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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. Happy birthday Jadendew! (if today is the day) :) 

    1. Pipstickz


      Happy birthday Jaden!

    2. Fang Archbane

      Fang Archbane

      Happy birthday Miss Dew ❤️

  2. If i'm online at the time you host, i'm interested in both.
  3. Ungod


    Scenes and players would be rather useless, but allies might spark some competition.
  4. Happy birthday rider! (if today is the day) :) 

    1. Fang Archbane

      Fang Archbane

      Ey, happeh Birfdae~

  5. Years ago, I read a small book (could've been a resume of the actual work, wouldn't know) written by a french guy, on indian philosophy. I used to buy cheap used books from such 'bookstores' arranged in small stuffy kiosks or even in the street. The book had around 40 pages and i'm proud to say i didn't understand most of it. It was 'too advanced'. Even so, I remember two ideas: one regarding life present in all things, and a strange classification of 'selves', with 7 central selves and miriad of lesse ones. The indian philosophy is highly introspective- some time ago, listening to a course on world philosophy, i was struck by that. Anyways, I've been considering my beliefs system lately, nearly falling into madness, reaching a point where i conclude that there is one reality, but which we canmot understand/know at all; that we merely have perspectives; that my intellectual endeavor ends, and it ends in utter defeat and acceptance of life as is, not as perceived. What bugs me is that, although i retain sanity by social standards, i now have to live knowing that all is right and all is wrong, and all that i think is 'untrue', and i can easily disregard yesterday's thought. I think this is called reaching maturity, but you can also call it madness. Basically, with each thought, I used to create alternative realities, points of view that went beyond the mere perspective - all in my mind, of course. It comes down to a point where the burden of such perspectives becomes too great, so, naturally, in order to love, i quit it. What this means is that you quit your belief system, knowing it to be just another one, not 'the real one'. You're left with residual beliefs, that shape your future life, and you appear all in all 'normal' - but you're one of the old guys now. Those who don't give a fuck about what's right, because they don't know what is right anymore, knowing that they can't know it either way. All this long introduction for one plea (you know, if you don't have a story...): might anyone per chance know an indian philosophy book that deals with 'the self'? And the selves? I just want to know what self i am killing these days; though i should wait some more years and get the answer myself, i've gotten curious. It's refreshing, sometimes, to know what you're doing.
  6. Happy birthday Hedge! (if today is the day) :) 

  7. Though i'm faring poorly in combat, every time i discover something new on fighting, it adds to my amazement. Honestly, the combat system is not perfect, and lacking in some parts, but it's pretty solid, imo. What lacks is a purpose for it - that's how i feel, anyway. Gimme a reason to farm stats or fight in general. (Mostly talking about creature abilities and their interqctions here, because (tokens and) freezes take some of the magic out - again, just a feeling) ...and the general feel i get is that stuff simply needs to be developed, not revamped (that, as Mag says, already happens, it's just slow)
  8. Yes, it also happens that it stores 2, then 3, then 2, then 4, then 3 bushies instead of the whole stack...i've gotten used to it, since in the end it 'works'. Some day bushies will be fixed
  9. Ungod


    (Quick contest: what could l.a.w. stand for? Latest anonymous wusses? Liberty among walruses? Least atrocious wimps?) I took a gander (british enough?) on the forum and accidentally saw that yhe Md Court section has almost 1k posts (hurry up to meet the millenia!). That's more than, say, New player roles and legends, has. Now, fighting is normal, but lately i've seen fighting, but no sueing. What this means is that Law is not as important. You may have the memory of law being enfirced in the past, you may see it now and then with some anon. that implies there is an authority. But without trials, you don't actually see it, right? Not that i want to see trials over trials, but no trials means we live a very peaceful existence here in MD - which is not bad, but do you like it? It is said men grow tired of peace easier than they grow tired of war - is MD an exception?
  10. Well, I'd be damned...had no idea. Thanks. Not a bug, sorry i wasted forum space
  11. I dont think diamonds can't become currency, and stay a collectable becayde of the long cooldown. It's a collectable for another reason, it's supposed to be scarcer
  12. Today i noticed a peculiar thing- i have 2840 lost fights and 2725 won, as well as neg honor. It means i am not balanced anymore (i've been balanced for three years or more), and it might have happened a not toi long ago (i am constantly attacked, but only 100 lost fights). I never left the SoE. so...either the balanced fights system vhanged, or i was forced out of balance for some reason. Or a bug, hence i'm reporting it
  13. I like the second one, but i dont think this is the right process for it (maybe first). But i like it
  14. I like the second one, but i dont think this is the right process for it (maybe first). But i like it
  15. Mrf, meet me in willows shop when you have the time.
  16. Sushi-chan, meet me in willow's shop for the rewards.
  17. Could be a typo or intended
  18. Ungod


    Although it sounds cooler, shouldnt splitted pass halt title (mda scene with opening to laby) be 'split pass halt'?
  19. This gets closed tomorrow.
  20. I always liked the flow of verse and the use of adjectives you make
  21. I wonder if these chests will take after their masters...i'm sure the toys you'd find in mago's (just an example) would be different from dst's. or not
  22. 'I'm watching a guy's bobbin' ass! Go away!!' Does anyone know where this is from?
  23. Bump (Still some time left)
  24. Congrats. md is like an old wagon that keeps going..but i shouldnt say old- maybe timeless? U missed a few spins of the wheel, dat's all
  25. All the best, BFH. Thanks for all the work put in MD. (i think nine years aren't going to be forgotten that easily, so maybe you'll drop by some day just to say 'hi'? In any case, glad to know you had fun)
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