: Awiiya's Way and Jester's Streets, are scene names NOT SUBTITLES. Like Alche's Statue, if this was something you were not sure of you could have asked people, but you did not and acted anyways--I stand by the need for an example.
  23. Downvote
    Granos got a reaction from Watcher in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    Amoran, The diffrence is the scene had no name, and it was giving the scene a name! The key thing there is naming a scene not applying a subtitle. Awiiya has done more than enough to have earned a scene, arguably more than Alche did--but thats a whole other can of worms. Players put subtitles, Mur names scenes.

    There are rules for putting subtitles, none for naming scenes (that we are aware of atleast )
  24. Upvote
    Granos reacted to Aelis in Absent for a while   
    Hello everyone, you might have noticed my absence this last month. I couldn't find enough time to log and play lately. I was making arrangements because I got this chance to live in London for a few months, I couldn't miss this oportunity! So, my flag will change in a few days and I don't know whether I'll have internet access or not. I'm sorry to all of those I "ignored" lately!
    I'm making this post because I'll probably have limited access during these months and don't know when I'll return to log in frequently.

    I wish you guys all the best! I miss everyone!
    See you soon, I hope!

  25. Upvote
    Granos got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Request for punishment for sasha lilias   
    Amoran, The diffrence is the scene had no name, and it was giving the scene a name! The key thing there is naming a scene not applying a subtitle. Awiiya has done more than enough to have earned a scene, arguably more than Alche did--but thats a whole other can of worms. Players put subtitles, Mur names scenes.

    There are rules for putting subtitles, none for naming scenes (that we are aware of atleast )
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