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  1. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Yoshi in Shoe Family   
    If I'm not able to get a pumpkin tomorrow, would I be able to carve something else? Like a watermelon or something?
  2. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Yoshi in Shoe Family   
    Edited previous post, and bumping this cause I want others to enter, I mean come on, it's basically a free wishpoint
  3. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Tipu in The Legendary Creature For Sale Don't Miss Once In A Life Time Chance   
    Selling a legendary creature of the legendary Army General the great Knator Commander

    A Sharptear (premium archer) , fully tokened (!!) , borned before it was officialy discovered, currently with 1059 age

    About this archer, the nice part is that on its first transfer it will not lose age, nor fights, nor level!( it is at maxed lvl now)only its first trade, after that it will be normal trade. Ho yes its a First ever Magic creature.


    It has fought great legendary and mighty battles, Have defeated the the undefeated Rituals.
    It has won more than Thousand battles. and Rumors say it is more than a creatures itself.

    Well we want silver or gold only. The starting bid will be 150 silver(15sc=1 gold).
    Once we r satisfied we will sell this creatures.
    The silver which we gain thru this will be used for a good cause the entire MD realm will be benified from it. Be one amoung those who make things better for the realm by being generous in this trade.
    Plz place ur bids here thanks _ Tipu on behalf of Legendary Knator Commander.

    [b]The Auction Has ended.
    Sold to Clock master for a total of 11G = 165 Sc
    Perhaps the Highest trade ever done for a Single creature trade with records.
    Yoshi, master b and lightsage thanks a lot but we have just one creature and we need coins badly.
    Knator commander himself will hand over the creature to Clock master.

    Opps since i got an error message i can't contact Clock master "cos message is full"
    so iam posting the message for him
    thanks a lot, Auction has ended and we r selling the creature to u. KC himself will hand over the creature.
    Stone biter one of ur Guards will come and collect the coins. He is authorized to do so on behalf of knator commander.
    Plz let me know ur location so that he can find u thanks.
  4. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in Reputation System/I cannot give Rep   
    Bump, Added last line, just in case anyone is having this issue.
  5. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in Reputation System/I cannot give Rep   
    When you are a "New Member" (under 20 posts) you cannot give or take Reputation away

    Unless you have a really good reason to be able to give or take away reputation, you will have to wait until you have reached 20 posts

    If you dislike this or have something to say about it, Please pm me.


    If you have more than 20 posts and still cannot give or take reputation you need to PM me and i can fix this issue.
  6. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Kamisha in Need Help   
    I heard about this there was a previous post about it. Pashweetie in the future do not bring up a brand new post for the same idea instead bump the previous post. However I don't think this worked due to our previous events with the GGG and how fixed rules in an area causes people to be protected. Then with people being protected people don't leave those areas.
  7. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Pipstickz in Mp6 Search Function   
    Why not just a simple list?
  8. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to dst in Shoe Family   
    Check the link:

    I could not post just 1 pic...
  9. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Ivorak in Oh My! Adio Is A Boy?   
    : Pipstickz uses his magical shiny long rod to turn adio into a real boy!

    Well a minor role change for adio. He's a boy now. err xD with a shiny new golden avatar!

    (the puppy on the forums is going to stay though )
  10. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Asterdai in Mr Squiggle   
    ok so i did this song, and i cant sing well, looked around for people to help, maybe i should contact Renavoid or something...

    here is the link

    its about not having gold to get a GG drach

  11. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Curiose in Guidelines For Story Night   
    The judging is on a tier system.

    I prefer to keep the prizes and such a system without knowledge to the people because honestly, only the judges truly need to know and that has already been sorted out.

    What I will divulge is that there will be comments [if applicable, I am guessing. Depends on the judge, but it is requested that they do], on what they liked, and what to do better if needed.

    We will do our best to have someone with AccousticRemains at the site, however, sometimes that is not applicable. We prefer to have you send in your stories before the event in case of such a thing happening. If you do not do that, then we cannot be responsible for your laziness and you will not get judged and will not get any prizes.

    Please refer to the Notice I have posted regarding sending your story submissions.

    I would also like to state that Story Night has been organized to be every TWO weeks, instead of three. Thank you.
    Along with that, as I have said before: Both Kyphis and myself prefer having your stories sent via FORUM PM. NOT GAME.
  12. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to The Great Pashweetie in Guidelines For Story Night   
    How does the judging work...?
    Will you guys record the stories as they are told? (I know this would have been useful for me, because i deleted the document after i told the story and then i couldnt submit it!)
  13. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to The Great Wanderer in Guidelines For Story Night   
    This forum is for those who want to submit stories and/or those who have been confused in any way about how Story Night works. I have realized that many problems with orginization and advertisement have fallen upon Curiose to solve. This is something I do not want to happen too often. Just to let everyone know, it is more fun if you are there in person than waiting for the log of the event to be posted. Below is a list of questions many of you have had, I hope this clears some things up. (Please keep this forum fairly clean/empty. This is not a chat room.)

    [u][center]Q: How often does Story Night occur?[/center][/u]
    [center]A: Usually around, every three weeks.[/center]

    [u][center]Q: If I have a question or story to submit, who do I get help from?[/center][/u]
    [center]A: PM either, The Great Wanderer, Kyhpis the Bard, or Curiose[/center]

    [u][center]Q: Should I send my story by the Game PM or the Forum PM?[/center][/u]
    [center]A: We would rather have your stories sent via the Forum, but if you must you may send by Game[/center]

    [u][center]Q: How should I submit my story?[/center][/u]
    [center]A: Send a PM with the story in it. (Please keep it appropiate) Along with the PM you should mention what time(s) you are planning to present it.[/center]

    [u][center]Q: Do I have to present a story to be there?[/center][/u]
    [center]A: NO! Please come not matter what, the bigger the audience the better.[/center]

    [u][center]Q: Is story night really awesome?[/center][/u]
    [center]A: Of course, so be there! [/center]
  14. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Chewett in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    [quote name='GlorDamar' timestamp='1287349430' post='70539']
    Ah, Shadow, you'll find I'm like Herpes. I disappear... you may even think I'm gone for good, but from time to time I'll show up to brighten somebody's day.

    I know this is spam, But dont really care. This is quote of the year!
  15. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to GlorDamar in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1287277447' post='70484']
    I find it more surprising there was even a stir from Glor...


    Ah, Shadow, you'll find I'm like Herpes. I disappear... you may even think I'm gone for good, but from time to time I'll show up to brighten somebody's day.
  16. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Tipu in Gifts   
    Welcome to BD forums alazzah. Hey don't mind what other has to say hehe. Just ignore them. I do understand what u r taking about. The Banning of free credits through voting has affected a lot of players. Which has lead them to discover new ways to find credits and the result is what u see in this poll.
    First i want introduce alazzah to forum members
    1)He is the only player from saudi arabia and now jordan
    2)Unlike other capped mp4 with 100K ve, alazzah is a mp5 player and still continues to play no matter how much weak he is.
    3)He is not an ALT.
    4)He still gives many wins for mp5 players and doesn't stay in a sanctuary for protection.
    5)He has worked hard on his own( no MD shop, no land bonus, no alliance bonus or guild) to reach so far and i salute u alazzah.

    hehe when u point one finger at a person and say he is fool remember the other three fingers points at you
  17. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in The Waiting Game   
    Playing with MD's favorite puppy beagle! He acts the exact same way as Adio and his name is Nicholas xD
  18. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to alazzah in Gifts   
    As I See Game Was Down For More Than 12H Until Now And Maybe Coz Of Game Need Some Maintenance Or Update ...
    Alote Of Games Has These Things Up And Reward After Maintenance Is Done System Add Some Gift To The Main Account ...

    First Do You Like These Idea ? And If Yes Please Put YOUR Suggestion Here About The Gift ..

    Have Agood Day

    and btw about what you typing mr.CHewett it was very kind from you calling me fool... i dont even know who put you as an administrators while your talking bad ward like these .. i bleaves that people is give things like haw the live in these world and as i see after you call me with afool its ok for me and am not ganna somthing bad in returne .. i can say have agreat life
  19. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Eon in The Waiting Game   
    Playing with MD's favorite puppy beagle! He acts the exact same way as Adio and his name is Nicholas xD
  20. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Roland in The Waiting Game   
    I have found myself outside talking to "Tree". And as you can imagine, my neighbors are becoming increasingly concerned. Esp. when I began looking for the goat.
  21. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Tarquinus in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I have much to say, but I am not sure how much of it [u]needs[/u] to be said. I will therefore try to keep my remarks relatively brief.

    [*][b]Language.[/b] dst raises the valid concern of my pompous, high-flown language being problematic for non-native speakers. Sorry about that. I'll try to tone it down, and to include synonyms [word-equivalents] in brackets [] where I simply can't resist the temptation to use a fancy word.

    [*][b]Semantics.[/b] @ Zlei - the question of the usage of "hubris" is indeed a semantic [definition-oriented] one, and therefore of trivial [minor] importance to the discussion. Therefore let us agree to courteously disagree, eh?

    [*][b]Right.[/b] The legitimacy of Rask's claim [i]de jure,[/i] [by "right" or law] is actually in my mind pretty strong given Rask's parentage, and those of you who [i]reckon without his mother[/i] are doing yourselves a disservice. Pamplemousse and Jester both dismiss the [i]de jure[/i] claim as void because the House of Khalazdad's tenure [possession] of the throne has been surrendered. Rask appears to have abandoned this angle of his claim for now, and that makes things simpler.

    [*][b]Fact.[/b] Rask now seems to claim he can [u]prove[/u] his fitness to rule, and this claim is consistent with the desert culture of his father ("kill them for their water") and the strongly patriarchal culture of his mother from the counter-Earth ("be defined by the swords of others"). If that is the case, let him prove himself in fact. Such proof requires no further words on the forum from anyone.

    [*][b]History.[/b] I am a little annoyed by the readiness of others to dismiss Rask's knowledge of the shades, and more annoyed by the assertion [claim] that the shades' will is not relevant. I encourage everyone to consider what Khalazdad's tag was and how he got it. Again, Rask's education at the hands of his very intelligent and well-versed mother should not be dismissed out of hand. It is easy to try to lampoon [ridicule] Rask as a fiction, but he is not an easy fiction because his existence is grounded in in-game events to which I, as Keith Moon, am a witness. I am not the only witness, either. That grounding makes a difference to me as an historian, even if it makes none to anyone else.

    [*][b]Alts.[/b] The fact that Rask is the alt of Kittiness, a now defunct account, means very little to me. It is certainly not, to my way of thinking, a reason to exclude him from serious consideration.

    [*][b]Roleplay.[/b] MagicDuel has historically had an uneasy relationship with roleplay. Rask, you might not realize that roleplay is technically forbidden in the forums. That is why I, at least, do not address the relationship of either of my developed characters* to the House of Khalazdad. I think it is clear that you, Rask/Kitti, are a strong roleplayer and have something to offer the game. Welcome back. Show us what you can do.
    *I have another alt, Konstantin Harknesse, who sees little use and has not been much developed as a character.

    If you're still reading at this point, thanks for your attention.
  22. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Esmaralda in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    Hi all,
    I am fairly new to these lands and so I don't know much of the history of Necrovion, their kings, or the relationships of the people in this topic to eachother, but I wanted to share my thoughts on this topic as I found it quite interesting.

    I must say, I am impressed with Rask. His words are very nicely crafted and his RP is very enjoyable to read. If I was to pick a king today based solely on this topic and the words of Rask and Jester, I would pick Rask. That is because Jester has not yet said anything of much importance in his defense. He merrely stated that he has plans for Necrovion. That gave me an initial impression of him as being weak, which is contrary to what I would see a king of Necrovion to be.

    Furthermore, I think Rask's idea of how to rule fits Necrovion perfectly. Take what you can; those that are weak deserve to lose. That is a very Necrovion thought in my opinion. Necrovion should be ruled by strength, not ideals and justice.

    Lastly, stuff like "hiding behind an alt" I don't believe matter. It's a game and it matters the actions that you do on the character that you play, not that it's an alt, doesn't it? After all, one day your alt may become your main, and your main may become your alt.

    I will keep watching this topic as it is quite interesting and I hope I didn't step on to many people's toes with my comments.

  23. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to alazzah in New Avators For Approval   
    i made many avators on alote of other games using the same way the only game asking for hand drawing is these game .....
    now i need to buy scanner grrrrrrr i dont think i will make it and if i did i will upload more than 3 avators in aweek i will see what will happend with me and i will keep updated
  24. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Rask in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    It seems that it will also be my task to restore the Khalazdad Dynasty...

    King Jester, I am saddened by the realization that you care so little for the legacy that had been entrusted into your keeping. However, even as things stand now, I was born and marked to inherit my Father's crown, and that is what I intend to do.

    To what extent do you plan to hinder me?


    Thank you, Darigan, for your blessings. Your recommendations will not fall on deaf ears.
  25. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Rask in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am for real.

    I am my Mother's son.

    As my birth right I claim the following:
    1. Citizenship to my father's land.
    2. Kingship of the Desert as my Father's heir by blood.
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