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  1. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in MRFMAS   
    I will regret this. I am totally not drunk enough to excuse taking part in this quest... but here. I sang. I cannot sing. I hope your ears are insured.
    You have been warned.
    Murdered Night (by Aeo) - Botched version of Silent Night.
    Silent Night, sunny Night,
    Oh they cheer, wait for Mur.
    Round the tree, peasant and knight,
    Drunken and joyfully they slur:
    "May Mur's pockets be deep!
    May Mur's pockets be deep."
    Silent Night, moonless Night,
    Oh they think they've been good.
    Fools they are, Mur has just sticky goo
    Run while you can, he has brought an axe.
    He is wearing a forced smile!
    He is wearing a forced smile.
    Screaming Night, bloody Night,
    All these bones, all these skulls.
    It is time to grab some shovels,
    All Necrovians harvesting bones:
    "Mur is so generous!
    Mur is so generous."
  2. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Maebius in MRFMAS   
    Ok, here's a horrible acoustic, ACKapella rended edition of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", by yours truly.
    Yes, I dressed the part, so you'd know it's me.     Don't judge.  :P 

    Could not find a friend willing to enable my insanity, so had to prop up the tablet and try in the largest area of hte apartment I could, Sorry for bad A/V quality.   Below is the Video and Lyrics. 
    [log="YouTube Link"]


    [log="Lyric transcript"]

    Mur rest ye merry, MD’ers
    Let nothing you dismay
    Remember, keep your VE up
    Or Mirrir Rit all day
    To save us all from Eon’s power
    When heads comp is today
    O Attacklock and Movelock enjoy,
    spellspam enjoy
    O Attacklock and Movelock enjoy,

    In GoE, in MDP,
    This crowd has gathere’d round
    And duels with random stranger
    Repeat that combat Sound
    Awaits the Tree and presents come
    Upon is Murmas morn
    O questing and dueling enjoy,
    Dueling enjoy
    O questing and dueling enjoy,

    From Mur and Chewett and Dude2
    A coded Angel came;
    And unto certain MD’ers
    Brought tidings of the same:
    How that in GoE quite Soon
    Some presents to your Name.
    O presents and gifts to all enjoy,
    Gifts to enjoy
    O presents and gifts to all enjoy,

    "Fear not," said Confused Sa-anta,
    "Let nothing you affright,
    This day is you all receive something
    Throughout this Murmas Night,
    To all who’s AD is quite high
    And even idler’s might."
    O presents and gifts to all enjoy,
    Gifts to enjoy
    O presents and gifts to all enjoy,

    The active folks these tidings
    Rejoiced much in their mind,
    And left their crits a-feeding
    For heat and wins to grind:
    Then sacrificed them for their fenths
    And Depleted resources find.
    O Tools to harvest, weekly grab and bind,
    Grab and tools bind
    O Tools to harvest, weekly grab and bind,

    And when they returned to GoE
    Where gazebo now stood Tree,
    They found they could not get presents,
    If they were low AD;
    And arguing, complaints and flames
    All through the crowd did see.
    O give us stuff, we want it all for free,
    Toys for Me!
    O give us stuff, we want it all for free,

    Now to the angiens heard their call,
    All you within this place,
    Each mindpower and your Friendlist too
    A PM you embrace;
    This blessed time of Murmas
    Your anger does deface.
    So, new jail time the worst of you enjoy,
    Good folks get toys
    But the worst of you, some dst time enjoy….

  3. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in MRFMAS   
    So yea, I decided to make a fool of myself this year and sing a...dst style carol.
    BEWARE! My voice is HORRIBLE!!
    Forgot to add the original song:
    Santa Claus is coming to town
    Also, here are the lyrics to MY version :D
    I'm hearing you scream
    Get ready to cry
    You'd better drop dead
    You rude little guy!

    DST is planning to kill

    She's sharping her fang,
    She's shining her gold,
    She's gathering heat,
    She thinks you'll be cold!

    DST is planning to kill.

    She chases you around,
    She spells you more and more,
    You try to run far and then hide
    But you've already died!

    I'm hearing you scream
    Get ready to cry
    You'd better drop dead
    You rude little guy!

    DST is planning to kill.

    She watches you sleep
    You've already guessed
    Her name's DST
    Cause that she does best

    DST is planning to kill.

    She knows you have been bad
    She saw you use the bugs
    She gathered all the logs(y)
    So you better run and hide!

    I'm hearing you scream
    Get ready to cry
    You'd better drop dead
    You rude little guy!

    DST is planning to kill.
  4. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eara Meraia in MRFMAS   
    ok, I cannot believe I did it too :P
    lyrics are in the video.
  5. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Syrian in A Common Christmas   
    It appears that all the usual tree decorations have gone missing this year (or some naughty little elves decided to steal them all for themselves, you never can tell with those pesky troublemakers!) and something must be done to improvise.   To Do: Create a Christmas tree using the current images of the common items to decorate it. uploaded to storenow and submitted to me via forum pm    Rewards: 1st :4 christmas points + a Snowman 2nd:3 christmas points +1gc 3rd:2 christmas points +1gc 1 christmas point for other participants   Deadline: December 31st 23:59 ST
  6. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Lintara in The sweet treats of Christmas   
    Greetings everybody!
    With all the Christmas (or Murmas) preparations going on and clickie quests going active, even the most seasoned adventurer would start feeling peckish. And what snack fits the season better than some freshly baked cookies.
    Oh, but before you go bake another batch, here is a contest to make it more fun: bake an MD themed cookie! It can be anything from a creature to a character to a scene object.
    The rules are:
    • only one cookie photo can be submitted per participant, posted in this topic updated: two photos of the cookie are required per participant: one of the whole cookie and one of the broken cookie (for validating that it is a real cookie), posted in this topic
    • the cookie must be MD themed
    • the cookie does not have to be from gingerbread dough (updated: the dough should still be edible )
    • the photo must have the letters MD in it (where and how they are placed are up to the participant)
    The period for submissions will last until 28th of December, after which I will open a poll until 1st of January.
    Should there be a draw for any one of the three top places, the sponsors and I will decide on who gets the place.
    The rewards for top places are:
    1st place: 3 gold coins, a Santa and 4 Christmas points
    2nd place: 2 gold coins, a colored joker and 3 Christmas points
    3rd place: 1 gold coin and 2 Christmas points
    Everybody else: 1 Christmas point
    At the end of the quest I will announce the date and time for a reward ceremony with a surprise. :)
    Update 2015/12/13 : due to some confusion, I have made two changes to the rules. I apologize for any inconvenience.
    Update 2015/12/28: poll opened
  7. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Burns in Christmas Riddles!   
    You are very cordially invited to the riddle party!
    I'll prepare 20(ish) riddles for the party, maybe add some easy ones ad-hoc, and you're all invited to solve them, and then present your own if you feel like!
    The party starts at 21:00(ish) on 19th of december (which is next saturday). Feel free to start without me if i don't make it on time :))
    I've got no rewards planned, which means that we're doing this just for fun and games, but i'd still be delighted to find some riddle-friends :)
    Also, since it's christmas and all, i might hand out goodies if somebody solves a lot ;)
    See you there! :D
    Edit: By there, i mean GoE.
  8. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in [Christmas Points] Bonfire in the Cold   
    It's getting colder and colder by the day, and the smell of winter is in the air - yet this time, it smells dry, sharp. Not like in other times, it doesn't have the rich tang of mulled wine, ginger, cookies and candy canes... 
    "It is so cold..."1 you must think, and you are correct. Something must be done... Certainly if the cold continues, not even the mightiest Reindrachs will be able to carry Santa all the way to the tree in time for Murmas. You must bring warmth. For the sake of... Murmas of course, why else would want you to warm up the air?...
    The time has been decided: gather at the Gazebo of Equilibrium on the 22nd of December, 22:00 ST. The shortest Day and the longest Night of the year. A good time to find a Bonfire to feed for an hour or two... As more time you will not have, with the vicious frost taking advantage of the long, cold night. Light the fire into a mighty beacon of heat, and Santa is sure to reward you... Fail, and the rewards will certainly be diminished.
    As this quest will run only for a maximum of two hours, the rewards consist solely of Christmas Points. Rankings are determined based on the amount of heat donated to the bonfire individually, and according to a total threshold that must be reached by the end of the quest.
    "Participation" is determined as follows:
    MP3: Donate a minimum of 1 Heat
    MP4: Donate a minimum of 500 Heat
    MP5: Donate a minimum of 1000 Heat
    If enough heat is gathered:
    4 Christmas Points 3 Christmas Points 2 Christmas Points (everybody else who participated) 1 Christmas Point If there is NOT enough heat by the end of the quest:
    (everybody who participated) 1 Christmas Point [/spoiler]
    Sign Up
    Post your Playername, ID and Mind Power here, please.
    Lock in Chaos use is strictly forbidden, both from outside sources onto the participants and between the participants themselves. The only teleportation spells that may be used must teleport at most to No Man's Land (send to goe, teleport PC). Teleportation spells that send to any other land are strictly forbidden, both from outside sources onto the participants and between the participants themselves. Petrify, due to its duration, is strictly forbidden, both from outside sources onto the participants and between the participants. As a rule of thumb, anything that significantly impairs the ability of a player to reach the bonfire for more than 30 minutes is considered prohibited. This includes the spells mentioned above, moving players to distant (East) locations or locations with an AP wall (mur's  temple), locations with no exit, or heavens forbid, jailing or banning. Keep in mind this competition will last at most 2 hours - excluding a player from it for a significant amount of time would be very un-christmas-like. Leashes, alliance leader jumping or any other form of transportation is permitted. Any consumables that generate heat (pickles, candy, heat stones) are permitted. Any item shop services that produce heat or briskness or alter the regen timer are permitted. While I would like to rely on your christmas spirit and good-will to follow these guidelines, I feel the need to mention that any malicious infringement of these rules will bring exclusion of the player from any other quest organised by me in the future. This also applies to non-participants who impair participants with ill intent.
    1 - "It is so cold..." will be your key phrase to use at the bonfire.
    MP3 ​Tissy MRF MP4 MP5 Ivorak Eara Meraia Eon dst Clock Master Aethon Nimrodel Jubaris Rophs Miq Esmeralda Lintara Ungod Sunfire [/spoiler]
  9. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Chewett in [Christmas Points] A letter to the helper elves   
    This year I have been talking with the helper elves about getting the tree put up in MD. They apparently require more coin this year and after a lot of discussions I have managed to get them to put up our tree again and, in addition, do a new job. They will put up the tree and also produce the presents.
    There is some concern that the presents they obtain are... "borrowed" so if anyone finds a present with a name that isnt their own, I might need to talk to them... Hopefully no person finds that they have lost some creature or other due to the elves "recycling".
    This year they have agreed to read your letters and try to make the presents under the  tree a little more customised to the person. They will read your letters and if they deem your request is fair they will attempt to customise your reward.
    However they were quite specific in the way they wanted the request. They wanted you to physically write a letter to them saying why you are a good person and what you wish. These elves are quite vain so if you are going to write a letter, I suggest you praise them and their work over the years. They also noted that some of MD are good at drawing but they are not and would appreciate your depiction of them.
    The helper elves will only read these letters if you have been sufficiently christmassy, so require you have attained 2 christmas points before submitting it. You can submit them by uploading the images to storenow and sending them to me in a forum pm.
    The most amusing letters, or those that make the helper elves the happiest will receive some rewards:
    1st - WP + 1 snowman 4 christmas points
    2nd - WP +  2 gold, claw 3 token, 3 christmas points
    3rd - WP + 1 gold, onyx fang token, 2 christmas points
    All other participants 1 christmas points
    Letters will be judged in the new year, but obviously the helper elves will need to read them before they place the presents under the tree.
    Edit: The peoples representative of the helper elves remind me that I am meant to call them tiny GG men. Please remember to use this term and not the phrase "elves"
    OOC Note: Im trying to get the code done for the custom presents, but if this doesnt happen I will be giving the custom rewards.
    Requests will be customised depending on your activity and a number of different things. More active = cooler present.
  10. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eara Meraia in [Christmas Points] A letter to the helper elves   
    Where should we leave our letters?
  11. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Jubaris in [Christmas points] Robbed Santa   
    Welcome to my clickie-based adventure! Wohooo!
    To start, go to Willow's shop (exterior) and tell "I want presents" to the boardsign.
    Good luck and have a hard time solving it!
    Rewards for the questers, based on who solves it first:
    1) 5 Christmas points
    2) 4 Christmas points
    3) 3 Christmas point
    Those that finish it afterwards: 1 Christmas point + 5 silver coins
    Christmas points reference: http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3729
    edit: Deadline - 25th of December (can be extended upon request)
  12. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Miq in Snowman contest   
    Simple quest to start a holiday. Make a snowman!
    Must fit into your refrigerator
    Made of frozen water
    Post a picture of it being in there with a tag showing your playername and MD
    Looks: 1-7
    Story: 1-7
    Originality/Funniness 1-5
    Extra points for the most snowmen per cubic cm of refrigerator (give measurements if going for this ) top three on density will get extra 3-2-1 points respectively
    3-2-1GC respectively for the top three, others get 1 sc or a shop creature (as stock allows)
    6th January
  13. Upvote
    Lania reacted to phantasm in [Christmas Points] The Nightmare Before Murmas   
    The Nightmare before Murmas
    A little horror is always the best just before celebrations of joy.  For this we call up upon
    the spirits of those gone and past.  Your nightmare, should you take it, will involve creating
    a story about a character from MDs past.  Then you must put them in an nightmare enviroment,
    either for you or them. The story must have a complete plot as well as a ending that results
    in someone/all death.

    The story must contain at least 300 words
    The main character must be a MD player who no longer plays
    The story must be told in 3rd person, like story tellers at Christmas time
    By the end of the story at least one character in the tale must die
    All stories must have a plot that is revealed by the end of the tale
    All stories must be submitted by 12/31/15

    All stories will be posted in the forum.  
    There will be at least 2 judges
    Like/Dislike will be considered in the judging
    Anyone who writes a tale, but gives negative critizism to other tales will be disqualified
    1st place: 4 Gold and 4 Christmas points
    2nd place: 3 Gold and 3 Christmas points
    3rd place: 2 Gold and 2 Christmas points
    4th place: 1 gold and 1 Christmas point
    All participants will receive birthday cake and tea, 1 Christmas point, and possibly more.
  14. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aethon in A Deranged Christmas Dinner   
    This quest is a slightly modified version off WittyLeWatt and Ungod's "A deranged parade". So thank you to them both for the idea!
    What is it?
    For this quest you will choose from a predetermined list of characters as to whom you wish to play as. Once chosen you will then have to roleplay as that character for the duration of the quest. Each of the characters will say/RP something, in a previously given order, until they create a story. 
    The scene will be: Family Meal
    The Twist: 'Wildcards' will be given at random before each dinner. These wildcards will vary in ability, from allowing you to swap characters with another to causing a player to miss a go (or even yourself!).
    How long will it last?
    It will last for 10 lines per person.
    What are the characters?
    The characters are as follows:
     The Fireplace and Christmas Tree The Roast Turkey Uncle Ned (a recovering alcoholic) Aunty Sue (highly OCD) Father Bray (Local priest, rather flamboyant) Ma' (Mother, very clumsy) Pa' (deaf in one ear, likes shotguns) Bobo (the demonic puppy) Greg (going through his teen angst phase) Nana Fanny (overly enthusiastic about Christmas) How do I pick and sign up?
    Please pick a 1st and 2nd choice from the list and then post below.
    Roles will be given on a "first come, first serve" basis. If more than ten participants sign up then there will be multiple "Dinners". So please ensure you announce who your first choice would have been, even if already taken!
    Where and when?
    Dates will be sorted once contestants have chosen roles.
    Each dinner will be held in MDA Hall.
    Judging will be done by a panel and will be based upon creativity and how well your actions fit into the other's.
    PrizesWP + Earfocus stone+ Boost defence Stone + 2gc + 4 Christmas points. Acoustic Remains stone + Chaotic Boost Stone + Pimped Grasan + 1gc+Imperial Aramor+ 3 Christmas points Boost defence stone + Guardian Army stone + 5sc+ Imperial Aramor + 2 Christmas points. Every participant will receive the standard 1 Christmas point, should they not win.

    (Prizes will change depending on amount of contestants. Christmas points may/may not be awarded)

    Enjoy and get signing
  15. Upvote
    Lania reacted to DARK DEMON in [Christmas Points] The Mad Scientist (II)   
    This is a continuation of the long lost series,The Mad Scientist. And just in time for Christmas!
    What devilish schemes is the old man plotting this time? Wait and see!
    This is an adventure/puzzle race quest involving lot of running and thinking, and will start on the 19th --- Saturday night (between 22:00-24:00 ST, I cannot guarantee a time due to RL complications).
    Pro tip: prepare tea/pickles/cake!
    Now the interesting part of this quest is that you can do it alone or work together. However, the rewards are individual and will be based on who completes the quest first... which means that if you work together, you might risk and give away a winning spot to your fellow 'partner' instead of yourself! So be clever --- its completely up to you how to go about it :D
    Password to begin the quest will be revealed at the given time above. Stay tuned!
    First place: 1 gold + [snowman/10th anni aramor] + 4 christmas points
    Second place: 1 gold + [snowman/10th anni armor --- whichever is left] + 3 christmas points
    Third place: 1 gold + 2 christmas points
    Every other participant gets 1 christmas point
  16. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Maebius in [Christmas Points] Maebius says It's Murmas Time!   
    Unless you've been living under a rock lately, you'll know the Murmas preparations have begun!   It's time to decorate the tree!
    Wait, but what about the things that DO live under rocks?! They need to know too! Go pick up the rocks at the GoE and call out "Murmas Time", to start!

    Each critter that hides under there will give you a small task to complete, then ask that you check  the next area, somewhere in the realm, and the Key words to use.  
    Most of the time, you'll be using the easy-to-remember phrase "Murmas Time".  
    Along each step, you'll be "decorating" Awiiya, via badly photoshopped clipart onto a snapshot of the Awiiya's Way scene, to bring some colour and activity to those sadly barren branches. 
    However, be warned, that like some of my older quests, you probably will not be able to do the entire quest alone.  You'll discover the challenges as you progress.
    Also, there's no need to Rush since time is not a factor.   Everyone who  progresses far enough to "Complete" the quest will have their name dropped into my Hat, to draw out during the holidays for prizes.
    Chewett has also granted Christmas Points to everyone who completes this quest.    Enjoy!
          (1 Christmas point for all participants, then 4, 3, 2 points for first, second, third.)
    The quest will run from Now, until midnight, Jan 3rd.    Good luck!
    (Also note, that while completing "most" of the Tasks/stages of this quest will count as "complete" in terms of entering the Winner's Tombola, extra copies of your names will be put into my hat if you finish the three "optional" steps you'll find at the end.   If you find them.)

     Prizes so far as as follows:
    1 Gold Coin 1 Gold Coin 1 Gold Coin  (yes, 3 total, as separate drawings) Snowman / morph BloodPact Archer BoostDefense Stone GuardianArmy Stone ToadSpeak Stone mouldy old Angien Egg, (of course) 11 Silver Coins (in bundles of 5,3,2,1) 5-credit award another 5-Credit award
        Plus the Christmas Point awards mentioned above
    (1 Christmas point for all participants, then 4, 3, 2 points for first, second, third.)
      (side note: I miss Awiiya, this is partially an homage to his memory)

    I also will say it's Fair game to share any hints on when/what/where/why the next steps towards the end.    
    In the spirit of celebration, and Discovery, the latter stages are a bit vague.   Once found, keep or sell or share the details as you feel appropriate. 
    Hopefully the Intrigue is amusing and not Frustration.
  17. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Syrian in A Childish Christmas   
    Its Christmas again and for many its a time of gifts and celebration, but the childish luster of Christmas gets lost to many over the years, people grow old and forget what it was like to be a child at Christmas, and this just wont do! not at all.   To Do: Draw an MD scene with those you consider to be your MD family (land friends, alliance, anyone that you feel the closest to, even your pet creatures!) and write Santa a letter telling him about the picture that you drew. but channel your inner child again and draw it in the most child like way that you can think of! Use crayon, draw big, scribble to your hearts content! Go wild, go crazy, but most of all, have fun, and be a kid again for just a little while this christmas.   Points will be awarded based on how childish the drawings are, and how childish the letter is, as separate pieces, to become a total score, overall feel and language used will be a factor as well, no grown up words allowed!   Entries should be non computer edited and contain MD player name in the photos of the letter and the drawing, (submit 1 photo for the letter and 1 for the drawing) and submitted to me via forum pm.   Rewards: 1st - 4 Christmas Points + Snowman 2nd - 3 Christmas Points + Santa 3rd - 2 Christmas Points + 1gc + Teleport PC stone + 5 Heat stones) All other participants - 1 Christmas Point   Deadline: December 31st 23:59 ST  
  18. Upvote
    Lania reacted to dst in Fry your brain!   
    So, I have designed a new quest. This SHOULD melt your brain a little and also make your vision weak. I intend for this quest to haunt your nights until you solve it.
    You need to solve 2 puzzles: one is a crossword and the other is "find the words". For each word you find in both puzzles, you get 1 point. In total you'll be able to get 133 point.
    But there is a bonus round: if you manage to decipher it, you'll get 25 bonus points. But for this one you MUST complete it fully as there is no way to split the points.
    So in total you can get 158 points.
    1) Crosswords: you will find both MD characters as well as Christmas ones described by their tag or other means. Usually the tag predominates
    2) Find the words: all words are MD related and they can be composed ones like " Gazeebo of Equilibrium". This one will make 1 (ONE) word and not 3. There are all sorts of words MD related so expect anything (anything = words that can be find in MD).
    Soon. Hopefully tomorrow morning (my morning so around 9-10 ST) I will release it.
    Deadline: 31st of Dec 00:00.
    If you manage to solve it full, or so you think, you can submit it before. I will NOT tell you if you're right or wrong. The first submission will count so if you realize you got something wrong, you cannot correct it.
    If deadline approaches and you haven't solved it fully, send me what you have. You'll be scored as well.
    Send solution through forum.
    In case of a tie, the one that sent the solution earlier, will win.
    TBD (hopefully by the time the quest is released).
    So, if you have any questions, ask them before the quest starts.
    Good luck and prepare for the worse!
  19. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Eara Meraia in Magicduel New Year 2016 Lottery   
    Dear MD-ers!
    Tiny men are busy as hell and Santa is undusting his cloak. Christmas is already in front of our doors and New Year is coming very soon! Treasure Keepers want to contribute to overall festive mood by announcing a New Year Lottery 2016!
    Lottery tickets, which you can by from me (Time Patrol) in game for 2 sc each will contain 4 random generated numbers (I will make sure that there will be no doubles). You can buy as many tickets as you want to!
    The lottery will take place at Gazebo of Equilibrium at January 1. 2016 at 22 ST.
    If you got a lucky ticket you might get following prizes:
    4 correct digits - a Shade!
    3 correct digits - an aged reindrach!
    2 correct digits - a Sharptear!
    It is obvious that the numbers need to be in correct order and next to each other (next to each other means if winning combination is 1234 you got a ticket 1284 you will NOT get a reindrach but a sharp, if you get a ticket 1238 or 8123 you will get a reindrach). But if you would get a ticket with all 4 correct numbers but in different order, we might get you some consolation prize ;)
    For those who could not be present at the draw I will post the combination on forum so that they can check later.
    The procedure is simple: I will roll a 1 digit die 4 times for a winning combination. If nobody gets the first prize with this combination I will roll again. Second and third prizes can be obtained from both winning combinations but only once per ticket!
    Treasure Keepers wish you good luck and happy holidays!
    PS: the lottery idea was inspired by Dutch annual New Year lottery, which seems to be a good tradition in here and maybe we will make it an MD tradition too, if you guys like it.
  20. Upvote
    Lania reacted to gonzalocsdf95 in are saying?   
    to Lintara:
  21. Upvote
    Lania reacted to MRWander in MRFMAS   
    So, in a tradition I am completely making up, lets play the twist! but not like that. like this. take a christmas song and warp it, twist it, brutalize it into MD. points for making it fit your land. keeping the rhythym of the song the same. change the words to MD things/places. points for originalty molding it to md. and of course hearing your lovely voice singing/saying it. (Even if sung/said I need a copy of the lyrics)
    Must be a seasonal song for the holidays (i.e christmas or an equivilent).
    Must do the WHOLE song not just the chorus.
    EXTENDED MUR WANTS MORE SINGING! Entries must be recieved before the 31 of this month.
    One account per player.
    Also please include the name of the original song and (if not a traditional holiday song) who its by.
    1st choices between a drach, an angien, and 20 credits, a rusty,  a gold avatar token ,a pimp, a colored joker. 4 christmas points
    2nd. Choice between what's left. 3 christmas points
    3rd what's left. 2 christmas points
    4th    "         "   1 christmas point
     all participants get 1
  22. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Wideberth in Poetry   
    Wideberth awoke in this strange place
    Bereft of tea and fairy cakes
    Despite his weakness, growth each day he seeks
    Free credits and voting everyday completes
  23. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Nimrodel in Poetry   
    Truth be told
    Dormancy tears you apart
    Especially when it's MD
    One mind two hearts.
  24. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Maebius in Draw/ create/ sculpt your own Hell Hound   
    Inspired by the Hounds of Tindalos (an HP Lovecraft creation...ish) as well as the Luck Dragon Falcor from "The Neverending Story", because Luck can be both good or bad... these creatures are vaguely bestial, with a dragons tail, and elongated body covered with a cross between wirey fur and scales.  Think pine needles, but flatter like a pinecone scale, and softer.     Their necks are unnaturally long, the better to twist in an instant to snap their prey with jaws of simple teeth and boundless hunger.   While their overall colour is greenish grey, (the better to blend in with the forests where they harvest ash and carrion), they also shimmer with faint blue fire that burns at a touch. Their heads are a horrid half-face with a shock of sickly putrescent orange.. hair?   A mockery of hair, that collects the stench and decay of their more active meals.
    These creatures can shift in size, to one moment sneak across the shadows of a small hollow log, and then expand to the dimensions of a horse, to overpower their favorite prey: Sentience.      
    Their diet is of ash and memories.  Ash, burned from the slow-life lumber of forests, is historic and nourishing.  Likewise, sentient creatures are candy, quick and sweet, and creative.   Hell-hounds feast not on minerals and vitamins, but on Life and Growth.
    While not True hounds, they are named such because they hunt their prey with unrelenting patience and viciousness.
    Like the hounds of Tindalos, these creatures are found in the angles of time, not the curves.  They remain outside this realm, but within and under it,a half-step from the usual Reality, and not quite proper Illusion.  They are as real as the Loreroot guards, and as made up as the things most fluffy Roleplayer creates.  They are half-breed monsters.
    Here's the images I've managed to collect in my research...[log='Hellhound with some Lumber']
    [log='Hellhound, appearing through Angles of corners, with bone of recent prey'] [/log]
    [log='caught sleeping on Maebius' blanket']And, burned the blanket. Stupid Hellhound!!
    (thanks to my friend Lorna for help with this pic perspective)

    Now, unfortunately, as I was posting these pictures, the power went out, and something kinda worrisome happened......
    [log='Oh noes!!!!!']https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTVAgMUFqAI[/log]
    Luckily, I was able to cast MoveLock on the pesky thing at the last second, and took a few more pictures for posterity... and proof!
    [log='The 3D version! (sculpted in stoneware clay, and kiln fired)']hehehehe.

    ...ok, can I say I had WAY too much fun with this quest.  Thanks!   :D
  25. Upvote
    Lania reacted to Aeoshattr in Poetry   
    Alive is the long-lasting eye of disgrace;
    A scar on the skin of a peach it has left.
    Its gaze, it be scornful, dishonestly deft,
    The skin of the peach it'll forever deface.
    Embrace, when a sinfully loud voice will say:
    "How ugly the skin of the peach has become,
    Has its worth ever had been more than a plum?"
    The image of your scar will thus never gray.
    Though it won't be nigh,
    Disgrace will suffuse.
    And when will the peach know that the scar it bears
    Has nothing to do with a wound of the flesh?
    The blemish is cold and had never been fresh,
    Its origin lies in the scar the tree shares.
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