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Posted (edited)

Legend Speakers will be hosting a series of Literary events this year, at the Well of Fortune (Official Storytelling site).

Rules for different events are posted here:


Themed stories can be posted in their folders given by the links below as soon as they are written, beginning now and can get up & down votes.  Watch the main calendar for times when they will be read to an audience for more votes.

Fable (end with a moral)  {no submissions}
Shaggy Dog Story (sets up a pun or punchline)  https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20216-17th-anni-shaggy-dog-stories/ {no submissions - but I put one up}
Origin Story (fact, fiction, or legendary)  https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20217-17th-anni-origin-stories/ {no submissions - but I put one up}
Humorous  https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20218-17th-anni-humorous-stories/ {no submissions, but I put one up}
Inspirational  https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20219-17th-anni-inspirational-stories/ {no submissions, but I put one up}
Horror  https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20220-17th-anni-horror-stories/
Conspiracy Theories  https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20221-17th-anni-conspiracy-theories/

Contestants will be ranked based on total votes (one entry per category only, please) on the forum (up minus down) plus audience votes.  They may choose from the following prizes plus - plushies thanks to Chewett!

A WISHPOINT (might be first choice, might not)
Angien Egg (age 83 with a Sunshine token)
Rustgold Dragon Hatchling (age 15)
Soul Weaver (age 38 or 73) [Please thank Nepgear for the donation of these creatures!]
Imperial Aramor (age 58 or age 89 with Onyxfangs)
Winderwild Fledgling with 1000 Shards (5 available)
Gold Coin is also an option.
{NEW OPTION! 10th Anniversary Aramor (the other one from Kyphis is gone}

Impromptu story events (also competing for the above prizes, but with only audience votes) will also be scheduled (see calendar).

SURPRISE THEME STORY {no submissions}
PUN CONTEST https://forum.magicduel.com/topic/20294-17th-anni-pun-contest-ars/

Games such as Hangman will be announced held periodically on the mood panel, for lesser prizes.  All attendees will be served refreshments and there will be doorprizes.


Edited by Fyrd Argentus
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Some added rules.... the date & hour that gets posted on the calendar is the deadline for themed nights.  It's okay to present at that time, prior to a forum post.  Or even make it up as you go, on the fly.

It is also acceptable to "read" your story for votes at ANY literary reading (themed or impromptu) prior to the appointed time (I will vary meeting time for this purpose).  Votes you receive then will be recorded and later added to the forum upvotes at the posted time for that theme to determine your final score.  Category winners will still be compared to others of the same theme to determine prizes.

The number of votes that can be cast by each participant (or non-submitting audience member) at a theme night will be equal to the square root of the number of submitting participants, rounded down. (I don't count).  Example: 5 submitters, 5 watchers, and me -- everybody gets 2 votes to cast. 

You can't vote for yourself but you can double up.

I will also add an OTHER THEME for anything else, including poetry, and including works that missed the normal deadline:



Edited by Fyrd Argentus

Tentative Literary Event Schedule
Will be changed if there are conflicts with any other event, or other issues.

April 14 {Day 1 - first day reserved}

April 15 - any time - Hangman (and other games throughout the festival)

April 16 - 1500, 1800, & 2100 - Pun Contests

April 17 - 1500, 1800, & 2100 - Limerick Contests

April 18 - 1500, 1800, & 2100- Spin Doctor Contests

April 19 - 1800 - Surprise Theme Impromptu Story Writing

April 20 - 1500 - Reading "Fables" (or any later topic)

April 21 - 2100 - Reading "Shaggy Dog Stories"  (or any later topic)

April 22 {Kyphis event 1130-1500 BPG}

April 23 - 1500 - Reading "Humorous" Theme stories (or any later topic

April 24 - 2100 - Reading "Inspirational" Theme stories (or any later topic))

April 25 {Kyphis event 1130-1500 Sun Hall}

April 26 - 1800 - Reading "Horror" Theme stories (or any later topic)

April 27 - 1500 - Reading "Conspiracy Theories" (or any later topic)

April 28 - 1800 - Reading "Origin Stories" (or any later topic)

April 29 - 2100 - Reading "Other" Theme stories (including any earlier topic)

April 30 {Day 17 - last day reserved}

Posted (edited)

Running Scores for the Grand Literary Prize (actually, order of choices from the prize list above):

Ailith (puns) 3+3 (hangman) 1 =7

Valoryn (horror story) 3+3 =6

Invie (hangman) 3 (Tale-Spinning) 2 =5

Lashtal (uncategorized story) 4

jakubhi (hangman) 1 (Conspiracy Theory) 2+2/3 = 3+2/3

Seigheart (hangman) 3 =3

Elyssia (hangman) 1

MaGoHi (hangman) 1

Aia (hangman) 1

Chewett (Conspiracy Theory) 1

Marvolo (hangman) 1

Eara Meraia (hangman) 1

Fyrd (Conspiracy Theory) 2/3

Nepgear (hangman) 0.5

klawdees (hangman) 0.5

Possible "participation" awards:
Kaya Salta
Handy Pockets

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
Posted (edited)


Limericks: Sunday 17th ONLY 1500 and 2100.  Had to cancel the 1800 - Sorry.

{1500 didn't happen - down to 2100 only - and that didn' happen either.  No interest I suppose...?}

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
Posted (edited)

Final session is closed, and it's time to pick prizes from the list above, in the following order:

Ailith w/7 (passes)
Valoryn w/6 => wishpoint (done)
Invie w/5 => Rustgold Dragon (done)
Lashtal w/4 (passes)
Jakubhi w/ 3+2/3 => Soulweaver (done)
Seigheart w/3 => Angien egg (done)

Tied at 1:
Eara Meraia => 9th Anni Aramor (done)
Chewett, Aia (passes)
Elyssia => soulweaver
MaGoHi => 10th Anni Imp (done)

Marvelo, (first claim gets precedence if the people above don't take it)
Tied at 0.5: Nepgear => WW
& Klawdees

Please post here so everybody knows what has been taken.  Don't wait your turn, put in a claim!

And... congratulations to you all!

Edited by Fyrd Argentus

Well, I will just drop my priority list:P  Hopefully it will make this more orderly.

(number one is my highest priority, should it be claimed I move to priority number two, three, etc..) 

1. wp

2. Soul Weaver (thank you for the donation Nep~)

3. angien egg

4. Rustgold Dragon

5. Winderwild Fledgling

6. gold coin

Posted (edited)

Lashtal has passed, so Jakubhi got a soulweaver.

Seigheart is absent so he'll have to take his chances on a pick.

Eara Meraia got an anni Aramor, but I do have a second.

Elyssa got the other soulweaver.

Everybody else - let me know what you want from the shrinking list.

Edited by Fyrd Argentus
2 hours ago, MaGoHi said:

do i still get something?

Yes, but the list of prizes keeps shrinking.  Speak up - what do you want?  I think we're down to 3 variants of imps, WW with 1000 shards, or a gc.


"Imps" are all colored.  I have two regular yellow ones and a 10th anni one that is red & black.  Some details on tokens & age above.


I owe Marvelo a prize pick and an RP item.  Sadly, probably have to wait until he's out of jail.

The two of you with 0.5 points (Nep and klawdees) must make a claim if you want one before Marvelo gets his, as I will close the claim period at that time.

2 Imps and many WW with 1000 shards each remain (or a gc).

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