August 18, 2016 is when i originally applied for the GG Lab position.
It is now Nov 29th, 2017, so ill make two quick points below.
I have been waiting well over a year, PATIENTLY, for a reply to my application.
I waited originally, before applying, so as if anyone else might want to apply, they might.
Not one did, thus after waiting for a few months, i myself applied to the position.
I am the ONLY applicant. And unless Casper the Friendly Ghost has been doing a better job than i for the past year in that dank dark lab with its many fun gizmos and... but i digress.
My second point is plain and simple. My birthday is coming up, on December 19th. I dont know why my application has been ignored for as long as it has, being bumped by me as much as it has, as patient as i have been, and i no longer care to ask. All i ask, is that if the Powers that Be will it so, that i might get an early birthday present in the form of more responsibility.
I want that GG Lab position. I am the ONLY one with Gridos blessing for said position. i have waited well over a year. I have been patient. I have been cordial. I need an answer of some kind, from somewhere, because to not be answered is worse than to get a no. If i get a no, i want a DAMN good reason as to why i cant do the job no one else is applying for, and no one else has the blessing for.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, i _patiently_ await the reply.