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    Nava reacted to Muratus del Mur in Transmitting the knowledge about the A25 Questmaker Tools   
    Veteran or Skilled Questmakers, ...this is for you..... Help is needed
    Summary: i am looking for legendary, trustworthy, wise, super smart and creative people :))) to bring to life a new generation of quests and interactivity in MD, with the a25 tools that are already in use for a while. Similar to how Azull helps with this, an other legend.
    This document is long, it is inteded as a sort of documentation / tutorial / GUIDEBOOK. Its is a sample, and more than enough to give you a good hint or start to continue it yourself!
    Dream scenario: Quests will be made by players working in teams , with help of permanent or mercenary artists, or story writers, etc. One or two could have access to A25 Tools, an other makes the drawings for scenes and items, an other plans the logic, they all agree on the theme and idea of the quest.
    I tested this on the island with A handful of people and i think it could work. If a SINGLE person will find this article useful and contributes to it, and gets to use any of the info here, i am happy, it means my efforts to bring a next level of interactivity in md where worth it.
    I am sorry its so long, but i put everything i could in here, because except me nobody else knows all the details, and i wish others know too, and bring A25 to life not keep it as mysterious admin interface for two people.
    i need help to write this better ..or at least structure it better, right now is a salad... maybe better more clear english, or better, NEW examples, more accurate ..i don't know..read and you will understand
    I wrote it as an initial tutorial or usage example to explain just one of the ways that the A25 tools could be used to expand md with one type of quest.
    The plan is to inform anyone interested of the current capabilities, and see what comes out, maybe expand the number of those with A25 tools access, or just make a brainstorming and tutorials on how to add better and interesting quests in md. Either way, i will decide on the way, but dont expect rewards. This is not a contest. Its true that if you have a sound logic and i see you also have a good reputation, are trustworthy, smart and most of all WISE (yes wise, or smart enough to seem wise)....then i might promote you so to speak. I intend to let anyone that i trust with these powertools, and with the needed mentality, to build quests for md, his own, or for others..but with these super tools.
    I believe that if someone could grab the ideas from this document and make a clearer version, eventually shaped on an actual scenario or quest of his own, It could serve as a good example for anyone that would want to add a quest using these tools.
    Currently the access to the tools is limited, because as you see they are very powerful, but if others would know what they do, even without using them, they would have a better understanding of what is possible and what not within a clickable a25 based quest. Maybe this would lead to me or others that i trust to use these tools, to implement those quests at some point. 
    Its do-able to have a handful of people that can actually use the tools, like coders equivalent, and all the other quest designers that understand how they could be used, and guide these "A25 developers" to continue to expand MD.
    A25 quests are not designed to be one time quests, they should be automated, perpetual adventures, for all new players to come. Thats why this type of quests represent the future for our community, because people come and go, but these are intended to stay and expand MD.
    Feel free to add your changes, suggestions, anything...
    Feel free to copy this doc to your own post and make your own version of it!
    Depending on how much interest is shown for this, i will oganize the related posts better
    Anyone that shows an obvious interest and capability in understanding the A25 tools at least in general, and adapt the text here on other better examples, can request A25 forum access, to see the details about the exact commands syntax, and much more. Its complex stuff, and i am not arround to babysit anyone..if you want to do this you have to be confident you are able to.
    For now i think just Azull has full access to all these tools, his temperament, reputation over the years and impressive ability to decide what much and what less means in terms of rewards and effects, made me to trust him in this experiment. He does exceptionally well, that for me means that others could become part of this select group too, but its hard to pick you.
    So it beginns.......
    Implementing a Quest
    ATTENTION : I assume you have a quest plan, artworks, logic and a general idea of where and how you want it to work. You are the creator and designer of the quest, not this document. Use this document to get some idea and suggestions of how i believe it should be done but feel free to be more creative than this.
    A25 Tools: All the commands here should be checked again in the docs Action on clickable Items where they are kept updated, here just example uses. 
    Tip: When commands allow messages/alerts, personalize the command messages, but only after you check their default value and order of variables if any.
    Tip: Do not work alone, try to find yourself someone to help. Its always better to have two opinions or more...plus you need someone to test what you do.
    Tip: Give temporary or consumable rewards for the checkpoints, but permanent ones for the final step.
    Tip: Make your quest worth playing even if not won
    Define the map zone where it will take place, or start.
    Define its final outcome options/reward/result
    All examples i give are actual things that can actually be made with these tools. If you are not certain of a capability of a tool, i will detail it more as needed. There is a huge documentation for all these commands and triggers, and more examples, explaining each paramter effect..so there is a lot more that could be done, but i am writing just the first few things that cross my mind right now, the rest you can think of yourself (and complete this doc by writing your ideas!). The name (word before the # sign) is usually explanatory for what the tool does, and the parameters should spark your imagination on how it could be adapted to a certian scenario.
    Add checkpoints
     try to divide the entire journey from start to end , in steps, so you can reward or give some feedback to the participants periodcally. 
    Paying attention to the participants only just at the start and at the end , can lead to a frustrating experience. Try to have clues or smaller activites on the way, so they have a sense of progress as they advance thorugh the quest.
    Define the entry point and start point
    This entry point can easily be a place on the map that contains a clickable with startquest command, and a relocate parameter, so that they players are all set for the quest when they click it , and also get transported to the starting point via the relocate parameter.
    Entry point could be the same with the start point, in such a case you don't need to add the relocate param to teleport users away. However, some areas of the map are impossible to reach for most, so be careful how you plan your audience.
    Planning a synchronized start? all you need to do is adjust the paramters of this command that starts the quest and set parameter ''who=onlinehere" so that everyone online at that moment in that location starts the quest or competion at the same time. You can also relocate all or scatter them across the map for an even more fair start.
    startquest#key=quest-autumn2050;nomsg;nosound;msg=You took the boat to the tournament, You have a new quest key [[%s]];relocate=1_0x0_2;who=self;announce=[isle coords %s] ::: %s Took the boat Tournament."
    You can limit participation to a quest in many many ways, but one that is certain to bring a certain type of people in , is by checking their active days. Active days are not lowered or increased by ANYTHING in the realm, they will always represent a rank of activity and loyalty towards the realm in general, but not a rank for skill and personal abilities or charisma.
    Patience is a virtue, you can verify how long someone waited in a place with this simple command:
    Pickable items, Public use items,  Progressive combiners, where recipes and only certain planned combinations of ingredients return a well planed result, and a lot more advanced features are possible to be created with the A25 tools, its really a lot. I will leave this sort of features out of this document because each one needs a lot of explaining, and the documentation provides it, its redundant to write it here. 
    However, keep in mind that they are an option too, but consider it is an option that requires sometimes my help, at least till you master these tools better.
    You should read the docs of all the commands and also check out their default messages , in general by not specifying your own msg or announce parameter. In case you need to swap the order of variable in the message, ai ma afraid thats not possible, but you can do as then above example by placing the first paramters thats the key, first, as a sort of label, then the only remaining param, in this case, is the playername.........announce=[isle coords %s] ::: %s Took the....... Like this you swapped apprently the order of variables, but technically it is same order.  Instead of  ... key ... playername ...., it reads isle coords:, followed by a visual sepparator ..::::: , then the playername as if it would be the first in the sentence. You can use the order of params as they are in the default message also, much better actualy.
    Players should begin at the entry point and be taken to the start point. The startpoint itself is best if locked in such way that others would't be able to participate if they do not have the quest key received from the entry point.
    Use the activated rules and triggers to configure what is available when and how
    Checkpoints (you can name them differently if you consider, steps, levels, stages, trials, etc)
    Plan the checkpoints, their locations, and their role. 
    Prepare art that is suitable for those locations.
    Accessing the next checkpoint could be a matter of finding or obtaining something through trading or otherwise, and using that item to receive the key needed to open/access the next checkppoint:
    takeitem#item=Large Rock;key=labyrinth_hidraulics;t=85000;msg1=ACTIVATED! You used a Large Rock to hold this device in position.;msg2=You need something heavy to hold this device in position;msg3=The rock still holds this device in place, go further.
    (A sample use is in the labyrinth, check it out)
    Group effort or teamwork tasks are great ways to separate access to the next checkpoint. Using storeitems command you can create fillable clickables that will activate and do something only after they get filled/completed. Check out 'scope' parameter to configure if you want it as a group effort checkpoint, or a personal effort task. If you make it personal, think from the players perspective and try to determine if what you ask is possible and how could it be achieved. Leave hints of your solution.
    storeitems#needs=Piece of Cake;howmany=12;processtime=3600;info=Assamble a big cake;whenused=removeitems;scope=player; optional: scope=player  will count items per player, ignoring progress of other players loading this item optional: reset=true will clean up the storage giving back all loaded items.     Heat is useful as a measurment of activity too. 'Problem' with heat is that is gets lower every second..but there are jars and heatstones and spells, and fighting and sacrificing and so on, basically nearly everything in MD influences heat a bit , lowering or increasing it. Heat is something that can be controlled on your own, or with help (in a team). Let them decide how, and face them with a challenge related to heat, using this command   heatload#size=10000
    helper commands to consider: apboost, scatter, moveto, alert
      Situation based triggers can also be used to unlock a checkpoint, or a side feature of the quest. You could plan group challenges where a team needs to work together to complete the task and move on, or be cruel and just one of the team members moves on...depends entirely on your design. the tools allow you to activate something remotely by a group of people, each holding an item at a certain location. There are advance parameters and usage scenarios for this. It could be used to stage wars and clan fights if needed, or even setup a burgler team with some watching over and other stealing the others team treasure. ...its really just your imagination that should go wild , the command is powerful enough to face anything .   Its also a great trigger to check online players in a certain place...or to build a land weapon of your own design, all in one powerful but simple command.   itemsatlocation#items=Test Key 1|8_dockpathtree_1,Test Key 2|8_dockpath_1;mode=all     Remember HEADS COMPETITION? Well there is a tool to use that part of md in a more creative way. A dangerous way if you ask me because i don't remember what happens if the actual ancient heads competitons starts again while people are under the "influence" of this head ripping tool...but i guess it will just be more interesting With this tool you can check the number of heads on a player to do whatever other action you want based on that. Heads are obtained through fighting so this is ideal for a more intense fighting based quest/challenge   hasheads#minimum=100;maximum=-1   Heads system has been enhanced to be usable in a specific area and group, without the realm-wide heads competition to be on. This is currently used as a way to exit the island , as an example of its use.   Note: Expanding the realm through branched stories and new scenes Oh yes, that is also possible now quite easy. I will not go much into this here, but i just want to mention it. You could create your own locations, just like the rest of the realm scenes. All you need is a perfectly fit drawing, an good reason to convince me or whoever will play with A25 tools to help you upload it. Do you remember when an entire Labyrinth section was uploaded overnight, well, thats part of these same tools , 3 clicks to add new scene. Only if artists like Sushi where more easy to find     Passing the checkpoints   To access a checkpoint you need to complete the challenge from the previous one, get the checkpoint to give you a key, or item, or trigger, or anything else possible through the commands, that will be required at the second checkpoint. In addition, the second checkpoint needs to ask for its own challenges to be completed in order to pass. In this way, each checkpoint has a requirement to be accessed, and a requirement to be passed.   Use trigger activation to configure when something becomes activated or not. The activated state of an item allows you to show a different image of it, make it do different actions and so on. Any of the possible commands can be set to be available only in the items activated state. By simple not setting an image in its normal state, you can hide the item entirely and have it appear only when the requirements for its activation are met.     Trigger (activate when..) isfilled checkheat#item=item15;loc=1_0x0_1;heat=10000 checkheat#heat=10000  checkheat isonline#who=Playername;where=1_0x0_1 isonline#who=Playername istrigger#key=summon_plainsguard;count=4;mode=countplayers istrigger#key=forge;count=4;mode=countclickies  istrigger#key=justthekey
    itemsatlocation#items=Test Key 1|8_dockpathtree_1,Test Key 2|8_dockpath_1;mode=all hasitems#items=Hot Air Balloon|1,Balloon|1,Wings|1;mode=any
    hasheads#minimum=100;maximum=-1 activedays#minimum=7;maximum=300 waitinplace#delay=120
    itemsatlocation#items=Test Key 1|8_dockpathtree_1,Test Key 2|8_dockpath_1;mode=all  
    Linking the checkpoints   Link the checkpoints!!! One should point to the other, and provide needed items, keys or triggers to access it. there are many ways you could give the participant something to take with him in order to open the next door/checkpoint. Be careful not to make these things more interesting than the rewards themselves. Their usage should be limited to activating the next step in the adventure, and only that. IMPORTANT: Consider to begin with easy to pass checkpoints, for all the participants, and slowly make it harder, or even have "boss levels".
    Double check the access and activation of each checkpoint, keeping track of how their access is interconnected through keys, items, or triggers obtained from the previous checkpoint, You need a map of your quest, and a logic plan... and someone to help you test and double test everything.
    You could use these commands to link checkpoints
    Method 1: Give and take. Checkpoint A gives you something, Checkpoint B requires you that something, plus something else in order to activate. Just the item from the previous checkpoint is obviously not enough unless its time delayed, otherwise your participants would storm from one checkpoint to an other without restriction.
    Use these, combine on one and the other checkpoints, and use  "activatedaction" and "activated when" and "show if key" , "show if item" and so on. You should read about them or check the interface for all these goodies.
    trigger#key=opensecretgate;param=4;t=3600;msg=This message is visible when trigger is activated. Param can be anything unique not just 1/x but also 1, 2 etc
    Intermediate rewards for progress
    If you cascade the checkpoints, allowing access to one only after passing through the previous, you should assign them a small reward, proportional to how difficult it is to reach that place. Design rewads in a flexible way, or a creative one. Think that it is stupid to give stuff to people that already have stuff...so don't give powerful crits on checkpoints that require crit fighting, or actionpoints on checkpoints that require access through high ap gates...
    In such a way you could allow for unexpected turn of events, powering your participants where they don't expect.
    You could use the following commands to configure these clickables (just example settings, use your own, and check out the exact and updated syntax in the doc: Action on clickable Items:
    giveskill#skill=cartography;points=1;msg= %s increased by %s point.
    (special use) givehiddenskill#skill=tester;points=1;msg= %s increased by %s point.
    Traps and side challenges
    This type of checkpoints could be very well be used anywhere in the quest, at the beginning in order to begin, or at the end as the main final event of your quest. Commands that affect all the online players in that location are good for this. Also, you could manually oversee the event and handle things more organized if you have time and wish.
    The scatter command pushes away towards predefined locations (random from a list), and can keep some in place (you or an organizer for example). 
    Its only a matter of interpretation how you can use this feature. You could make a scarecrow ..or Playercraw   ..or a bomb, or a wind related event where a tornado takes all the participants far far away....use your creativite mind.
    scatter#locations=1_0x0_1,1_2x2_1,1_-2x1_1,1_-1x3_1,1_-3x-3_1,6_-4x4_2,7_borderviewstairs_1,7_mansiondoor_1,7_melodystairs_1,7_tribunalview_1,7_walkway_1,6_1x2_1,4_1x2_18,3_1x3_19,3_1x3_17,2_0x2_1,1_4x4_1,1_2x-4_1,1_0x-2_1;anntype=individetailed;exceptions=1028;announce=%s was thrown to %s
    Riddles are also a great way to challenge participants. Riddles are fully functional but they are limited to the available pool of riddles. You can use them like this, or add to the pool by submitting a request for this. It takes longer time and your riddles must be well themed (md style, no sci-fi, outerworld, etc) , not only quest specific howoever, because once added to the pool they will be available randomly to anyone using this command in his quests.
    Depending on the reply you can move them to an other checkpoint, or take them on an other path, or anything really, ad this is one type of command that supports nested commands for correct and wrong answers.
       correct: moveto#loc=3_librarytunnel_1;forced=yes
       wrong: alert#msg=This is a message
    Negative events are also welcome, to punish those that fail, or plan surprise events and challanges. Imagine he eats a poisonous mushroom and speaks nonsense a long while after, instead of being able to CAST THAT SPELL he needs so much.
    trigger#key=pubdrink;toadspeak=I am very dumb;t=60 (say "i am very dumb" a couple of times and then silence) 
    You can use triggers in many creative ways as they are responsible for very many things you could do in MD. Triggers cast some spells, power weapons, unlock things, ..most importantly they are temporary effects that can work together regardless who or where "triggers" them.
    You can mix triggers with pickable items, or use just pickable items to implement a quest if you wish. Pickable items can be in turn activated to do something, or mixed in combiners, etc.
    Remember that all items, pickable or not, access keys and so on, all these can and SHOULD be set to become visible only when the quest starts for that person, and they will all vanish when the quest ends. It is possible to leave all these in the participants possession, if your scenario is of this sort, but you need to consider the consequences of this happening in a quest that is always available to new players and participants. I prefer to use pickable items only in the context of that quest, but its possible to create a quest that represents a source of certain items or resources in the realm (!!!),
    For example: "in search of running rocks", could ask players to find rocks with personality, scattered across the realm, and such a quest could be the only source of such items forever.
    Final Step Rewards
    The end of the quest is important , but not as important as the quest iteslf.
    The reward here however, will be the attractor that motivates players to compete. The flavor and style of the quest, is what determines the quest success, not its reward.
    The rewards are in general sponsored, or in this case generated, so you won't lose anything from your own account. If you overpower the rewards, you do MD a great harm. If you let them too low, you will dissapoint the participants.
    Untill i will find a way to set reward values automatically based on quest designer reputation or somehow, you should check with me or with some other veteran to see if the rewards are acceptable or not. 
    It is essential to keep your quest rewards themed to the quest and not to clone existing items or ideas. Please put an effort in this. It is a sort of an art to determine what a good reward is, don't disconsider this step.
    Automated Rewards
    You can set a clickable in a restricted place that one could only access with the key received from the last checkpoint, or by activating it somehow, or with a collection of keys, etc.
    On this clickable you should place the reward script, and a congratulations message. 
    Keep in mind that you should close the quest for that player once he gets the final reward...it will be harder to get them to click a preconfigured clicky to remove keys and such AFTER he gets his reward
    The reward giving commands are many, because most of the things described till now have one way or an other to be used as reward systems. To reward something you could  give a shop item, access to a locked place, skill points, secret skills, credits, creatures, resources. 
    Interactive rewards
    Hand picked rewards are the best, the most fun, but they are not instant. You could of course give him a series of points or items throughout his entire journey
    Ending the quest
    If you wish to reset the quest and remove all its influences in the realm (except rewards that are permanent by their nature), you can use this command. It is also the command to use mandatory at the final clicky of the quest, where the big reward is. 
    resetquest#key=quest-autumn2050;who=all/self/onlinehere;nosound;nomsg;msg=Quest based on key xx was reset for yy;relocate=here (or coord, or 'no'); announce=Resetting quest keys[[%s]] for %s;resetmode=reset-everything/reset-pickup/keep-pickup
    Cleaning up after a participant is important, because that player will want to play in other quests and the map should be free of interference with other quest items and triggers! 
    This last command is also very powerful and has lots of interpretations. You could use it for example to organize a competition where the winner stops the entire quest and takes the win.
    By changing its parameters, you can configure it to do much more. Do you want to throw someone in jail if he fails the quest, or send him in a dark dungeon as punishment, also with this command, using the 'relocate' paramter.
    Pfew...done...i hope i put in here enough ...there is more in the command docs for those that i will grant access to that, depending on your level of interest.
    I am just a man, and chew all the same, this amount of work is nearly impossible without a huge team, so..thats what i am dreaming of...
    Till next
    Ps, i said at the beginning that there are no rewards in here..well if you reached this far, i think you can imagine that whover will be involved enough in such a megalithic project, and will actively implement quests, and decide permanent rewards, or plan and shape md, will have his obvious benefits and eternal legendary status  We are basically talking of an other level of playing md, by creating it ..its something some of us are doing for a long time already, and its very interesting next natural step im the evolution of this ...online experience.
  2. Like
    Nava reacted to Muratus del Mur in We have SUPERPOWERED Tools, now maybe someone could use them?   
    This is for the passionate and skilled people out there... a new level of MD
    I am just a man, and chew is also no batman either, we are trying to foster the existence of this wonderful community, to keep its values and hopefully to attract more interesting people. As you know, this is a dictatorship, without dictators, a social sandbox, a trial towards self discovery, a place where crazy means good, where skills  are your invisible rank, a place where nothing is fair but just makes things spicier and challenging in a strange way. Each one sees what he is searching in MD, a mirror of himself that he eventually has to face, there is no predictable thing you could see  in that mirror, because above the beautiful places and semi-boring activities , there are the other living players that build the actual MD.
    Mirrors are forbidden by law in MD, because this is a clue enough for the other mysteries to fall in place...plus it could really be dangerous to have a real, objective mirror, in a place created through the subjectivity of all the other mirrors..sorry i mean players.
    Balance is there if you search it, it keeps things alive in here, but evolution feeds on unbalance, not on balance, your minds feed on challenges not on safe monotony. Its time for me to risk some more and to try to resuscitate this machinery..but i cant do it alone.
    Magicduel is a learning machine if you know how to use it.
    This machine needs moving parts and fuel to run. You do realise you are the fuel, without its players MD would be an dead piece of messy code. 
    Right now I prepared all the gears and pieces, but its just too much for just a couple of people to do. We need help to put them together, and put them in motion and fuel them to keep them running. 
    This is where you come in ...well some at least hopefully..
    The "A25 Tools" are ready, functional, and already in test use for a long while. Azull did a great job on the island, Sushi made some insanely beautiful artworks, others tried their skill and did quite decent too... i have huge hopes for this. I dream to bring a next level of interactivity, through a natural level of evolution of the "veteran"  player....that level is to be part of md evolution, not just to be entertained by others, but to build your own gears inside this beautiful  machine.
    The tools i made allow to build nearly every aspect of the md world if needed, with no coding involved, just creativity and logic..and lots and lots of passion.
    ...but right now they are in risk of rusting if i don't find more special people that have the ability to use them right. It requires a certain type of person to expand md, a type of such rarity that i am happy if i find at least one, but i prepared the tools to be used for all if it would ever be the case.
    We have many skilled quest creators, and from time to time we find an amazing artist too..these characters are not permanent if i do not offer them a chance to express themselves better.
    For me, the way i enjoyed md was to build it, and at some point Chew followed me and on the same path. Now with these tools you don;t need coding skills, and with volunteer artists you don;t even need drawing skills,  still need A LOT but at least now there is a chance for any passionate and smart person in here to develop md and see how it looks from behind the curtain.
    We are a disaster in terms of leadership and organizig ...i admit thats mainly my fault, or was at least. Without other ways to manage this, i will count just on the individuality of those that might get acces to these tools, to make md a self balancing oranism, with no central brain that will govern it. 
    I saw that some of you understood the underlyng concepts and symbols of this realm, and managed to respect them. Some of them even had god powers at some point, but they had no real tools to express themselves and infuence others. I will try again to discover such people, this time prepared to keep them and offer them real tools to make their share of the realm as they think fit.
    If you kept reading till here, you have the patience neede for this, and you migh feel same hope i feel about this unique opportunity to CREATE something amazing, so i ask for your help.
    I made a long (but far from exhausitve) documentation of what the tools can do.
    If you are interested, read it, and help me organize it better. Help me build the first step needed for whoever will use it, to access it in a useful way (might be you who knows).
    If you know a fossil that made legend long ago, invite them to do the same...to read this article like you did and try to put the gears i made in motion.
    I will continue to develop md, thats what i do, thats my role in here, not to lead, not be a dictator, and not even to create. I create md, thats enough for my role, ..but you, you create the rest.
    Chew, this is an invitation for you too, you are the code master, true, but you reached there not by being hired to do it, or because you are an amazing coder, but because you understand how md works.
    I don't want to name all the people i see able to join in this, but i wish i see them actually do it. There is a place there for many of you, you just have to realize it and actually do it, yourselves.
    Start with the low work, prepare the docs, understand them, then the second step is to help someone that already uses them to use them better, or prove you understand them well, and that you can keep md style while you do. The next natural step, is to try them out, and them ..if and only if you gain my trust and keep the tools long enough in such way that nobody complains on how you use them and you create with them, they will become yours and part of your role.
    good luck.
    Thank you for reading all this. Please leave me a note here if you read all of it, i am curious who actually managed it and who the potential candidates might be
    -- Mur
  3. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Project Omega - The Flash Javascript rework   
    338 files changed, 2160 insertions(+), 5009 deletions(-)
    More DB crud fixed, omega will be pushed out when all DB functions are ready for php7
  4. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Project Omega - The Flash Javascript rework   
    After more than 10 hours work today we have a new total for the changes between "current md" and the new branch:
    642 files changed, 3233 insertions(+), 6653 deletions(-)
    For those interested, the insertions are lines that have been added to the codebase, deletions are the count of lines removed.
    Lines edited are counted as an insertion and removal.
    As you can see I am removing a hell of a lot of code, simplifying what we have and fixing up the old code.
    Currently this dev branch includes the new javascript/css compressor/optimiser. New sound system provided by HTML5 rather than flash, and the new JS intereface preparing to remove the flash crud. This update will still include flash.
    The other big change in this dev branch is the PHP7/database rework. Going forward all code will use the unified DB library we use which will make everything a lot easier to manage/handle.
  5. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Project Omega - The Flash Javascript rework   
    Current progress:  297 files changed, 1822 insertions(+), 4155 deletions(-)
    The system is ready for moving all the old database crud into the new form (new being years old instead fo decades) however that means I have just broken everything using the old system 
    More testing needed before this goes live, but I hope to have the majority of it ready for OMEGA player testing maybe end of next week?
  6. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Project Omega - The Flash Javascript rework   
    On holiday so its taking a back seat a bit, but so far the changes made for The Flash Javascript rework are:
    280 files changed, 1547 insertions(+), 3718 deletions(-)
    Its quite substantial so I will be thanking all those who have contacted me to help me test them.
    Further updates following.
  7. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Muratus del Mur in How would you send messages in the past?   
    i present you a possible challenge. I has no expected answer, but if anyone presents a very interesting and plausible solution, i will reward it with wishpoint(s).
    Imagine you reach a point in your life when you realize that you lived that portion of your life many times over and over again, reaching the same outcome every time, but each time you return to the beginning of that series of events (not the beginning of your entire life) getting a new chance to do something that will change the outcome.
    You are not able to bring back any memories with you. You have only a narrow time interval when you start to realize the story repeated, but too late to change anything right then. A solution would be to DO something in such a way that it will change or send a message to your personal past.
    What would you do? How would you change something so that you would do things different in your past, not remembering that you experience is repeating.
    good luck
  8. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Sushi in Design and construct new sacrificial fenth altar   
    I am not knowledgeable enough to build up the concept but I like Aia's idea, so I drew the sketch of her sacrificial cloud~

  9. Like
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Weak Panacea Experiment   
    Love it. Talking with @Dhyone and @Sushi to see if we can get this moving
  10. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Revamps, Overhauls, etc.   
    MD is not about the visuals, its about the feelings, the story, the roleplaying. VR would remove much of MD, from MD.
  11. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Sushi in L.A.W.   
    Love Always Wins
  12. Like
    Nava reacted to Dhyone in The Book of Dried Herbs ????​​​​​​​   
    The Book of dried herbs was a gift from the Queen of Loreroot to help in my researches in Herbology. Then, as a token of appreciation, for the lorerootians and enthusiasts, I will present here about herbs and weeds that are subject of my research:
    Adder's Tongue (Erythronium americanum) is a perennial herb also called dog-tooth violet, serpent's tongue and yellow snowdrop. Adder's tongue is used internally to treat a variety of conditions ranging from vomiting to hiccups and externally in poultice for skin inflammations, and hives. However, adder's tongue may contain the alkaloid colchine. Colchine is extremely toxic, also anyone taking adder's tongue internally should be advised to use only minute amounts.
    Bitterroot (Apocynum androsaemifolium and A. cannabinum) is also called dogbane, milk weed, and westernwall. Bitteroot is widely used to treat numerous conditions including sore throats, colds and coughs, constipation and convulsions. It contains cymarin, a poisonous substance. It's also used in a decoction of the dried root to threat heart palpitations. Because it is poisonous, and because of it's heart-stimuling properties, bitterroot is considered too toxic to ingest.
    Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is also called red puccoon, indian plant, and tetterworth. The root of this plant is used to treat respiratory problems and digestive problems. It contains the poisonous alkaloid sanguinare, as well other alkaloids. Bloodroot acts as a narcotic and an emetic, but higher doses can lead to total collapse.
    Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) is also called devil's eyes and stinking nightshade. Used to treat insomnia and to induce hypnosis (as a hallucinogen). 
    To be continued...
  13. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Aia del Mana in The Red Service, upon the night of the Blood Moon   
    [27/07/18 09:26] :Sushi begins her meditation practice again
    [27/07/18 14:33] :Aia del Mana sits within the Gazebo in preparation
    [27/07/18 14:46] : Mallos throws the dice and gets 6
    [27/07/18 14:52] :Mallos fails to defeat Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 14:55] Mallos:cant undo time you know, can only change it
    [27/07/18 15:15] Nava:Soon, Aia, all will change.
    [27/07/18 15:54] Bash Chelik:hello there, folks!:)
    [27/07/18 15:54] Bash Chelik:some fancy meeting here:D
    [27/07/18 15:55] Rophs:oo
    [27/07/18 15:58] Aeoshattr:Nava?
    [27/07/18 16:50] :Sushi waves
    [27/07/18 16:50] :Sushi sits in seiza
    [27/07/18 16:51] :Nava looks at Aeoshattr , her white eyes observing him as she tilts her head.
    [27/07/18 16:51] Nava:Aeoshattr.
    [27/07/18 16:56] Nava:I've completed my preparations. I may not be able to consciously attend the ritual, but I
    [27/07/18 16:57] Nava:I have done what was needed. The rest is up to all of you.
    [27/07/18 17:16] jakubhi:hey
    [27/07/18 17:52] Nava:Hi jakubhi.
    [27/07/18 17:52] :Nava 's eyes glow like they did before.
    [27/07/18 17:53] Nava:If not him, then may another serve the purpose.
    [27/07/18 17:54] :Mallos yawns
    [27/07/18 17:54] Mallos:Her?
    [27/07/18 17:58] Nava:There are many hims and many hers. I need not disclose the specifics.
    [27/07/18 17:58] Mallos:YOU?
    [27/07/18 17:58] Mallos:Inkalle
    [27/07/18 17:59] Mallos:ooh, getting me ahead of myself now
    [27/07/18 17:59] :[Spell] Innkalle
    [27/07/18 17:59] Mallos:dont think there aren't other ways to hurt you
    [27/07/18 18:05] Nava:Foolishly attempt all you wish. Your desire to hurt me comes from your own pain. And it will feed it. In the end, you'll become a frail beast that can never nourish itself.
    [27/07/18 18:05] Mallos:arrogant naive human
    [27/07/18 18:07] Mallos:How many times can I tell you I'm trying to help, before you WILL listen
    [27/07/18 18:08] Nava:I will not continue this discussion as the Eclipse grows near. Use this time to reflect and prepare for the changes to come.
    [27/07/18 18:08] Mallos:it's only you who doesn't hear
    [27/07/18 19:12] Ungod:i noticed the jumplink three minutes too late. hi!
    [27/07/18 19:13] Ungod:this was a training ground long time ago, right?
    [27/07/18 19:13] *Syrian*:that was a different gazebo.
    [27/07/18 19:43] *Lintara*:Evening all! (did anyone else have a mysql error just now?)
    [27/07/18 19:44] Nava: (Yup.)
    [27/07/18 19:44] Nava:I shall be in and out.
    [27/07/18 19:45] Nava:But I will remain here.
    [27/07/18 19:46] *Lintara*:Alright then (heh, may as well get my evening tea :D)
    [27/07/18 19:46] Nava: (mmm, tea.)
    [27/07/18 20:00] laylah:What if I pull all these... things?
    [27/07/18 20:01] *Lintara*:Then the sound won't be transmitted... Probably
    [27/07/18 20:02] :Ledah dabs
    [27/07/18 20:02] Aia del Mana:Greetings, and welcome.
    [27/07/18 20:02] *Miq*:nom nom
    [27/07/18 20:02] :*Miq* overwhelmed Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:02] laylah:Greetings
    [27/07/18 20:02] :Aia del Mana curtsies to all present
    [27/07/18 20:03] *Lintara*: *nods and smiles* Hello Aia!
    [27/07/18 20:03] *Miq*:who is getting painted red?
    [27/07/18 20:03] :Esmaralda nods in greeting respectfully
    [27/07/18 20:03] Sushi:hi all
    [27/07/18 20:04] *Lintara*:Hello hello
    [27/07/18 20:04] Aia del Mana:I thank all for thy presence this day, upon this auspicious time.
    [27/07/18 20:04] :Aia del Mana notes the presence of the Little Old Man
    [27/07/18 20:06] :laylah fails to defeat Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 20:06] Aia del Mana:In time past, the Red Service had been a time to offer of ritual sacrifice of blood - that which were shed through combat.
    [27/07/18 20:07] Aia del Mana:As it had been, so shall it be this day also.
    [27/07/18 20:07] Aia del Mana:Let us commence, if all are ready.
    [27/07/18 20:08] :Esmaralda nods
    [27/07/18 20:08] :Sushi nods
    [27/07/18 20:08] *Lintara*: (oh, let's also write Red Service as cause ^^)
    [27/07/18 20:09] :Aia del Mana looks skyward to the slowly, but surely, darkening face of the Moon
    [27/07/18 20:09] Aia del Mana:The axis has shifted.
    [27/07/18 20:10] Aia del Mana:The world is returned unto balance.
    [27/07/18 20:10] Aia del Mana:Look to the skies, and give thanks for her return.
    [27/07/18 20:10] :laylah fails to defeat Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 20:11] Aia del Mana:Blessed Goddess, the Children of the Eclipse welcome thee.
    [27/07/18 20:11] :laylah wins against Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:12] Aia del Mana:The auspicion of the Blood Moon is upon us. She who watches over all now casts her solemn gaze o'er all,
    [27/07/18 20:12] Aia del Mana:In reminder that all who take must also give.
    [27/07/18 20:13] :Esmaralda crippled Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:13] :laylah wins against Sushi
    [27/07/18 20:13] Aia del Mana:We shall offer to her sacrifices of blood, that our bonds be strengthened and our resolve fortified.
    [27/07/18 20:13] :*Lintara* wins against Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:14] :laylah fails to defeat *Lintara*
    [27/07/18 20:14] :Esmaralda fails to defeat *Miq*
    [27/07/18 20:14] :Esmaralda vanquished *Lintara*
    [27/07/18 20:14] :laylah fails to defeat *Miq*
    [27/07/18 20:14] Aia del Mana:We who seek the return of the Eclipse find solace in her manifest.
    [27/07/18 20:15] :laylah fails to defeat Esmaralda
    [27/07/18 20:15] :Esmaralda wins against Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:15] Aia del Mana:As her shadow and her radiance converge, so shall light and darkness of the realm.
    [27/07/18 20:15] :laylah wins against Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:15] :Esmaralda overcame Sushi
    [27/07/18 20:15] Aia del Mana:Restore to equilibrium the delicate balance,
    [27/07/18 20:16] :Esmaralda fails to defeat laylah
    [27/07/18 20:16] Aia del Mana:Where there be darkness, so bring light,
    [27/07/18 20:16] Aia del Mana:Where there is death, life,
    [27/07/18 20:16] Aia del Mana:Where there is mystery, revelation.
    [27/07/18 20:17] :laylah fails to defeat Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 20:17] :Esmaralda fails to defeat Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 20:17] :Aia del Mana produces a faintly glowing Moon Chalice
    [27/07/18 20:18] :Esmaralda overwhelmed Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:18] :Aia del Mana places the Chalice upon the ground and fills it with pure rainwater
    [27/07/18 20:19] :Esmaralda wins against Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:20] Aia del Mana:All who are present, that do partake of blood-letting,
    [27/07/18 20:20] :Esmaralda fails to defeat *Lintara*
    [27/07/18 20:20] Aia del Mana:Let thy heat fill her chalice, that she above should accept of our sacrifices,
    [27/07/18 20:21] Aia del Mana:That her blessings should fall upon us all.
    [27/07/18 20:21] :*Lintara* hammered laylah
    [27/07/18 20:22] :Aia del Mana turns to the Little Old Man
    [27/07/18 20:22] :*Lintara* finished Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:22] :Esmaralda fails to defeat Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 20:22] :*Lintara* fails to defeat Esmaralda
    [27/07/18 20:22] .Little Old Man.:Sacrafices *eyes glow a little*
    [27/07/18 20:22] :*Lintara* overwhelmed *Miq*
    [27/07/18 20:22] Aia del Mana:Dost thou wish to be free of thy burden?
    [27/07/18 20:24] :Esmaralda hammered Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:24] .Little Old Man.:Freedom...
    [27/07/18 20:24] Aia del Mana:I invite thee to step forth, Little Old One.
    [27/07/18 20:24] :laylah fails to defeat Sushi
    [27/07/18 20:24] :*Lintara* eradicated Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:25] :*Lintara* slashed Aeoshattr
    [27/07/18 20:25] :laylah wins against Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:26] :laylah fails to defeat Esmaralda
    [27/07/18 20:26] :Aia del Mana turns to Aeoshattr
    [27/07/18 20:26] :Esmaralda wins against Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:26] :.Little Old Man. suddenly Aia and the little man disappear
    [27/07/18 20:26] :Aeoshattr gives Aia a brief nod
    [27/07/18 20:26] Sushi:!!
    [27/07/18 20:27] *Lintara*: *pauses* Huh?
    [27/07/18 20:27] Aeoshattr:Hm.
    [27/07/18 20:27] :Esmaralda fails to defeat *Miq*
    [27/07/18 20:28] :Ledah coughs awkwardly
    [27/07/18 20:28] Ledah:See youall next year I guess
    [27/07/18 20:28] :Esmaralda fails to defeat laylah
    [27/07/18 20:29] :*Lintara* fails to defeat Esmaralda
    [27/07/18 20:29] :*Lintara* mutilated *Miq*
    [27/07/18 20:29] *Syrian*:looks like they both took a little nap. and the old man is now mp7
    [27/07/18 20:29] Aeoshattr:I think they are dreaming.
    [27/07/18 20:30] *Syrian*:they are
    [27/07/18 20:30] :*Lintara* overpowered Ungod
    [27/07/18 20:30] :*Lintara* conquered Aeoshattr
    [27/07/18 20:30] Esmaralda:Could we be dreaming too?
    [27/07/18 20:31] Aeoshattr:No, you would know if you were.
    [27/07/18 20:31] *Syrian*:it's fairly obvious
    [27/07/18 20:31] :*Lintara* crushed laylah
    [27/07/18 20:31] :*Lintara* crushed Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:31] Esmaralda:What i meant was, can we also join a dream?
    [27/07/18 20:31] Nava:Did I miss the Little Old Man? (still semi afk)
    [27/07/18 20:32] *Syrian*:everyone can join one, but only if a person that can create a dream takes you
    [27/07/18 20:32] *Lintara*: *shakes her head* Unless the dreamweaver takes you there
    [27/07/18 20:32] *Syrian*:the old man is gone, he took aia with him
    [27/07/18 20:32] *Lintara*:Hi Nava. Yes, he just vanished with Aia
    [27/07/18 20:32] Nava:Do you remember when Phantom Orchid put us all in one large dream that led to her exile?
    [27/07/18 20:32] Ledah:I find it easiest to upset Jonn
    [27/07/18 20:32] *Lintara*:I... wasn't there
    [27/07/18 20:32] Nava:Ah, I see. Fascinating.
    [27/07/18 20:33] Aeoshattr:The Little Old Man must be sharing something with Aia that he desires to only be known to Aia.
    [27/07/18 20:34] :Aeoshattr wins against Ledah
    [27/07/18 20:34] :Aeoshattr finished *Lintara*
    [27/07/18 20:34] :Aeoshattr wins against Sushi
    [27/07/18 20:34] Esmaralda:Is the red service at an end then?
    [27/07/18 20:35] Aeoshattr:I suppose we wait and see.
    [27/07/18 20:36] Esmaralda:Perhaps a small prayer then..
    [27/07/18 20:36] :Esmaralda looks up at the moon
    [27/07/18 20:36] Esmaralda:Moon of silver, moon that shines,
    [27/07/18 20:36] Esmaralda:Whom the weak you doest enshrine,
    [27/07/18 20:36] Esmaralda:Moon that sees our thoughts inside,
    [27/07/18 20:36] Esmaralda:Goddess of the rising tide,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Thee, my goddess I profess,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:As my hands raise in distress.
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Bring the night back, let it glean,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Bathe these lands in silver sheen,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Let the shadows fall once more,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:In these lands like once before.
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Hear this priestess, hear her pray,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Crackles in her voice betray,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Yearning for the goddess reign,
    [27/07/18 20:37] Esmaralda:Day the sun will start to wane.
    [27/07/18 20:38] Esmaralda:See the longing in her heart,
    [27/07/18 20:38] Esmaralda:For the comfort you impart,
    [27/07/18 20:38] Esmaralda:Turn your eyes to servants plight,
    [27/07/18 20:38] Esmaralda:Wrap this land in black and white.
    [27/07/18 20:38] :Esmaralda turns her eyes back down from the sky
    [27/07/18 20:41] Aeoshattr:Ah... it rains...
    [27/07/18 20:41] :Aia del Mana reappears with the Little Old Man
    [27/07/18 20:41] *Lintara*:And with rain, they return.
    [27/07/18 20:42] :Aia del Mana nods solemnly at the Little Old Man
    [27/07/18 20:43] Aia del Mana:I do not believe there shall be need of a vessel.
    [27/07/18 20:43] :Aia del Mana turns to everyone else
    [27/07/18 20:44] :*Lintara* perks her ears up attentively.
    [27/07/18 20:44] :.Little Old Man. his eyes no longer glowing, looks smaller than before
    [27/07/18 20:44] Aia del Mana:This day, we must take of life, that life may return.
    [27/07/18 20:45] Aia del Mana:I fear this may be the only way to lift his burden.
    [27/07/18 20:46] Aeoshattr:What... life?
    [27/07/18 20:46] Aia del Mana: *looks at the Little Old Man* He, who doth carry great burden.
    [27/07/18 20:47] Aia del Mana:Blood of his must be shed, and then, the ritual must continue.
    [27/07/18 20:48] Aia del Mana:I order this of all present, in great mercy for he who suffers among us.
    [27/07/18 20:49] :Esmaralda beat .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:49] :Aia del Mana cut in pieces .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:49] :*Lintara* wins against .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:49] :.Little Old Man. smiles feintly
    [27/07/18 20:49] :laylah fails to defeat .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:49] Aeoshattr:Forgive me, old man.
    [27/07/18 20:49] :Aeoshattr wins against .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:50] Rophs:I'll have acousticremains
    [27/07/18 20:50] :.Little Old Man. each time the man is hit, the circle around him grows smaller
    [27/07/18 20:50] Rophs: (thought it starts in 10 minutes sorry for interrupting)
    [27/07/18 20:50] :*Syrian* wins against .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:51] :Rophs wins against .Little Old Man.
    [27/07/18 20:51] :Aia del Mana lifts the Moon Chalice
    [27/07/18 20:51] :*Lintara* looks up, her ears lowered with no smile
    [27/07/18 20:51] Aia del Mana:Luna, Guardian of the Night.
    [27/07/18 20:52] Nava: (Back)
    [27/07/18 20:52] Aia del Mana:Blessed be thy holy light.
    [27/07/18 20:52] Aia del Mana:Glow upon thy sacred chalice,
    [27/07/18 20:52] Aia del Mana:With thy heat, restore the balance.
    [27/07/18 20:53] :Aia del Mana slowly pours the water into another circle around the Little Old Man
    [27/07/18 20:54] :.Little Old Man. the circle, growing ever smaller, reaches the confines of the old man
    [27/07/18 20:54] Aia del Mana:Luna beloved of the sky, Hear thy humble servant's cry,
    [27/07/18 20:55] Aia del Mana:Bestow thy magic principles, upon the Shades invisible.
    [27/07/18 20:55] :.Little Old Man. he mouths thank you, and slowly disappears into the closing circle
    [27/07/18 20:56] :Aia del Mana watches the chalice glow a strong red
    [27/07/18 20:56] :Nava 's eyes glow.
    [27/07/18 20:56] :Aia del Mana watches the chalice irradiate the Little Old Man with intense heat
    [27/07/18 20:57] Aia del Mana:Luna, light of heaven's grace.
    [27/07/18 20:57] :*Lintara* raises her ears and looks at the spot where the man was
    [27/07/18 20:57] Aia del Mana:Radiant, we see thy face.
    [27/07/18 20:57] Aia del Mana:Watch over thy chosen one,
    [27/07/18 20:58] Aia del Mana:Now life is spent, and deed is done.
    [27/07/18 20:58] laylah:Congratulations, well deserved.
    [27/07/18 20:58] :Aia del Mana turns to everyone present
    [27/07/18 20:59] Aia del Mana:I am grateful to all this auspicious night. Luna hath heard our prayer.
    [27/07/18 21:00] Aia del Mana:May she bless us all this fateful night.
    [27/07/18 21:00] :Sushi smiles
    [27/07/18 21:00] : Fang Archbane collects Rainwater
    [27/07/18 21:00] *Lintara*: *smiles* Well done, Aia.
    [27/07/18 21:01] Aia del Mana: *smiles* I could not have done it without thee, Your Majesty.
    [27/07/18 21:01] Ledah:Spooky
    [27/07/18 21:01] Rophs:Congratulations.
    [27/07/18 21:01] :Nava smiles.
    [27/07/18 21:01] :Fang Archbane floats into position
    [27/07/18 21:01] Nava:It is done.
    [27/07/18 21:01] Sushi:Congratulations!
    [27/07/18 21:01] Aia del Mana:Or indeed, of all present, hither, or in other lands.
    [27/07/18 21:02] *Lintara*: *curtsies to Aia then turns her head* Hrm, looks like it's not over yet.
    [27/07/18 21:02] :Aeoshattr looks over into the distance
    [27/07/18 21:02] Rophs: (on phone, I'll grab the log and pass it to aia when I can get enough heat to cast)
    [27/07/18 21:02] Nava:It's never over, just done many a time.
    [27/07/18 21:02] :Aia del Mana looks southward at the storm clouds
    [27/07/18 21:02] :Aeoshattr vanishes with a cracking noise
    [27/07/18 21:03] Nava:And now the next phase begins.
    [27/07/18 21:03] :*Syrian* passed Acousticremains stone to Aia del Mana
    [27/07/18 21:03] :Sushi nods
    [27/07/18 21:03] Rophs: (ty!)
    [27/07/18 21:03] *Lintara*:Wait with those stones, I've got a few casts left
    [27/07/18 21:03] Aia del Mana: (I'm on a non flash device - anyone able to acoustic-remains?)
    [27/07/18 21:04] :[Spell] Whispers of the past, please speak to the present
  14. Like
    Nava reacted to BFH in Farewell MD!   
    Hey All-
    Today is my last day within the MD Realm. Casually, I spent the last few days exploring all lands, to my surprise, I discovered two scenes I never saw before! Then I didn't imagine that it would lead to a perfect farewell, but so it happened, the last walk through MD.
    *Ambitions: I guess I fulfilled most of my personal ambitions for MD. Although I never became King! Shame! I will proudly call myself the King of Nothing!
    *Moments: One of my favourite MD moment was one of the times I played Confused Santa. That night two of us played the account, so the shifting personalities confused a lot of people. That was Hilarious!
    *Contributions: I will brag for once, cause it is my final post!
    Active LHO for quite some time. Active MP6, one with the most adepts at the time. Got me the MP6 Token of Promise. MD's Advertiser: Promoted MD in over a hundred Top Lists and took over MD's social media for various years. Did much secret stuff I can't talk about! Hehe! Ps. if you care for the game, voting for it is essential. Hosted several events and several quests: MD Summer Festivals, MD Xmas Festivals, many random trivia, etc.  Hosted a couple of Christmas and Anniversaries. Now, this often involves sacrificing lots of time and having to play secretly a couple of admin accounts so that you as a member of the community can have some fun. So show some appreciation for the admins that play this in the background!  Got code access, played Testy account and was Dude2 in announcements before my name was released to the public. It was interesting realizing how big and complex is MD, codewise.  Became MP1, Mur decided to experiment with my account and broke it! Thank God I had code access and reverted my Mind Power level, else I would still be stuck! My message. As a normal player, I built my reputation, earned trust, and gained the maximum access the game, full admin and code/server access. You can accomplish even more! Get involved. Contribute to the development of the game. Give ideas, bring in new players. Don't be afraid to comment and step-up.
    Today, I say farewell to a community I've known for almost nine years, a community I contributed to. All I can say is thanks for the great moments and the not so great ones. It made me a better human being.
    To Chew and Mur, I will say keep up the good work. Keep MD alive. Think about the few suggestions I made you both. 
    Ps. I've transferred all admin tools to Chewett. 
    dst: I passed Chew the following for you. Since you weren't online and I don't have db access any longer, I wasn't able to transfer them in person.
    MP6 Token of Promise, 5 GC, 79 SC 
  15. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Pipstickz in Tithes for the Gray   
    A log of the sacrifices of lashtal and I
    Thanks to lash for remembering to take it!
  16. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Mallos in Tithes for the Gray   
    : Mallos sacrificed Falronn (Elemental V) Mallos: So close, yet so far... : Mallos throws the dice and gets 2
  17. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Dhyone in Tithes for the Gray   
    Dhyone: We are healed from suffering only by experiencing it to the full. Dhyone: Now you're free... Dhyone: Barren Soul, I sacrifice you to the evening breeze... : Dhyone sacrificed Barren Soul
  18. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Lintara in Tithes for the Gray   
    *Lintara*: Rest now, Dark Archer, *Lintara*: Your battle is done. *Lintara*: Return that hatred *Lintara*: From whence it come. : *Lintara* sacrificed Dark Archer III
  19. Upvote
    Nava reacted to MRWander in Tithes for the Gray   
    MRF: ashes to ashes MRF: colours do fade MRF: accept my offering oh mighty shades : MRF sacrificed Dark Soulweaver  
    it being a shope version of a necro crit to return power back to its origin
  20. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Pipstickz in Tithes for the Gray   
    : You don't notice as a snake slithers up your leg. You recoil at first but then calm when you see it offering you YET ANOTHER note
    Discovery has changed our circumstances, the previous note is to be ignored.
    Write your name on this note if you wish to be taken to the Toiler, and be sure you are present or idle/logout outside the Howling Gates on the day of, before 9 server time
    You will have a day to make your sacrifices and take in the scenery.
    : You throw away that last note since your pockets are almost overflowing, and store this one, eager to find a writing implement and make your mark
  21. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Pipstickz in Tithes for the Gray   
    : You receive a flyer of unknown origin
    Tithes for the Gray
    Come one come all!
    This Friday the Thirteenth, all day, join us as we commemorate an event in our past, and seek guidance as to the direction of our future.
    Let us rejoice in the traditions of Khalazdad: We shall sacrifice creatures in the name of Shades!
    Bring your elemental eggs, bird eggs, barren souls, or whatever else you wish to sacrifice.
    Each sacrifice shall be imparted with an incantation or poem or even but a word, perhaps detailing why it is fitting to summon a Shade, or how it might coax one.
    Sacrifices shall take place at Fenths Toiler or Fenths Press, anywhere else may not reach them in time.
    Sacrifices may take place all day, perhaps even before or after, though Shades aren't known for their leniency...
    Participants are urged to write of their sacrifices and incantations on the back of this flyer and fret not, its contents will be shared with those who need to know of them regardless of what you do with it afterward.
    : You give it a confused look and file it away for later use
  22. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Poppi Chullo in Keep the realm alive   
    Hello everyone,
    Do you realize that you can be an important part in spreading the greatness of this realm? Yes you can, just by tweeting things about the game or just retweeting the post from MagicDuel's official Twitter account. As simple as that.
    I understand that not everyone here use Twitter, but for those who use it or will start using it, keep in mind that every single tweet or retweet from you will be very helpful. One tweet or retweet in a day, it's not too hard. Don't mind how many follower you have now, because it's not about how many people out there see or hear about MagicDuel, it's more about how consistent and militant we are in voicing and showing it.
    You can follow MagicDuel's official Twitter account here:
    You can also check its Facebook Fanpage here:
    Let's keep the realm alive and open for everyone.
    Big thanks for all your help.
  23. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Fang Archbane in MVLs   
  24. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Chewett in Sushi Bar & Gallery   
    Immediately contacts you to comission some work
  25. Upvote
    Nava reacted to Sushi in Sushi Bar & Gallery   
    Welcome, thank you for stopping by!
    I just want to share some of my work to you guys here, and i'd love to hear your thoughts too, so please feel free to leave me a comment. : )

    1) My first drawing quest from Lintara, after i visited the Loreroot. I was thinking sth like a historical remain/ ancient altar/ magic array…etc. with symbol/puzzle elements. I tried to match the MD art style, even used the similar fonts & texture!

    2) MD Avatar Coloring Contest May 2018
    The mysterious power & beauty.
    (Permission granted by Lintara for using her avatar) 


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