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No one

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Everything posted by No one

  1. Without more details ... the idea is that I ended up dead having a land loyalty ... empty : I know that it is a nice smiley face ... but still it is a bug. I think it is from the land of the dead as I don't remember having NC loyalty.
  2. I like blue so the new creature should be blue. As Dst already said what my first choice would have been "Barren Soul" ... I would say : Blue Heretic
  3. Allow piles to grow. I mean ... if I get to over 1-2k, I get my own private trunk as a secondary inventory for resources. I can pile up there only resources that exist in there or that i have over 5k. This way I can keep my piles and still gather something else for those combiners. Lets get real, there are some recipes that required only 1-2 and there are the combiners that will take everything. As we still have uses for smaller amount ... we'd need to be able to get them out from time to time. This way we can take advantage on the first lvl of combiners (lesser numbers) and the upper level of combiners (higher numbers). ... just a thought
  4. That's a dumb solution for a dumb problem. It is his problem and his alone. Nobody else complained , well nobody who spent their time gathering.
  5. Hi, My inventory shows : 2 Bushies (67). And the combiner shows that I can use only "2 Bushies":
  6. Happy B-day Sunfire !!
  7. I am sorry @Aeoshattr , last that I checked if you had 1000 sand you could use that stack 250 times resulting in 1000 glass. Meaning that using the tool 1000 times on 1 sand each time would give you 4000 glass (ideally). Please be sure before contradicting somebody with "possibly, I don't remember accurately". It really seems rude. What you failed to remember is the simple thing that matters the most : YOU CANNOT USE THE SMELTER 1000 TIMES. There are very few smelters ... if still available at all. And you also forgot that walking in MD is slow as hell. Walking from one gathering location to find a smelter (if one would be made from a clickie) would require from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. So, unless you have a smelter with you ... it becomes quite impractical. But be my quest and try it. So, unless you want to add some math on how much time you spend for 10 or 100 or 1000 glass, then please don't post such incomplete comments. Feel free to contact / ask me if you think that there are unclear things in my post(s).
  8. Of course this is not fair. It is like : with age you get more experienced, but you also get old which means that you forget and thus each month you lose 10% of your stats. Or you could say : for those new players out there to have a chance, we'll limit the stats at 500 so all the grinders out there ... tough luck. Counter examples to "always": You said that it has always been considered that resources should be used as a whole stack ... then, I am sorry, but I have to contradict you. There are plenty of uses where you use the items on as needed base: all recipes out there use only the required amount of resources (cake, tea, sand castle ... others can fill you in with any other recipes) there are recipes that use a minimum amount and a maximum amount from a stack to produce the same amount of resource : 1-4 sand will produce 4 glass usable resources get used one by one : the memory stones will get use one by one when adding heat or spells to them resources get used exactly to the amount required : the bushies use exactly the amount of water required. ... well, I'll add more cases as I think of them or others can confirm & add more cases Making ppl ignorant ... lol, you just admitter that YOU (Mur) are ignorant, not the others. Actually, every time you make a huge decision like this without considering at least a few of the arguments AGAINST your decision ... it is a disaster. (disasters happen on change not when there is nothing new happening. But ... please read the following so that you can at least have a chance to understand what I'm thinking of. Also, you said "making those that are more careful and strategic do better over those that are just repetitive and ignorant. " ... what can we all say ? thank you ? Other : So, where does this system leave the trade ? Consider that I need 10 Lumber and I am offered only amounts of 50 to 200 ... they will definitely not agree to trade that larger stack for just 10 water. My decision: Unless you decide that my stacks are too huge or too old and that you want to take them away or short them out, I will keep them as they are (huge) ... somehow. I will continue the trades in a fair and undiscriminating fashion with high regard to the time spent to gather all those resources. My advice (if you don't want to take a tool and try it yourself) : Lower the number of resources used for the combiners. I found it very funny when I've seen the amounts required like : 20 Toxic Plants --- 1 Toxic Plants has 1/4 chance on gather --> about 80 uses of a basket @ 10 minutes interval --> 800 minutes if the resources are plenty & available 100 Bushies --- 1 bushies = 40 water (taking the old amount) or 15 water (taking the new "smart" bushies system ... lets call it NewSystem) ---> 100 bushies = 4000 water (or 1500 water NS) @ 10 interval (up to 20 minutes depending on the tool) ---> that would be what ? 40k minutes (15k minutes NS) of constant water grinding ... I don't know other combiners now, but the amounts are hilarious to say the least. Do consider converting the resources to time and see where that leads.
  9. For the moment LotE doen't have much to protect but for the moment I will apply for 7_kitchen_1. I am fit for it as I am one of the most active shared item user in the history of MD. And I think that most of the ppl that talked with me about resources and items found out that I am reasonable and fair. ---- that was my 2 lines. A very important addition to these tools is : the tools and their effect should be reset FIRST, just seconds before the items get reset. Otherwise they could be used for preventing ppl to get tools at next reset. This is not fair as it would punish a person before its action.
  10. Well, you didn't had much there, except the Jars. In East, if you want to make a cake / tea you MUST be able to get / have 2 items from same location. But Candy boxes (from same location) does follow the correct rule of 1 item / location. Maybe these items needs a little tweaking , depends on what "those that can" want.
  11. It seems that the "Pickaxe" items in GG can be picked until the limit (of 3) is reached. I reported this as a "possible bug" because the other shared items can only be picked one at a time ... disabling the interface if ... bla bla bla. you'll get the point.
  12. No one (ID:29704)
  13. If anyone is willing to sell the fenths to Sunfire but you have them on a creature ... I offer my service to collect them. All fenths gathered will be transferred to Sunfire. Please contact me in advance to schedule the activity. -------- I will not be responsible for other ppl taking their share.
  14. No one

    Boxes or List

    is there a way to move the forum on another server ? with the older version of the forum ?
  15. Except from being extremely ugly ... how the heck do you get the old style list of topics with activity ? I don't know about you but I choose to NOT read all the spam nor am I interested (99% of the cases) who likes what and also I have lots of things that I'm not interested in reading or even knowing that something was written in that topic.. So, I would appreciate some help / link to facilitate the old list. -------------------- Why the %^&* when you open the personal profile you have images of some else ? Guys, if you want a blog, get an account on a specialized blog. If you want facebook or twiter ... get account on that. This is a f... FORUM. .... well, it used to be.
  16. It might be related to Micorosoft buying canonical. http://fossbytes.com/microsoft-buys-canonical-kills-ubuntu-linux-forever/
  17. It makes sense that once you choose a land, you should no longer get loyalty points from other lands, but ... sense has no logic in MD or ... logic has no sense in MD :D Thank you for the hint (with only citinzen's land loyalty increase), I will see if I can check it.
  18. Bump. @Ungod: can you elaborate? Yesterday I went offline (long enough idle) in NML (at fenth's press) before midnight. It seems that no loyalty was granted ... "No Homeland" or "Lands Of The East". I will try confirm this or not a.s.a.p. .
  19. If you think it is exaggerated ... doesn't mean it didn't exist, only that it beyond your experiences. Also, you have to consider every single thing/incident can be described in different ways but still being completely true. (apparently contradictory but just different point of views) And more : if you read a book ... even if it is written on the cover "history" it doesn't mean that it is entirely correct (or faked) nor that it covers all points of views (some can be unwillingly omitted by lack of experience,perspective or details of the writer). Believing a writer / book ... it is entirely up to the person reading it / being read to / listening. You can read a history book, enjoy it and never believing a word ... just like reading a science fiction book. If you can learn something from a book ... then that is indeed your gain. But you should not start reading books without remembering all of the above (that not everything that is written is entirely true nor that it is entirely false ... or something like that). --- Now ... from wiki ... it sounds interesting. From what I understood from your post is that it bothers you that it uses current / recent Earth names. Would it help if it was not using Earth's geography ? There are lots of SF books with strange & impossible things. Do those bother you ?
  20. Not a really good idea ... quoting myself: 1) Land loyalty decay ... could work if you wouldn't care about anything else / any other land. Consider that something happen and you get kicked out of your alliance and thus of your land. Then you'd start losing it. Would that still be ok ? Then, consider all those left without an alliance (or land lately), should their history get removed ? Like it didn't happen ? Or consider that some rewards would be : land loyalty. So, this gift would be useless within days/weeks. Maybe some do deserve being punished and to lose their land loyalty, but we're not talking about specific ppl but for everybody. So, no. I don't agree with the decay.
  21. Happy birthday Nim !
  22. There is "Energetic immunity" that affect how the land we're in affects the movement.
  23. Could it be related to the visits as each time you move through a scene you get one accustomed to it.
  24. :)) count me out for LotE :D I have enough of that :))
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