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Everything posted by Grido

  1. Grido

    WTB Windy

    bump. also looking for Beastiaries
  2. As a potential way to keep hold of some of the few new players that come through our doors, I was thinking about a bonus for consecutive daily log ins. So either we could have some sort of multiplier on the current daily bonus (capped at say, 30 days), or an alternative style of reward for not missing days?
  3. Freezing wouldn't make sense to be annulled, but maybe it might wear off after a certain number of rounds - you have an ice cube in a freezer, if the freezer is turned off it's still ice, just starts melting. Boost auras would make sense to be removed though
  4. I never trusted links before, the rickroll quest doesn't change anything

  5. As in across a few scenes you'd be able to find a Y shaped twig, a bit of elastic, and a small rock and make a slingshot? /Find the 20 scrolls scattered in MDA? Disappear much like the the ve potions that you find when you've just started?
  6. Timmy 6 Year Colored Imp Armor ID: 719460 Age: 1300 Heat: 339476 1gc
  7. Timmy 6 Year Colored Imp Armor ID: 719460 Age: 1300 Heat: 339476 12sc
  8. Looked through 5 of mine that were due for a name, and no issues at this point (on FF)
  9. I used to be Lorerootian. Loreroot hasn't always had guards.
  10. Grido


    And naturally nobody will complain if dst / Eon / big bad wolf start using it on people and sending them to lote as suggested?
  11. 6 Year Anniversary Armor - 10sc ID: 719460 Colored Armor 2008 edition - This is an Imperial Aramor (as in shop version), desc makes it sound like an anni. ID: 609820
  12. Grido

    WTB Windy

    Title says it all, I would like to buy a Windy/Mutated Drachorn. Please message me with a price you'll sell for.
  13. Grido


    It's user end rather than server, I refer to it as browser lag, when you scroll down the lines still remain visible in the previously seen positions (scrolling slower means it 'stops' more frequently, and so produces more lines). Not limited to Chrome, has many contributing factors, to which Burns referenced.
  14. [log=blah] blargle[/log] [log=blah] blargle[/log] [spoiler]blargle2[/spoiler] [spoiler]blargle2[/spoiler] [log="]blorg[/log] [log="]blorg[/log] It would appear you trying to use " as the name of the log would be the issue.
  15. reset on those two, but someone might have taken them from them in the meantime. any more heads appear, let me know :)
  16. Ugh....Ary.... 3 - 7sc
  17. 3 - 3sc 5 - 3sc
  18. http://www.wookietranslator.com/ Unfortunately I couldn't find a good translator :( For lack of being able to say it (accurately) in your own language, Happy Birthday!
  19. re WP's, so long as the code has been redeemed, and is in your WP giving interface, it will work. If you have the WPRC, but have not redeemed it, then it is unlikely to work.
  20. 01. Aramor (ID: 80798) - age: 2321 - heat: 112680 2sc 02. Barren Soul (ID: 80799) - age: 2321 heat: 173154 1sc 03. Heretic Archer (ID: 80886) - age: 2321 - heat: 292909 1sc 04. Elemental Egg (ID: 80888) - age: 2321 - heat: 529678 2sc 05. Grasan I (ID: 81220) - age: 2320 - heat: 211363 1sc (thank you dst for asking for the IDs :p )
  21. This was before I assumed control as well, I'm thinking Mur/Yrth would be best combination. "title": "Seedwalker", "recipient": "Rophs", "authorities": { "granting authority": "Handy Pockets", "confirming authority": "Grido" Whilst he's a citizen of my land, I'm not sure I have any real right to have anything to do with the seeds. I'll leave that up to Kets though. "title": "LHO Second in Command", "recipient": "Burns", "authorities": { "granting authority": "Grido", "confirming authority": "BFH" } BFH removed himself, so aside from him, a confirming could be... Chewett potentially, or Nimrodel
  22. I think this is more how should we refill the Drach cave, rather than some way to get anything from it from what you put in... Which I think some people seem to be misunderstanding...
  23. Grido

    Life and stuff

    One thing is always more dominant than another
  24. Grido

    Life and stuff

    A few. First - is this MD related? If not I/another mod will move it to offtopic. Second - Why are you reducing your library size? :( Third - 3*30% = 90%, so what description serves for the other 10%? Fourth - "I hope for nothing, I fear nothing, I am free" There is a certain attitude you might face where the environment reacts to your actions towards it. If you act in such a way that you do not believe you will be hurt, and if you have enough faith to sustain this belief, you will indeed not be hurt. Curious phenomenon that it is.
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