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Of Memory and Memery

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One's thoughts turn to the other-realm these days, so this quest were a simple one:

Create, and post, of a meme within this thread. These should be relevant in some shape or form to the realm (including of some event which hath occurred within the realm); if the allusion were a subtle one, then I would suggest an explanation in accompaniment.

There is no limit on the number of entries one may post here, but each shall be judged on the best submission; this shall be determined by the number of up-votes received by the close of the anniversary. "Likes" shall be equivalent to one upvote also, but "downvotes" shall be worth zero (rather than a negative value).


Prizes for this contest shall be as follows:
1 anniversary creature and 3 gold for the best submission
1 anniversary creature and 2 gold for the runner-up
1 gold for third place
Plushies to each entrant commensurate to the number of received up-votes.

Edited by Aia del Mana
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  • Root Admin
11 hours ago, Aia del Mana said:

There is no limit on the number of entries one may post here, but each shall be judged on the best submission; this shall be determined by the number of up-votes received by the close of the anniversary. "Likes" shall be equivalent to one upvote also, but "downvotes" shall be worth zero (rather than a negative value).

One entry per post?


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