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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. Ungod


    Permanently. But this wouldnt be a creature you can use in combat. It would be a disease, draining your stats daily and gaining those for itself. Similar to cancer tissue...but it would be a disease of the mind, not of the body, hence in the creature page. And, ultimately, you could make your disease apparent.
  2. Ungod


    Been thinking of a creature of sorts that drains your stats every day (has this been talked about before? I don't know, link pls if so). I would enjoy hearing why something like this is a very bad idea and doesn't fit MD. Does it sound useless, untimely, boring etc? (the end goal would be for the mononoke to manifest in the realm)
  3. I say 'unlucky', but i hope otherwise. This is a writing contest, in which you shall answer 5 questions with 1-2 paragraphs for each, something like a mini-essay. where to post? Easier to do it here, since i shall publish them here at the end even if you send them to me any requirements? Yes, I want two things: clarity (as opposed to 'mystical') and feeling (inser the 'i' in there, feeling is as important as reason) Rewards? An anniv creature for the best overall submission, teleport to pc, earfocus, mirtorit, sendtogazebo, voice etc spellstones, whatever else of interest i have and you want judge- this is important; you might not want to enter this knowing that i will be the only judge. I have a reason for this time for completion? A week from tomorrow Now, for the questions: *The idea of 'living your life' ( having great fun - a hedonistic view) occurs naturally - and it seems obviously correct. But i found a definition of happiness which says 'happiness is a good flow of life'. To me, these two are in opposition - which one am I to adhere to? * greed brings misfortune - all warn against it, few resist it. Taking two steps back, greed appears to be a stimulating, animating, natural mechanism that moves things (killing in the process). Are we supposed to run from it, fight it or love it? * it seems to me that the more you lie to others, the more you start lying to yourself. And the more you are sincere with yourself, you can't help but being so with those around you. Is that so? If it is, instead of demanding 'the truth and nothing but the truth', we'd ask for honesty with the self. The result - an onest society in general, with a few exceptional liars. * ibelieve we all know the truth. We can't spell it, but we know it. The motionless sea of knowledge, the infinite wisdom at a fingertip, from which we extract small incomplete truths..but if we know, deep down, the truth, what is the value of this: amicus plato, sed magis amica veritas. * there's a book that claims god (mkay) made man rule over the earth (or the creatures of the earth). I don't know...the more you live, the more you notice how all species figth eachother, how ours is just another, strong against certain, weak against others. But, when a (barely alive) little virus can wipe out easily thousands...what am I supposed to think of people who insist 'we are superior'?
  4. Preferrably, loreroot-related, so a druidic tome can be created. But who can say no to good incantations? Not me, so all good formulas will get rewsrded. A grimoire is not a bad idea, if original.
  5. Apparently, the word 'druid' is related to 'door'; as such, a druid would be either a gate-keeper or one who opens doors...can someone confirm the etymology? If so, the 'keys' would be magic formulae and incantations, and so I got to thinking of compiling a tome of such keys for use in rituals. Such formulas always occult some kind of knowledge. So that's the task. Create magical incantations (it's usually verse, which translates to 'rhytm' more than 'rhyme'). Deadline is 'till next Sunday. If there are enough, we can compile a tome. The selection process will be supervised by Loreroot elders. Each accepted formula will get you silver, while the best ones have a chance at anniv creatures, gold and spellstones.
  6. Thank you, it seems all it took is grapple with Pipstickz for it. The others didnt have the guts ????
  7. And...we have a winner! Waiting on the second And the second one is Aia!
  8. (Decoration-letter) Eye 'bags' - a pencil's top Extra set of teeth - a snake Third eye - a ladder Arrow piercing - a line taking a 90 degrees Love in its eyes - zorro sign 13 in its eyes - levitating over a pole Double nose - bow with no arrow Small moustache - a caterpillar in motion Big moustache - a pipe Earring - a shoe Nose pierce - half of a 4-leaf clover Wrinkles - more than half of an hourglass Hair ( two hairs) - potential raisin...missing top Cheeks - tau cross Colored eyes - coiled rope Alternately colored teeth - a lizard's mouth Eyebrows - a cave's mouth This is bound to give you troubles, but visualize! Extra hint: there are two names of four letters and two of five. And now, the masks:
  9. In a few hours' time I'll give the start for the contest, I am announcing it so you can be prepared (it being a speed contest). The task is to find out 10 MD characters' name, by looking at masks. How so? Each of the masks below is decorated and each decoration has a coresponding letter (from the english alphabet). Once you garher all the letters of a mask, you must form the word. Also, each of the letter has a corresponding mini riddle - example: letter J would be named 'a cane' (all our letters were drawings/ideograms at first, so look attentively). Send the answers via forum pm. This is a speed contest, with the first two who make out all the names getting an anniv creature.
  10. I, Ungod, took the flag from Pipstickz (by force?), who took it from Aia.
  11. The title is self-explanatory. Your task is to design an MD warrior hat. The presentation form is up to you - some knit, some do photo manipulation and digital painting, some use paper in quirky ways and some chop a leg, attach it to a frying pan and wear that to work. There is one criteria: would you wear your hat? (You can insert MD's creatures' body parts, Md symbols etc - the frightening, the better...i suppose) The deadline is two weeks from now. The prizes include an anniversary creature for first place (and in case of exceptional ones, for second and third),coins ( 10s for the first and 5 for the second place) and a santa for a random entry (throwing dice). Ah, do write your alias and *MD* on your work. Have fun!
  12. I think an anniv creature is mandatory to first place.
  13. Happy bday! (ah, missed the topic)
  14. Can't say, i have to read more. The question i want to answer is basically what causes the creation of a system in which parts maintain themselves. Like, tge sun has the earth gravitating around it, the earth has the moon diing the same. Gravitational fields exist (and fight), yet there is no conglomeration; the collision didn't complete. So i'll have to read about the moon, i suppose, i hope i'll find a site that explains it in laymen's terms. (Maybe the structure of an atom is similarto that of a solar system, in which case i could read about the atoms instead...not sure)
  15. So we don't talk about gravity if the accelerations don't have the same vector and the gravitational fields don't make contact. So once they make contact, it's a fight of forces, no?
  16. I did a little bit of reading and thought about updating the topic...no definitive conclusions I was reading on some site that although Newton's and Einstein's equations work, we don't know what gravity really is. Brilliant, right? On another site, I read that if we think of gravity as attraction, we're going nowhere. And it might be true. This might be the wrong example, but a stronger man will be accompanied by weaker underlings, whether he wants to or not. Is it really attraction here? How exactly does that happen? But then, if the equations work, then gravity, being a force, is g=ma, where a is acceleration. But a means the object is accelerating (moving). In a system of two objects, you either have them moving against eachother, or in the same direction, but in both cases, for gravity to happen, we're talkibg collision, right?
  17. I don't know. I don't know and I'm back at the beginning, since I noticed something. Theory on hold until I figure out the mechanism (if i do). Earlier today I read the AL, hopibg to find something new. Nothing new, but when i read about the water receding, i thought that, strangely, the egg acted just like the moon, creating tides. Then i looked at tge angien sites again and guess what - the mark they leave cannot be explained by something like alternative current creating a 'solid state' space. That's because the angien egg stands atop of a small mound with a leveled top. You can't explain this by forces acting in a straight line - or, if you can, there'd be some kind of curvature somewhere...like, the egg emitting more from it's center and with equal force (to earth's force) from it's 'sides' (we're talking the resultant force, since emitting is done from the radius), while the 'earth' will emit less and less from under the egg to the end of the mound. Does it make sense? The egg acting like the moon means it creates a gravity field that affects the lake, as well as the earth? I'm going to make some scrambled eggs, can't think on empty stomach...but don't expect a fast comeback, i'm rather slow with math/physics ????
  18. I'd say so. Also, anyone know what kind of bribery refreshes Chewett's memory? I'm asking for a friend ... >_>
  19. A crack? A crack (an inadvertence) in my theory or...?
  20. That was a joke, Pip, yiu took it the wring way. I'm glad you are taking my idea seriously, it's meant to be serious, but under the current circumstances i can't help but crack a few bad jokes. And no, it can move regardless of the shape, the field that keeps them afloat could be produced regardless of shape (although it's interisting what impact on the ground a 'hatched' angien would have). I chose the title because it sounded more unique and, sure enough, ridiculous (in a way). The creature you own is different from its representation in the realm, different in...scope. Once again, itvwasn't meant to offend. Also, whether the theory is right or wrong, what's really important is how the angien egg floats.
  21. Thr last question doesn't make much sense since it can be applied to evwrything. As for it being created there, it looks to me like another place is missing an angien..and even if it's not true, at least the egg at the shrine is more recent than the other angiens (the ground under the wgg has felt thr impact of the egg's force for less time). The more difficult one is the first question. It assumes someonr has the capacity of manipulating angiens, and that is a dangerous assumption...if angiens are to be sacred, they cannot be toyed with so easily. Now that i think about it, don't you get the feel Pip's post sounds like heresy? Let's burn him at the stake!!
  22. Sound theory there, Azull But it looks like you don't believe in travelling eggs and i'm sorry to disagree with you on that point. I do.
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