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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. haha, all attempts of ressurecting GGG are futile. well, the little point is that you can defend better against people who use the slider...after all, fighting with your slider is like open-world cobat, while tournaments with rules are just that. of course, grinding stats cannot be the end purpose, but it's an activity (and people can chat and click a few times), which is why i'm not against it atm. that doesn't make them fighters, just sword -fencers, though also, i don't think lower mindpowers should be grinding, except for people like MRF, maybe
  2. that was then (not that i caught the times, but I heard about it) and if i ahd the time and could syncronize with people from another countries, i'd train a little and since I generally hate grinding, i'd be pissed as hell with people that'd stop a little progress
  3. This was posted on Dec 15th? First time i read it. Training is always nice, Mb is a suitable place for it. What i wonder is...who would bother people in combat training? There are already few that have the time to do it
  4. It's like Witty said. Be well and get lucky..best thing life has to offer
  5. 'Cuz he lives in Ro now...
  6. I don't think Aia is a new player. Certain branches have cookies, but tbh I only ate them all my first year here. That's how I discovered the *shows rotten gums* collateral damage
  7. More branches have them They look cool, taste yummy, but in the end give you cavities.
  8. I thought of some creature combat abilities. I hope it's good stuff, but if it's bad, forgive me: slam - calculating the difference between enemy vitality and own, if finding own is superior by %, lowers enemy attack (and power?) intimidate - aura that calculates the difference between own power attribute and enemy's, if superior by %, lowers furthermore enemy power and initiative (corresponding slot) afflict - makes the enemy focus on you, so that it forfeits the next round (the way to fight it or prolonge the effect would be through a new skill - wisdom); I dislike freeze, so I thought of that one
  9. I guess nobody's interested. It was worth a shot
  10. I was about to write 'any update', then I saw the edit
  11. 2- make a difference between the obvious fighter and the veteran that strikes without warning? we need to find out some requirements for this veteran silent fighter thing...can0t think of any atm, tho
  12. LOL. For the scribe, i sponsor 5sc + 1 mirrorit stone
  13. Ok, here's how we'll do it, since I have no idea if I can make a poll in the topic. Post here if you want to play the Christmas Feuds, stating the character you choose. If we get 8 people, we do that
  14. Ok, I'm extending it until the 2nd of Jan, first thing in the morning. It's not hard, Fang, I think all you have to do is go through the explorable scenes 3 times a day. With the boots and various land loyalty reductions, it should be completable. It's not as easy as getting 10 volition in a day, but I had to make it a bit challenging. (if you find it too hard, do tell me how much you get for going through lr, gg, ug, mb, nml, lab, MDA and east in one go...and maybe I can lower the standards) Also, to participate, send me a screenshot when you start.
  15. Unfortunately, I cannot create something like Nimrodel's. Not right now, at least. All I could comep up with is a dinner with the following characters: I can come up with more characters if needed. However, I'll make a poll and let you decide which one you'd like to be part of. Edit: can I make a poll in the topic, now that it has been created? Cannot see a button around here...
  16. Tomorrow is the last day if anyone wants to do this... (dunno if there will be any participants, Chewett )
  17. Beautiful. I wonder if I had the patience to learn it.
  18. Because you can twist it. Hmmm...I'll ser if i can think of a similar event
  19. That would be nice. Please think about AL events and create teams, folks. I'll update the topic a bit later.
  20. Sure. I don't know what else could be awarded, for this quest, though. I'm breaking the ice with this tune, even though I dont think I can participate. Playing an instrument is not hard if you don't want to go pro, so don't worry about how it sounds. tune1.avi
  21. Thank you, the tools are in my possession.
  22. Hello! How about a play, huh? This time, I'd like teams to roleplay an event/series of events from the AL. History can be...distorted a little, if it makes it all funnier. I cannot ennumerate the rewards, but I'll add details later...the problem with this is that as far as teamwork is concerned, it might be hard to get people online at the same time...so maybe you can decide on a day yourselves and act, then record with acousticremains and post it here. We'll see. For now, if you'd like to bring some history back (or in a new light), make a plan!
  23. Hello, athletes of MD! I come with a challenge: get 100 volition in 7 days. It shouldn't be too hard, but neither easy. All those who manage to get that score get as reward: 7 silver + 1 mineral water + 1 mirroritual stone. Top score will get 1 extra gold piece. Also, a tombola will be held for 333 water (we'll decide on the method later). So pick an interval of a week somewhere between now and the 24th (24:00 being the deadline). When you have decided, pm me (or add here) a screenshot where I can see current volition and date/time. When you finish the marathon, pm with a new screenshot. That being said, good luck!
  24. I don't understand why newbs are consuming alcohol so early in the game...what kind of games are you playing on the island??
  25. Hello there, whimsical writers! We are looking for a Sir Clerihew in MD, so for that we put up the following contest: write three clerihews on MD characters and post them in this topic. No alts, please, and no editing. Post all poems in one go, so think well before you do. You have time - deadline is...24th of December. Don't know what a clerihew is? Do a little research; besides, it's easy - here's an example: Ungod is best friends with a hog. Yet some people retain they're one and the same! Forum reputation will complement the judges' opinion, so get ready to upvote or downvote! (rewards: santa for first place, 1 g 5 s for 2nd, 1g for 3rd) Good luck!
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