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Fang Archbane

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Everything posted by Fang Archbane

  1. *Fang quietly scribbles as he thinks out loud to himself* "I'd say great grief has befallen the lands, buy I think we all know by now, pain is simply self growth in disguise. Due Time has made me hardened and empty. I find I write these words with no emotions left inside my heart... Void, I believe my Old Man used to call it..." *Fang continued to silently scribble on the paper for a while with one calculated talon. He had become used to writing with an ink dipped claw by now, something he wasn't quite sure he was ready to admit* "There we go. Time to place these up for the world to see. Whether they join us or refuse it matters not. The task will get done either way... Still. No better time to multitask and get a few things done in layers..." *Fang places various clawdrawn flyers around the capitols. One in each land at all the main choke points, and they read as follows* : Come one come all! An Old Man has fallen, and he can't get up! Granos has fallen prey to the Whimsical Reaper, and I say it's time we make a stand against entropy! Starting the dawn of the 15th, we will all grab Herb Baskets from Loreroot and clean pick each East location down to 66% in an endeavor for Flowers. The competition will end the same day. Whomever comes in places 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as far as Flower Contributions into the Grave Wreath combiner go will each earn respective rewards TBD based on sponsorship availability (but will be updated either way asap). ~~~ We can't fear Death any more than we can fear Change. I'm well aware that Granos doesn't need any aid, but as his unaccepted long lost ginger stepbird, I feel it's my responsibility to look after my own. You're all free to join us and possibly make some prizes along the way. The more the merrier as they say, and may the best Herbalists win ~~~ Editors Note: You'll most likely want to limit yourself to 2 man teams. One with an herbs basket and one to support. Everyone has until the end of the day to agree on their end amounts, but a ss should be taken of the stack and posted in this thread before it is passed to the designated flower holder.
  2. When you have 3 wiiya and 5 resource making Grasan, the first of 3 of 5 make resources, which is understandable. What seems off to me is that if you do not pick up those resources and instead go get another 2 wiiya, the first 2 of the 5 Grasan will just make more of their own resource, instead of it going to the 2 that had none. I believe this is a bug and I wasn't sure if it was on the forum, so I posted it to get confirmation & maybe an explanation. Thanks either way.
  3. Use dekstop mode on your mobile web browser. Should fix the size issues. Zoom in and out as required.
  4. I doubt this needs to be said, and for the record I agree with everything Laz has just said, but it should also be noted that on mobile (desktop view) it's actually easier just to click on the names to open the creature details (at least, that's how I always do it)
  5. If this is an elaborate troll, I'm sorry to be the killjoy. Rather sure that's an april fool's recurring event. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. I'd love to be of any use in this field if im accepted. Consider my submission submitted.
  7. A beautiful look into perspective. It gets a thumbs up from me.
  8. Ah yes, I should clarify my 6G1S bid was to outbid Ledahs 6G bid. So just the one.
  9. As Fang awoke abruptly in the middle of the Drachorn Cave, he couldn't help but wonder what had stirred him from such a deep sleep. In fact, he couldn't remember how he'd gotten to the Drach Lair to begin with... He makes a mental note to stop smoking so much Nightshade... As he rolls up another NightCig and lights it with some Phoenix Fire. Fang takes some time to look about, always careful to examine his surroundings for any subtle shift... Waiting to see if his first wife Rose might appear, his constant and unfailing reminder whenever he's sleeping, that he is indeed currently dreaming... But no, this time Rose did not show. Drats. He was indeed awake... And painfully aware of... Everything. His eyes seemed to have sharpened, his nose seemed stronger, all his senses in fact seemed to have hit overdrive overnight... Was it even night?.. had he ever seen night?.. questions for another day. As Fang got up and stretched his old bones and waddled about, he realized something... He could hear a small, distant cry. It wasn't the cry of any humanoid... It wasn't even the cry of any beastling... No, this was the cry of a land, far far away... One he hadn't so much as thought about in... Wow, years by now... Fang takes another drag as he flies out of the Cave and atop GGs floating Pyramids, absorbing some of their Heat and Magic in the process, his very source of Inner Kelle'Tha Fire, a flame that charred only his perceived enemies, leaving any perceived allies licked back to health by the same flames. As he looked out into the distance, his new eyes matching his new ears, he could see the land that matched the sorrowful cries... GateWay Island, the Island of Beginnings... He let out a deep sigh as he contemplated his near future. Fang slowly morphed back into his Original Self, a 10 foot tall werewolf with half silver, half pitch black fur, and continues to smoke as he ponders... Weighing the possibilities... Knowing full well every move he makes is watched closely, and remembering he simply no longer cares... At least... He no longer cares for certain things... But the Young Blood... That he could not abandon. He could just barely spot out a tall, demanding figure, proud to the eye even from here, but everything he had, Fang knew far too well he had earned... It was the silhouette of Azull, past, present, and future King of Necrovion, since Time is more of a... Suggestion. He also knew this call of the land far too well. He knew what it meant. Change was coming, and Fang had to decide whether he'd catch that train ride or not... Simple as that. Fang releases yet another sigh, as he morphs into his puppy form, finishes the NightCig, flicks it into the ocean, and slowly begins to pack his things. "My King is going to have my fucking head for this one... And I can already feel all the questions no one will utter verbally... But there's never a need, everyone thinks so damn loudly around here..." As Fang continues to pack his seemingly infinitely deep bag... He picks up something he'd forgotten he still had. The Moldy Sandwich his father had given him. More or less the only solid reminder he still had of the Old Man... And the promise he'd made that day... A single tear falls onto the Sandwich. Fang sighs yet again, worried that this bad habit would one day have him sigh his very soul out of his body. What a way that would be to go. No. Enough distractions. He still had a mission at hand. Between his promise to Granos and the Call of the Land... He had little choice in the matter. To bring down all Gates one day. To Unite this world, either by peace or by war. To keep marching on, even when everyone else pushes back. He'd burn down this entire realm, if it only meant bringing it back stronger. It seems today, a new phase of Fangs adventure begins... As he transforms back into his Phoenix form, he places his bag on his back, and takes off over the Ocean, dead set for GateWay Island. He's had to accept some things that left a bitter taste in his mouth over time. He's had to grow up more than once, a habit he's afraid will never end. And yet... He survived and pushes on. Old, nihilistic, exhausted, but unbreakable. Whether anyone understands him or not, it matters little. Today he becomes more than just the Mt. Kelle'Tha Phoenix. He's found a new place as the Gateway Groundskeeper. If anyone ever asks, hes there on Unnoficial business. Fang was never one for playing by anybody else's rules. He answers to nobody. Explains himself to none. And he'd have it no other way. What he does, he does for himself and his allies, as well as the future of MagicDuel. With a simple hope that when he finally does meet the big Bird Cage in the Sky... That some, some day, might find happiness in their own adventures here. He doesn't want to be remembered. In fact, his life's easier when he's working from the Shadows. He doesn't seek recognition. Not even acceptance. No gratitude. Nothing. He simply wishes to be left alone to do as he sees fit. So today he'll take on the responsibility of keeping the Balloon and the Aramor maker of the Island functioning for any Young Blood that might pass. As Fang lands on the island, he's jostled from his thoughts and looks about. He spots Azull as he had from afar, only now in more detail. Truly, this is an impressive entity. He's decently good looking (if you're into the tall and mysterious type) but Fangs Auric Eyes allow him to see his Energy Field as well... And if that isn't just about the most impressive Field he's seen in quite some time. As Fang takes a moment to admire the King silently, Azull notices his meager existance after some time and glances over with a half smile. A mix of concealed surprise and confusion flashing across his forehead for less than a microsecond. Fang smiles back and waves, a wordless and dry greeting between the two, as men who understand each other rarely need to use words. Fang informs Azull that he'll be here for a bit, and that he'd help about however possible. Azull did not give much more than a nod back, but Fang instinctively knew it was a "I'll believe it when I see it" sort of nod... And he'd earned that, no harm no foul. Fang excused himself and slowly floated up to the top of the mountain, admiring the Gate that lays there, wondering if the stories are true, and it really did lead back to a certain Demons Home. No matter. Experiments for another day. Fang morphed into his "human" form, a wild looking mutt of a man, only 6 feet tall, but with hair that barely flirted with the ground, unkpempt just the way it always was. He couldn't help but stretch one last time, wondering how long he'd been in his Phoenix form... A few years now? Aye... Time was always a bit wonky but, that felt about right. As Fang rolls and lights another NightCig, he looks back across the Ocean to his Home, Golemus. He couldn't help but wonder just how angry his King might get later... But technically the Island is an extension of GG... not exactly a province but... A Sister more or less. Fang hopes that might be his saving grace, otherwise he might get accused of Treason, much like when he began to Pray to the Shade Sentinel... Eh, worries for another day. And that's when something caught his eye. He focused his Silver Eyes onto the Golemus Peak... Just in time to see his own Phoenix Form packing it's... Bag... And admiring... A Sandwich... Oh no. It's happening again. Fang blacks out. When he finally awakens, he's in the Drach Cave, with an odd case of Deja Vu, as he silently questions just exactly how he'd arrived here...
  10. To be fair, things like Memory Stones have been scattered throughout the realms pretty evenly. I honestly only see this update as placing everything else on par more or less with Memory Stones. It isn't too bad. I strongly suggest using only a mobile web browser with Desktop View on (as the normal mobile view is a bit... Squished) and optimizing from there.
  11. I believe ungod simply means it's too inconvenient to travel that much that regularly. I kindly disagree but, I'm also always on mobile (desktop view) and it's significantly faster and more stable than the pc version (in my humble opinion).
  12. Submitted. If you have any questions please let me know.
  13. Oh heavens, I'd much prefer they do so here in public, for the sake of transparency and fairness. Everyone will be judged equally so, no need for curtains and smoke :3 ????
  14. (Thank you so much for your had work Chew. Please try not to overwork yourself. MD will still be here post nap ????) On a sidenote, this isn't priority or anything but the proper wording here would be "Playername slid along the heatveins arriving from Y_YxZ_Z"
  15. In lieu of the upcoming Anniversary, and at the behest of Demonic God, I have decided to make a rather questionable quest. With even more questionable rewards. I am not like most, whether that be for the better or worse, we might never truly know. A book can not be examined until it is done, and it is both my fear and hope that the book of MD never ends. I have, but a simple question. What does the Void, mean to You. I should preface this by explaining something very clearly however. I am not asking for the technical response. Some out there, have ventured into the very Void and back. They know exactly what it truly is. This is not the answer I seek. The correct answer to this question, is any and every honest answer from ones personal Inner. I will pick the 3 answers that best fit my criteria. First place will go to the answer that fits closest to my own. An unfair request, as very select few can even begin to understand how my shattered psyche functions. Second place will go to the most creative answer. Third place will go to the absolute most insane answer. A keen eye will realize that the rewards for second and third, slightly narrow down what first place is not looking for. I should once again, clarify that I do not know the technical answer to the Void, and do not have any desire to discover it. My reality is my own. Such is the way of the Phoenix of Mt Kelle'Tha. I evolved as a survival mechanism. A natural process that I had quite little say in. Littered about my papers you might find clues to how I think. When I think. If I think ( ^^) So CreatorSpeed and best of luck to all the participants. Below will follow the list of rewards pre sponsors. If any sponsors do show up they will be edited as necessary. First place: a fully grown and maxed SHMSH (I will also pass you 1 silver so you may keep it's stats wherever possible without any personal loss). Second place: 1 Gold Third place: 10 Silver Happy thinking, and may you all enjoy this beautiful magical world, as well as find what you do here useful in this and all other realities. {The only deadline is the day after the Anniversary. This may be pushed forward if some late applicants need extra time to flesh out their ideas}
  16. Sometimes I wonder... What language do i think in ????

  17. This seemingly random popup appears constantly for me. I am not entirely sure how to reproduce it, but it seems most likely to happen when youve opened up MD on a phone browser, and eventually close the browser app. The longer you wait before returning the more likely it seems to pop up. The actual scene does not change, all it does is refresh your entire page, and thus this seems low priority and an annoyance at worst.
  18. When the Toy Skateboard is used to travel, it states it properly in the trigger box Ie: moved from 2_-1x0_4 to 2_-1x1_4 But it does not appear properly in the chat box. In chat it simply states Player name moved from % to % (Will update with SS asap)
  19. Attempting to favorite anything or unfavorite anything in your item inventory does not result in any sort of actual change. The buttons are unresponsive even though they clearly light up orange when clicked.
  20. If you travel to Willows Shop, one of the Guards outside shows up, and immediately you get the following message "Clicky Not Available". It should be noted I'm still able to enter Willows Shop, so it seems the system knows I beat it prior. I should also mention that the scene that used to house BSRs Avatar as a clicky on the island, also now shows this exact message due to a second arrow showing up there. If any more messages like this pop up, I'll simply add on to this thread.
  21. While not priority as it doesn't necessarily impede gameplay, this does seem to be an unintended bug that slightly changes how we battle. The layout (entire scene, players, chat box etc) and only that layout itself refreshes. This can be recreated by participating in any offensive battle. Directly post battle, if you battle and close it to move on to the next and maximize speed/efficiency, it can be seen refreshing every single time. This happens whether you watch it or not, as a close eye still mid fight should be able to see it refresh.
  22. I should state that I'm not a quester anymore. That being said I don't mind being a sponsor, if Iggy will have it. I have a max tree I'm happy to reward first place, and I can pass it via magic ctc so it won't incur any losses. Happy thinking.
  23. To be fair, I can make Heat Stones as well. And I farm my own memory stones so... They're all essentially free. I plan on being much more active for the perceivable future so, just find me and ask if you're ever in need.
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