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  1. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Jubaris in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    manipulation doesn't mean you have a leader, that you become inferior to someone...

    it can be consist of telling what the other person wants to hear, to encourage her to make a wrong move or such...
    Pample is just a human (despite being female ), everyone makes mistakes, so don't think it was impossible
  2. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Aysun in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    You can be manipulated and still work for your own benefit... These things don't oppose each other, last I checked.

    Besides, what's done is done. I don't see the point in chewing over it now, almost a week after... not here at least.
  3. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Jubaris in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    the feminists point is, she is just fine doing it all by herself
    it is funny really, Curios isn't debating was she plotting, but she was debating was she manipulated into it or not XD

    I'll mention, as Kafuuka did, that I'm not aware of all the details or who did what. I was just a bit annoyed with the picture I had in my mind of few girls being offended cause their idol image of a bad-ass woman is being disturbed (not much cause of the idol thing, but more of a 'sister-union' thing, which is quite often in MD).
  4. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to awiiya in A Show Of Force 2   
    Paradox - by the time you have seen yourself in the many shards of your mirror, you will have changed, and all you will have left are a million past you's.

    In the MD world you are correct in that you are the center, and all of us revolve around you, but as time goes on things start to change. Other people enter the world you meticulously carved and start to reface it. Khalazdad springs to mind. He took what you gave him, and recreated it to fit his needs and ideals, and while they were close in thought to yours, they were vastly different in expression. And so, he becomes a secondary God.

    The more you create, the more people follow, but creation is nothing more than an elegant refashioning, were the aesthetic is closely monitored by inspiration. The thought - the most effective and popular of art is that which can represent what lies inside. Art is a mirror that reflects the internal but unstated. Listen to a song, and if the words match your thoughts and the melodies sufficiently fill the silence while at the same time being similar in structure to that which you have before, it will be a good and attractive song.

    Art is not empirical, it is not objective, as you say. Art is the act of connection, and it just so happens that the most famous of art is most universal.

    MD is a specific world, built in such a way that few people stay because few people match enough with the creators (I'm sorry Mur, you are not the only creator at this point). That is, you have not yet captured and reflected something that exists in all of us, though you are, I think, getting closer. A matter of time, or a limit not yet bounded?

    There will come a time when I understand MD fully, and that is the day I leave, or perhaps the day I die.

  5. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Jester in New Queen Of Necrovion   
    This experiment did not work. It was my fault for treating pamplemousse like an equal. I did not realize that pamplemousse was the kind of person that is manipulated easily. Since I was not controlling her, keith decided to. He turned her against me with almost no effort at all. pample is far too weak to be a queen or any type of leadership position.

    I had high hopes for her, and she trashed them because keith moon told to her to.

    pample is no longer queen of any sort.
  6. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Muratus del Mur in A Show Of Force 2   
    Show of force 3 - What's a Mur

    Muratus del Mur started as my main character in MD several years ago, ruler of entire MagicDuel realm, invisible and unbiased judge of both good and bad actions, making both official but also secret  chess moves in the realm balance.  It started after I was known as King Manu, but slightly MD changed myself and in an unspeakable way it brought answers before actual questions. King Manu was more of a leader type, but Mur can be considered a creator/crazy god type. I knew the feelings that drove this entire thing, and used time to disect them in words, logic structures, and even scientific explenations. Years ago I had no chance to tell you the answer in this way, keeping its flavor and its true feeling. Now I evolved, I learned from you, I always do. I mirror myself, in the realm but the reflections I get back are from the people in the realm, not from the realm itlsef. The story of Mur, who he and what it happen next, starts with a simple , yet tricky question.
    What's a Mur?..It was a question I designed, for you to ask but never find. It was my challange, it still might, to show the a truth I could not write. Yet some of you got really close, had the answer at their nose.

    The quest ends now, took you three years, its time the answer reach your ears. 
    I think I ..lost.., yet none have won, imagine that, if you really can. I will not hide, i know its hard, to do a quest without reward. Yet those that won can know they did, without anyone to confirm their deed.  The way you searched, its the reward, regardless of the answer found. I never give rewards for riddles that I value most, consider it a paradox. I put your reward in the result and my motivation in your feedback.

    What is a Mur, I'll stop the tease, but still can't tell it with such ease. 

    You all forget what words once ment, you know their form but lost content. A Mur reminds you of that fact, that words mean thought behind a sound. You searched the letters, found relations, but missed the feelings that were obvious. It is a thought, you already feel, it is a name that is not real. The Mur itself is just a clue, to point the meaning that is true. A point of void to place the border, so questions all can find their order. 

    You found it means "Wall", oh thats so true! it's the important clue. A wall indeed its most you found, searching meanings all around. A single word can't answer it, you had to follow bit by bit. You always had the other clues, but one by one you had them gone, giving them meanings of their own. 

    I lost this quest because I learned, that secrets work if stay untold. I should have stoped to write this bit, to have the best of riddles kept. I do however think this should, become the lesson that it could, to reveal all and skip the blurr, that some could cast on what means Mur.

    So lets see the clues that left a trace, to find the Mur's secret face. 
    Its not exagerated, I pick my words, I know my reasons. Some think I gamble, when words and rhymes I do slightly tremble. The face i mean is there alright, as dark and black shadow, its wings show light around the night to follow. It discovered the realm, you all know to what I aim. Now think of it, I always said, the realm was there, I just discover. To follow the trace and reveal some connections, imagine the spitt in the Angiens development. A face for one to show the light, a face for one to show the dark, yet one from the other will emerge. 

    I will spoil this one, because its late, I put a meaning on a plate. I wish I said this clue much sooner, but I was somehow scared, It would have turned truth to rumor, or damage logic bad. The angiens dark face hides nothing more than a reflexion. Like the mirror on that wall, a truth of history repeated, the story of our ancient fall,  with all implications on purpose intended.

    There is a catch to all I say, I want to make you think, don't take me wrong I pray, but other things should link.  To see the music behind words, listen to what's hidden, to feel the colors behind thoughts, reveals a story yet unwritten.     

    But that's a story I still reserve, to torture minds of briliant people, it is a practice to preserve, the neverendin MD meanings ..ripple.

    So back to clues, what else is there?
    Oh yeah, my name, an arrogant character with great fame. Muratus "of the" Mur, like the derivate of something, still keeping the initial name somehow. Its like something of the same something, yet different. More? Less? depends what dirrection you look at it, yet is the same, like the repeating yet different history symbolized in the mirror story.

    The times that I hold, the rumors i provoke..they all have their purpose, but don't get paranoid. You need to see, attention is mandatory, there is no mirror in the entire MD game, nor in scenes or rooms or items, yet I hold a big clear mirror in my inventory. How rude of me, to wave the biggest clues at you without telling you a nice story.

    I even mirrored your details and name when you clicked me..ha..that was a desperate and clear clue.

    The MD Pattern

    There are more, but I made my point. Mur is a pattern to expect. Its meaning slipped within your knowledge, not your heads, it is not manipulatory or intrusive, but it is my sort of "art" in all its glory. Its ment to say, what i was to stupid back then to explain directly. You read the story of the mirror now, stop thinking, there is no math, there might be physics but its all nature afterall. All you need to see the forest is to stop analysing each tree, information is free, the path is the one difficult. You can learn how the most complex things work by analising even the simplest ones. 

    My lesson ended, I might do to, but now i know which way to go.
    MD is art, It holds much more, regardless of how insane i might go , my legacy, and the skill of its inhabitants, will offer me the WALL i always searched for. Oh yeah. MD is my wall, i am its mirror, and that works the opposite way to, but NO, thats not all. It is a pattern. I am just the advertiser of this pattern, a popular charcter with all the rights to show the symbols. 

    I learned something shocking. I built MD based on things deep in me, yet, it proved later they were not just mine. Then i discovered a pattern, one I represented, but not caused. Step by step I understood things ... to many to spell. MD built Mur, Mur built MYSELF, and I built MD... and above all, the patterns are valid, its not a personal thing with me as a person in rl, it is a general story, where the word Mur is not even a name with a meaning. You see me as a "god" in MD..oh yeah..its what i am in md ...made me realize we all are gods in our own mirrored universes.  
    Its not programming, logic or color, it seems there is only one tool that can fit my needs right now and its called art. I'm kind of doomed regarding that, I might be skilled but I am not an artist really. I built my own kind of art, has no name yet. Its the logic methods you see in MD, , ways were thought, number and color combine, long story, but its beautifull. I wish I could use the skills I perfected, in ways to support my past, like improve MD, fix its gaps that are driving people away, fix my life and so on, but Mur is now trapped in its own mirror, escaping reality in its own way, both in MD and in RL. My experiments continue, but I might give them more personal touch from now. I searched enough to be objective just to realise i did and valued the opposite, and it was in the end a very subjective and personal way to put things that helped me understand something I supposed initially to be as pure as math and without interpretations, but it wasn't.

     I search the big mirror, don't we all? But i shattered in many shards, and now I look through each and so I should. It is a path we all follow, cause we are all just shards. 

    I cant finsih things, in general i mean. It is sort of a curse or doom. However like someone told me, my skill is to "not finish them". I will perfect that. I will build things that finish themselves. I guess, if MD was indeed a series of unavoidable coincidences and logic paths as i concluded, it also means a stable and perfectly interconnected mechanism can be initiated by a single spark. Like planting a seed in the right conjuncture. What if i could build a seed, one of color and logic, a reaction to cause the chain of coincidences that follow. A point in the future to cause all its events in the past... I know now this is possible, it happens, but are the shards able to achieve that, or not. Cant ask a plant to run, or an animal to grow roots...can the shards do that , even as a test, like md was, or that remains reserved for the neverexistant initiall mirror?  I left that end unwritten yet, but all the strings are there to connect, with mur's mirror, and other MD things..

    There are words and sounds and combination of those that are meaningfull regardless of culture. It makes me wonder.. a lot of things.

    I will enjoy reading your replies, as always.

    some time ago I honestly thought that i will never reveal its secrets. People close to me probably thought I should have revealed it first to them, but i didnt. I appologise to them, but they should know that nobody untill now, no friends, relatives, players or strangers knew this before i write it here. I flipped a coin, this was the decision so to say.  


    P.S. there are things I wanted to put in MD as clues to mur , that were supposed to bring other interesting details of its meaning. I didnt managed to do that in MD but I might continue   in the mirror story that just started. (example: refering The Mur like it is a device, a core inside someone... and many more clues, excluding tomatoes, lol)
    P.S.2 The Mirror story is NOT adventure log story, it will continue privately but will intersect with MD in several places because its main character is Mur.

  7. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Peace in Comic Strip   
    I was bored last night, so I got to drawing, and I drew this:


    Then I got to thinking it would be a nice idea to make a comic strip with MD characters, and I wrote something down... Not all that funny, but, meh...

    In the Forest of Loreroot, King Firsanthalas is doing what he does best, baking muffins.
    Mya Celestia enters with Clockmaster, Loreroots newest citizen applicant.

    Mya: Firs, this man here would like to join our ranks.
    Firs (still busy with making muffins): Is he an elf? *mutters to himself* Yes, a bit more water... Now it's perfect.
    Mya: No, actually...
    Firs: Fine, fine, he's in. *thinks* Hah! Let them see that the rumours that I'm a racist aren't true.
    Mya: *whispers* But, sir...
    Firs: Leave me be.
    Clocky: Sir, what shall be my duty?
    Firs, still concentrated on making the muffins: How would I know, go tend to some trees or something.
    *Mya slaps her forhead*
    Next scene, we see Clocky and a totaly deforested Loreroot, with logs all around, scratching his head with his chainsaw.
    Clocky: Now what?!

    At PoL.

    It's another morning (well, "morning") at the PoL. After a drunken night, Z wakes up for his duty.
    *Z yawns and scratches his head.*
    *Z approaches Bob, unzips his pants and does his thing.*
    Bob *thinks* Not again!

    At PoL.

    Z is sleeping.
    Adiomino comes to Bob, lifts his leg and does what dogs do.
    Bob *thinks* That's it, I'm moving to Loreroot.

    Bob has moved to Loreroot.

    Clockmaster goes by. Clockmaster goes back.

    Clocky: I must have missed this one.
    Clocky cuts down Bob.

    Anyway, if anyone would be interested doing something like this, let me know...

    P.S. I hope that I didn't offend anyone with this...
  8. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Comic Strip   
    I was bored last night, so I got to drawing, and I drew this:


    Then I got to thinking it would be a nice idea to make a comic strip with MD characters, and I wrote something down... Not all that funny, but, meh...

    In the Forest of Loreroot, King Firsanthalas is doing what he does best, baking muffins.
    Mya Celestia enters with Clockmaster, Loreroots newest citizen applicant.

    Mya: Firs, this man here would like to join our ranks.
    Firs (still busy with making muffins): Is he an elf? *mutters to himself* Yes, a bit more water... Now it's perfect.
    Mya: No, actually...
    Firs: Fine, fine, he's in. *thinks* Hah! Let them see that the rumours that I'm a racist aren't true.
    Mya: *whispers* But, sir...
    Firs: Leave me be.
    Clocky: Sir, what shall be my duty?
    Firs, still concentrated on making the muffins: How would I know, go tend to some trees or something.
    *Mya slaps her forhead*
    Next scene, we see Clocky and a totaly deforested Loreroot, with logs all around, scratching his head with his chainsaw.
    Clocky: Now what?!

    At PoL.

    It's another morning (well, "morning") at the PoL. After a drunken night, Z wakes up for his duty.
    *Z yawns and scratches his head.*
    *Z approaches Bob, unzips his pants and does his thing.*
    Bob *thinks* Not again!

    At PoL.

    Z is sleeping.
    Adiomino comes to Bob, lifts his leg and does what dogs do.
    Bob *thinks* That's it, I'm moving to Loreroot.

    Bob has moved to Loreroot.

    Clockmaster goes by. Clockmaster goes back.

    Clocky: I must have missed this one.
    Clocky cuts down Bob.

    Anyway, if anyone would be interested doing something like this, let me know...

    P.S. I hope that I didn't offend anyone with this...
  9. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Shadowseeker in Avatar Shop   
    Giving one for free to someone you probably like, or at least enjoyed rping with, is hardly an excuse for making other avys so expensive..

    If it were a gold avy you can ask for more, probably would get better bids. But this? Normal, B/W avys for so much? Unless you got offered this much by someone, it's hard to believe you will sell those. If you do..well, good luck, apparently your greed was coupled with luck.
  10. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Lifeline in Introduction To Marind Bell   
    "The remains of a once flourishing town, Marind Bell's real name was forgotten, and its current name is given after Marind, the protector of these lands. Its power lies in deep mysteries and powerful protective magic developed in time to withstand Necrovion's constant attacks. This land was once peaceful but is now tainted by the fury of war and hatred against darkness."

    To fully understand this introduction inscribed at the Gates of Marind Bell, we must first consider some of the special places within the land…
    · Marind's Roundabout, a fountain holding special water - a place for redemption, cleansing and a new beginning.
    · Stairs to Champion's Challenge, inspiring a climb to higher achievement and new challenges.
    · Angien's Shrine, the place where Angiens dwell, mysterious and legendary beings we don’t know what true power or knowledge they might bring
    · Sage's Keep holding information and knowledge of unknown but possibly immense value.
    · Wind's Sanctuary, a colossal place with unearthly architecture.
    · Passage of War, with mysterious guardians that won’t let anybody pass, and yet the tunnel beeing an undeniable connection to Necrovion.
    · Champion's Dome, a mysterious vault inaccessible by all, with unknown treasure or danger lying within.
    · And finally take notice of the ancient Gates of Marind Bell which are made by the same hand as the cube that was handed to you.

    The appearance of a land and the creatures that inhabit it reflect the mind and mentality of its people. The struggle of the heretic archer but also the harmony of the Angien and the aura of glory and hope that surrounds the land. Marind Bell is shrouded in mystery, its past taken away by time. It is a place of glory, harmony, taint and above all self reflection, a sanctuary for your mind and a haven of personal growth. But it is also a dangerous tool that might as easily destroy you as become a step-stone towards a brighter future.

    The vision I have of Marind Bell is a pilgrimage. A journey that we must all take, facing its challenges in order to learn and grow. We all start blind and helpless, inside a small cube and with every step we take we eventually leave behind the old one and arrive in a newer, ever-larger cube with more opportunities. The trials we face inside Marind Bell make us grow and bring us closer to enlightenment.
    Marind Bell is open to all, and is the starting point of most who enter the Magic Duel realm. The land is thus a reflection of you, the citizens. It is in our power to create what we wish for, and you are welcome to join in this creative adventure. Let us honor the legacy of this beautiful land and rebuild it to the prosperous nation it once was, only better. The remains of a noble and true civilization shall not remain just a monument of history, but shall become a symbol for the future, an incarnation of our shared goals and motivations. Let us, together, create a glorious kingdom worthy of remembrance for generations to come.

  11. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Ivorak in Mr Squiggle   
    I sat in the grass.
    as wind blowed where the gates howl.
    The shadow rises.
  12. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Jubaris in Mr Squiggle   
    I sat in the grass.
    as wind blowed where the gates howl.
    The shadow rises.
  13. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Jubaris in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am afraid that at this point in time and your own development, you can only carve yourself a tombstone...

    The world devours the weak. And you can not name yourself strong and expect others to believe you. I know I am repeating what others have said, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

    Well, I gave this discussion too much of my time already, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  14. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Watcher in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am afraid that at this point in time and your own development, you can only carve yourself a tombstone...

    The world devours the weak. And you can not name yourself strong and expect others to believe you. I know I am repeating what others have said, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

    Well, I gave this discussion too much of my time already, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  15. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in The Waiting Game   
    Why the hell is almost everyone doing something animal related?

    We could make a study out of it: Do people who love animals tend to be in the group that plays ORPGs?

    I'm bored... I didn't find a donkey to abuse...
  16. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in The Waiting Game   
    Well, since my lifelong donkey MD search has not yet given any results, I might go out and find a real donkey, and then... Well, I wouldn't want to comment on what would happen after I found one...
  17. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Pipstickz in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am afraid that at this point in time and your own development, you can only carve yourself a tombstone...

    The world devours the weak. And you can not name yourself strong and expect others to believe you. I know I am repeating what others have said, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

    Well, I gave this discussion too much of my time already, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  18. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Peace in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    Yes, so many changes happen within a week...

    The only perfection is the one that exists in imperfection. Foolish are the ones that in their arrogance think that their vision of the world is in fact ideal or perfect.
  19. Upvote
    Ravenstrider reacted to Roland in The Waiting Game   
    I have found myself outside talking to "Tree". And as you can imagine, my neighbors are becoming increasingly concerned. Esp. when I began looking for the goat.
  20. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Aysun in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    Yes, so many changes happen within a week...

    The only perfection is the one that exists in imperfection. Foolish are the ones that in their arrogance think that their vision of the world is in fact ideal or perfect.
  21. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Aysun in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am afraid that at this point in time and your own development, you can only carve yourself a tombstone...

    The world devours the weak. And you can not name yourself strong and expect others to believe you. I know I am repeating what others have said, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

    Well, I gave this discussion too much of my time already, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  22. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Roland in The Waiting Game   
    Well, since my lifelong donkey MD search has not yet given any results, I might go out and find a real donkey, and then... Well, I wouldn't want to comment on what would happen after I found one...
  23. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Chewett in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am afraid that at this point in time and your own development, you can only carve yourself a tombstone...

    The world devours the weak. And you can not name yourself strong and expect others to believe you. I know I am repeating what others have said, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

    Well, I gave this discussion too much of my time already, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  24. Downvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in [Necrovion]I Am Rask   
    I am afraid that at this point in time and your own development, you can only carve yourself a tombstone...

    The world devours the weak. And you can not name yourself strong and expect others to believe you. I know I am repeating what others have said, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

    Well, I gave this discussion too much of my time already, so I'll just wish you the best of luck.
  25. Upvote
    Ravenstrider got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    To be honnest, it was confusing for me as well, the first couple of days... Mostly because of new concepts... Berserker challenge was easy for me, as well as Loreroot guards, when I finally bothered to see what creatures they actually have and what they do...

    I still consider myself a newbie... I have a basic grasp of the combat mechanics, I have given some thought to some of the concepts underlaying the realm of MD, but that's about as far as I got...

    The thing is: Loreroot guards aren't really that important, it's a milestone in learning how to create decent rituals... I had creatures from Loreroot before I defeated the guards... You don't have to go to China to have a silk handkerchief, but it can be useful to know a merchant.

    Some people just don't understand what the game is about and approach it in a wrong way. They don't find a place for themselves. There is a lot more to MD then just fighting.

    For example, I invited a friend to MD and gave him no spoilers... I helped by giving one or two creatures, but that's it... And he is doing very well for now, because I told him what I wrote here... Don't focus on combat, keep your mind open for new things, be patient, don't give up easily... and most importantly: Find a place for yourself.

    Join the Guardians of Bob, join the Enemies of Bob... Find out more about the lands and their nature... See where you could fit best, develop your role...

    These are very basic advices any player would give you... The thing is, people don't tend to listen to advice and are frustrated because you don't want to tell them how to defeat the guards...

    Edit: What upset me? Hm... The fact that some people demand respect from me even though I don't really know them... Go figure... ^.^
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