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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. I posted on the forum, rather than using a PM, so that anyone who encountered this person pretending to be Granos would have a better chance of understanding that it wasn't, in fact, him.
  2. [quote name='Granos' timestamp='1280098427' post='64599'] Dear computer, I am glad to say I am done, I have no reason left to stay in md or love left in md as a community. Too many changes have happened to make the situation worse. People no longer do anything for me, sure there is the odd little pre-planed skittles, but in reality nobody actually cares. There are no longer any goats left for people to work onunless you wish to claw and eat at powder. There is nothing special left to HD to make peoples feet like they at least have a rope or pencil left there. Sure there ants, hands and wings. But we all know that the wing system is no whore near what it should be, and even with the few pools they do have, we actually have yet to see anything come of it other then pretty fights.<br /><br />People used to have a raisons to eat MV as their man, rather then numerous ants. Pelepal used to enjoy things just for what they were lather than what they are now. Not, all that is right is people crying to get sugar for what heads contests which we cranberry pineapple [/quote] I have been alerted that Granos' account has been hacked, and expect Chewett to look into this immediately. I was informed of this by Granos, via Curiose.
  3. I two have a heap of angiens that where solely for saccing. 20 of them, in fact. As most of you know, I don't care about combat and I almost very have more than a third my max VE, I was gaining this VE for use in conjunction with the Healing Spell from the Wish Shop. Since I didn't really care about when I sacced them, and didn't need the slots, they have ALL been ready to sacrifice for about a month now. That said, even with that plan spoiled, I still say No to the idea of a waiting time for new rules to get implemented. It would not be in the spirit of the game. You know what those 20 angiens will now be used for? Quest rewards. You might not want them, but you can bet someone will. If an abuse has been accepted, fine continue to use it. But recognize it IS an abuse, and WILL be fixed without much notice. There aren't that many things in this game that can be done only one way. All of that said, I would not object if the sacc rewards from the level two angiens where made the sacc rewards for maxed angiens >.> It kind of bugs me that one of the hardest creatures to raise gives no rewards once you do so '~'
  4. Creatures reset in level, experience, and wins when traded. So the Walking Tree is really just Remains.
  5. Best Wishes, Yrthilian. I know you will make a good husband to your queen.
  6. [quote name='pamplemousse' timestamp='1283485371' post='67592'] What does this mean, exactly? Do they all have to agree on the "worth" of the story? Is there no independent, neutral judge? [/quote] While to avoid any way for people to try and cheat we can't state in public how such a qualitative form of judging will be processed, I can assure you that it is fair, with Neutral parties.
  7. Aye, that stats do currently increase. Last time the calender was empty, however, the stats DIDN'T increase. So... it's acting differently than normal.
  8. To address one of the main complaints with the -10% for capping a player suggestion, why not simply have a threshold before it applies? For example, if the limit is 320K, and the threshold is 370K (50K), then everyone who gives that player experience after they are at/above 370K experience looses 10% of their max VE. I would also suggest that a condition for the VE reduction to trigger be that the perpetrator either be at or have been at cap for that Mind Power Level. Wouldn't mind if there was a timer of say 10, which recorded how many times the VE penalty was applied to you, and if you exceeded the limit (in this case, 10) then the panalty extended to additional stats, as well.
  9. (I meant to post this last night, but for some reason it didn't post. Haven't read further than it was last night, at Udgards post after Mur's, so sorry if I repeat anything) I think a combination of those actions would be best. Identify the items that are both most simple and useful to MD (for example, a barrel, which anyone could use, or a book, or things like that) and have them on the automated (ie loan) system. For slightly more specialized items (cooking knives, flutes, tome of magic knowledge, etc) assign them based on people who have shown an aptitude/interest in that role play. For the more valuable specialized items (Violins, Sphere of Memories, and other artifact grade things) use the third option, of "buying" it via discussion.
  10. You will be in my prayers, dear friend.
  11. I may have something for you to do, if you like talking to people but aren't sure of what role you would like... Contact me if you are interested, I think you will like working for me
  12. Damnit Eggs, you PMed me 2 minutes after I logged out! For that, you MUST return >:3
  13. The Legend Speakers are also sponsoring the event with a variety of other prizes, including such things as Credits and Coins, as well as a lot of other special things. The Speakers will always aim to have a member in attendance to each event, and we look forward to seeing all your various forms of narrative, be it story, song, poem, or drama. We wish you the best of luck, Kyphis, Leader of the Legend Speakers
  14. [quote name='Yrthilian' timestamp='1282909971' post='67132'] I will also point out this from a kingship point of view. The kingship has the power to get changes done to their lands and alliance we DO NOT have the same power to do this to lands out side of our kingdoms So in this the kingship should not have to be preasured to give WP codes to lands outside What would happen if the kingship started making changes to your alliances you would all go crazy and complain and say we have no right The same can be said in return to you all asking for wp codes from the kings you have no right to ask yet we have done on many ocasions given this. This topic is a bad way to go about it and could only push the kings into keeping the codes for the land they run. You are non allianed land and have no kingship to get codes from so instead of complaining about that why not find a way to have the same ablities within thoes lands. It cannot be that difficult to figure out how. [/quote] I apologize if you feel this topic is meant to pressure you into giving outsiders wishpoints, I have stated many times that that was not my intent. My intent is to get a statement of policy from the kings about whether or not they would be willing to sponsor wishpoints to outsiders, and what sort of conditions they may have. I thankyou for your generosity and time, I will update the first post with your policy shortly.
  15. There where a small number of posts I didn't read, but here is my suggestion: For MP3: I disagree with removing the ability to access the MD Shop, as that will not help them at all. What I suggest is limiting their access so they can't get the Rustgold or TS, or the Ritual of Self Oblivion, or the more powerful tokens. This can be achieved by adding an MP limit to those items, and an MP limit to receiving those creatures via CTC. I also suggest removing access to the experience reset Wish, or limiting it to one. Again, can be done with MP level requirements. I think Fyrd's suggestion of removing sacc rewards is good, but I think temporary effects should still apply. I also think that the experience loss from sacrifice should be removed for MP3. I think there should be a notice on the Fenths saying that when advanced you can get permanent stats from sacrificing. This doesn't limit game play much, and allows MP3 to be able to see the benefits of advancing (more shop access, wishes, and stat gaining methods) For MP4: I would suggest just limiting the amount of stats gained per sacrifice (for the stats that have a variable increase based on how you raise the creature), and leaving everything else the same. There are a lot of players who play MP4 as an actual part of their role, and they shouldn't be restricted. This allows players to get a further understanding of the tools they have, a wider access to creatures, and even for those who stay MP4 for their roles (Z, for example) to not be restricted (since few of the MP4 who are there for roles seem to have much interest in combat)
  16. This one is my favourite of your work so far I think this line doesn't quite fit, though: [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1283027251' post='67245'] Ride with me, ride really fast [/quote] It makes me think of a scene in one of my writings in which a group of riders is trying to outrun a wave of death and reach sanctuary.
  17. I have known february almost his entire time in game (on this account) I have worked with him many times, and I DO like him. I consider him a good friend. I spent a long time at MP3, and now also at MP4. However, I Rarely fought (except when helping the Dojo/SG or participating in heads). There are almost No instances where I gave people unwanted experience, and while I certainly could beat MP5 on my own merit (the weaker ones at least ) I never sat around with impossible defenses. My reasons for being MP3/4 had/have nothing to do with combat, and are all about my role. I will, in fact, be moving up to MP5 soon*. That said, I don't see any reason for february to stay MP3. He doesn't have a role that requires him to be MP3, and he does sit around with rituals that are a negative impact on new players perceptions of MD. I am for forcing him to go up, but I hope he will take proper heed of this topic and advance himself. *disclaimer: soon is not a measurement of time
  18. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' timestamp='1282113171' post='66423'] "No one" is a player [/quote] He would have to be. The adept box doesn't accept any names not associated with a player. More on topic: I can't confirm this, since I wasn't interested at the time (so hopefully someone else can confirm or deny this), but I have heard you loose your mentor and protector when you advance MP level, and need to set them again. Edit: Grido has informed us this in inaccurate (see below)
  19. Kitty kitty kitty kitty POUNCE ATTACK! :3
  20. Aye, that is my intent. I would have preferred not to have names stated, but that is the current situation. This topic isn't about changing the kings attitudes or policies, but simply to have them publicly established so that both the public will have a greater ability to gauge who to petition for patronage for their quests, and so that, for my own alliance and land at least, I may begin more private discussions about policy. I appreciate your feedback, Firsanthalas, and hope that the other kings will post soon.
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