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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. Not bad for a first attempt. I think your snowmen are missing a sleigh
  2. I've been neglecting the powerup & rechargers branch, since combat is not my thing, but the items in there are still useful, even for me...except the regeneration rituals. Those ARE useful, only not for people like me. I mean, it's a lot easier to use concotion of true self + distribute vitality to all. But I'm looking at regeneration ritual of youth and I'm thinking a new(ish) player might benefit from it. So...could there be coded a solution to bottle those items and made tradeable? Or woyld it be too much of a hassle? (after all, new players can buy it themselves and i can ignore it and not buy it)
  3. I'd buy them if I could
  4. What are dreamweavers? Am I oblivious or you meant soulweavers?
  5. Not bad, but i think it needed more snow
  6. Forgot to add: in the pool of rewards there will also be suitable stones for such type of adventure (earfocus, acousticremains, tele to PC etc)
  7. I have been buying uncommon items at 3sc until now...what do you think the new value should be at?
  8. Ok, 007, here's the plan: You must infiltrate one of the heavy guarded locations we'll describe below, using common items. Do that, and you will be rewarded. Fail, and we don't know you. If you choose Marind Bell, you must reach Wind's Sanctuary, starting from the gates. The place is interwoven with Carmival Guards and clowns with huge mallets. If you choose Loreroot, remember you must reach Oak Fort, starting from the lr guards. It's swarming with Knators, so be careful (however, they're missing their commander). If you choose Golemus Golemicarum, you must reach Tempest Fort interior, starting from the beach. You will evade (or maybe clobber, gut, crush, slice etc - in utmost silence) empty aramors and tiny men. Remember to not raise the alarm. To do so, you will have to swiftly dispatch the 2-3 guards in each scene. To aid you in your mission, you have to scout the realm for (and choose) up to 13 common items. Combine them to create powerful weapons or use them as they are, but they must get you through all the scenes. Plan it well. Now, since the briefing is complete, will you take the mission? ( you don't have to buy those common items, as players might not want to sell. also, your solutions will be posted here, but i will ask the winners to roleplay it) Rewards: rustgold drachorn and 1 gc for 1st place, 2 gc for second and 20 silver for third. I'll throw in a little something for each (validated) submission. You'll have time to make your battle plan until the 13th of January. I also need 1 person to help with judging. That's it, 007. This message will autodestruct in 3 2 1
  9. My athletes either got sidetracked by some enchanting distractions, or died of dehydration ???? (i hope it's the second). Either way, none made it to finish, so please close the thread.
  10. Please lock
  11. There's one which actually looks like a kitten camouflaged as a snowman o.O Extra points for cuteness, i suppose
  12. Ok, if there are more than 5, I might agree to a WP for the best entry. Extending deadline to Jan 10th.
  13. Well, it's not finished, so what I'd like is for someone to take it up and publish him/herself. I'll check those tomorrow, ty
  14. A company or a site/forum that deals with text-based adventure games for mobile phones? Last year I decided to write one, but as I was writing it, I started to hate the original story (saga of the volsungs). So, not finding a way to get past that, I quit. Yesterday I found it and...man, what a game it would make! A viking setting, runes, dragons. Maybe I can pass the idea and what I managed to write to someone who can develop it. For free, of course. Can someone help? Thx
  15. Why not...but, only one will be judged and be rewarded.
  16. Hi all, I always wondered how the sky is observed in MD. Thei notes of sky scouters mean weather has a place in the realm, so their observations are essential. Your task is to imagine a sky scouter's outfit, complete with tools/gadgets. Drawings will help, and all gadgets need (short) descriprions. You have 24 days starting today to work on it, and submissions can be posted here or as PM. First place gets 2g, one imp and a mildrain spellstone; second, 2 g and a heavyrain spellstone; and third 1g and a teleport to pc stone. You can ask for actual sky scouters expertisr or, even better, you can be one and create your outfit now! Good luck.
  17. Hello, This contest will allow you to bring a certain christmasy-quality to MD. Your task is to 'decorate' an MD scene with lots of snow and one or more snowmen. The overall feeling should be of it being buried in snow. You can draw, paint, photoshop. The deadline is 8th of January. As prizes, first place gets Santa! + 10 silver, second gets 2g and third 1g 5 silver. Post your submissions here. Good luck.
  18. I was about to announce the death of the lady, but then I read the roleplay. Wrong answer (although it was close), but I'm happy to say the roleplay had some effect and the old lady has not died. Aia, for your efforts, I'll share some silver on behalf of the lady.
  19. Best thing would be calling Rophs back, but I can see why he wouldnt. His seedwalks were lonelier and lonelier. I liked them because I could improvise, but I couldnt cope with the hours. I doubt that reviving the seedwalks would be easy. Even if that acorn returns.
  20. Does anyone know where I can find Seiyo Kibun in english? That would make such an interesting read!

  21. I'm shamelessly using this topic (sorry, Ivorak): Paper+coloured ink+autograph+wax seal = forged land papers (that have a random chance of succeding, sometimes nothing happens, worst cases you get in jail)
  22. What does it say about the user, hmm? A weakling who uses biological weapons to beat the opponent? The tormented soul had more dignity
  23. the molima weakens the user? ah, now I wanna get my hands on one of these to study it
  24. The old woman living at Heresy Lane approaches you, visibly shaken. She tells you of a dream she started having yesterday, of a blind boy who leaves a set of clothes at her doorstep, then dissapears. She is afraid, since that dream, she says, killed her mother - and it was around Christmas, too. Dream it for three days, then you die... The rules are simple: solve the riddle and roleplay your solution at Heresy Lane. The first person who guesses it right gets a nutcracker (sponsored by the TK). I will be checking from time to time, but in case I miss it, screenshot your solution. You have three days...
  25. I'm extending the deadline by 2 days
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