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Passant the Weak

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Everything posted by Passant the Weak

  1. I am off 1 or 2 week for vacation after being almost off 1 or 2 months for too much work... Happy MD anniversary all! :)

    1. nadrolski


      enjoy sir and see you soon!

    2. Maebius


      enjoy your holiday!

  2. Welcome and don't worry: I am not that new and yet i always feel new!
  3. Happy birthday again! Wait...; is that your birthday every year?
  4. No no no.... You gave me my first tokened creature when we did not know each other. It is called "Son of Sagemwoman". And that son will miss his mother as much as we players will miss you.... So please don't forget to pop up sometimes and just say Hi. Please. Good luck!
  5. Actually, the gathering tools requiring land loyalty seem to be those associated with a guild/alliance. Herbs baskets are not of that sort. That sounds logical to me.
  6. I propose to trade either Locate or Silvertongue stone for your Otherarmy.
  7. The new ones shall ask an ancient one to get access to the land. When i joined, one year ago, I had no choice to enter a land but to be able to do it on my own, either through the maze or by beating the Loreroot guards. Only option to get to necrovion was to ask a favour from the king (before trying my luck as MP5). Today the new comer can get access to any of the main land by making friend with a citizen from that land (not only the king) that would pass him a Pass paper. He can still beat the loreroot guards and pass the pmaze (although viscosity makes it harder now). It is way more flexible than it was. I don't think they would complain. I missed the regeneration today. Are the herbs basket and MDA buckets associated with land loyalty?
  8. Wishing happy Bday before it is time brings bad luck. Escommunicate all those heretics!.... and Happy Birthday.
  9. I am having troubles finding you. Please leave me a PM with your idle location if you can. That I deposit my coins in your pocket.
  10. Good luck with the move, and enjoy the new place!
  11. happy birthday girl! (I can call you girl, given your age and mine... can't I ?)
  12. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1330625349' post='105633'] they asked us common folks of realm for help instead of their "jailors" (ones who are responsible for them bein chained) which indicates that their hostage aint connect with "jailors" [/quote] What if we were responsible? But didn't know it? Anyway, kudos to Falronn for raising the issue in public and start making people react on that.
  13. I vote for a free press! We wanna know! Tell us who what, how... It's part of MD life, and it's certainly interesting to most of the players. Why hide things that could make buzz... and bring fun... ? C'mon. Who attempted that? Please.
  14. Good luck! Enjoy the new place.
  15. Cherries (would fit for upper canopee tree). A few reasons for that choice: - I've grown amongst cherry tree. I can't imagine a garden without one of those - It is self fertile - It can grow very old - The flowers are beautiful in spring - The fruit are delicious and are coming in large numbers, and we could have enough for pleasing evreyone - Birds love cherries
  16. Nutcracker 3 GC 5 SC
  17. I'm still interested! Schedule is not our friend though. Interviews shall be ingame if possible. they all have been so far and it would be better to keep them so. The article is about Necrovion people. Necrovion atmosphere. But of course I can't avoid anyone to state comments in that thread.... actually I even encourage people to do so! Even if I never said. In that case I just ask to keep private things that shall stay private. And just offer an educated explaination of what we see ingame. I am meditating deep in the realm at the moment but should be back downtown in a couple days. My footprints are usually easily visible between MDA and No man's land. Drop me a PM and we will certainly agree on a common plan.
  18. STEP3 See the light illuminating the Gazebo, you who helped us, and you heretics who predicted our death.It is the power of the many combined with the will of the 4. [attachment=3650:Beacon of Light.JPG] Edit: attachment deleted to save storage [b]AND NOW THEY LIVE![/b]
  19. Part 4 added. Sorry for the delay, my energy was focused on a certain [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11715-we-want-them-back-declare-war-to-death/"]war against death[/url]. Apologies to Azull who has been waiting for a long time already. Expect a delay before the bonus track, as something is missing at the moment. But it will come!
  20. Today at the Gazebo of Equilibrium, something happened. [b]Maebius[/b], recently appointed "[i]Bringer of Light[/i]" expressed his will to bring the light in the process of reviving the dead. He used the heat stored in the hidden orb by the will of Katt, Maebius and Guillak to revive Seigheart. That orb contained over 3.6 million heat donated by the community to the cause. Stone Oil donated by myself to start the alchimy was mixed to the heat and we saw a ray of light forming from the Plant that contains the hidden orb, to the sky. That Stone Oil is (was) my most precious good. It represents the will of those who have faith. The will of YOU who joined the cause with your voice and by donating heat. [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3858"]Maebius brought the light.[/url] The ray of light is visible to those who have faith. It represents a link between the Death and Life. Feel free to strengthen it by donating whatever can burn at the Gazebo of Equilibrium (RP). That was step 2 of our war. We will need more help for next step. Hopefully we hear of that step 3 soon. In the mean time please, raise your voice. [b]We want them back.[/b] [b]They will live.[/b] [b]WE WANT THEM BACK.[/b] [b]THEY WILL LIVE.[/b] [log=Maebius bringing the light] Passant the weak: One dead is here and shall represent the others Tal: shouldnt rhaeger be here too? Passant the weak: I ask it again. Is one dead here ? Maebius: (rhaegar should be back soon) I am here, and I seek to Bring the Light. Passant the weak: The voice of the many has awaken you. I am here to help you bring the light, a humble representant of the power of the alive. Passant the weak: The voice of the many has awaken you. I am here to help you bring the light, a humble representant of the power of the alive. Maebius: Thank you my friend. Help me use the power of the many to reach the light. I am representing the 3 dead that tried to help the first dead. And I want them back. Tal: can I add my will to bring back my adepts? : Passant the weak smiles Passant the weak: We want you back. You have expressed your will, I will help you as much as I can. Passant the weak: You heard the voice of the many. You collected the energy of the many. I will give your body my most precious good. : Passant the weak presents his flask of stone oil to Maebius corpse : Passant the weak passed Flask with stone oil to Maebius Passant the weak: This is what reads on the flask "Uncommon ingredient, very complicated to manufacture, used in alchemy and rare remedies. Most say its actualy useless in practice." Passant the weak: That Stone Oil will not resurrect you. But use it wisely, and bring the light. That oil is the symbol of the will of many to bring you back. Because We Want you back. Maebius: *smiles* I seek to bring the Light. Maebius: When the will of the one if not strong enough, the many cannot drive it no matter how large? Maebius: I reject this, and transpose my own Reality, if only for this moment. The will of many, the energy of the outer, can lift and bind the will of the weak. Balance can be shifted. Maebius: The Orb here, hidden yet charged by the will of the many, I release this Heat Maebius: The Orb here, hidden yet charged by the will of the many, I release this Heat. Maebius: So long has it charged, so many have helped. The Heat, fuels the fire, the Oil will Burn. Passant, can you light this oil? Maebius: I will purge the Darkness of death for those bound by it. I risk blindness, I risk Life, but the effort is mine to own. The targets of Seigheart, Guillak, Princess Katt, will Live. Maebius: We all will live. I Want them Back! *pauses* Maebius: (clickie will no longer accept Heat, fyi) Maebius: Current Heat Absorbed: 3606194 : Passant the weak takes the flask, tilts it over the hidden orb and let a drop of oil fall onto it Princ Rhaegar: Maeb Princ Rhaegar: I can't give heat anymore : Passant the weak deposit the flask onto Maebius corpse Princ Rhaegar: just see the names of people who have given it Passant the weak: I want this flask given back to me by a living one Tal: you can see who gave heat?? Princ Rhaegar: Maeb gave me the access Passant the weak: hush Princ Rhaegar: Passant the weak: The oil has been light Passant the weak: And I can see a ray of light Passant the weak: I can see a ray of light coming from the plant and reaching the sky. Passant the weak: This light is a link between those who are dead and those who are alive Passant the weak: May this light strengthen and become visible to all, not only those who have faith Passant the weak: Maebius spirit, do you have something to add? Maebius: Syntropy fights Entropy, but outside this all, Heat still pools. I pool it in the Cause of Life. The other, the many, enforce their will to the draining of Time and enthropy. The cycle steps back. Maebius: Life Before Death. Light blinds the death and banishes it. I want them back. Passant the weak: We want them back : Passant the weak bows Passant the weak: We want them back : Passant the weak bows Maebius: Thank you, for your efforts, all who soaked Heat, and all who spoke Hope. : Tal nods Passant the weak: People and cats, you may talk now Passant the weak: And if you have faith, I know you see the light Passant the weak: We believe in our power, and we will get them back Maebius: I also pledge my Balance, which as been set evenly so long. To upset Death, and bring Life again. Not only this Heat of yours, but my own. *smiles* I'll live. [/log] [b]We want them back.[/b] [b]They will live.[/b] [b]WE WANT THEM BACK.[/b] [b]THEY WILL LIVE.[/b]
  21. I can hear your voices already. Here and on the Mood Panel. And if I can, I believe the defunts can too, for you are the energy they need. [i]Yesterday we were the heretics, and many predicted our death. [/i] [i]Today we feel stronger for together we have faith.[/i] [i]The Power of the many is our religion, the heretics are those who will stay alone.[/i] Today something happened, one of the dead said something at the GoE. Probably helped by the growing noise of your voices. What he said is an invocation. It was already published [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11488-resurrection/page__view__findpost__p__104369"]there[/url] and I'll remind it below. [log= Maebius - Invocation] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Within each person, within their heart and mind, the Light beckons, and beacons.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Beyond a single person, beyond each single heart and mind, the Light shines. We are one.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Light is known to be energy, Creation, progress, and Life. The Principles clearly speak this Truth.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Those dead, still speak. There is Life within them. Light can add to their Life.[/size][/font][/color] [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]In the past, Heat has represented the Willpower of those outside, feeding the Will of Life to those who died. Revival of the corpses poured outside Energy to them, in the form of Heat, and they lived. Heat is being gathered,and stored at the hidden Orb, by the Gazebo of Equalibrium. Now, four lie died within the realm.[/size][/font][/color][b] I want them back[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3].[/size][/font][/color] [b]I seek to bring the Light[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Adding Time, this moment of active Heat has stretched over days, steady in it's levels, through the actions and will of those around it. Heat has been gathered. Heat is gathered. Heat is gathering. This outpuring of energy Lights hope in my heart. The four were alive. The four are alive. The four will be alive again.[/size][/font][/color][b] I want them back[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3].[/size][/font][/color] [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Death comes below, the darker Chaos. The balance shifted and life was snuffed. Heat facilitates all things, dark or light. The cycle turns, for Vitality and Action to renew. Syntropy fights Entropy, but outside this all, Heat still pools. I pool it in the Cause of Life. The other, the many, enforce their will to the draining of Time and enthropy. The dead will cycle back. Light blinds the death and banishes it.[/size][/font][/color][b] I want them back.[/b] [b]I seek to bring the Light.[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]When the will of the one if not strong enough, the many cannot drive it no matter how large? I reject this, and transpose my own Reality, if only for this moment. The will of many, the energy of the outer, can lift and bind the will of the weak. Balance can be shifted. Creation needs only measure and means. Our measured bodies rest, our means keeps the hidden Orb charged. The orb, suits Life, circled and efficient, as those orbs bind Creatuon of creatures. My will, our Heat, enforces this.[/size][/font][/color][b] I want them back.[/b] [b]I seek to bring the light.[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Growing further, the Light of my will, The Heat of the Cause, I will purge the Darkness of death for those bound by it. I risk blindness, I risk Life, but the effort is mine to own. The targets of Seigheart, Guillak, Princess Katt, will Live. I also will live. The origins of Heat are abounding, surrounding, and focused. Light, Heat, Strength, Steadfastness, Strike Death down.[/size][/font][/color][b] I want them back. [/b] [b]So may be.[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] [/size][/font][/color] [b]Be[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3], very well.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]-Maebius[/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/log][/size][/font][/color] Tomorrow we will try to get a better contact with that dead. And hopefully, the will of that one will help us reach step 2 of our war. In the meantine, please continue to support our cause with your voice. The defunts will tell us soon how we can help them back. That is my conviction. For I have faith. [i][b]We want them back.[/b][/i] [i][b]WE WANT THEM BACK[/b][/i]
  22. Recently 1 person was found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11488-resurrection/"]dead[/url], then 3 [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11666-seigheart/"]followed[/url]. I am concerned. Not only because 2 of them, I consider my brothers (Maebius and Guillak I miss you). But also because this is a very bad trend. Death leading to more death. Will we allow that ? Can we just look at the murders and say "C'est la vie" (sic)? No. No. NO. [b]I, Passant the weak, Glass expert, declare war to death.[/b] And I invite all the people who believe that we, people, are stronger than death,[b] I invite all of you to join the cause[/b]. I know it may sound silly and pretentious. Because I am nothing and Death is stronger than anything. And yet I invite you to join te cause. I don't care if I look silly or pretentious. I care about trying something. [b]I invite you, Marind Bell citizens[/b] to join the cause. 3 of your citizens are dead already. Will you allow more to fall? [b]I invite you, No Man's land citizens[/b] to join the cause. If you don't care about the dead ones, sure you care about their corpse decomposition. Have you smelled it? It stinks in GoE! Don't allow that, it is YOUR territory. [b]I invite you, Loreroot citizens[/b] to join the cause. Forget you current issues, with your alliance stolen, with that Ma****** person getting you in trouble. How important will be those problems when more death arise? [b]I invite you, Golemus citizens[/b] to join the cause. Put a hold on your research for a bit. Forget those stones and those sand castles. Do you believe they will resist the wave of Death when it comes to strike you? [b]I invite you, Necrovion citizens to join the cause.[/b] I know, 3 of those dead are Marind Bell's... So what? Do you remember Khalazdad the white[url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3162-khalazdads-vigil/page__hl__khalazdad__fromsearch__1"] calling for support[/url] when he was dead and yet acting in the tunnel of war? The community showed superb support and helped him fulfill his mission. Please show that the power of Khalazdad is in your veins, in your soul, and join the cause. [b]I invite you, citizens of the East to join the cause.[/b] One of your citizens has fallen yet. More will come. Whatever your feelings towards that citizen are, will you fall so down, that you will acccept death without a fight? [b]I invite you, citizens of the Underground[/b] to join the cause. I know some of you have a problem with one of the defunts. But can you accept your actions bring innocents down to death? Join the cause! And if your ennemy gets revived in the process, consider that as a collateral damage! And of course [b]I invite you, my fellow MDA citizens to join the cause[/b]. This is good happening for us all, archivists, quest makers, gossips expert, wise tress. I feel good stuff there! So, ok what now? How do you join the cause? I don't have a magical ritual. I don't have a magical item [b]I have much more than that, I have faith[/b]. [i]I don't believe in God[/i] [i]I don't believe in Demi Gods[/i] [i]I don't believe in superman[/i] [i]I just believe in YOU[/i] [i]You and your power.[/i] [i]You all together that make US[/i] [i]The dream is over. Death is here? Let's chase her and scare her.[/i] Show your power please. [b]Start by stating that you refuse Death[/b]. Say it in all medias you want. Wherever you are. [i][b]We want them back[/b][/i] [i][b]WE WANT THEM BACK[/b][/i] That will be our motto. That will be the first step of our vigil, our ritual our pray our.... how ever you call it. I prefer to call it our war. Our first weapon is our voice that express our will. [i][b]We want them back[/b][/i] [i][b]WE WANT THEM BACK[/b][/i] [i]you may say[/i] [i]I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one[/i] [i]I hope some day you'll join us[/i] [i]And the world will live as one[/i] Raise your voice while we prepair the next step. Your voice is our energy. We need that energy to start acting. We need to feel that our actions are supported by the community. [b]Next step will involve the dead themselves, showing that they care[/b]. Showing that they want to revive. [b]Showing that when the will of one joins the power of many, then anything may happen.[/b] Feel free to spam that topic with a simple "I join the cause". That is more energy to the cause. Thank you for your attention... and thank you for your help. [color=#800080][size=6][b]WE WANT THEM BACK[/b][/size][/color]
  23. Are all other pages you lokk at normal? If not teh zoom, it looks as if you had chosen a wrong resolution (not teh native resolutionof your screen). But if it was so, you would have problems on everything you display.
  24. Part 3 added. Thanks Chengminz for the notice
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