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Everything posted by apophys

  1. It's a buy-it-now; I don't have very much time to wait for higher bids. CTCs sent via forum PM. EDIT: Topic can be closed.
  2. Flat regarding the universe would normally mean that spacetime is generally flat rather than concave/convex, and it is actually speculated to be so. But from what he said, it seems he means dimensions (3 of space, one of time). The paired 2's I don't recognize. Reminds me of a book about a world with a 2-dimensional surface and inhabitants. I think the title was "Flatland." Regarding the mixing of humans, I am reminded of "Evangelion," an anime and 2 movies where at the end all humans are reduced to a liquid, which retains both their mind and body, and these are all mixed together in the ocean forming one consciousness.
  3. Sorry to revive a dead thread, but from my current testing, the bird attackbonus aura only affects lv1 creatures. I don't think this is intended. Should I have started a new thread to say this?
  4. Imp Price: 2 silver Joker Price: 2 silver
  5. I just did one of the free regeneration rituals. (tutorial set) I lol'ed. " Ritual performed successfuly, 4 of your creatures recovered full vitality. : Creature Mistress Izumi [id:657846] - Loaded:[b]18446744073709551360[/b]/1600 Vit. Creature Imperial Aramor Assassin [id:456381] - Loaded:[b]18446744073709550216[/b]/600 Vit. Creature Water Daimon III [id:647622] - Loaded:[b]18446744073709548216[/b]/200 Vit. Creature Rudy [id:696996] - Loaded:3294/4400 Vit. This powerup is for beginners and should help you untill you figure out how to heal your creatures yourself. Use it wisely and don't waste it on single or half wounded creatures. " The 3 creatures in question already had vit over max before being targeted by the regeneration, the first by a token and the other 2 by trade. It's not abusable, because when I checked my creatures, they didn't actually have this vitality; it had been reset to their maximum vit. The main reason I post this is that there were dying creatures that had not been targeted, when these 3 creatures over max had been targeted.
  6. From what I hear, only Kets can go there right now.
  7. My recommendation is to make the AP cost of going to the shrine 150 AP, and having it be open to the public. Or if you don't like 150, then maybe 200. EDIT: And no, I don't mean to rely on pickles. There are other ways to get large AP.
  8. Just a note on the 2 people whose coins I have still to give: Ossa (Shiona on forums) is lost in the Tribunal, and will contact me when she gets out. mocove is out of town, and will contact me in a few days. EDIT: All rewards given. By the way, I've given 189 silver equivalent, and only got 150 silver equivalent to give it out with, so I've been giving from my personal wealth. Now I need 39 silver equivalent to make up the difference.
  9. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1306371968' post='85104'] 7x 5 - Esmerelda [...] 7x 1 - Esmaralda [/quote] I find this a little odd.
  10. For mp5, combo training is far superior over the GGG style in terms of raising stats. But stats don't really help you much unless you have an overwhelming advantage, and a few tokens give more stats than months of hard grinding, so it's wasted effort, IMO. @ Mortis - Come to the MDP sometime and farm vics on me. There is no need to remove skilldamage; it's perfectly avoidable using priests, as my case shows.
  11. Maaaaaaaaybe.
  12. Sold for 1 gold and a tree with 3 tokens. Please close.
  13. I haven't checked my Berserker's Charge access in over half a year (and now I can't really check it...), but half a year ago I was in the same boat - bought it in mp4, lost it upon mp5.
  14. Happy birthday, and I hope you enjoy your new anniversary aramor.
  15. LOL. +1 for epic joke thread. However, I don't think this is the right place in the forum for this... this place is for serious topics only.
  16. 1 silver each for water and tree.
  17. A lot more people need to sign up for this to be viable... >.>
  18. For the purpose of this first quest, "newb" is defined as mp3 or mp4 with less than 1 active year. I.e. not necessarily a true newb, but rather someone already acquainted with the game, so it's mostly geared toward advanced mp3s / early mp4s. Closer to newb than to fossil. I don't think there's a specific term for it. I checked out the locations indicated by the quest creator, and everything checked out for me personally. The bridge referred to isn't very large, but it's there. (I haven't done Ch. 2 at all yet, so I still have tents. )
  19. Not high enough yet to a bid I would actually take, but close.
  20. I found [url="http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php"]this page[/url] that details what each of the date() values give.
  21. Elemental, age 92, no tokens 21.5 million stored heat. Bid in this thread, please. Auction will end 2 days after I get a satisfying bid (which I will note), or 2 days after the last bid, whichever comes last. This thing would give me 32 power and max principles if I sacrifice it, so you'll have to beat the value of the sac bonus.
  22. After a 3-month wait, the first QCQ quest is complete, and will begin its run on Saturday, for the length of a few days. Afterward, it will remain open permanently as an example quest with which newbs can get better acquainted with the realm. Any comments on the quest should be posted in this thread. To begin, click the 2nd link on the MDP signpost (starting Saturday). Anyone may play the quest, but only a newb can be rewarded. Now I'll get to work on the second quest...
  23. Also, the mannequin does not update quickly; it sometimes takes quite a while for changes to be visible.
  24. Amo, Indy, & BFH all have ~35 adepts, fluctuating. Shadowseeker stated having 30 adepts. If all of them join the HAU, and none of the current mp6s' adepts join, there will be enough adepts for mp5s to max their crits without dropping the mp6s. *crosses fingers*
  25. Is the "2100" written meaning 21:00 servertime? I just realized I'll be on an airplane at that moment on Saturday. xD Could the fight be rescheduled, or simply occur whenever we 3 are at the MDP together before Sunday? EDIT: Fight complete; I won against Eon, both fights.
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