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Tom Pouce

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Everything posted by Tom Pouce

  1. Eara Meraia what is wrong is illustrate with what apend to Spartiatis you think its fun for that someone if someone dont want to roleplay for months long for someone to revive him? ... and that no big community effort you describe apen for that one? if for exemple someone for some reason (its improbable i think) kill Tom Pouce and Tom Pouce is not revive within 1 week at max you MD would have made another Spartiatis off me, its mean i would do no alts, and just quit for good saying: " thank you all for repaying all the goodwill i did put in MD"
  2. HI Mur , you probably did not read all that forums (much was written on that sujbect) but ill say again my toughts the killing in MD is bad and i mean BAD! bad because its like an banishment what is wrong is that this banisment is not made by MD administration for bad beivior , but its in the hands of players and they are free to use it or not and i have seen it use much for fun or quests with no previous aceptance of that by participants what is unbalance is that the one that is killed, had no mean of defence agains that, had no sanctuary and as no mean (of his own) to revive i understand that in torche there was killing, but its an few hours being dead only with automatic revive THAT would be an solution your combat system is balance and also without any bad side ,,, and at the limit of no use so i wonder why you put killing in an so bad unbalance compare to your combat system my first tought is that it was an social experiment of you, ... well you have your result, you dont need the killing anymore tought about that alternade md that one could use to revive, its an 1/2 soulution, but its better than doing nothing idea that one revive would find it harder to revive himself an 2e time is bad, it should be the reverse, one become harder to be killed and he get more % chance to not be kill by an killing weapon another time each time he is killed,, that would be more likely good in my mind... that would put an limit on being killed
  3. Happy Birthday
  4. working building an great quest :) , backgroud story done, sponcering found ... working on content

  5. Happy birthday ! :)
  6. oops! :wacko: Id like to participate in that quest :( i was not aware of that ruling If it is permitted, i will remove my sponcering and keep my participation and hope that someone else sponsor that quest :cool: (that quest need sponsering to bring in participants) Tom
  7. humm its very good , but how one can contact you? if he want as i am aware only your few close aquaintance talk or see you often Chewett is one with constant communication, ... should he get this quest also? as i am aware, its your say and also chewett say that one should seldom contact you
  8. I suggest that this new kind of items or haability to make them be given for people making quest , like those programming clicy I suggest that it would be possible to make some such items, program in interaction with what can already be made with ordinary clicy I suggest to keep MD tydy that it would be possible for such to be temporary, like that one programming an ordinary clicy need to refresh if he want his programming still active That way it would be possible to make many ester eggs every where , make an quest to get most of them, and after quest everything is no more so MD is keep tydy or make an quest catch an rabbit , one clic on it get it, but he jump off to another scene or another place in same scene .... to finally put it in his cage , and after quest, no more, MD is still tydy That is an hability that i really would like .. so MUR when yu will give avay that hability, think about me quest is my interest Tom Pouce
  9. MUr i have try to make some and tested it in chat there is an problem its that you will need to put something (css thingy i think) such that chat use an fix wide typeset not an true type or other that are variable spacing so that space taken by each character are same right now its not same as if i do it in notepad before pasting (it dont make lines fit one on another depending of what is in an line) ░C . . .i. . T░ ░i . 78@8 . .e░ for exemple in notepad is exactly same length but here in forum and in chat its not same length and i probably can make it looking good in "my chat" but if your brownswer is not with same kind of type set it may look ugly
  10. Tom Pouce my entry for this contest
  11. I sponsor that quest with 5 Spicy Pickle
  12. What i would suggest , since you said you see your life unbalanced ... try to get it balance to do it it mean sometime to "kick it" out of its unbalance what i mean for exemple , if your life is to buzy, no time , thinking that you cant do all that need to be done maybe its time to take an break ... for an weekend take time for yourself, doing nothing or someting that you really like but you dont have time to do (reading, dancing, visiting , ...) if it mean that every thing is always like same, you have no energy and you are depress maybe its time to try something new, or doing something wild for an weekend (try new sport, take an course, doing in bars, ...) after that, maybe youll be in an position to see more what you would like to do or should to to improve your situation you say "Too much bad luck and too little good luck" "Career, relationships, or finances. My chosen career is cursed with unstability til .. " on that, you can try to read on some positive thinking books, or get some concelling either professionnal, or from your priest One thing is sure that if you try to think positive, even if it dont change what apened, seeing the glass 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty , give an postive look that free one to see more possibilities in futur actions, and that way improve his chances to get better outcomes If you read about positive thinking most will say things like - know your self - know what you really want to attain for target or end goal - plan steps you can do in the way to attain that target - plan in detail what to do to attain each step - try each step one at a time, and review your overall plan as necessary - if you dont succed to attain an step at first, review your plan to reach that step , and try again - each success in reaching an step will, reenforce your will to succed and atain your end goals anyway best wishes Tom
  13. Since the hidden concil is still there , and i suppose will still be doing is actual role What is the foreseen fuction or role of the public concil? (the annoncement seem to give only part of the answer, it seem more elaborating would be nice) What are the means or tools or authority will be given to the public concil to fullfill his function or role? those questions i think should be adress, both for the MD public at large and for the canditates to know more what would be asked from them
  14. can I still congrat Amber ? :P
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. Tom Pouce ID:235946 Activity days: 98% (A total of 523 out of 536 days) I give my candidature to that position - I am confident to be able to keep private any things that i am told should be keep confidential - I think myself having good of MD in my toughts - I think i can be logical and try to logically weight arguments to reach an concentious - I have some experience as player of online games, have seen things that had work in other games and did not ... ill try to use that experience - In my tought is new players, and making if possible things work right - I am not part of any land or alliance, but try to make friend in each ones .. so i think myself not aligne _ active If chosen ill try my best
  17. HI Aquellia I am not in politic so dont know Water Dowsers past or present policy but i will give an testimony. relating to that part of your post: ".....I would expect that no new players will be able to gather water. " I can say that quite some time ago, i got my first hands on an bucket wanting to get for myself an few waters, and asked around what was the usual use ... at that time i was told about that if lower than 66% ressource take much time to renew ... and that Nardrolski was involve in water business. I chosed to message him and ask nicely where one can find water ... he answered nicely and said that he would refrain to take water in some specific scene to give me an break so i can take some without depleting. This was my personnal experience Tom Pouce
  18. Hi its in same kind of idea of allready suggest i done and at that time i was praise at it was an good idea that would help MD by possibly getting more voting , but what .... nothing apend and i see MD discutions of improvement in petty things, that even could make MD less good like changing tool recal time make it random, or interface that is change to make it more harkward to use like now clic "see more" and then on an picture of coffer to see one inventory... an then only can clic detail ... i am not playing with as much time now, and i was feedup of not remembering when i had vote, and when i need to log to vote so i message chewett he is nice and make new things for MD ... was thinking that it would make thing move the idea is: make it whatever way you want , but put on main interface something that will either - say when one can can vote - or say when he will be avalable to vote at the erliest Tom problem of now if one dont remember when he last voted, he need to log in , make clics to go page with link and if he dont see red link just know its not the time.. so if one really would like to vote, he need to go to that page oflink many times for nothing ... before seeing red links
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