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death ray

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  1. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Seigheart in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  2. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from cutler121 in Recruitment Flier   
    Name: Death Ray.

    Mind Power: MP5.

    Age: 330.

    Main principle: Wiccan beleifs.

    Reason for apllying: I'm interested in joining.

    who said I wasnt trying to sart a new role. I thought that if i was allowed in i could start over with a new role. but what can i say i tryed and failed...
  3. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Nimrodel in Md Is Boring   
    [quote name='dst' date='23 March 2010 - 09:52 PM' timestamp='1269361336' post='56798']
    2)The overall quality of the quests has decreased. Even I went on the dark side and made the Asteriks quest. I haven't told you back then but I did it to mock RP-ers. Too bad for me that my plan did not work and players took it seriously. When I saw the responses I had to comply and play along. To be honest I never thought anyone would take it seriously and I expected almost no participation. Anyway, I am disappointed. I thought that now, when Kings would have the ability to give out WP codes, there will be a flood of quests. Not only that there aren't but many of them are pure crap. Even more: there are "secret" quests (yes, I am talking about Mya's "quest" for the Loreroot people).It's just pathetic...


    First of all, your defnition of crap may not be same as those around you. People who enjoy solving puzzles or decoding stuff may find art quests and prose/poetry quests stupid. And vice versa. People who are good at experimenting stuff, learning more about rituals may like Burns' quests. People who like solving puzzles may like cutler's quests. People who like to write may like Asterdai's or Gremlin's quests. You can say that YOU didnt like a quest. But you cant label quests as crappy. You dont have any right to do that. Especially when you aren't an active quest creator. If you think there are very few good quests in MD, set an example by setting a quest which you consider good. Let people judge the quality of your quest. Make sure its not something that only vets have a chance to win. Try to get active noob participation. Make it a perfectly interesting quest, a quest which every single player in MD likes, and then Label other stuff as pathetic.

    Coming to Mya's quest, you can stop quoting her in every second post. She has a full right to set a quest with any number of limitations to its participants. The last time I read the rules, WPs were not to be traded. She didnt trade the WPs. She set a quest, and distributed WPs based on that... So quit picking on her... Just because she keeps quiet and maintains her dignity, doesnt mean that you quote it as pathetic.

    1.Did you read the word ACTIVE Quest creator? I suppose not...

    2. As for the Mya's quest, she needn't explain herself to anyone but Mur. I was merely pointing out the fact that you had quoted her again and the thread title WPs giving abuse says it all.

    3.My post is not spam. I confirmed it with the administrator. I do not intend to argue with you. Its never fruitful. So I'll simply ignore your further posts.
  4. Downvote
    death ray reacted to dst in Md Is Boring   
    Hmm...I asked 1 question some pages ago. Seems like I got no answer which only proves that my assumptions are correct. Thank you for the confirmation.

    Now, let me point some stuff out (they are not really related to each other but at one point some will be on topic; also I will refer mostly to myself and try to generalize as less as possible) :
    1)Is there a problem that I [quote]run around attacking anything [they] I see without mercy[/quote]? Even if you like it or not so far I have obeyed the GGG rules (my reasons are irrelevant).Also I have stopped using it. See it as maybe a sort of protest if you like. But I will probably change my attitude soon. Why? Cause for me MD means fighting.GGG doesn't satisfy me anymore (when that happens I take measures ).I am too old to mindless stat grind. And no, I will not apologize for it. You all say that we should stop complaining about MD being bored and do something. Don't mind if I will. In case you wonder: I do have crits to raise that can be leveled in GGG so don't think I need wins on crits that cannot be trained there. Not to mention I still now some stuff...but this is not important.

    2)The overall quality of the quests has decreased. Even I went on the dark side and made the Asteriks quest. I haven't told you back then but I did it to mock RP-ers. Too bad for me that my plan did not work and players took it seriously. When I saw the responses I had to comply and play along. To be honest I never thought anyone would take it seriously and I expected almost no participation. Anyway, I am disappointed. I thought that now, when Kings would have the ability to give out WP codes, there will be a flood of quests. Not only that there aren't but many of them are pure crap. Even more: there are "secret" quests (yes, I am talking about Mya's "quest" for the Loreroot people).It's just pathetic...

    3)Vets are bored. Result? Whining. Personally, for the moment I have no projects. This is the first time that happens in 2 years. Result? I log in, walk a bit and then I idle. It's more fun reading the forum then actually playing. For me at least. Who is to blame? Nobody.But this doesn't mean that there are no reasons for that.Some of them would be the following:
    -I am denied certain things because the community said so (yeah, it's a direct reference to No.1)
    -I am in a "bad mood"/"low phase"/etc
    -I am reaching the end of my player's life
    Only time will tell which of them is the correct one cause right now I have no idea.Or I will shake the boredpm of and start taking actions.
    So, the idea I wanted to point out is that after a while, as a vet, you can do just few things. You already did most of them. You are left with too few. That's not good.

    4)We are a small community. We know each other for a long time. We developed feeling for each other: good or bad and we act according to them. As much as I don't want to, personal feelings rule my actions. And this happens to everyone. And if I hear someone saying otherwise then for me that person is a hypocrite. You simply cannot split a character from the person in front of the PC (yes fenrir, I stay IN FRONT of the PC not in the back but I don't really expect you to understand that since it's rocket science ). This has another consequence: noobs are not really welcomed (yes, I have to agree that someone else pointed me this flaw). They have to work extra hard to integrate themselves. And sometimes they are caught between vets arguments and they are forced to choose sides. Basically this means they have signed their "death sentence" (ok, I exaggerated but I hope you got my idea). Or they never integrate themselves so they leave. Or they really get bored. Now it's easy to get the info about crits. It's easy to raise them. Answers are being served on a silver plate. There are no real challenges. Cause we, the community simplified everything. Too much.

    5)LHOs are the best idea ever but after a while I see them doing their jobs cause they have to. They don't have the passion anymore (sorry LHOs, some of you know I like you a lot so don't take it personally). Why not make LHO position a temp one? 3 months, 4 months? 6 months tops. Let others become LHOs. Recycle them. Re-circulate them.

    6)Bah! I stopped and I lost my ideas. So...to be continued when I catch them
  5. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Nimrodel in Happy Birthday, Esmerelda!   
    smooch x22
  6. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Pipstickz in Happy Birthday, Esmerelda!   
    smooch x22
  7. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Coloured Avatars   
    Not a bad idea but mur would be swamped with request intially and not worth his time. At least that is what he will most likely say lol. I like the idea, but don't think it will happen.
  8. Downvote
    death ray reacted to dst in Wps Gone Bad   
    Here is the list of the WP awarding that I find at least weird. I will not comment on them so you'll not say I am mean. I will just post them (details included):

    Receiver Giver WpId Details Date/Time

    Death Ray Mya Celestia 576 Quest 01/03/10 06:24:11
    Nimrodel Mya Celestia 571 Guardian quest 26/02/10 19:02:35
    Firsanthalas Mya Celestia 570 Mentorship 26/02/10 18:53:38
    Sharazhad Mya Celestia 569 Quality Mentoring 26/02/10 18:49:13
    CrazyMike Mya Celestia 568 Completed the guardian only quest 26/02/10 18:46:43
    Kouras sasha lilias 533 Helped to plan out a new story for me, helped lost puppy make a personal wix and completed the set tasks 29/01/10 13:13:00
    mcvitie phantasm 473 Secret Reindrach drawing that Aelis did.A gift given for a very special time of year. With happy holidays for all 24/12/09 16:23:29
    Kamisha *Sagewoman* 395 For having the guts and ball to apply and campaign for Kingship and to gracefully withdrawn knowing the odds were against him 22/10/09 16:58:46
  9. Upvote
    death ray reacted to CrazyMike in Death Ray   
    I am sad that Death Ray is in jail, but if he needs to cool off, and sort out his priorities, maybe a short stint will do him good in there.

    I hope everyone would not pour slat on his wound.

    He has not been on his best behaviour, and I will not justify his actions, but he is my adept, and I am responsible for him.

    I apologize to Mur and everyone he has offended as he has a sense of humor that requires a strecth of imagination to see the humor in it.

    Again, my apologies.
  10. Downvote
    death ray reacted to dst in Death Ray   
    I doubt someone helped him without being asked. So no need to pity him.
  11. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Akasha in Death Ray   
    Jailed him again. If he goes out once more, he will suffer more.
  12. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in First Trial- Jacoand Vs Granos, Originally: Conned By Granos   
    Truthfully? Serves you right.

    Those papers belong to the Golemus citizens. Not to anyone who can buy them.
  13. Upvote
    death ray reacted to redneck in Death Ray   
    wait what did he do?
  14. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Death Ray   
    Read what Mur wrote.

    Specifics doesn't matter. He did what he did, and now he is being punished.
  15. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Yoshi in Death Ray   
    [quote name='redneck' date='01 March 2010 - 04:34 PM' timestamp='1267479267' post='55587']
    wait what did he do?

    You know when you log in, and you can suggest what happens next in the AL? Well he wrote something inappropriate in there.
  16. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Muratus del Mur in Death Ray   
    banned for rude message in AL reply. Probably was wanted to be funny but exceeded my humor limits.

    take him out whenever you want, or forget him there, i don't care.
    If I see him sooner than 3 days he goes back.
  17. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Master in Death Ray   
    Finally ! Someone has seen what others have a long time ago !
  18. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Watcher in How Is It Called?   
    leap year?
  19. Upvote
    death ray got a reaction from Granos in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    No. i killed you for reasonss will not say here....
  20. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Watcher in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    No. i killed you for reasonss will not say here....
  21. Downvote
    death ray got a reaction from Chewett in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    No. i killed you for reasonss will not say here....
  22. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    lol Pip

    and silly dst getting it right.

    Two more;

    [b][u]1.[/u][/b] Does [b]∞ = [/b][b]∞[/b] ?

    [u][b]2.[/b][/u] Imagine a sequence;
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.....ad infinitum
    and another, using just the even numbers;
    2, 4, 6, 8, 10.....ad infinitum

    which is longer?
  23. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Pipstickz in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    There's always room in the lobby...and you don't even need to pay for the lobby!
  24. Downvote
    death ray reacted to Grido in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    If there was a hotel with an Infinite number of rooms, and it was fully booked, would there be room for me? Explain your answer.
  25. Downvote
    death ray reacted to dst in The Infinite Hotel Et Al   
    Take the guest currently in room 1 and move him to room 2. Take the guest currently in room 2 and move him to room 3. And so forth. Put the new guy in room 1.

    Infinity + 1 is still infinity
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