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Everything posted by Nimrodel

  1. Oh please tom.. Stop whining. They'll be back. you can alone solve the whole revivors Quest. Amber and Gonzi would've sufficed along with you to solve Z's quest. Rest of the revivors needed just one person each. Hell I was there solving four out of five. In your team, an inactive member was killed. In our team, the most active member was killed. Only five people in our team participated in the Quests. one was killed, one was online 'by chance', so we asked him to help us out, one was never a part of team quests, and the reamining two of us solved them. Not without help of course. I asked my friends to help me wherever it was needed. And BFH had provided the papers so that the players could move wherever they wanted by jumping to him. Val has moved along to a lot of places with that. Also, val wasnt our leader either. he took the role of the leader in the last moment when chewett declined to be one. TEam two's condition was worse. only four players in their team were Active. out of those four, one was killed, and one didnt really help with the team quests. I dont see darkraptor or ignus complaining here about maeb dying... Infact they were there were there solving all the Quests. and winning them. Its all dependant on your perception. You have two tools to fix a broken machine. Instead of being upset why the machine was broken or why you dont have a full set of tools, try to fix the broken stuff with what you have. (P.S. I have a job and a life as well.)
  2. I think its a pretty good idea
  3. “We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell” ~ Oscar Wilde

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nimrodel


      The devil seems to be kinda inactive :P

    3. Mallos


      Tipu's buying souls? What's he offering?

    4. Tipu


      It is sometimes Hell trying to reach heaven hehe

  4. one doubt: Why do you want more NPC creatures?
  5. We kill all the caterpillars and complain that there are no butterflies. ~ John Marsden

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sunfire


      kill the mosquitoes!

    3. Maebius


      veined leaves to wriggling worm, wittering wing to earthen rot, to growth once more.

    4. Nimrodel


      Lol.. I could never get a greater variety of responses anywherelse :P

  6. Not much into legal cliches, but from where i'm seeing, greedoh is being greedy as usual. Only difference is he just has a reason to support his greediness this time.
  7. Actually [Wishpoints Top] [Same country] [Most Popular] [Active Veterans] [Item Owners] [Adventure Log] [Wishpoints] [Personal page] [Webcam] can be hidden. The rest of them are more commonly used I think. Especially inventory, MP and PL. Me I use the notebook for so many things...
  8. Hearing about the death of someone, anyone, makes you get a complex emotion...

  9. Nimrodel

    Dead Again

    Whoa. Being killed for the 5th time? How many people get to experience that? 3 more times and we can call you a cat. Nine lives and all. You can finally challenge dst to a cat fight. Fair and square. :3
  10. Mmm... OKaj.. I will just because you asked me to. [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1340727398' post='116093'] 1. Animals have a collective brain. Like when you make five holes in a wall and stick your fingers through them. You see five fingers, but behind the wall there is a "master brain", the hand. That is why animals always know what to do. They are ruled by the hand behind the wall.[/quote] [color=#800000]Starting with the anatomy of the hand in brief:[/color] [color=#800000]1. Carpals: Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrium, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate.[/color] [color=#800000] Metacarpals: 5[/color] [color=#800000] Phalanges: 2 in the thumb and 3 each in rest of the digits.[/color] [color=#800000]2. Muscles:[/color] [color=#800000] 20 muscles:[/color] [color=#800000] thenar: (i) Abductor pollicis brevis[/color] [color=#800000] (ii) Flexor Pollicis brevis[/color] [color=#800000] (iii) Opponens Pollicis[/color] [color=#800000] Hypothenar: (i) Palmaris brevis[/color] [color=#800000] (ii) Adductor digiti minimi[/color] [color=#800000] (iii) Flexor digiti minimi[/color] [color=#800000] (iv) Opponens digiti minimi[/color] [color=#800000] Four lumbricals[/color] [color=#800000] Four Palmar interossei[/color] [color=#800000] Four Dorsal interossei[/color] [color=#800000]3. Blood supply: Arterial: Radial and ulnar arteries[/color] [color=#800000] Veinous: Dorsal venous plexus[/color] [color=#800000]4. Nerve supply: Ulnar nerve[/color] [color=#800000] Radial nerve[/color] [color=#800000] Median Nerve[/color] [color=#800000]THere is no master brain in the hand. The movements of the hand is conrolled by the nervous supply all three of them originating from the brachial plexus which inturn originates from the Spine.[/color] [color=#800000]Back to the your point.[/color] [color=#800000]Animals have brains of different types. The lower animals dont have brains at all. Just a primitive neural plexus. There is no such thing in Biology known as the collective brain. What tells them to do and what to do when is the innate sensory system they posses -- Vision, Audition, Olfaction, Perception, and Gustation which are commonly known as seeing, hearing, smelling, feeling, and tasting. The feedback in the form of electrochemical impulses is sent back via nerves to the brain and the brain then transmits commands to the respective tissues. These tissues then release chemicals like hormones, cytokines etc which finally help the animal to react. For example, Fear, Fight, Flight are goverened by Adrenaline, commonly what you refer to as Adranaline rush. This behaviour with response to seasons and times of the day act in a similar mechanism. They have evolved in such a way that species with such a system survive and hence tranfer their genetic code to their progeny.[/color] [color=#800000]Thank you Darwin you summed it all up in one phrase 'Survival of the fittest'[/color] [color=#800000]If there is any hand that guides them, its themselves.[/color] [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1340727398' post='116093'] Theosophy believes that: 2. The body is just a vehicle. We use it, but it is not everlasting. When it is used up and dies, our mind goes to a higher level. [/quote] [color=#800000]1. Define Mind.[/color] [color=#800000]2. Define Higher level.[/color] [color=#800000]The body decomposes and mixes with the earth. The plants grow from the earth. Those plants are eaten by us or the animals. Those animals are again consumed by us. Thats the circle of life. It makes more sense than the mind going to a higher level. Enrgy is what makes us live. Without energy, there is nothing.[/color] [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1340727398' post='116093'] Theosophy believes that: 3. The brain is not - as most people believe - only a transmitter (as in telling our body what to do), but also a receiver. We receive input from a higher level, although we are not conscious of it most of the time. [/quote] [color=#800000]Again, Define higher level.[/color] [color=#800000]Yes. The Brian is not only a transmitter. Hell, There'd be no sense in it being just a transmitter. As I mentioned before, It recieves. From the senses throught the concerned neural tract. The brain has different areas to where each sense transmits its impulses. I agree we are not conscious of the receptions most of the time. Ever slept off with ear phones on? You'll always find the song familiar once you wake up. Goes into the subconscious memory of the brain. And is stored as electrical impulse. I dont see any higher level in here. UNless you consider the senses the higher level.[/color] [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1340727398' post='116093'] Theosophy believes that: 4. Dreams are not - what most people believe - simply the dealing with things you have encountered that day, but you are in reality in another realm, a higher one. There are seven or twelve of this realms. At this moment we are in the fourth one, so in our dreams we are in the fifth. [/quote] [color=#800000]Again. Define Realm.[/color] [color=#800000]I'll tell you though what I've learnt about Dreams from my books:[/color] [color=#800000]The dream concept is of course a very complex one.[/color] [color=#800000]There is something called R.E.M. sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). It is classified into Tonic and Phasic. Criteria to call a sleep pattern R.E.M. is presence of REM, decreased muscle tone and a rapid low voltage EEG (electroencephalogram) Its Periodic and usually has 5-6 cycles un one night's sleep. People see dreams in REM sleep.[/color] [color=#800000]Dreams are an involuntary response. The brain activity is high during an REM sleep pattern. Quoting Freud, they are manifestations of our deepest desires and anxieties often relating to childhood memories or obsessions or fears or desires. That is with reference to Psychology. Neurologists say that [/color] [color=#800000]All Scietific dream theories have something in common though. The Brain. It projects dreams as unexpressed emotion or a memory. What you sense physically while experiencing a dream is again a play of neurotransmitters and neuronal impulses.[/color] [color=#800000]The human body is a complex machine. All of its secrets have not been revealed yet. Explaining the revealed and unrevealed secrets with vague terminologies such as Higher state and other realms, according to me, is like slapping every scientist, anatomist, doctor, or engineer who has ever worked hard to uncover the truth.[/color] [color=#800000]But I wont criticize your belief.[/color] [color=#800000]Oh btw... Interesting thing I found on the internet. There is a certain religion or sect of people -- The CoE - Church of Euthanasia for whom, the principles of their religion lie in Suicide, abortion, necrophagia and sodomy ( anything that isnt pro creation). They have a very noble aim. To balance nature with humankind. It makes perfect sense. Reduce population and protect the earth. *shrugs* who am I to say they are wrong? Each to their own..[/color] [color=#800000]EDIT: I forgot the proof![/color] [color=#800000]Its all in you. Your body. Yourself. You want to SEE proof? GO to an antomy department. You'll see. Go to a PHysiology department. You'll see. Go attend a surgery. You'll understand. Sit infront of A psychiatrist or a Neurologist when they do EEG. Ask them to explain what each wave means. They'll be glad to do that. When you get any blood tests done next time, ask the technitian or the doctor to explain the significance of each test. You'll see the miracles our body performs everyday. I would have personally explained stuff had you been living close to me... Pity[/color]
  11. Treasure hunting.. lots and lots of clickeys with puzzles in between
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maebius


      Well, Klaatu, etc is either a reference to "The day the earth stood still" (classic sci-fi movie!) or a reference to Evil Dead. (Hail to the king, baby!). Either way, makes about as much sense to me as your original post, not knoing anime much at all. :D

    3. Nimrodel


      well... My post means naruto is the idiot of idiots :P

    4. Udgard


      Klaatu barada nikto - isn't that a spell or something on the novel series that spawned the repairman dude?

  12. @ Magistra: I could deny all those statements with proof But I wont.. Each to their own.
  13. IT was an enjoyable quest... Made me pull my hair apart... :3 Thank you sieg :3 Pros: The story line was interesting. Made me collaborate with a lot of people. helped me remember how important friends are in MD. The reward was interesting.. Not something I had expected.. But Good enough. Getting it by the end of the quest makes sense. Cons: Clearly tribunal people would have an advantage in the quest. So it was kinda unfair in that way. There were a lot of coding issues in the quest. Not that Seig is to blame for that. from what I understood, there was some confusion in the MD script regarding the nature of items. THe choice of reward should've been given to the person who came first. Thats all.. I think I'd give the quest a 7/10 looking forward to more of your quests seig
  14. EPIC!! =)) Nice... I really enjoyed it. Actually you can also unfriend Rhaegar by saying: -Serbia is not the centre of the world. -You sold one of his savellite stuff to Firs. And Burns by just poking him or Proving to him that he's wrong (even though he wont accept it >.>)
  15. Wish you many many happy returns of the day ni chan! *glomp* now gimme mah cake. :3
  16. Did I miss the thread or anything? coz I couldnt find one.... Happy birthday Burns dono Hope you've had an awesome day!
  17. thank you people. It was brilliant this year. And i became quite emotional too. Thanx for all your heartfelt wishes. They mean a LOT to me. Love you folks :*
  18. Ohayo minna! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shemhazaj


      lol, ofc you're not. You can't pee "miss Uma" on the snow... :P

    3. Quas
    4. Guillak
  19. Scans and Pap smears and P/S and P/V and ANCs =_=

  20. Lesson no. 1. : When you give a guy a chocolate on valentine's day, tell him it is valentine's day. Otherwise he'll run off with the chocolate thinking he got a freebie. >.>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Maebius


      Happy to ablige. (though I suspect if we tossed teh sarcasm aside, many men here would thank you for the Valentine. The 'guys' ... perhaps not so much, as you described)

    3. Nimrodel


      I was trying to explain that it takes a lot to make things obvious for a guy :P

    4. Passant the Weak

      Passant the Weak

      I wonder what kind of guys Nim is used to meet!

  21. Congratulations Rhaegar :3 *huggle huggle*
  22. What life taught me today : Lemons are sour... But yummy sour

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shemhazaj


      what life aught me the other day: lemons are yummiest sour with coke and rum :P

    3. death ray
    4. Nimrodel


      Neither DR.. Just that lemons are sour ;)

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