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Everything posted by apophys

  1. I have one spam folder; it's not there. I get very little spam, so it's easy to check. It may be blocking some suspected spam mail entirely, but I have searched the email settings and have not found any set blocking ability. I don't get/send mail very much, so there may have been a period in which it was unused for 4 months... The email account is yahoo. I know the email account is not dead though; it does work. I get forum PM notifications to the same email that I registered to, btw.
  2. I got the email for an alt (and didn't use it), but I didn't get it for my main. I was waiting to see if someone else would start a similar topic, but it seems that not... I suspect it's a problem with my email provider, because I've had emails go missing before. >:[
  3. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQrSYLYtltU[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFLXp0BF6xY[/media]
  4. To me, he/she appears to be holding a large sheet of paper or cloth rolled up at the top.
  5. I don't post much under birthday threads, but I will here. Happy birthday.
  6. Sign me up. apophys mp5 Shop creatures are allowed, right? I.e. pimps?
  7. My special-ID creatures are an archer 114115, a pair of popes 590050 and 590090, and a rein 696996. The archer is my oldest creature, and the popes are necessary for my day-to-day combat (one of them has 4.5k wins). So these three are not really on the table. Any bid for the rein has to include a replacement rein.
  8. I have no problem sharing the music clicky. The clicky at Marind's Roundabout I put up ("Swimming Song" by Loudon Wainwright III) has this code for the MD Script section: [code](locations 1_-1x3_1) echo @content[0];[/code] and this in the content section: [code]<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEyODAyMzkyNTA*MzYmcHQ9MTI4MDIzOTI1NjA3NSZwPTUzNTQxJmQ9bXAzcmFpZCZnPTEmbz1mNjQ*ZWIxNGFiMzM*/NzJjOTUxOTNjNTIxMmE1NGU4ZQ==.gif" /><div style='width:320px;text-align:center;background-color:dedede;font:normal 11px tahoma;height:16px;'>Loudon Wainwright III - Swimming Song | </a><a href='http://swim.yi.org/fav2/14.mp3' target='_blank' style='color:#3F4369;'> download</a> </div><object width='320' height='30'><param name='movie' value='http://images.mp3raid.com/i/mp3player.swf'><param name='flashvars' value='config=http://images.mp3raid.com/varext.php&file=http%3A%2F%2Fswim.yi.org%2Ffav2%2F14.mp3'><embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='http://images.mp3raid.com/i/mp3player.swf' width='320' height='30' flashvars='config=http://images.mp3raid.com/varext.php&file=http%3A%2F%2Fswim.yi.org%2Ffav2%2F14.mp3'></embed></object><div style='width:320px;text-align:center;'><font style='font-size:10px;font-family:Tahoma;'>[/code] I took the player from mp3raid.com and changed the specifics to fit my needs. It's very nice due to its autoplay; the one I was using from airmp3.net did not autoplay. There are 3 places where the mp3 URL is placed, one for the download link and 2 for the player.
  9. aaront, I didn't make it. I took it from someone else's signature on a different forum. Same with the bug avvy. :P

  10. According to Bootes, the sun moves. A stick in the ground will have its shadow change. Over what time period this happens was not specified. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/1968-m-b-the-sun-that-never-sets/page__p__13001#entry13001"]http://magicduel.inv...3001#entry13001[/url] [quote] I was monitoring a crude device I had made to try and see if the Sun was moving. Basically just a Stick in the ground, and I marked the Shadow every few Hours to see if it moved. It does! I’m not yet sure to what extent, but the Sun definitely does move in a periodic fashion. [/quote]
  11. In my opinion, you should be capable of learning everything you need to know for combat by the end of mp4, and be able to tweak and apply it in mp5. That is currently impossible, because you can't experience All targets, you can't experience freeze auras (without buying Nuts), and a few other important things.
  12. Similarly as Ravenstrider is doing, I'm charging basic creatures with XP and selling them off. Current stock: [s]- Remains (age 1) 3.7 million XP [b]Price: 3 silver. [/b][/s][b] [/b]Sold[s] If the XP hits 4 mil, the price will rise to 4 silver.[/s] [s]- 2 Remains (age 0 each) 0.6 mil XP each [b]Price: 1 silver for both[/b][/s][b] [/b]Sold[s] If they get to 1 mil XP, the price will become 1 silver each.[/s]
  13. I also like the idea; I'd use it constantly. I like to see my opponent's creatures.
  14. @ water being avvy - Try removing the nipples and/or covering the skin with scales.
  15. Happy birthday, Mur!
  16. I know of an mp4 under construction who cannot go to mp5. Nadrolski. I bet he's kinda screwed right about now.
  17. I think we should wait until the transition is complete before judging and proposing improvements. It seems there are many more changes to come.
  18. Same. I had 3 resets, and I still have 3. I bought a rusty and rein from shop, so I know I spent over $20 creds.
  19. I'm sorry for your loss. Be strong.
  20. If the mp6 upgrade requirement stays, people will probably gather adepts to rise, max their creatures, and drop down, motioning their adepts to someone else in need. I don't like the thought; it would make mp6 less symbolic.
  21. My lv4 GG drachorn tells me I need to advance a mindpower to max it; otherwise it would have maxed in 10 days. I'm mp5. And the current mp5s get to keep their GGs? Max trees barred from mp4? wut? I maxed myself a tree very early in mp4, and 2 more soon afterward. In fact, I maxed every publicly available creature in mp4, except for angiens which were 1 level from max. I like the restriction in principle, but the specific choices are a bit too restricting. This is really limiting the beauty of the combat scene in mp4, and I see no reason for anything to require mp6 to upgrade, except maybe morphs. But I don't know the stats of a morph, so I don't have an opinion on them. IMHO, the restrictions should be thus: Barred from mp3: angiens above lv3, drachs above lv3, birds above lv4, dark archers & bloodpacts above lv4, elementals above lv5, grasans above lv2, trees above lv3, water beings above lv5, knators above lv3, LR archers above lv3 Barred from mp4: angiens above lv5, drachs above lv4, bloodpacts above lv4 Barred from mp5: none
  22. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' timestamp='1298901260' post='79718'] we don't have ooc tags here... [/quote] That's probably because the forum is not for roleplay. Without the sun, plants would die, the world would be extremely cold, and the population would require a very high level of technology to survive (which would make this a sci-fi game). So the sun is a prerequisite for the realm to exist in its current state.
  23. [quote name='xrieg' timestamp='1298842561' post='79694'] alpha channel added: [/quote] No, you did something to the effect of "Color to alpha." That's wrong. The "Add alpha channel" command does no immediately visible change to a picture. But it's necessary to cut off the surrounding background properly. Following from the forum thumbnail of the second pic, adding alpha channel, selecting the background by color, and cutting it off, gives this: [attachment=2616:sample.gif] Now try doing it yourself.
  24. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1298595121' post='79557'] I would much prefer to see the actual player avatar in fights and just leave the armor maniken out. [/quote] What about for people without avatars? An empty space?
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