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Everything posted by Ungod

  1. Well, you are certainly over 60 A.D., but since I want to free some slots, I wouldn't mind selling...only that the price would change Or you could just increase the creature and item slots of the treasury and I'd keep the offer for when we get new players
  2. 120231 (that's the one I see, 'coz I have two plushies)
  3. More uses for resources/resource combiners.
  4. Bid accepted. Edit: 12 hours passes, sold to Aethon.
  5. Selling: Uncut Diamond No minimum bid, no restrictions.
  6. I don't really like resources militia, but then again, I don't know what could be done in case of depletion, so I just observe and adapt to whatever happens. My opinion is that if MD had double the population, legislator tools would be used as a way to prevent or stop depletion, regardless of land. I'm pointing it out because it seems nadrolski is being painted in blacker colors than should. Also, I find it interesting what Mur said, about different regulations for each land...Basically, if MB decided that depleters of MB water (and this is why darkraptor got banned, for depleting MB water, not any other source of water) should be banned, it can do it, while Golemus can very well decide that they will not ban depleters of mineral ore resources if they have one pickaxe only (for example)...
  7. I managed to deposit a HW plushie in the MB treasury, even though it said 'illegal action detected'. Thus, non tranferable items can be traded by players through the treasury. Why is that plushie still non tradeable?
  8. The treasury is selling: 2x Imperial aramor (untokened, age 124) 2x Unholy priest (untokened, age 330) Restrictions: players under 60 A.D. Price: 1 Flask of toxic extract + 20 tea leaves for 1 UP 40 mineral ore and byproducts (in any combination, e.g. 20 iron ore, 6 clay, 11 gems, 3 salt) for 1 Imp
  9. Bid accepted. Edit: 12 hours passed, sold to blackrider.
  10. Current treasurer: Ungod On sale: 101 branches. No minimum bid.
  11. This topic is for the auctions of various items and creatures from the Marind Bell treasury, on which non citizens can bid. The profits will go to the treasury. The treasurer takes care of this topic, posting new items for sale. Rules may change, but for now: once an auction has been posted, players can write their offer here or through PM, but nothing else (no spam, please). Offers can be in coins, creatures, resources or items. If your bid is accepted and no higher bid is made within 12 hours, you win the auction (the treasurer keeps the parties informed, in case of discrete offers). Winners are announced.
  12. I had it too and actually installed that extension then I removed it..google scam?
  13. Ungod

    Walking tree

    What enthusiasm? I find creepiness there yes, a bit too many creatures that have to do with death...mmm...we'll have to do something about that, maybe summon the angiens
  14. Ungod

    Walking tree

    Mmm... of course, if you see it as a part of self, there is growth, but I was isolating it to understand it's nature. Is it ok to isolate things rather than see them as part of whole? Don't answer that, it might make the topic useless...:))
  15. Mur said I guess we learn as we go what is ok and what is not. Or not?
  16. Ungod

    Walking tree

    What do you think is the aim of the walking tree?
  17. Ungod

    Walking tree

    I don't know what those +rep points are for...I wanted to hear what you guys think.
  18. I can't seem to find any stuff on walking trees on forum (maybe I'm blind and need a link). Since I wanted to do a quest, I thought a bit about the tree and this is what I find at first glance: the roots of a normal tree find a different nourishment, a rather confusing one, in the remains of a soldier. This new essence runs through the sap of the tree and the once growing, immobile, fighter of bugs is changing. It stops growing in a normal tree way, it changes the blueprint - and ends uprooting and starts to walk. My questions are: starts to walk... towards what? What is the purpose for this hybrid? The last level shows it has no weapon. What kind of freedom does it now have? And, if we were to cut it/burn it, would there be anything left? (a dead idea left in a regenerative medium that comes back as something else is another way I look at this walking tree)
  19. I can draw, but I can't upload (forgot both the cables from phone and camera), so all I can show you is a little digital work: (since it's not hand.drawn, it's not a proper sumbmission, but I'm showcasing it so that it may give others some ideas )
  20. Let's announce the winners, shall we? Now, I personally like dst's submissions, but I think Zleipheneir's are more in tune with how I see Slotsh - an somewhat crazy inventor. For this reason, I will award the WP to Z and so the Nutcracker will go to dst. I've learned a lesson here - to not be a judge in such difficult quests. It's soo much easier to say 'well, the judges decided, sorry' and go about your day...I await appeals (if any). Thank you for participating, I hope you enjoyed it.
  21. Although there were only two entries, I must say I really liked them. Uncle Ted has been saved, woohoo! wait, maybe that wasn't worth such energy... Anyway, I don't know how to rank those submissions(I like one of them a bit more, but not enough to have a clear winner here), so unfortunately I will have to work you two more . It's a Wp Having saved his uncle, Slotsh has turned his attention to a gadget in his house that he sees as a wonderful magic artifact, but perhaps a bit too compelling...We're talking here about the clock on his wall. He feels getting up early because his mom uses the clock to wake him up is slowly destroying his creative abilities. So he wants to make something else out of the clock, something interesting. So, make something out of a normal clock, you two. No drawings needed, no pictures, just a short description. You can add whatever materials you want, but do look at a clock and try to use it to it's best. Best entry will determine who gets the WP and who gets the Nutcracker. Say NO to early mornings! (deadline: let's say sometime next week, but don't let 2 weekends pass, or else I'll know that clock got the best of you)
  22. I wanted to do it, but for some reason I didn't have any inspiration. Maybe it's because I'd rather not think of death atm, who knows
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