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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Rophs in Improvised REAL Rain Collector   
    The quest is to make a tube run through an umbrella into bags to collect rain or can we make any personal rain collection device (say a modified backpack)
  2. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Maebius in Improvised REAL Rain Collector   
    It hasn't rained here yet.... :(   
    "Soon" (tm)  I'll upload a pic.
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Maebius in Improvised REAL Rain Collector   
    edit:  And Darn it,  I forgot the rule to put my player-name there!   Gah!!!   Oh noes...  Now to re-find the camera.  :/
    PM'd you Mur...  
    Copied here for others to amuse themselves with...  my model needs some work!
    Dear Mur:

    Hmm, my feeble attempts at two Rain Collector prototypes. The "portable hat" works really well, but it has not rained here in over 2 weeks, so I do not have a photo or video of them "in use" quite yet as we have not wanted to use the hose to 'waste' the water on a silly quest (read: my wife says "um, no") . Once Autumn comes around it will be much wetter, so I'll update the models.

    First: a short youTube video of it, to show the whole setup.


    Next, a few images.

    While the green hose appears to loop "upwards" agaisnt gravity, that's an odd optical illusion I noticed after uploading them. The water flows down pretty easily, if I use a cup to pour in and test it. Couldn't get a good pictrure of that though, one-handed. I had to use the camera's "take a photo in 10 seconds" feature to even get these. [:)]



    Showing the clear tape seal on the umbrella centre. The hose comes up and is split down the side to wrap 'around' teh central spike, and secured under it and above a small opening. When water fills the umbrella, there's a gap there that drains down into the split open hose (hard to see in the photo, sorry!!) and flows into the backpack, or wherever the hose leads.


    Finally, a small portable rain collector Hat I made, from an old Samhain/Hahhloween Bowl. (the only one my wife would let me cut up and glue onto a hat LOL!)


    The hat version only has a smaller tube, for drinking the cool fresh water directly. It can be adapted with a connecting tube (available for pennies!) to drain into a canteen or other small storage container. I'm sipping from it, in this picture.

  4. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Who Loves Loreroot   
    Try contacting Guardians of the Root, they will tell you.
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Loreroot Land Laws   
    And I disagree with that completely. There is nothing wrong with getting Loreroot creatures if we invite them for a tour ourselves, and anyways we encourage them to beat the guards the proper way rather than asking for papers a second time. They are kept under full supervision, and out of the countless tours I've given so far, getting creatures is the least of their concerns.
  6. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in [WP quest] Make your own role   
    i'm in
  7. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Tom Pouce in Chat Text Art - signup   
    i have try to make some and tested it in chat
    there is an problem
    its that you will need to put something (css thingy i think) such that chat use an fix wide typeset not an true type or other that are variable spacing
    so that space taken by each character are same
    right now its not same as if i do it in notepad before pasting (it dont make lines fit one on another depending of what is in an line)
    ░C    .   .   .i.   .     T░
    ░i         . 78@8    .   .e░
     for exemple in notepad is exactly same  length
    but here in forum and in chat its not same length
    and i probably can make it looking good in "my chat" but if your brownswer is not with same kind of type set it may look ugly
  8. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Chat Text Art - signup   
    "no one', the rules are as they are, they are same for all. If you can't easily copy paste some ascii art you find on the net is not my problem. If you would create it specially for this contest you wouldn't have such issues with the spacing. Also probably you misunderstood me, start and end your lines with that character, it does not matter what is between, so i really don't see how changing that character could affect anything at all.
  9. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to rikstar in rainwater and bushies   
    Maybe this is offtopic I'm almost sure, but I'll answer it. Rainwater can be collected via a "rain collector" or a "improvised rain collector". You can get those tools and capitals.
    Also I don't think rainwater should be used. Buckets are free to grab from MDA. And rainwater will have a greater purpose. (Maybe flooding MD or something :D)
  10. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eara Meraia in rainwater and bushies   
    The question is simple: I wonder why cannot we use collected rainwater to make bushies grow? Isnt it the best and most natural use for this resource?
  11. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eara Meraia in Public Council   
    I still decided to apply for this because>
    1) I believe we dont just have to accept the situation as it is, but have to DO something ourselves to change it and not just sit and wait
    2) Changing of the situation is always necessary, because only moving and developing system can call itself alive.
    3) I do not pretend to be the "coolest" the "most popular" person around or person who "deserves" something more than others, but I have a realistic view of life, which helps me a lot to stay cool and make good decisions in the most awkward and crazy situations.
    4) If I start something I am loyal to the end.
    Eara Meraia
    ID 241935
    Days: 368
  12. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Valldore Nal in Public Council   
    Valldore Nal
    I will do my best to be fair and promote ideas for the good of the community, can be patient with people, listen to what others have to say and take decisions combing others opinion with my own logic. I can also keep my mouth shut for things that need not to be said.
  13. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Public Council   
    Nobody can stop you nor did I see a rule against this. No one just said what he thinks. I kind of agree although I am pretty sure that Chewett (and possibly the Council - I am still not sure what its role will be in this huge pie) will not allow favoritism.
  14. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Maebius in Public Council   
    Oh,  why the heck not, since I was asked twice now....  :P
    Name:   Maebius
    Activity days: 93% (A total of 893 out of 963 days)
    My reasoning is that I do beleive I can be impartial, and balanced in terms of ideas, while keeping personal bias to a minimum.   I'd been complimented before on my ability to "judge" impartially, and outlining both sides of an issue (playing Devil's Advocate) before.  
    Plus,  Power corrupts, and I'm not nearly corrupted enough here.  :)
  15. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jester in Public Council   
    Jester, ID 77557, AD 1053
    I haven't been very active lately but that's because I haven't had anything to do (nobody to joke with or goals to work on). I'm ridiculously active when I have reason to be.
    Reasons I could be on the council if people wanted to vote for me:
    -I don't want power and I don't expect anything from this council except to have a better MD at the end (even if I'm not on the council).
    -I've practiced and learned how to reach compromises, its one of the skills that's served me best in MD to date.
    -I want everybody to come away happy with the changes made, not me or my favorite people.
    -I've come up with quite a few ideas for MD months before they were actually implemented in game.
    -I can come up with simple ideas to problems that seem complicated.
    -I'm very good at keeping secrets that need to be kept.
    I don't really expect to be voted for but if those reasons sound like something you want in a council member, I'm your Jester
  16. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to BFH in Public Council   
    I like the idea of having some public Council. Just a doubt: What happens to current secret council?
  17. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Miq in Public Council   
    1312 AD
    I think i have never been involved with any scandal nor called anyones puppet.
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Aquellia in Public Council   
    Name: Aquellia
    ID: 247948
    AD: 40

    I have never been on a concil or had any role related to such.

    I do though posses the desire to take as many perspectives as I can into my opinion or decision of something. And in the cases that I am unsure of anything I will seek further information on something. I will always be open to more information if someone was to offer it. This and my lack of fraviourtism towards anyone would make me sufficeintly unbiased.
  19. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Eon in Public Council   
    ID: 67640
    AD: 1001
    I feel I would do a far better job than most.
  20. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Ledah in Public Council   
    ID: 5305
    AD: 1681
    I just want to apply because it sounds fun.
  21. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Junior in Public Council   
    AD: 1651
    I know a lot of people and i communicate mostly in private form because i value secrecy and loyalty so i wont divulge anything assigned to me etc. I have a few ideas that i would like to discuss and implement (with/out this "assignment.) I may not be active in regards to moving around and interacting but i do communicate with both  new and old players. Am older so i know what might be right and wrong to implement in the game and my view could possibly be of great help.
    Is this new "new responses, show me" thing new? if so nice addition.
    P.S.S. Read about coding part- if coding experience is needed then nvm my application i  dont have a clue what a code is. <--Edit
  22. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Muratus del Mur in Public Council   
    SILENCE i say SILLLEEENNCEEEEEE, i am the only one that votes, is that cleaaaarr?!?
  23. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in Conspiracy Theories   
    32) being able to count isnt compulsory, Rheagar did perfectly well without it
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Conspiracy Theories   
    26. Magic Duel is really a Tomato Cult scheme to turn the whole world into Vegetables via the internet. Some will become lesser vegetables, like squashes and eggplants, Others will gain the glory of transformation into a fully-fledged Tomato. The Tomato's will then harvest all the lesser vegetables, and create the worlds largest, tomato free, Salad.
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nera in Conspiracy Theories   
    24. If your grasan is fat, you are not getting enough exercise.
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