
Guybrush Threepwood
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Everything posted by Guybrush Threepwood
If they use one mirror you'd still get a guarantee of 3 copies, assuming that the other five critters aren't all the same.
Creature: Necrovion Gem
Guybrush Threepwood replied to Miidorii's topic in Abominable Creature Mutations
He's already explained that if a critter dies, doesn't matter who's critter, the gem gives it 200 health and takes that heath from the critter that killed it. It hasn't been explained if that critter will still act in the same order in that round after being revived. Also there was no cool down stated initially meaning the only way to win was to kill the gem, or be killed when the enemy had 200 Ve or less. -
Well, that's about the reaction I expected.
For some reason this thread ticks me off...
Two mirrors on weaken would get the weakest two then, two on strong would get the strongest two, and three on strong could well get the strongest three as there are often copies in the match and multiple critters are tied for strongest. For example, 4 birds and two grassan. Three mirrors targeting weak would end up like this. First mirror hits bird. Second mirror hits bird, probably one not already hit, but even in the 1/4 that it does it WILL re-target a bird not hit and work. Third Mirror has a 1/2 chance of landing on a targeted bird, if it does it then has a 1/3 chance of a previously targeted bird. Soooooo with 4 copies there is a 5/6 chance that three mirrors WILL land three targets. Two are guaranteed. This is true with ANY rit with 4 copies, even if they're rusties. Of course, with tokens the same critter is not necessarily a copy. Now if there are only two copies then the third mirror is gaurenteed a miss (assuming the copies are on the targetted end). So perhaps there is some strategery here as well. I assume since you say target ANOTHER critter the next weakest critter would be assumed, so even if there is one weakest it'd still be a safe bet for 4 mirrors to land automatically, assuming that there are at least two critters different than others, as two mirrors targetting strong WOULD land and two mirrors targetting weak WOULD land (assuming there isn't a mirror in the other rit and at least 4 critters are used)
Creature: Necrovion Gem
Guybrush Threepwood replied to Miidorii's topic in Abominable Creature Mutations
Doesn't matter how much Ve it steals, it gives you at least another round fighting, which is pretty huge, and on top of that it hurts the enemies. Seems over strong, though if you put a cool down on it's ability it may be ok. I definitely like the concept. Needs to be fleshed out a great deal more though. -
So do you get a chance at the drach as long as you have some possible reward? Do people who could have taken higher rewards have better chances? I clearly missed something, but am too lazy or unobservant to find it.
I wouldn't mind a MD I could play easier on my mini more easily. The screen is so small that I can't close things half the time. All that would be needed is for the screen to not center on the pop up windows like battles and messages seeing as I can't get to the close button or the x. Sure, a fellow can use tab or refresh, but it's a bit annoying.
Gg Critter A.b.a.r. Now With Poll!
Guybrush Threepwood replied to Guybrush Threepwood's topic in Creatures of the Island
The final form has 20 attack Burns, when I said let's say it has 200 attack, that was including influence. Damage for twin is (A/10-D). Why you are multiplying D by 10 I have absolutely no idea. Attack power of the critter is simply attack/10 which is 20+influence, but why not just call it attack. As usual, damage dealt is just attack-defense, not attack-defense*10. You made this all incredibly complicated. If you want to correct someone, just correct them, don't make up new formulas and do all the math all over again for a simple sign change, you've made everything look more complicated than it is. When adding defense to one side I subtracted instead. That's all you needed to say. So fine, whatever, we'll figure out when a twin strike does half normal. (A-D)/2=A/10-D--->A/5-2D=A-D---->-D=4/5A. So in the case where defense is -4/5 the attack of the critter (after influence) Twin strikes works better. (This is just a lot simpler) So if the overall damage is 200, then -160, yes. (In a 0 influence fight that's less than two hits from a grassan on weaken, as you said. Now, I don't know a lot of newbies who don't use weaken. When I started out the opponents defense would have been -160 before the end of round 0. Lower fighter battles last a long time. Two strikes from a grassan are a lot more reasonable for those battles.) And all of this is going with the idea that he has 200 attack. He actually has 20. (Twin strikes doesn't need damage, and sluggish I was gonna have depend on your influence, I wouldn't want it to do much more than a grassan as far as damage if I were to change it.) As for sluggish strikes, it'll go in Round 1 first sure, but it only does extra damage equal to the opponents defense (assuming the critters attack is higher than the defense), and this for a delayed attack. If the opponent's defense is negative you are losing damage here. So as you pointed out, sluggish is only really strong at high levels when your opponent has high defense. (Though weaken defense is similar in this regard). So the conclusion here is this: Twin Strikes is great for newbs, two weakens before it's better and that makes it useless? Most people have multiple weakeners in the rit, it's easy to have the defense low enough in one round. For higher level players twin strikes seem ungodly by what your saying, but remember that DST is ungodly. DST against DST is what you aught compare, or you against you. You seem to be assuming that your opponent has 0 defense on each critter. Chances are that your opponent has at least 1/5th of your attack in defense, or they are going to be outrageously outmatched anyway. They are most likely to have less than that in defense at evenly matched lower levels. Sluggish strikes is great when relatively evenly matched against high defense opponents who you aren't going to depend on weaken against. @Nex. The second strike of twin strikes is delayed, it's at 1/10th the initiative in the line up, so for people with reasonable initiative (18 and up) the last strike will come in last even with weakeners that naturally have 0 initiative. -
Got it now, I was under the impression that it just keeps trying over and over until it's tried every one. Anywho, with the different targeting available you'll be able to use more mirrors successfuly. On the second target (assuming the first failed) Does it retain it's target for the next try? Ie. the mirror targets a mirror using it's target weak critters, would it then try to target the next weakest critter?
[quote name='dst' date='16 July 2009 - 12:17 AM' timestamp='1247721421' post='37192'] to be able to activate the tokens, you would have to have at least 2 principles out of 3 (not 1 like it's not) or even all 3 of them. [/quote] So that some fortunate few would be invincible. While I agree that I don't like the fact that no strategy is needed, I also don't like that the choice of principals one has affects one's possible achievements in the game. They are supposed to reflect your personal choices. Now I personally did pretty well with respect to tokens and my principal choices, but I still don't like the idea. Anywho, sounds like you also have an issue with principals being easier trained than stats. Principals require exp, which require fighting. It doesn't bother me so much that your principals should matter as much as your stats in a battle.
Gg Critter A.b.a.r. Now With Poll!
Guybrush Threepwood replied to Guybrush Threepwood's topic in Creatures of the Island
So, is there any way with defense it could do more damage? Attack=200 Twin strikes does (20-defense)*2. Regular would be 200-defense. 200-defense=40-2*defense I'm really no good at telling what is and isn't a spoiler, but since it's in the archives we'll just go ahead and say twins strikes is equal to a regular strike in over all damage if. -160=3*defense So, if the enemy's defense is less than -53.333 twin strikes is better. Lower the attack higher the defense can be and still make it even, higher the attack the lower the defense needs to be in order to break even. The higher your critters attack is though, the higher the weaken power is likely to be on any weakener. It's high initiative is actually a hindrance in this case. -
Are you at liberty to say what's different about MP7?
Here's a thought, we keep calling tokens game breaking, but what does that mean exactly? Tokens have indeed changed the way people train, and the way the battles go, but is that game breaking? Things are different, and I guess most of us would agree worse, but I'm not sure we're all on the same page about why. Is it because tokens are so powerful that you can't compete without them? If that's all then the issue must be in part that you feel some have better access to tokens than others, or that it's somehow not equal chance to everyone to get them. Is it that tokens completely change the battles and make strategy a thing of the past? Is it that principals are now more important to train than stats? The training system has changed? Is it that one might be screwed over by there principal choices which are supposed to be only a personal reflection? I think finding out exactly what people think the problem is (probably a mixture for many) will help us come up with the best fix. Of course it's entirely up to Mur.
I suggest asking around in game, that's the idea for this game. Shouldn't be too hard to find someone to give you some advice.
Most places have critters you can get (yeah, Archives don't, but that's kinda a strange place anyway) when you go there. GG is the only exception. Is there a place where you can get critters? Kinda, there is a place where critters can be recruited, but only JR can get in, so even if you are to get one, (there's a freeze, so even that's impossible) it will not require you to be there at any point in time. Seems to me there aught be some sort of reward for getting there, other than a different altar. Mostly, I think it needs more critters. So here we are. A.B.A.R.:R. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Rusty, yeah, I'm terrible with names) Cost to purchase: Ve: 1 (buhahaha What on earth was that for?) Vp: 30k (I like extremes, and yes, I'm gonna comment nearly EVERY little thing, cause that's what I do.) Ap: 12 Ep: 33 (Ahh, I was initially gonna have it as 110 cost for Ap, but this is even a little more tricksier. It'll make some people think, most will not have issue with it) Stats Ve: 452 (Making anyone cringe?) Attack: 39 Defense: 31.5 Initiative: -3 Abilities: Slugish Strike (New ability. Attacks once every two turns starting in Round 1 (That's the second round btw) for 1.5xdamage. Uses attack) Targets: Random Descrition: A.B.A.R.:R. is a newly found machine on the isle of GG, and the sea air has not been good to it. The machine is a bit rusty and moves slowly, but can use it's massive bulk to pack quite a wallop. Hopefully as it gets moving it will be able to loosen the rust in some of it's parts and regain full functionality. *****Level II**** A.B.A.R.:S. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Shaky, yeah, I'm terrible with names) Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: 3 Exp: 3141 Wins: 27 Ve: 2 Vp: 31k Ap: 14 Ep: 36 Stats Ve: 523 Attack: 62 Defense: 49 Initiative: 0 Abilities: Shaky Slug Strike (New, obviously. 1.5xDamage every other round starting round 0, but with a 20% chance to miss) Targets: Random Description: Those wins seem to have shaken the rust out, but it seems some of the rust was holding it together. Now the machine looks like it's going to rattle apart every time it has to move. It has gotten a little faster though. **** Level 3**** A.B.A.R.:I. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Intelligent, yeah, still bad with names, and as many have noticed from level II, lazy.) Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: 6 Exp: 31415 Wins: 45 Ve: 3 Vp: 4 (Hu? Random is always good) Ap: 170 (Hope you have some friends. Unless of course you're gonna just skate by due to some darned alliance bonus. Curse you. *shakes fist and hopes no one notices the jealousy*) Ep: 0 Stats Ve: 900 Attack: 0 Defense: 91 Initiative: 14 Abilities: Think (The critter does nothing the entire battle, but can be placed in rituals) Targets: All Description: One of those fights must have knocked a circuit loose because now all he'll talk about is math and science. In battle he just watches what happens. He's become entirely useless, maybe if you knock it over the head again it will stop thinking and just start hitting things again... ****Level 4**** A.B.A.R.:U. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Upgraded) Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: 23 Exp: 314159 Wins: 73 Ve: 7326 Vp: 1 Ap: 1 Ep:1 Stats Ve: 2326 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Initiative: 21 Abilities: Twin Strikes, Sluggish Smash (Sluggish Smash, same as strike but 2xDamage. Twin Strikes, attacks twice in one round, the second coming at the point where a tenth of it's initiative would place it in the round order, each hit does 1/10th of it's attack stat in damage.) Targets: All Description: After a while the darn thing went CRAZY. It ran off without so much as a bleep blopit garg (which you've taken to mean goodbye) and didn't come back for hours. When it finally did return, you didn't even recognize it. No more rust, no more peeling paint job. The thing looks brand new and has been retrofitted with a new needle shooter. Sure, the thing doesn't look like it'd do much damage, but it looks awesome sitting on it's shoulder. Maybe this thing will be a little more useful now... A.B.A.R.:S. Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: Exp Wins Ve: Vp: Ap: Ep: Stats Ve: Attack: Defense: Initiative: Abilities: Targets: Description: Don't mind this, this is just here for further updates in the future should I decide that they are necessary.
One possibility is making the principals bonus to things like attack not based off of the person's principals, but the principals that would be given to the critter if they were split like stats are in battle. ie. If you use 6 critters in a ritual and have 1800 Light, then each critter with a claw II would gain 100 attack (assuming light was your highest of the three principals). The other possibility is to limit the bonuses such tokens give as has been discussed. Then the question becomes is it so much easier to get principals three times faster than attack? Maybe it is still. Depends on who you know really. I'm a fan of the tokens that give a percent bonus, they seem relatively balancedish. I'm not very deep in the token shop though, and have only seen claw Is and claw IIs along with bloods Is and IIIs.
I had considered this. Alts cause problems because people abuse them. If we knew whose alts were whose, it would be easier to tell who is abusing alts. Of course people would then just not include them if they were planning on abusing the account. However, it might help a little bit. In the end I had decided it probably wouldn't make much of a difference.
GG critter A.B.A.R
Guybrush Threepwood replied to Guybrush Threepwood's topic in Creatures of the Island
Could I get this closed? I'd likt to make another with a poll. -
As was stated earlier, if you have six you would just completely copy the opponents ritual. Then you just need to make sure you have more Ve. A person with 6 mirrors and more Ve then the person they attacked would pretty inevitably win. If the opponent has critters, you'll completely copy their ritual and it'll be a mirrored fight, not just crits but stats as well. (assuming you chose for the max to also copy things like freeze aura). If they are using 6 mirrors on defense it will be a no damage battle, but since you attacked you'll still win.
Burns an exploit is finding anything thing that works for you that you are not supposed to use (using the nouned form of the verb as is most common in the game, not the usual definition you'll find for the noun, (a striking or notable deed; feat; spirited or heroic act: the exploits of Alexander the Great-clearly not the one I was using) (To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.-more like it)(To make use of selfishly or unethically: a country that exploited peasant labor. See Synonyms at manipulate.-what people commonly mean in game). In the game, combos are not exploits, in this contest, it would be. And yeah, I know how useful a combo rit can be. It works better for me then many older players. But the point of this contest is to put everyone on equal footing, so it makes sense that they would not be allowed.
Angiens aren't MP3 critters anyway. The requirements could be -200 Ve and -200 Vp and they still wouldn't be MP3 critters. Also Angiens give Vp when saced? I guess I can't say as it's a spoiler? But it's pretty obvious if you have one, and I understand the issue of handing them out. Personally I offer critters if people become my adept. No worry there though, as it hasn't happened yet. Maybe I should stop offering complimentary organ removals?
With Claw III you don't even need to worry about your initiative stat.
[quote name='Burns' date='14 July 2009 - 12:01 AM' timestamp='1247547710' post='36968'] guy, your ideas of exploits are very different from those of the rest of the world... it's not always an exploit when someone kicks you butt no one's rules are quite clear, and as long as you play according to the rules, you are not exploiting anything... just one thing you forgot: include that all rits have to be set just before the fight [/quote] Very strange that you seem to think my idea of exploits are different from the rest of the worlds... You then state that No one's rules are quite clear. You then suggest a rule that would eliminate the exploit I was thinking about. Perhaps you too have a different idea of what an exploit is? I'm a fan of exploits myself. If someone is capable of finding a hole in a set of rules and exploiting them, kudos to them.
But why not allow them to use lower level critters? If there is some sort of advantage to a lower level regular crit they aught be able to use them. Strategery and all.