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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8572-permanent-tombola-options/"]New Tombola Topic[/url]
  2. I also prefer option 1, however I wonder how easy it would be to have the Second Tier Shop have features for purchase based on the following system: A) Each credit gained counts as one ticket (or each bundle of 5 credits, or whatever) B) Items in the second tier require multiple tickets (large numbers like 50 or 100) C) Access to items in the shop is based on both Supporter level and how many tickets you have remaining (No reason not to have items with a cost of 50 tickets but a requirement of 75 unspent tickets remaining, say) This would produce a system using a second currency of tickets rather than credits, so no change would be needed in credit values. The only problem is you would need to fix it so that gifting people credits increased supporter level as well.
  3. I play, but I don't collect armies (I use friends armies. I DO however collect the odd miniature for DND)
  4. Not in my list, sorry.
  5. No longer the Leader of the Legend Speakers, turned LEadership over to Fyrd Argentus.

  6. I think the balance is right. Part of what makes Magic Duel so special is that almost anything that happens is done by a person who you can discuss stuff with, and the system can evolve very quickly, fine tuning itself until the environment changes. But because that takes a lot of effort from people, the amount of automated things (wishpoints, items, Heads, Torch, etc) make a huge difference as well, making it so that people can relax for quite a long while if they need to recover, and there will still always be something for people to do.
  7. Burns might be willing to integrate this into his usefull tools at the park, might be better more centralized.
  8. I have emailed Muratus just then (I don't even get up until 22ST, and the announcement wasn't up when I went to bed >.>)
  9. I have a creature with a token that is supposed to increase its max VE permanently. When I got this token added, it functioned normally, however when the creature advanced in Level, it ceased functioning. I won't post what tokens or creature it was here, if it needs to be known please ask me to PM.
  10. Quit work. Why Not: Everyone in a capitalist society needs to have money to live. Why it is easy: It is far easier to loose a job than to get one... Why I want to: much as the jobs I do are enjoyable, they often have a huge amount of stress involved. Teaching, medical engineering, Sound and lighting for concerts... the consequences of getting something wrong don't just impact me, but so many others... I'll add more later... Awiiya, let me encourage you in your wish to interact with a homeless person. They are some of the most interesting people I know, and I am blessed to have been involved in ministering to homeless and disadvantaged people since I was 12 (my father was a social worker, then took a job in the Department of Houseing, where he still works) Some advice though: Find a group that does a "feed the homeless" initiative, and go with them. While most homeless people are friendly, it is always possible to find a dangerous one, and the backup will be good in that case. Also, they rarely ask for cash from people already helping them in such a practical way, and ALWAYS want to talk (well... 90% of the time, at least). A lot of homeless and disadvantaged people go to those sort of outreaches more for the company than the food and coffee, I find (see who sticks around after, they will be the most approachable. Don't try to start a conversation with someone who just comes for the food and wants to leave immediately, as they won't be as friendly, if they talk at all)
  11. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290722574' post='73251'] Awiiya is allowed to be angry, but would he like you arguing in his name? All you have mentioned in your attacks so far is Awiiya's feelings on the matter. On a somewhat related note, since when was Awiiya so important that when he's angry, the one he's angry at is automatically a bad person (or rather, bad king in this case)? Thinking about it, if Awiiya can't forgive Jester for such a thing, then how can you value his moral opinion over anyone else's? The worst part about this whole thing? Jester took Awiiya back in 5-10 minutes or whatever. It wasn't Mur, and it surely wasn't you two. Awiiya's angry about a 5 minute visit to Necrovion? Then perhaps he takes himself a little seriously, because according to you two, he's absolutely furious over this small thing that will most likely be forgotten in a couple weeks or so. As a note, the above is nothing against Awiiya, simply the way Curiose and Kyphis represent him. [/quote] I never claimed to know Awiiyas reaction to this, or to represent him. I did know he wasn't happy, but that had nothing to do with my post. Do not say "you two" and misrepresent what I say, when clearly you have failed to even read the basics of it. Especially when you say "All you have mentioned" when what you talk about is something not mentioned once by me. My post was only about my reaction, and my feelings towards Jester. I am not a Necrovion, and I have very few dealings with Necrovions. The actions of the rebels have little impact on me. What I do should have little impact on them. However, in the past I have counted Jester a friend. This is something known widely, and not just between him and me or I would have said it in private. The Jester I knew once was a good friend. This Tyrant is no friend of mine, but a stranger to my eyes and heart. I do not stand against him, but I do not, and never again will, stand with him. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1290754083' post='73280'] ...YOU have issues with Jester... [/quote] Yes. Obviously, and I claim no less nor do I disguise it. I have watch for a long time, but even the strongest back is broken under enough weight. I may only speak of what you see as a Straw, but that is not because I focus on the straw as YOU do, but because the full load is none of the business of those who do not already know. I doubt anyone, even Jester, would ever know the full load of why people are turning away from him, as we all have our own views and perspectives, as well as experiences.
  12. [b][[i]Edited, in response to information that Jesters previouse post was due to technical difficulties, and not intentional[/i]][/b] Jester, If I was a Necrovion, then your action to transport Awiiya as you did, for personal reasons, would have been enough on its own to cause me to rebel. However, that is not all you have done. Anyone who needs to know what you have done in your abuse of position already knows, so I will not outline them here, but you cannot count me amongst your friends. When I met you, you where a good man. When I knew you, you had great plans for this realm. Who you are now is a nameless scoundrel, one I have never known before, nor wish to know.
  13. From what I have observed, the Head Archivist is a position of authority within the MDA, and is not given by default to the Leader of the Archivist Alliance. Last time the position became vacant, there was an attempt at a vote within all parties within the MDA that had an interest in who was in that position, however the vote didn't achieve much (if it happened at all), and the Archives still lack a Head Archivist. Whether the Head Archivist has much influence outside the MDA would be very hard to say, since there has not been a Head Archivist since the formal institution of the Kings.
  14. Welcome to the world of MD
  15. Best Quote (PL, or something in chat/forum): I nominate GlorDamar, for his post in the "I am Rask" topic, found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8143-necrovioni-am-rask/page__st__82"]Here[/url]
  16. Happy birthday, Marty McFry
  17. While I like the idea of disabling the sorting cloud, I would very much like to have the option to put stars on a topic for easy reference. What I would like to see is instead of just a box to click, to have a drop down with the options: [Advanced Sorting - Cloud], [Basic Sorting - Stars], [No Sorting]. I am also wondering what this option section acts like if you haven't unlocked the cloud? Would be good for it to say [Option locked - Unlock in Credit Shop]
  18. [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1290115733' post='72499'] In the same spirit, here is Kyphis implicitly claiming to be mur in other words: only mur knows kyphis knows => kyphis is mur! I believe this is the first piece of evidence for the 'everybody is mur's alt' conspiracy. Shocking! [/quote] Sorry, I know this is spamm, but I l.o.l-ed at that. I hate saying lol, but that is what I did, so I admit it Nice logic to it, as well
  19. [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1290280853' post='72683'] What would stop you from making every item you trade come back to you even if that is not what the other party agreed upon? It seems to me you are dumping the problem of breach of trust onto the other party instead of actually solving it. [/quote] Add a tag to the item that indicates it has a limited period before it returns, and a way to see how long until the conditions are met. Have land items return to their king, instead of whoever was holding them, so that he can decide who to give them to next. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290285973' post='72690'] Alts aren't that easy to detect. Reset your modem, change your computer... whatever it takes to be done... it's not that hard with decent amount of will. [/quote] Alts are far easier to detect than that You would need to have some pretty serious tech skills, or simply be willing to shell out 40 or so dollars a month to have any chance to avoid the alt checker, and even then you will still almost always end up getting caught (unless you are smart). But, since the only one who has access to the alt checker is Mur, so long as you don't break the rules (in this case, send the profit to your main or scam people until the community complains), odds are Mur won't care that much.
  20. Agree to its removal. It cuts a lot of people out of the chance to get an award (including me), but that is what happens in MD. Something is made better in the long run, it hurts a little in the short run, and people with short sight complain.
  21. Most law upholding ex-villain Most Effective Protector Most Effective Worshipper Best Bug Hunter
  22. How do you feel about pigs ?
  23. There was a post about it a long time ago, but yes it is (apparently) by design.
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