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Posts posted by Seigheart

  1. I am looking for some volunteers to help me go through the realm, and log/update every single Clickable/hovertext.

    This includes arrows to/from scenes, any part of a scene that has a "golden" aura to it if you hover over it with your mouse, and any other part of a scene that has interactive capabilities.

    If you are interested, please post here your IG character name, ID, and age. I will then get those of you who wish to volunteer together, and discuss the job in a more detailed manner.


  2. Like I have said before, everyone needs to back off of Fang. Let him do his thing how HE sees fit. If you don't like it, bring it up to Council. Not this blamefest you are all so intent on having. He is doing his job JUST FINE. Despite what you all think, he is doing the job just right. HE may not be acting how you wish, but the job itself is being done.

    Instead of telling him all the things you don't like, why dont you actually try to help?

  3. Okay, so I have gotten all the judgings back from the judges, and I would like to post their results:

    From Judge Maebius:

    I'm going for overall theme and 'gut feeling' of the entries, I'd have to shift it up a bit and make it
    (8) DarkRaptor,
    (7.1) Seigheart,
    (7) Z,
    (6.9) No one.

    From Judge Nad:

    Seigheart : 7
    No one : 5
    Zleiphneir : 6
    darkraptor : 7

    From Judge Grido:

    Seig - for originality, I'll give a 8/10
    Zleip - I'd award more if this were a sculpting competition, but as it is, it's not (in my head) in line with the idea of the contest - 7.5/10
    DarkRap - 6.5/10 nothing wrong with it, just no flair outside the box
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sorry, didn't see No one's - 6/10[/font][/color]

    So, it has come down to a mere six tenths of a point between first and second place. Could the winners find ZenTao and redeem their rewards. :) Thanks! :)

    Seigheart: 22.1
    Dark Raptor: 21.5
    Zleiphneir: 20.5
    No one: 17.9

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