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Everything posted by apophys

  1. I wish you a happy birthday, Granos, even though you may never read this.... [quote name='dst' date='31 May 2010 - 06:20 AM' timestamp='1275304824' post='60695'] Happy B-day! May your villainous (no idea if the word exists - spell check says it does or if the one I want) grow even more! [/quote] I think the word you're looking for is "villainy". "Villainous" is an adjective.
  2. [img]http://www.weirdal.com/images/w&nvid2.jpg[/img] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9qYF9DZPdw[/media] Did somebody say "nerdy"? [img]http://www.weirdal.com/images/bimg_7179.jpg[/img] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd-0wHETSSY[/media] Is he a steamin' hunk of love now or what? xDDD
  3. apophys

    Cats In Md

    To me, 7 is Metal Bunny, 9 is an LHO.
  4. [quote name='cutler121' date='24 May 2010 - 10:51 PM' timestamp='1274759474' post='60346'] As I said from the beginning, I was happy to make the Astral Plane and if/when Mur didn't want it anymore I would get rid of it. I have gone through and inactivated all of my scripts since they, for the most part, break at least two of the rules above. I hope people enjoyed the Astral Plane and the quests it enabled while it was around. My only request is that people don't file Court cases against me to get money back for things I made for them in the AP. Just come and ask me for your money back and I will transfer it to you. Cheers, Cutler [/quote] Could you please make the astral plane conform to the rules and reupload it then? It would be really sad to see it permanently gone. There must be a way to check the variable that holds the "Visits here: " number for each location. That solves the spoiler issues (rule #3).
  5. The title says it - I want to buy an angien with at least one vitality-boosting token. Additional tokens that add power and/or initiative are appreciated. Aged (200+) is preferred, but not fully necessary. Extra tokens are more valued than age. Please use forum PM to offer a sale.
  6. 1, 3, & 4 sold already? O_o For how much? (I really wanted #4. ) and 10 silver for #2.
  7. Give Czez a break, people. Seriously, you guys suck at recognizing satire. Please return Czez's rep to normal. But this can be expected. As an example of the same thing, go watch The Onion on youtube. Then read the comments to the videos. A lot of people think that it's real news. xDDD Czez, next time put a "SARCASM ALERT" notice at the bottom of the post, for those people to whom it isn't obvious. The original post here is hilarious, btw.
  8. I understand there are a few certain people with a long-standing rivalry. To all concerned: chill. [quote name='dst' date='13 May 2010 - 01:49 AM' timestamp='1273733395' post='59740'] I will not go into details because I don't want to waste my time explaining things to you: you can't understand. You need brains to understand. [/quote] Don't say things like that. It makes the problem of possible flame wars worse.
  9. 6 silver each for #3 angien and #4 angien
  10. I knew Sacosphilz, a.k.a. pi, only by his posts in the old forum. Unfortunately, at this point I cannot remember their content... The two mentions of his name so far (by dst & burns) were misspelled; the second "s" was missing.
  11. Avatars will be now sold to shop. Thread can be closed.
  12. w00t! You can normally find me idling at the GGG. I agree with Yoshi; could you post the guesses? Anonymously, of course.
  13. Yes. During the testing on day 1, it correctly took only 20 AP. The last day or 2, it was taking all AP every time, for everyone. This didn't stop its use, though, especially for abusing the destruction of heads effect I found earlier.
  14. Nope. Rex Umbrae Killer had this def in boss heads. I managed to get a sheath balance against it.
  15. ^ This thread was posted in February, thus not being an April Fool's joke like the other one. You know, having a tumor is not the same as dying. Incidentally, Yoshi, how are things with the tumor?
  16. This is for 3rd place? Have 1st & 2nd been decided or does that come after?
  17. Me too, please. :3
  18. No bids at all? I guess people value their silver.
  19. Previous HC winners can take heads if they are competitors in the boss heads contest.
  20. [quote name='Burns' date='30 April 2010 - 01:40 AM' timestamp='1272609619' post='58980'] HC was a popularity contest all along, if you have the right friends, they cover your abuses and help you, if you cross the wrong people, you are screwed. By no means is Heads about fighting anymore. Absolutely not. [/quote] I'm saddened to hear that. Especially since I achieved my record high mp4 score 2 months ago without help from friends. I proved that it can still be done by fighting alone. The current boss heads, however, is a different matter. The leader is Yoshi (mp3), because everyone's been giving him their heads via RP... and he's untouchable because of mp levels. I really don't like this development of a popularity contest, because I would never have a chance at a win. However, this problem would be solved by Guardian Army working during HC. I abstain from voting on this topic. I think it's too early to know.
  21. Thanks for the heads-up, Mur; removed.
  22. Hehe... thanks. I used my own foot as a basic model for that one.
  23. Post bids here, please. Auction ends in a week. Minimum bid is 5 silver. Notes: This is of course not the final format, but there can be no edits to the drawing. The word "COPY" is put on each to prevent theft. It will not be on the final avatar. If an avatar does not get a bid, it will be sold to the shop. #1: guy on stilts, MD spelled in the background reeds [attachment=1606:stilts copy.jpg] #2: hairy foot stomping; lower left guy may be afraid or just a perv [attachment=1607:stomp copy.jpg]
  24. Hehe... I remember asking for a drach meat cookie, in a [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5844-the-cure-for-insomnia/page__view__findpost__p__50423"]thread that Mur intended to reply in, but seemingly forgot...[/url] :3 [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD5Ey9yYl_M[/media] I'd like to see cookies being freely given away for minor good behavior, and be appreciated by the receiver, meat cookies being extra special. So they should give some small, but useful, benefit upon eating, be possible to be created (in a batch) automatically with an item, and be possible to transfer as items. Of course, their creation should require heat, and I'd like an option to sacrifice a creature for meat cookies. I suggest normal cookies giving temp AP, heat, and/or vit when eaten, like Christmas foods do, and meat cookies additionally giving max stats at the amount given by the calendar each day. :3
  25. I must say, these emotionally charged responses are a more interesting read than that old lore was. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='28 April 2010 - 07:48 AM' timestamp='1272458916' post='58797'] The issue really is that with ancient lore gone it left a void. This void was the real issue to be honest. [/quote] Quite true. But I wonder why it is that some people simply cannot deal with a void...
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