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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. *reads fang's topic* I want to have a theory, too, and be famous! (some time later) I have a theory! Now let's see if it makes me famous (highly unlikely)... ________________________________ My theory is that the angien egg at tge Shrine has travelled thrre from another place and...well, that's enough. The egg is capable not only of travelling at a whim, but can choose the location... My argument is based on the fact that the angien egg hovers, and its continuous pressure creates a hole in the ground. The wind's sanctuary has clear imagery for those who haven't travelled to the shrine. As for how it does that, my ijitial idea was that it is an objwct that emits, creating a field strong enough to defy gravity. So a did a quick search on the internet to look for a potential mechanism and found out about an experiment made by tesla a century ago. It shows that applying high voltage alternating current between two parallel metal plates makes the dpace between them exhibit properties such as mass, inertia snd momentum. Basically, the field created can be used to propulsate an object with a powerful thrist, overcoming gravity. I don't see how that works in our case, since i can see 'the upper plate', but not the lower... Anyway, such emitting force, if controlled, can be used to travel in air, and my theory claims the angien had travelled to the sgrine. What do you think? Ant chance for fame?
  2. It was shaping into quite some theory there hehe...but for all it's worth, i still haven't heard of a connection between nc and gg, stated loud and clear. It still seems easier to look at the lands first and then at creatures inhabiting the land. For example, in the cube, the two aforementioned lands are on the same side. Or, if you look at the old man's land, you can see a gate of sorts; and the cryptic poem talks about a road that leads to a deserted land (which one??). ...but i have no theory whatsoever...so i'll just question others' theories
  3. Mkay, balancing, not mirroring - what is opposing them. Therefore, how can aramors landing in gg create movement among shades? I think you are allowed to share bits that confirm/strengthen your theory; sharing things others told you may be not so good, but sharing an original theory based on info you collected and that require some disclosing is...ok? It seems that way.
  4. So...the empty aramors landing in golemus triggers war in necrovion...why? Shades mirror what you do, so war against golemus would mean what for shades? Also, if empty aramors and tiny men are aliens, who are they fighting against? @Fang Archbane: wasn't there a research clue entitled 'to kill a shade'?
  5. So...the shades in necrovion are balancing the aramors in a way? This is more of a connection between golemus and necrovion; but how exactly is that done? The empty aramors landing in golemus triggers what movement in necrovion?
  6. So empty aramors come from thr island, and become emtpy thusly. Meaning, they are alien to golemus...just as tiny men. But, if so, how does that point to a connection between gg's crits (which are aliens) and necrovion's crits (and therwfore between gg and nc)? Surely, if shades are in everything, then this alone serves as connection, so you don't need to bring empty aramors into discussion. (Bear with me, i am not sure what the connection you're suggesting is)
  7. It's a bit confusing, tbh...you said shades are whole, while empty aramors aren't - doesn't that make empty aramors some kind of shades? I thought Nc shades decided to invade Gg (since they are at war) - that's how i looked at that statement... Now you're saying they come from the island? Does that mean shades inhabit the island as well, not just necrovion? And tiny men, too? What's the relationship between tiny men and aramors, if they came on ships built by tiny men? Friendship, loyalty, contract? They don't seem to mingle in Golemus..
  8. So...you're saying empty aramors are shades that have been changed somehow and in reality they're searching for what they lost and that 'thing' is in necrovion (i.e. the stone of twisted souls might restore them)? That during their invasion of golemus they became empty aramors and are now forced to roam the land? But, what were they looking for in golemus in the first place? And where were the 'viking' ships built - on the mainland?
  9. So...why do you think that is so?
  10. Isn't their connection to the land an effort to give said land character? If we assume creatures to be various manifestations of the psyke, they were 'added' as an extra layer...or not?
  11. So...you're trying to find the connection via creatures? I think it's harder that way...
  12. Happy B day, Nimrodel
  13. Top 3 'heaviest purses of gold'
  14. Did you make top 3 yet? I'll be pm-ing you tomorrow or the day after
  15. Outbidding Chewett on colored joker 831651 1g 1 s
  16. Outbidding ledah on 832951- 40 s and 563406- 2g5 s You might be right about the joker, i dont remember lets leave it like that
  17. 20 g for the horseman? I sold mine cheap, huh
  18. Molimas 7g each
  19. Molima 851682 6g
  20. Angien 563406 27 silver
  21. It's hard even for me to track these things! And i have technical issues, otherwise i'd have copy pasted id name and all. Edit: edited, hope i didnt mess up (much)
  22. Aramor 832955 40 silvers Coloured lr archers - 5 silver each Weaver 696965 - 8 silvers Bp archer 350739 - 10 silvers Tree 831651 - 13 silvers Tree 623766 - 6 silver Tree 562441 - 7 silver Birds 623489, 623491 - 6 silver each Daimon 649659 - 4 silvers
  23. Outbidding Ledah on 562441- 5 s
  24. I had to count my gold haha...maintaining the bid on whatever i bid and plussing for : 851682 molima 5 g 852877 2g 5 s those 4 coloured lr archers - 3 s each 649659 daimon 2s Your 3 oldest trees - 2 s each (783983,623766,562441) 563406 angien 1g8s 802018 joker 3s 851577, 851586 barren 2g each 851574 barren 2g 3 s Edit: half a page didnt load, so i missed some later bids. Sorry if i got superseeded and didnt see.
  25. Can't. Gotta get some decent net before i do that.
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