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Kyphis the Bard

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Everything posted by Kyphis the Bard

  1. 50-65 US
  2. If you are willing to sell, I may be willing to buy. I'd pay the shipping, of course (need to check with my Mel, as she has her own taste, but I like it and that is rare. Reminds me of a few favorite pieces, very simple yet meaningful)
  3. Still no change in this issue.
  4. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1293706012' post='76353'] I doubt many would be able to find their way....if not for a map [/quote] I know my way by heart, but I have also made some of the best maps available of this realm More on topic, as Darigan said you are allowed to make maps, however sadly even a map of such a common place as the Underground is not allowed to be displayed anywhere public, hence why my stored maps are secreted in hard to find places and protected by passwords, with any areas not open to even the shrewdest of the public obliterated from their records. (and, sadly, due to my lack of scanner what maps I have posted are far more about function than form >.> Would that I could remedy this, but a new power supply is not exactly high on the list of expenses right now...) So yes, you may make them, but no, as stated, you can't post them in your papers.
  5. 1. Advance to MP5 before the end of January 2. Obtain a Windy (One more wishpoint ) 3. Take over the World (Sorry MB, but your time is up) [sub][i]PS: number 3 is a joke [/i][/sub]
  6. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1293655663' post='76315'] Come come, Dont be foolish, You can clearly see that if Drachorns are only got by mp3's whome are alts. there are few/no real mp3's who have attained drachorns in this early age. Also, if they can only train it to a more limited level, they wil be weaker and more easily killed by normal creatures. It makes no difference to competeing alts BUT a large difference to the new mp3's. I TOTALLY diasagree with this point as it is a foolish point. [/quote] A) Obviously I am using Drachorns as an example, you can replace it with any creature you feel like imposing restrictions on, it amounts to the same thing B) I had 5, only one of which I got from the MD Shop. I have also had 2 GG on my permanent MP3 alt, both gained completely independent of any other account. I know I'm hardly normal, but if I can get two Drachorns in a month at MP3 it isn't as hard as you seem to think it is. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1293664614' post='76324'] Other than that, no, Kyphis, restricting creatures doesn't make things worse. I have done serious combat for a long, long time, and there is very little in MD that can't be beaten with strategy. But some things, like big angiens or boosted drachorns, require advanced creatures and/or high stats i haven't yet seen on any normal mp4 accounts. [/quote] That's precisely my point when I say that it will cause more damage. Assume a situation where two combatants both use 0% influence, no tokens are involved, and no combat bugs influence the combat (In other words, a "clean" fight). In this instance, no matter the ritual of Combatant A, Combatant B can present a counter ritual, to which Combatant A can provide another counter ritual, and so on. Restricting the access to creature stages also restricts access to strategems. Unless devised like this from the begining or having some method that actively prevents people from staying at the early stages, to prevent rituals that have no "clean" counter existing would takes months, possibly even a year or more, to do. This leave us with two more considerations. Firstly, rituals without a "clean" counter may have a "standared" (High stat or Tokens influence) counter. The problem here is that you will either turn MD into a game where you MUST grind at early MP levels to prepare yourself properly for MP5, or you will constantly loose combat slowly accrueing useless experience and approaching stat damage from the few "big fish" who use these rituals, or into a game where you MUST buy from the MD shop (tokens) to survive (whether you have the patience to invest in free credits or just pay to play, either way more people will quite from this as well) Secondly, it is entirely likely that certain rituals will only be counterable with creatures that are a higher level than is available. Consider the variable abilities of Heretics, Trees, Medusa, and Minge de Foc across all their levels. Then you also have things like freeze aura, and the low availability of creatures with Anti-freeze aura (thankfully, the Hollow Warrior remedies this specific situation, but as before, these are examples for consideration and not the focus of what I am saying) ________ All of this said, while I don't like this idea because it will not fix anything, I do agree that something must be done to fix all of this. I just think this is the wrong way entirely since it will cause far more problems than it will fix (ie, none), and will take too much work to be effective (months to years). As you said Burns, and I agree, banning would be the best method (simplicity/effectiveness), however the amount of evidence required to be fair is currently highly prohibitive.
  7. And where does this idea leave Alliance members? I'm not a fan of this idea. As most of you know, I have spent an exceptional amount of time at each of the MP levels (except two, that was about 3 days to try out illusions then hurry on), but I plan to be MP5 at the end of January so this plan wouldn't effect me. So why do I dislike this idea? Kafuuka. Tipu. Zleiphener. Many other people who are not causing any sort of problem, and are quite happy to play all the OTHER parts of MD as MP4. If this restriction had been in place from the day I had joined, I would not be an MP5 right now. I would, in fact not PLAY right now. That's nothing about combat, but that if the first thing I saw was that "Oh, the game is restricting my choices and being like every other linear game, I guess its not what it advertised then..." I just wouldn't care. Final point: THIS WON'T FIX ANYTHING IN THE LONG TERM. IT WILL MAKE THINGS WORSE. Currently, the ceiling is anything available. Alts who know how to train and get around alt checks have those anything availables. With this method, we find ourselves facing, surprise surprise, once again anything available, just a smaller selection. Everyone at each MP level has the same restriction, so the result is: A-i) "Oh, there is no point training this creature more since that's its level cap, lets train other devastating creatures now." A-ii) "Well, I might not be able to get a level 4 Drachorn, but neither can anyone else, so I'll still train mine to level 3 since it is effectively the same." B) You are restricting ritual diversity, meaning that you are re-introducing the problem you complained about with MP3/4 not knowing how to fight in preparation for the next MP level. "Oh look, water Daimon/Knator/Elemental/Bird/Angien is almost useless like this, so I might as well sacc it and never train one again"
  8. I'd just like to say that if the strange fruit man with the top hat is what you did in paint you are quite an excellent pixel artist o.O Any time I want to do pixel art of that quality it takes me a good couple of hours/days
  9. Aye, thankyou Mur. Had much enjoyment with my presents (as you saw)
  10. I think someone posted a higher AP value than that in this thread, but I can't find it now (mean't to be at work >.>)
  11. Way back when I was MP3 and participating in heads, I know that there was a very large group of philipino players that used the heads contest as a way to get their friends to join the MD community. I know, because I was myself formidable in the MP3 combat (haven't bothered re-learning it after all the changes though) and they would often ask for my assistance. I can say, that while they might be alts, from my personal experience they could also just as easily be just more people from that same circle of friends. And yes, the "co-ordinated sledgehammer" is their favourite strategy. "What is really [s]hard[/s]easy to belive is that they ALL attack one by one when THEY CAN attack all together, they are always there when one need" "But, it pretty obvious that THEY'RE [s]NOT[/s] FRIENDS"
  12. [quote name='Blacknights' timestamp='1292628253' post='75651'] From dst RE:RE:RE:Help request Do I look like I care? RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Help request Yes I CARE! I care so much that I will go and hide in the darkest corner of my house and I will cry until I will run out of tears! My life has no goal anymore cause you don't like me (((( ps:there's an ignore list for PMs. Be glad! You're the first on my ignore list no comment [/quote] I notice the complete lack of context in those quotes. It is useless to show an argument in such a one sided manner, and will only cause people to disagree with you more. If you want any chance of having anyone agree with you, you gotta supply the context as well (as in, what was the message she was replying to, and you can bet she will still have a copy if you try to misquote)
  13. Bump. I want my stars back, without the annoying sorting cloud T_T
  14. This issue is ongoing.
  15. Happy Birthday, old one eye
  16. So open it before you try to get the heat so it is in the buffer already o.O Not a fan of the idea. Too little benefit for the extra clutter.
  17. While I can understand the sentiment of that idea, that would undermine the point of the day and would cause everyone who was interested in fighting to gather in that one spot, leaving the rest of the realm empty. That doesn't give the best impression to new players. Also, while you might not be all that interested in anything other than the combat, this does still allow you to work on friendships and get to know people, even if you don't want to RP. Consider it a day to be more sociable, rather than the normal combat day of hunting for a good fight.
  18. You do realize that last post contained data that potentially tells us exactly what you where looking for, don't you Mur?
  19. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1292005329' post='75068'] Firstly I will point out that it is impossible for any alt to take heads from another one of their accounts due to the restrictions that Mur has implimented within the game. [/quote] I don't know whether it was introduced into normal HC (from my understanding, it was), but I know in BHC you can RP heads to someone else, so in that way you could transfer heads between alts.
  20. A counter symbol is about identifying what are the eliments within a symbol that have meaning (ie each individual part), what that meaning is, and then creating the symbol that cancels that meaning (what cancels it isn't necessarily its opposite in form or meaning)
  21. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery/image/1588-counter-symbol/"]Here is mine[/url], even though I won't join Sotis since I am staying in the Archives for ever
  22. Kyphis the Bard

    Shoe Family

    Photos of Halloween pumpkins for Zleipheners Quest
  23. If this was to go ahead, I'd suggest sending it only to accounts which have passed the 60 active days mark >.>
  24. I finish work for the year on the Friday, so just pick a time and I will loose some sleep... (2300 until 1600 the next day is my normal awake hours)
  25. I'd also suggest balancing yourself befor you go to MP4, since you will take a little while to adjust to the combat changes >.> That is, if you haven't gone there yet <.<
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