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Everything posted by Seigheart

  1. I'd suggest just giving them out to random people.
  2. My recent actions? I'm not quite sure what that means?
  3. I would like to see that the Council forum (or what ever way they communicate with each other) be revealed to the public. I want to see the decision making process between them, and how they came to such conclusions. It seems ridiculous that this anonymous group is making all these incredibly important decisions for the rest of us. Who voted them into power? Mur? I don't think that is a decision Mur should have made. It IS his game, but it goes against all that MD was. If someone in the Council steps down, how do they decide a new Council? I would like all the inner workings of the Council revealed. None of this secrecy. It just makes me feel like we are not smart enough to handle these decisions if they are being made for us.
  4. Stop saying that.
  5. I assume it's something like a resume.
  6. [quote name='Ackshan Bemunah' timestamp='1356637953' post='129050'] Though it certainly gets the creative juices flowing. But this is true. [/quote] Not that my opinion matters to anyone, but anyone who participates in this topic has lost my respect. Not that any of you had it to begin with, but this whole thread is nothing more than people bullying others, laughing at someone behind their backs, and just cruel. Glad to see people are back to their normal selves immediately after Christmas.
  7. [color=#000000][quote]we did the jailing and removal of stolen property.[/color] [color=#000000]Since we were in charge of the investigation we replied to the points of the creatures being his. We are merely stating the facts we have used to determine who should own the creatures. We also further replied to his accusation that we broke the stones akin to him doing it previous.[/color] [color=#000000]We are different from the council as they make the rules, for now we code MD.[/color] [color=#000000]Further questions can be emailed to us[/quote][/color] [color=#000000][bugs][/color]
  8. Seigheart


    [quote][color=#000000]The email i sent to you was while you were the TK leader, i also have a number of other outstanding questions which i guess don't matter any more, but to quote an email i received from you "im not very good with keeping track of emails i think i have replied to everything"[/quote][/color] [color=#000000][bugs][/color]
  9. Don't put your stuff on the internet if you don't want other people to use it.
  10. I'm grateful for everything I've worked hard to accomplish. For those who have given me a boost up along the way, not many to speak of, but there are a few.
  11. [quote][color=#2A2A2A]Challenges and contests - council can clarify [/color] [color=#2A2A2A]Role of Resource Guilds - there are no plans for that we know of nor have we seen any discussion on the forum as to what they could do[/color] [color=#2A2A2A]Player DNA (similar DNA's etc) - This is murs feature and just seems like a "fun" feature [/color] [color=#2A2A2A]Resource Collecting Stats (images, *'s, use, etc) - we are not artists, resources are slowly getting more uses as more recipies are implemented.[/color] [color=#2A2A2A]Complete weapon sets - we have no plans for these as we have not spent the time to inventorise all the types of weapons and what they lack. There is nothing on the coding diary to do this yet either. [/color] [color=#2A2A2A]MD Court - council can clarify Known problems - what isnt clear about this? [/color] [color=#2A2A2A]Rules and restrictions - council are currently preparing the finalized rules shadowseeker wrote, i am awaiting the copy to upload them [/color] [color=#2A2A2A]The Treasury - what isnt clear about this?[/color] [color=#2A2A2A]Item Functionality Requests - They have never stopped but they are more selective. There will not be a list of what is avalible unless council decides it so nor do we think there will be a semi automated system for this. Items are what they are. Unless you can convince people your item really does have power to do something or you have done something deserving of a custom item effect then it most likely wont be granted. Just because you have a sword doesnt mean council is going to go around giving every single sword item in the game the kill ability.[/color] >Menhir >Now WE are in the position to say what we would like "complain", NOW > is the time so let > this topic grow. We should think of anything we ever mentioned to > someone ingame or in > the forum which was still incomplete. make a new post, divide up the ideas into different topics such as "bugs work" "others work" "clarified" or similiar.[/quote] [bugs]
  12. I'd like to know your guys favourite quotes of 2012. Can be funny, serious, thought provoking, but has to have been said in MD. My favourite? Still makes me giggle... Muratus del Mur: hedge get the f out of here NOW
  13. Item Functionality Requests. when/if they ever continue, can we have a list of what is available/have a semi automated request system like the avatars?
  14. [quote][color=#2A2A2A][size=3]Research and connections - rendril should be fixing this [/size][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][size=3]Cauldrons and other similar types of items - being worked on as a slow process of continually adding more. Most recent is armor recipe.[/size][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][size=3]Creatures with no stats - slowly implemented as more combat abilities (rendrils work) are implemented. Collectable until this point [/size][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][size=3]Story mode (doubtful but always worth a try) - murs area [/size][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][size=3]Adventure Log? - council could decide to start it, we just code things [/size][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][size=3]Spell pages and inner magic - murs area, no direction as to what he wants on this[/quote][/size][/color] [color=#2A2A2A][size=3][bugs][/size][/color]
  15. Don't feed the trolls.
  16. [quote] Coding Update: All new features are frozen until the new year unless they directly relate to any christmas events which may or may not be happening We may decide to extend this period of time whereby features are fixed, similar to how Menhir posted here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13351-what-would-you-do/page__st__20#entry128170"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13351-what-would-you-do/page__st__20#entry128170[/url] In that line, it would be good to get a list of features people consider broken or not working, however some of them are not our department so wont be able to be worked on by us. Other questions can go here or to our email account/ [/quote] From Bugs
  17. Pokemon Digimon FMA Dabbled in Naruto for a bit I havent watched anime in years lol Those are the only ones I can remember.
  18. www.imgur.com
  19. And that person does not use it anywhere near as actively as I think they could. Tenji, Tengri, what ever.
  20. I'd like to see another Tenji, but this person has uncontrolled powers of a somewhat notsolimited nature.
  21. Turn MD on it's ass like Mur used to do. Every few months, there would be such a major update, or something realm changing that everyone would complain and complain. That is what I enjoyed the most about MD, having to rethink MD because of things like Tokens, Items, trading creatures, etc.
  22. Why do you assume I am not "accepting it"? I quit the TKs because I stopped caring about it enough. I really don't care what happens to it now, I just don't get the Council's decision to completely override the majority of those who voted's opinion. The problem with the Council being so called "anonymous" is that there is no one to check to make sure they are being partial and unbiased. I know that MD elections are based on more than votes, but I want to see what they scored each vote by, and their own judging values, because, frankly, I don't believe that they even paid attention to it. LS won when he put his name forth because of all the... wait, what has LS done for MD besides been a professional AFKer in MD for the past year? I don't trust the Council to be unbiased and partial. NOTHING in my entire experience with them has shown them to be just that.
  23. Uhhh, I dont know if I wasnt clear or not, but I thought I was.... I wanted to know, in more detail, their reason for picking LS, when the public made it clear they thought Zen would make a better leader. It basically comes to my belief that it was a personal choice for the Council, because of who is on it, that influenced the choice, not an unbiased choice.
  24. I'd like a clarification by Council on why ZenTao lost the election. We voted, more people chose her over LS. Why is it that LS won? What was the point of voting if they had already decided that LS would win?
  25. People can't win twice, right?
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