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Guybrush Threepwood

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Everything posted by Guybrush Threepwood

  1. Ha! Good, no one noticed yet that I seemed to think that .6 and 1/6th are the same. I'll have to rephrase that to 1.666666666666 defense and 166.666666666666 defense.
  2. Am I the only one who didn't understand what Storm was trying to say there in the last bit? And as long as Angiens do something useful (my understanding is that they do) I want them, whether it's in battle or not.
  3. .1(defense) I'm pretty sure the difficulty lies in use having no idea what you mean by that. Is that .1*(my personal defense stat)*(Total Ve of the enemy's ritual? Cause that's clearly going to cause problems. Huge huge huge problems. Like, if I have 6 defense and the enemy is using 6 critters with roughly equally distributed Ve, I win in 2 rounds. Completely equal and it's a one round win. If you mean .001, that means a person needs 600 defense to do the same thing. Now, if it means the defense of your critter, then they only need 400, as the critter already has 200 defense. Of course, this has all been ignoring the opponents defense, I'm not sure, perhaps it does ignore the opponent's defense?
  4. Use critters for something other than beating on each other? That's blasphemy! I kinda just want more strategic critters in the game. Sure, this guy's got a cool idea, but I don't really want more critters added to the game purely for the sake of collecting. Also, I've never seen a critter used for RP, though I would love to see that implemented in some way. I guess I'm just too darn practical. As it is though, you could definitely keep the critter concept and change the numbers a bit to make it useful. For example, let the infliction snow ball, or let the max infliction damage be in some way related to stats (harder programming, I know, but it makes it more interesting). I suppose I should have said that I love the concept, but there's no need to tweak those numbers to make it weaker. Perhaps have it target multiple or single? That'd be unique to my knowledge, but the multiple target may allow for greater use.
  5. His description in the RPC panel displays his e-mail.
  6. I was thinking it might not be quite so cute as Wally. Also, it only causes unbalance if it's something not everyone can get. Though I don't really want to be replacing a bunch of other crits with this guy, so perhaps I should tone him down. And his low age requirment actually increases balance, as you don't have to be an ancient of the game to use him. Mostly I'm incredibly Impatient. I keep going off the whole stats given to the critters are far higher than their personal stats, but in the case of 120 defense, that's no longer the case. I'll scale the defense down to 43 and the health to 2kish. If you have any particular number ideas I'd love to hear them, but mostly I'm just interested in the ideas like Slugish smash and Twin Strikes. I was personally thinking they might be over powered on a target all, especially Twin Strikes. I was also thinking of making some other requirement for his final upgrade, I was also considering upgrade to different forms. A requirement might be something like a WP or something of the sort, or perhaps certain people <RPC(s), hey, I can't find the darn brackets, so sue me> might be able to do something to upgrade them for you, like with a Windy.
  7. @Burns: NO!!! I'm impatient, I refuse to wait. Waiting is aweful. Also, there's a trick to almost everything in this game, I wouldn't mind a trick to aging critters faster. Waiting 120 days to see my Angien is just annoying...
  8. Storm, a critters personal stats are in most cases completely negligible to the stats you give them (Especially defense). Frankly, with the new token system this critter would be overpowered. It's all down to who hits first now that everyone has so darn much attack. This insures that your other critters will survive at least one hit, so those that are just throwing one critter with massive attack into a rit to try and get all their initiative on it will be sorely upset by this critter. Plus, with it's life stealing aura (stealing from friendlies). It may even survive one go around if it's in a combo rit, or a burts is used.
  9. Most places have critters you can get (yeah, Archives don't, but that's kinda a strange place anyway) when you go there. GG is the only exception. Is there a place where you can get critters? Kinda, there is a place where critters can be recruited, but only JR can get in, so even if you are to get one, (there's a freeze, so even that's impossible) it will not require you to be there at any point in time. Seems to me there aught be some sort of reward for getting there, other than a different altar. Mostly, I think it needs more critters. So here we are. A.B.A.R.:R. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Rusty, yeah, I'm terrible with names) Cost to purchase: Ve: 1 (buhahaha What on earth was that for?) Vp: 30k (I like extremes, and yes, I'm gonna comment nearly EVERY little thing, cause that's what I do.) Ap: 12 Ep: 33 (Ahh, I was initially gonna have it as 110 cost for Ap, but this is even a little more tricksier. It'll make some people think, most will not have issue with it) Stats Ve: 452 (Making anyone cringe?) Attack: 39 Defense: 31.5 Initiative: -3 Abilities: Slugish Strike (New ability. Attacks once every two turns starting in Round 1 (That's the second round btw) for 1.5xdamage. Uses attack) Targets: Random Descrition: A.B.A.R.:R. is a newly found machine on the isle of GG, and the sea air has not been good to it. The machine is a bit rusty and moves slowly, but can use it's massive bulk to pack quite a wallop. Hopefully as it gets moving it will be able to loosen the rust in some of it's parts and regain full functionality. *****Level II**** A.B.A.R.:S. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Shaky, yeah, I'm terrible with names) Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: 3 Exp: 3141 Wins: 27 Ve: 2 Vp: 31k Ap: 14 Ep: 36 Stats Ve: 523 Attack: 62 Defense: 49 Initiative: 0 Abilities: Shaky Slug Strike (New, obviously. 1.5xDamage every other round starting round 0, but with a 20% chance to miss) Targets: Random Description: Those wins seem to have shaken the rust out, but it seems some of the rust was holding it together. Now the machine looks like it's going to rattle apart every time it has to move. It has gotten a little faster though. **** Level 3**** A.B.A.R.:I. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Intelligent, yeah, still bad with names, and as many have noticed from level II, lazy.) Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: 6 Exp: 31415 Wins: 45 Ve: 3 Vp: 4 (Hu? Random is always good) Ap: 170 (Hope you have some friends. Unless of course you're gonna just skate by due to some darned alliance bonus. Curse you. *shakes fist and hopes no one notices the jealousy*) Ep: 0 Stats Ve: 900 Attack: 0 Defense: 91 Initiative: 14 Abilities: Think (The critter does nothing the entire battle, but can be placed in rituals) Targets: All Description: One of those fights must have knocked a circuit loose because now all he'll talk about is math and science. In battle he just watches what happens. He's become entirely useless, maybe if you knock it over the head again it will stop thinking and just start hitting things again... ****Level 4**** A.B.A.R.:U. (Autonomous Bad Arse Robot: Upgraded) Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: 23 Exp: 314159 Wins: 73 Ve: 7326 Vp: 1 Ap: 1 Ep:1 Stats Ve: 7326 Attack: 20 Defense: 120 Initiative: 21 Abilities: Twin Strikes, Sluggish Smash (Sluggish Smash, same as strike but 2xDamage. Twin Strikes, attacks twice in one round, the second coming at the point where a tenth of it's initiative would place it in the round order, each hit does 1/10th of it's attack stat in damage.) Targets: All Description: After a while the darn thing went CRAZY. It ran off without so much as a bleep blopit garg (which you've taken to mean goodbye) and didn't come back for hours. When it finally did return, you didn't even recognize it. No more rust, no more peeling paint job. The thing looks brand new and has been retrofitted with a new needle shooter. Sure, the thing doesn't look like it'd do much damage, but it looks awesome sitting on it's shoulder. Maybe this thing will be a little more useful now... A.B.A.R.:S. Requirements for reaching THIS level: Age: Exp Wins Ve: Vp: Ap: Ep: Stats Ve: Attack: Defense: Initiative: Abilities: Targets: Description: Don't mind this, this is just here for further updates in the future should I decide that they are necessary.
  10. The idea of limiting the infliction at 100 to keep it from spiraling out of control might be nice. After all we can't think of something the just keeps getting stronger every round with no limit... Of course if the critter is doing damage AND infliction (which ignores defense) then there's no need for it to spiral out of control I suppose. However, you have to ask yourself, would you really use this critter much? Sure, the ignoring defense could be useful in some situations, but isn't it easier to throw their defense in to the negatives with a critter that can target all? One might argue that against someone who's defense is MUCH greater than yours this could be helpful, but if their defense is really THAT much greater than yours that weaken isn't a better option, you're going to lose the fight anyway. This guy is kind of a replacement for the Master Loorotian archer if I understand correctly that he damages a single critter AND inflicts them. Of course the infliction lasts even if he doesn't hit the critter again, but so does... Anywho, I can't see this replacing a critter that targets all. In the case where there is only one critter the question is (attack+max infliction)>(Loorootian archer's attack)? Cause if not, it's still worse than the archer. This is of course assuming that I understand this all correctly.
  11. I just realized this. While I still can't find the original post in which we were asked to do this, I have sent him a PM, so that he can send one back to me that I will not open.
  12. Frankly I play for potential. I love seeing things change and grow. I see lots of room for thins to change and grow here into something great- well, greater. That's why I stay. There's always something going on, and I am always tied to the computer until it concludes (which is often just a lot of waiting, and isn't always an exciting conclusion, but sometimes it is) by which point there's a new thing to wait for. In example, only 38ish days until I figure out whether to throw away my priest.
  13. The battle system was kinda headed in this direction anyway. To the 1 hit kill all I mean, as can be seen by some of the stronger players before tokens. The whole system of battle has a bit of an issue in that attack is easier to get than defense, which, in a system of ratios would be fine, but in the attack-defense=damage system... Well, 100-10=90. Reasonable. 100000-10000=90k. They scaled together, but it's still spiraling out of control. Now lets assume that it's linear. A person has 10000 defense, the opponent has 10000 attack. Two weakens later and it's taking 10k damage per attack. Of course this is the rather extreme end of the spectrum, but some people have gotten there. Tokens kinda just sped up the process. That being said I'm still all for the on off switch when creating a ritual as far as tokens go.
  14. Sorry, am I missing something? Has this started?
  15. I'm pretty sure Phantasm, and everyone else in the community, knows that MP2s give vics if you win regardless. I'm pretty sure that's not a spoiler. *gets shifty eyed and worries about forum mods* Now, changing exp to age, that is something I would be interested in. Waiting is a total pain, and there's no way to speed it up. Wins and exp are at least up to you.
  16. I would much prefer the ability to set up rits that do not take tokens into effect. Some of these tokens are way to powerful. Fights are lasting about 1 round, it's all down to who has more initiative, because most fighters have more than enough principals to kill the opponent in one hit. I would love to be able to have fights again that tokens do not effect. I know, I could just raise more critters, but I don't have enough slots to replace every critter I get a token on and train them up again. Sure, I could just not get tokens, but then I won't be able to keep up with everyone while I'm walking around. It's also annoying to get tokens that hurt critters, and it's true that it does support cheating with the way they are currently distributed. Now, I do have another option that people may be interested in, and I know it's already been brought up, but what about giving a bonus for sacing critters with tokens? Then even if a harmful token landed on a tree it wouldn't be a complete loss (yeah, no one's gonna sac a windy, but there aren't a lot of tokens that could harm a windy, at least not one most would buy). The issue seems to me to mostly be an issue of the trees.
  17. Edit: Meh, answered my own question. I suppose one could go on quality too. That however is subjective, so there would need to be a judge (Mur probably).
  18. If in need of recording an event, you can always PM me in the forum. Or, of course, talk to me in game. I enjoy recording things. I also enjoy debate.
  19. Yay, we should have a day of +3k regen to make up for all that we missed *shifty eyes*. Well fine, just 600 will be fine I suppose.
  20. I liked the idea of making an organism grow. Anyone else thinking about the ability to increase a critters age in a way other than sitting around and waiting for days to go by?
  21. What's teh point of having trade-able Avys? I could understand how someone might want a new one and want to get some of their credits back. Why not let a person sell an avatar for a one credit personal gain? That way there'd be no point in exploiting them, but those who are leaving MD/want a new Avatar can sell their old one. I suppose you could make it so that the avatar costs two credits and the person selling it only gets one. As long as the seller doesn't get more than he paid for it it can't be exploited.
  22. To actually answer the question, most people think it's pretty simple. Cain married one of his sisters. One of God's first commands was to populate the whole earth, so the people would have started spreading out. It's also possible that Cain already had a wife before he left, they have a way of ignoring what women, especially married women, do in the bible. As for not being literal due to the fact that it was created later than the other books, well that just seems silly logic. The book contains things, not much, but things, that supposedly happened before ANY people existed. Certainly if this book were written accurately the information would HAVE to have come from God. If that's the case it could have been written yesterday and still be accurate. The only question is, did the information come from God or people? If you believe it came from people, and God had nothing to do with the process, then fine, there's nothing at all to the bible, and no reason to consider it anything other than an interesting book. If God had something to do with it, than no argument of when is particularly valid.
  23. A chance is a chance, no way I'm not gonna take it. 140626
  24. I can message just about everyone in the game (Or easily could, if I cared). The only use I have for the friends list is that I can see when they're on. If a mentor can send a message to their adepts, they really aught to do that as soon as they notice they have a new adept. If the adept saves the message they can reply anytime. I send messages to new players I notice for that exact purpose on occasion. It is true that people eventually have their in-boxes fill up, however a new player shouldn't have that problem, and if they care, they should definitely save a message from their mentor. The system as it is would require the mentor to pay attention and keep up with things, but they really should if they are trying to collect adepts shouldn't they? And people who are recommended to the game by friends and as such become adepts in that way PROBABLY, though not definitely can contact them easier in RL.
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