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Posts posted by Seigheart

  1. Anyone else think it's slightly unfair for the people who got a leash as a gift for participating in the first Slave Auction, are now having them taken away?

    Yes, you can get another in the new auction, but I paid a handsome sum for my leash from my "Master" not knowing that Council would just take it away like this.

    Anyone else frustrated with this?

  2. There will never be two of the same Days of Fear.

    All the mistakes I made during this event, will not happen in the second event.

    The waiting... I can't help but allow some downtime. I can't be on 24/h a day. Its impossible. Sorry.

    I can't entertain you like Mur can. I can only help you entertain yourselves.

    I will not be waiting 2 days in between stages again. And some other things will definitely be different.

  3. A few things;

    1. Nimrodel was an HONOURABLE mention. She was mentioned because of her Stage 2 submission which pointed out something no one else did. She didn't get a higher score because her lack of involvement for the other parts.

    2. The participants were graded based on the performance, attendance, and ability to actually understand what was going on.

    3. Fire Starter. You were nothing but a troll from the beginning. You joined purely to cause problems. Immediately, from the get go, you purposely ignored instructions. You left the GoC. Did not help with ANY of the tasks. There is NO fear in an online text based game. If you actually get scared, you should probably see a psychiatrist.

    This quest was designed to have more than 10 active participants. Of the 33 that signed up, I only saw a small handful actually try to work things out, discuss things, and ask questions. I admit the waiting game is not fun. Period. The next day of fear will be a faster paced event.

    The waiting was to ensure there wasnt any complaining about not having time to catch up. Sorry for thinking of those of you not in my time zone.

    Submissions will be posted when I have a chance.

  4. My contest does last for a week.

    And will not require 100% of the time during the week. So it is completely possible for someone to participate in both, however, it is unwise due to the nature of the BHC, and the fact that you WILL loose something if you sign up for the Day of Fear, and fail.

    Good day.

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