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Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by Guybrush Threepwood

  1. I do pretty well with my free credits, and I haven't even cheated by getting alts to land the tokens on the critters I want. So I guess I don't consider the money aspect to be too much an issue. The fact that it does encourage cheating is an issue in my mind though...
  2. 0% Battles take out a great deal of strategy from the game, the use of less than 6 critters becomes an avoidance of multiple only. What'd be wonderful is if there were a way to set everyone's stats to a specific amount for that day, as well as Ve and of course turning off tokens for a day. Of course that would take a great deal of effort on Mur's part. Frankly I think a Colosseum wouldn't be terribly exciting. Most of the enjoyment of a Colosseum was the crowd. There is never a crowd for a fight in MD, even if plenty of people are around. 'Course I do suppose we could still take bets.
  3. But what do you do about older people Burns? Either the Dojo needs to stop caring about MP5s, or find a way to punish them, I can't really see much of a way to punish MP5s, at least not for the dojo staff anyway. Heck, people chasing me around attacking me with regen wouldn't be so bad, I could use it at the moment.
  4. I would throw out Ailith, as she is the Keeper of the Peace. 'Course I don't know if she can be there.
  5. It's sort of an issue that people can't defend the dojo. While one might argue it makes good RP as a villain, a knightly hero ought have a chance to defend the dojo, but they don't really. A knightly hero could attack the offender, but the offender wouldn't really take any harm from it and be able to still go around whacking weaker players. For role play purposes a person attacked by a defender of the dojo and beaten ought to leave. For non-RP purposes there is little that can be done about defending the dojo. (Move-lock, attack lock, whatever, but those aren't that bad and don't last too long.)
  6. Better place? The dojo's purpose seems to be being able to change rituals in a safe location. At least Mur said everyone aught be able to change defense in a safe place. Frankly, you aught be able to change rituals anywhere you like, it's silly you have to wait until someone's around. Those that know how know that it's not actually necessary to wait, but my main point is this, the entire institution for such a silly thing as changing rituals safely (something that should be available anywhere anytime) seems ridiculous. As for what the rules of the Dojo apply to, they apply to all MP levels, and they have never applied to idle players. So sure, you can rebel against people "hiding" in the dojo, but they'll just move to sanctuaries. A simple fix to this would be to have the game "check" whether a person is in a sanctuary after you select charge or a ritual (which it does, if a person has moved into a sanctuary after you attack, but before you charge you can get this message), and only then. This way you could still manage rituals in sanctuaries, problem solved. One might say that MP3s and MP4s could still use a place to test out new rits and grab some wins. To that, simple solution, GGG.
  7. Drachorns are a pretty terrible example as, yes RJ has no quests up for them, but... Perhaps it is appropriate as they are too common and he noticed this, how ever... It is not RJ that made the decision to stop doling out drachorns. Mur made that choice, and it doesn't have a lot to do with RJ. That having been said, I think the solution is simply to have RPCs sponsor quests created by others, which is already happening.
  8. Here's a solution. Keep some of the lower armor as a straight up addition so that armor will still have a purpose to MP3s. When your critters have massively more stats in most areas than you do, armor doesn't really mean much.
  9. I see, I thought he meant for all of what you were wearing on any one stat. Never mind then. Though the kilt and leggings seem balanced to me. The kilt is a fair bit cheaper and gives a bonus to a bombdiggity set.
  10. 1-40% (cumulative) Is defense an exception, cause my boost there is over 100%.
  11. Eh, I don't normally go about displaying my opinions on cases I don't know all the facts of (or at least a reasonable amount). I still don't know all the facts of this one, probably never will looks like.
  12. But we both know that max Vp has little to do with it.
  13. Meaning that Vp is useless, so why not octuple it? The only time you ever actually need Vp is when you're MP3.
  14. NOOOO!!! Such teasers. But seriously, none during torch (yet) and none during heads (yet). What about wars? I suppose I can just save my WP and go ahead and buy a spell in the event that I ever need it. I suppose there's no purpose in getting it before I am right about to use it. Also, I might say that the Vp increase is a bit too small. 1 WP for 20% extra Vp seems a bit to small. Of course 1 WP for a 20000% increase is probably still something I wouldn't get, soooo maybe it doesn't matter.
  15. I don't really need to know if there's good reason to turn them off or not, I just need to know when they are turned off. Also, some specifics on how long they last would be nice.
  16. I know there are times when people can't use spells, any chance people could list them? I know heads and torch is a mostly no-spell time, at least I think so. What about during wars? Just trying to figure out how useful those spells'll be.
  17. Perhaps a teething post for beavers?
  18. An hour Jester? Isn't that a little over confident, even for you? I'd bet you can't give me thousands in principals in an hour. *crosses fingers for luck* And I take back my previous statement about the percent boosters seeing as I just found out they don't actually do anything. It only boosts the stats of the critters and not that of your influence? That's not useful at all. And out of curiosity, is that the way they're supposed to work? I'm sure everyone else has known this for quite some time, but I'm not very observant.
  19. We wouldn't want all the silver in the game to disappear would we? Also, I'm with Awiiya. Not a single reward on that list (other than the gold coin) is worth a silver, and you might get nothing. Well, lower regen timer might be nice. Anywho, I do like the concept, especially since people might all throw away their silver, making mine more valuable. I do like the idea of having something tangible you can get for silver to really make it worth something. What about the ability to toss more silver for better rewards? Maybe not better chances, but just make each reward better somehow.
  20. I suppose if they are going to just use 6 mirrors and hope for the best you could just throw in a max ele, or a knator. Hmm... I don't like that, I might have to start picking up currently useless critters. Heaven forbid you give more creatures a purpose, I only have so many slots you know. The fact that a mirror would almost be necessary to prevent opponents from using 1 hitters means that anyone without a mirror would be royally screwed over. I know, we want to make them public and all, but the high age requirement will mean people can't really do much until it's maxed. (Assuming your opponent knows that you don't have one.) Though I suppose that most people under 100 days don't have much chance as things are, so maybe that's not an issue.
  21. Yeah, the initial post wasn't remotely clear, and hasn't been updated. Some things have been cleared up. But most of them have been entirely muddled since then.
  22. The problem isn't that a mirror hits 100%. If you target strong one mirror IS guaranteed to copy the opponent, in fact, two are. The issue is that against a non-mirror involved rit 4 mirrors are GAURENTEED to hit (Again, we're assuming that there are less than 5 of the same critter, we'll call open slots copy critters for easier depiction.) Issue, if a person uses a six mirror ritual, 3 targetting strong, 3 weak, then 4 WILL hit, unless there are less than 4 crits are in the ritual OR if 5 critters are duplicates. If five are duplicates chances are 4 will be copied anyway.) Now if the person is using 6 UNIQUE critters the chances of 6 mirrors copying 4 is still guaranteed (With a minimum of 4 mirrors). Chances of copying more than 4 if you are targeting weak with 3 and strong with 3 is 0%. Anywho, it's big and complicated, but what I'm saying is that you can copy a HUGE amount of a persons ritual pretty good certainty using these mirrors. Mirrors + loads o' Ve counter any ritual with 4 or less critters, almost guaranteed. (Though the mirrorer is likely to use 6 critters, so it'd be easier for the mirrored to put more Ve on his useful critters.) Anywho, I am just concerned that number of copies might get out of hand, so as Nex said a limit to the number of mirrors might be a good idea.
  23. The game is called Magic Duel and I would love to see a way for a person to gain permanent magical abilities. Some people have them I know, but in a game like Magic Duel one might expect magic would be a little more common. I understand reserving some abilities for individuals who are very exceptional, but I don't see why weaker spells and abilities aren't more easily accessible.
  24. I always gain 100, regardless of my briskness stat and what I'm told I gain when I enter a new place. (That works out fine for me seeing as 100 is higher than what it says I ought be getting.)
  25. Alts may be discouraged by word, but they are encouraged by code. I don't see any way around it though.
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