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Eara Meraia

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Everything posted by Eara Meraia

  1. EE, it is also not about what YOU want to donate for the cave but what you would like to find there as a reward. Would be cool if one could find a WISH in there. Fulfilling of a wish from the wish list. We get this possibility very rarely and drach cave would be kind of aim to hit, if one desires his wish fulfilled.
  2. skills> statistics, categorising, synthesis, analysis, organizing, ordering things, psychology, translating (slavic languages and german) (no idea if any of those could be useful) md interests> rp, communication, research, philosophy what I would like to do> various things, preferably where I could rely on myself and not necessarily on a bunch of other people.
  3. farewell, my dear friend and tot ziens in some other point of this weird time and space spirals of the universe.
  4. do you still need some help with this? I have time available now.
  5. well, I meant the system as such..are those going to be judges (one judge), you yourself or public voting. Thanks for clarifying :)
  6. who is going to judge the quest and what are the judging criteria?
  7. I take it as a deal with witnesses, Nim. Oh and to your notice - I have sold my spell stones only once for the whole time I play MD to CotS and he paid me 5 silver a stone (his proposal for me, rather noobish player at that time, I thought proposal was quite generous).Other than that I always gave my stones for free when I thought it is necessary. So I have no idea what are you implying there and where did you get 1 gold, but saying that people try to make immense profit of a spell stones be more concrete, please.
  8. pass papers: Peace said something like that before. But it was never a real "rule". Every citizen could decide to give papers or no on their own taste, charging what they want or nothing. And to 99% of cases its the last. bones collectors: I think there was one, not even belonging to NC citizens, (I think Caretakers know more, I dont want to raise this issue now, because it is irrelevant). But Nim, you sound a bit funny here...you compare stones to bones. If you want we can exchange bones for stones as 1 to 1. Deal? Please say yes, would be cool :P
  9. maybe it is a bit offtopic but those lands are called Necrovion and Marind Bell :P
  10. 9th MD birthday achievement
  11. I would implement something that temporarily shifts viscosity ( both + and - ) Would be a nice shared item for the East, would maybe motivate people to explore more of the land and actually go to the end (I see it as a motivation if you get something helpful somewhere in the middle of your way). *** I would implement an item with a temporary random entropic (cursing/poisoning) effect (I know you will love me for this:P) I see it as a necessary enhancement, because of my personal love to entropy. Our realm is totally syntropic at the moment, except of Eons statdamage nothing entropic happens really, there are some cursing spells but they are very rare. Intoxication lasts for a very short time and with the power level of players around is not quite significant, needles not working. So in my oppinion this would just add a bit to the syntropy-entropy balance in the realm. However I must admit, this my personal and highly subjective view, other people may have other priorities.
  12. but the change must still be a result of a "logical" flow of conversation, no? Otherwise I feel like I am in a loony bin of some kind...(see DDs last spamming posts)
  13. prost Menhir :)) ^_^ ;)
  14. Menhir, I don't watch World Cup but I turned on exactly during those 6 minutes this madness happened :D German guys prooved they can really play great, but I am glad Brasil still shoot at least one goal, I wouldn't want to be in their players skin now.
  15. I love listening to lies when I know the truth.

    1. Nimrodel


      Lemme know both :3 You know where to find me :3

  16. thanks for your participation. Enjoy your new (or old) bounds. if you have some proposals or ideas how to make the next years auction even better - feels free to pm me anytime. Will be happy to hear your suggesstions (no promise of implementation though :P)
  17. Arys Table is not totally correct because of the "wrong" rounding. All coins with value (after the comma) 0.5 were rounded up to 1. with 0.4 - to 0. Here you will find the correct table.The only typo there is - Sunny got 22 sc from Amber for his leash.
  18. awesomeness. Thank you very much, Chewett. Looking forward for tomorrow
  19. Darigan> Last Active 04 Aug 2013 01:00 AM Firsanthalas> Last Active 10 Jan 2012 02:20 PM doesn't look like...hope they hear you and come back :)
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