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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. Wind Drachorn: 31 Plushies.
  2. Loreroot and Necrovion, although there are similarities, are quite different lands; what wer't that draws thee toward them?
  3. Resurrecting of this discussion, as I have managed to locate a box of principle-documents that some hermit hath left near the Gateway Summit. Some new players who are able to learn of further principles would do well to locate of it, and mayhap to read of some of them. I wonder where they would travel, if they were to arrive upon the main-land?
  4. Instructions to recreate of this bug: Upgrade a Grasan once, and name it ("e.g. Leaking Grasan") Grant it sufficient wins to advance anew. Wait for it to consume of 1 Wiiya. Instead of harvesting the resource, advance it to a Grasan Huvourer (noting that the name shall no longer be a "specific" name like Leaking Grasan) One shall be faced with this:
  5. Darkling - 11 plushies Wind Drachorn - 26 plushies 10th Anniversary Aramor - 11 plushies
  6. I shall offer a wishpoint in sponsorship for this quest, if it please thee, Steno - mayhap with a minimum number of entries; three, perhaps? This I shall leave to thy judgment. I shall also pledge a creature of the Fourteenth Anniversary as a reward.
  7. I believe this were the thirty year deadline set by Chewett for Mur.
  8. It appears that up to ten wishpoints do appear within the interface as intended, but despite the appearance of empty spaces for a further five, any further wishpoints do not appear to fill them. Edit: Mur has resolved of this issue.
  9. Oh? I may aid thee if so required, do merely ask it if thou shouldst observe of myself, or mayhap beseech of Sunfire, Azull, Miq, or Fang Archbane.
  10. There are some beings within the realm that have ascended to the Seventh Mind Power that all may engage in combat - mayhap they may aid thee in this?
  11. Sadly, I fear that I have not received of any further entries to this quest, and so by unanimous vote of one, I must declare Ungod the winner. I do commend of thy thoughts on the Tainted Crossbowman - and mayhap shall attempt in future to make this creature reality.
  12. As aforementioned - it appears that clicking upon Favourite or Unfavourite doth not add, or remove, of the item from the Favourites list.
  13. This were quite pleasing, aesthetically, although I do hope the descriptor is amended from "Unforgetable Adventure" to "Unforgettable Adventure".
  14. If this were the case for No Man's Land, one could consider, mayhap, that the veins lead from the Gazebo of Equilibrium outward and towards the Capitols of each respective land; in concept, imagine that the Gazebo were in perfect balance (hence, equilibrium) betwixt the lands, and that a slight push in any direction should cause one travelling along the heat-veins to then flow toward the respective capitol. In this sense, the "entrance" were the Gazebo itself, and the exits were the respective entrances to each land, for a continuous flow toward each capitol, and that each scene towards each capitol were representative of greater influence of that land, such that the capitol were the most influential site within each land. I suppose that this were somewhat inspired of the second idea, but a solution if indeed one must consider No Man's Land and its many gateways. If this were so, and contingent on Necrovion being closed and free from rulership, then should all assume that there is no possibility of Necrovion ever becoming open, or of one ascending of its throne? One thinkst that should such political upheaval arise, that the relative advantage or disadvantage should have been considered when mapping of these veins. In example, if such heat veins all did flow toward Deathmarrow, one could consider merely to taint of certain heat and release it along the vein to cause of change in Deathmarrow; Necrovion's capital may thus find itself the centre of the interplay betwixt lands seeking to spread of certain influence.
  15. A further idea that did pass mine mind - I wonder if Exploring Points were indeed better termed as Curiosity. One cannot discover of a new scene if she were lacking in't, and it were a requirement to observe or create of creatures and their ascensions. Furthermore, one's Curiosity needst only increase a small value when recruiting of a new creature, but if one requires to obtain one which were a duplicate, a greater mental burden of curiosity should be required (as elucidated in the suggested recruitment value changes).
  16. I do pledge of mine efforts, when I may.
  17. A further mockup, with some further elements moved. Note that the erolins would be larger, static and easier to activate; to store them, one would merely click on an empty slot. The space on the left were for the presence of the icons representing of the menu items (although I should certainly like for there to be many more quests in the realm!)
  18. I feel that the portal as it doth exist for most doth contain of much horizontal space, but find it rather odd that despite this, one needst scroll to access of chat-features. Furthermore, it seems that the scene artwork could be enlarged to take advantage of this for greater immersion within the scene, and also to allow for smaller, and therefore a greater number, of clickies within each scene. Attached were a mock-up of how I believe this may be improved; note that the scene artwork is scaled to 150% of its initial value, and the resolution were 1920x1080.
  19. A simple mathematical method of scaling would be to make the WInertia required simply scale with the power of the number of creatures of that species already possessed. If one should set the modifier such that WInertia required = 1.2^x, where X were the pre-existing number already possessed by that player, this should allow for very significant scaling, and diminishing returns on larger values of WInertia. For example, if a creature were to cost 2000 base points, the second would cost 2400 - a slight increase; but the tenth would cost almost 12400 points, and the twentieth a little over 76000 points. Thus, increasing of these points were still of benefit, and more were always desirable, but one thinkst that she must vary of her ensemble.
  20. I have fixed of this issue.
  21. When one doth possess of some heat, and then attempts to pray of it to her protector, she finds the number pertaining to heat altered. Namely; if one had 4000 heat, and 500 were then sent, it would cause the interface to show 40003500 heat; a further prayer of 500 heat would then cause the interface to show 400035003000 heat.
  22. I merely do have concerns if one should refer to each statistic in abbreviation - presently, we have WPs (wishpoints), to which we will add WP (Willpower) and Worldly Inertia (WI). I suppose that this follows somewhat of a theme - although must lead to some confusion.
  23. Some thoughts, although I fear mine understanding of the inner-workings of the realm were not quite as those who otherwise shape it: In regard to "worldly inertia" - I wonder if a simpler (or at least, singular) term for it were corporeality - that which makes one substantial; tethered to reality, rather than ethereal, that which were tethered to the aether. When one should recruit or upgrade of a creature, in example, or obtain of some armour, one may trade of her corporeality to bring that which she wishes into its own corporeality. Of Action-Points - mayhap, the concept may be described by Willpower (or even just Will) - one expends of this to perform of any movement or activity.
  24. I wonder if thou couldst elucidate of the desired content - I wonder if I may be able to aid here.
  25. I find that this were the case presently, that those that do purchase of credits are those that have been within the realm of MD for some time; usually, significant enough for one to have gained sufficient statistic in Briskness. This thus makes such a purchase quite pointless to this being; one would think that she must purchase of something else in its stead, if one may simply gain heat by moving. I find that heat stones (or other spell-stones) to be of use when one were in an area which doth require of something to be charged of heat (for example, the Mnemnosis quest-line, or walking within Necrovion using the heated boots.) If these are to keep their value, then there must either be a limit to Erolin-spheres, or there must be further requirements for heat within the realm to power of other things. Without such uses for heat, these shop-purchases shall be ignored by the multitudes. If one were, in example, to change this item to that which may increase one's maximum heat to 10000 (as opposed to 4400) for a temporary period, one may find that these are purchased by those who grind of statistics within combat (provided the bonuses to statistics were duly increased based on the heat also).
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