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Everything posted by Mallos

  1. Pretty much, that's what it started off as when he asked me. Though the topic has caught my interest and it is fun to research the matter.
  2. I don't have a reason to not want to free them yet. Abra has asked for my help and I would be glad to help him.
  3. I will be holding a meeting concerning Abra and the Empty Aramors at the Gates of Ages. It will be at Wednesday, March 7th, 0:00 Server Time (Day 67). The goal will be to find a way to release the aramors from Golemus. I will try to be there all day and I hope many of you will come and discuss the subject. Lets try to keep the talk of the aramors ingame please. This also relates to the quest recently posted by Phantom Orchid: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11636-liberating-knator-commander/page__p__103541#entry103541"]http://magicduel.inv...541#entry103541[/url] Below is the statement in my alliance page. [b] [u]Abra and the Aramors[/u][/b] An Aramor by the name of Abra has tasked me to find a way to release him and his kind from Golemus Golemicarum. Although Abra can leave Golemus on his own, he later mysteriously reappears within the gates. I must find a way to break this binding of the Aramors to Golemus, and I will need help. If you can provide me with any information or join my cause I will be grateful. Soon we may be able to solve this mystery and release the Aramors to wander the rest of the realm.
  4. Golemus Golemicarum Flag (ID: 16033) A big flag with Golemus symbols on it Beer stein (ID: 15939) A nicely decorated stain full with top quality beer. || Returned by Falronn at 1_0x-2_1 on day 37, 12:33 00sec, storing Herbs Basket (ID: 15437) tool A rattan basket good for holding herbs while you gather them. Loreroot Brass Gears and Parts (ID: 19392) Quantity: 20 Mixed gears and different mechanical parts. They seem to be leftovers from some machine. Some of them might be reusable but most are garbage. Golemus Golemicarum
  5. I don't know why the chat breaks, but a simple way to fix it is to click out of the error messages and clear the chat. Works every time I've done it.
  6. See ya later Tipu!
  7. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1328310161' post='103357'] BHC competitors regain the ability to take heads from people when they sign up. So, that's how that works. Quite honestly though, MP5 HC has so few real competitors that it can be used to see who logs in most. With the BHC influence, at least there's some sort of competition, and it allows BHC to be more fast-paced, the downside being that HC drags way on. Whether it's good or bad overall comes down to opinion, and mine is that it is indeed a good thing. You said yourself, you've only lost heads to people not in HC, and you're still more than 5000 above second place. Unless you log out, you're almost sure to win. Just go (deep) into someplace BHC competitors can't go if you get some heads, and watch for teleports. Be paranoid, because heads is unfair. [/quote] During Heads Contest, I log out when I would usually idle so that I don't accidentally win. Even now I'm 5th place.
  8. To be honest I like Kings better.
  9. You find something in your pocket, and wonder how long you have had it in your inventory for.
  10. I was one of the best soldiers the Stormcloaks army but I took a sword to the chest.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mallos


      Here you go Fyrd:


      And yes, I am a Stormcloak. Faithless Imperials...

    3. Dragual


      @Fyrd you can do the Azura's Star quest...

    4. Chewett


      They owned me on that :P i think i did it much too early lol

  11. I'm not sure if it was just me, but in quite a few of the links the Captcha boxes didn't show up and I wasn't able to vote in them.
  12. I thought of having it on the needle (besides for simplicity) because then it would have weakening and disabling causes, and the land cleansers would have movelocking and the ability to move players, basically paring the two items could work great. But I do think having the effect on another item is a good thing as well.
  13. 125. The free credits and all of the voting sites were set up by BFH just to see how loyal/greedy of a player you are depending on whether or not you actually vote on the sites.
  14. How about adding another use to the needle. People could fight to 'disable' (or a similar word) the person, causing them to not be able to use any inventory items. This could help to deal with issues like Eon and others depleting resources in locations, and would pretty much complete all the ways you can really disable a player.
  15. [quote name='Brulant' timestamp='1327218845' post='101771'] I was thinking a week, and it would be applied to everybody all at once. It'd be an event, not really a typical illusion spell. I suggested illusions because that seems the best mechanic we have for making it happen. [/quote] That sounds pretty good in my opinion, and I like the idea in general.
  16. Or everyones names get jumbled up. Dragual might be named Brulant for the time being, Brulant might be named Falronn, and so on. Basically you only know who the person isn't and even then who knows? What if Brulant was still Brulant but decided to act differently? Just an idea I had but probably not the best way to handle it. How long would the illusion last? How often could it be used? *Edit: How large of an area would it affect?
  17. [quote][color=#808080][i]it[/i][/color][color=#808080][i]'s everyone's best interest to leave it between the 50%-66%[/i][/color][/quote] I would recommend no less than 66% simply because there are more then. I don't harvest them beneath that. And Golemus citizens (as well as Loreroot citizens) are emphasized not to deplete resources in other lands as well, so I apply the laws stated above to anywhere else. It would be nice if others would as well, including in places not in your land (such as Tribunal or MDA) [b]"To be an ambassador for the land:[/b] Golemus citizens are expected to apply these laws beyond Golemus."
  18. Yes, any below 50% is not allowed. Though 66% is recommended to have the max amount of resources regenerate at the next interval.
  19. Mallos

    MD Player Map

    You won't show up with a knife in your hand right? Haha no I don't really care if people know where I live. The map doesn't show my exact location, but close enough. If you want to stop by sometime let me know.
  20. Not since I have upgraded to mp5, the shade is no longer there. I have been wanting to repeat this, and have tried on a couple mp3s at the same spot but none have fought them when I casted the spell.
  21. [size=3][size=3]Part of the land rules:[/size][/size] [size=3][size=3]"The king and leaders of Golemus have the right to refuse/reject or remove anyone joining any guild or alliance in Golemus as well as citizenship in general."[/size][/size] As for kicking Azull from the alliance that was the land leader's decision. I don't think it should have gone so far as to jail him though.
  22. I was around for Murmas eve/Murmas, and went to the GoE a couple of times but didn't see the Confused Santa myself. I wasn't able to stick around much though because of real life. A present would be appreciated if I qualify for one. Thanks to BFH for his christmas gift exchange (and everyone who participated), I still got some nice presents.
  23. 700 is too much in my opinion, I like it how it is currently and I believe Golemus [i]is[/i] at the moment semi-closed. Out of the time I spend there I mostly only see other Golemus citizens walking around and don't see other land's citizens too often.
  24. The Flask of Liquid Dutch did not work for me either when I tried it during the heads contest, though I haven't tried it since then. I would be willing to try them again if it's needed.
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