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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Question: Will this item have its own item cap, or will it be shared with the existing pickle jar?
  2. I really like this part of your definition. And while it is true that Heat is gained by actions, it can also be given to you, when you are a protector for example. Right now I can't think of a way to gain heat without any action or at least no action from someone/thing. The most obvious answer to the forms of energy you mentioned would be Liquid Dust. Can you mention more?
  3. Maybe I should file this in another forum, but as of now I'm not sure where I want to take this. Who here thinks he understands heat and is willing to attempt to define it? S
  4. I would buy: 8th Year Anniv and 9th Year Anniv Not sure what else, but I'd probably bid on some of the other items as well if they come up.
  5. I'm not sure if you consider me one of the people who're bragging about it, but I hope I haven't given that impression. I openly admit to not having really done any research for a long long time. :) The most productive times where sharing occurs is if discussions about a topic come up somehow which then leads to discoveries. But that doesn't really happen often, if at all. I used to have that more, not sure why it stopped in MD. People just talk less in general I think? Even disregarding messengers. That aside: The one thing I dislike is that often enough research and knowledge doesn't get seperated. I try very hard personally to seperate from "confirmed" things and "theories"...this is another point where sharing information is risky. You essentially trust the other to have confirmed things if you accept it as is, which is not always the case. I do however agree that research as such is really flawed, since there is no real authority to confirm aside form Mur, and any answer you expect will be nonexistent or "soon" unless you really come up with something good. Part of the solution that was proposed was the Research and Clues system, but that's been defunct. In theory I can manage everything of it as is (aside from the fact that I cannot reject submissions at all, only approve things), but practically I'm not even sure if I'm really the "best" person for this not are there even remotely enough clues right now, more need to be written up. I have a partial set of things written up which I might submit later for proofreading by Mur, if it ever comes to expansion of that system. I have and will rely on old notes, files I keep, but mostly on my memory, which can fail, and odd things get buried. I used to bounce ideas a lot more so they kept fresh, but as it is, I have buried so many things that are relevant, but without the topic coming up I won't even remember I knew something....or fail to realize I forgot things that I should know.
  6. First tries, failure. Going to post back once I get better results, with video as well then.
  7. I want to do this but the workshop is not open till the 10th apparently...so guess I can't participate, at least not without doing it with really dangerous tools, which I won't attempt.
  8. I might actually do it, but I've got exams right now so I'm not focusing on it. I do however plan on going to the engineering workshop at my school and use the stuff there to test it.
  9. I'm not sure how the cutting is supposed to be done either right now. Can you describe that a bit closer like No one asked for in the post above?
  10. Don't have that no picture issue from above, but the same thing due to another reason: Warning: Division by zero in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/creatures/load_all_html5.php on line 214 http://puu.sh/6hNTY/b33c13a2ec.jpg is what a screenshot looks like, it's due to that ID:715715 crit not having a small icon to load, so it can't show up. Might want to just add a blank filler icon for any kind of creat like this at the moment.
  11. Sorry, all angiens are gone now. The only thing left is a bird.
  12. Here's some CTC's which I think some newer players might enjoy. Ages creats, each person can only claim one. age 1380 angien x2 age 1241, stardust, blackdiamonds, claw 1 tokened angien age 1228 bird 737 age santa with stardust, blood drop 2, gold tear and black diamonds tokens bloodpact with 849 age Just write on this topic what you'd like and I'll pm you the creat. Everything GONE! S
  13. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought the santa art contest from a while ago had 2 winners, but we only ever got one extra level for our santa, the Santa III. Is the 4th level going to be added?
  14. I like the options Kyphis mentioned so far, but I would call it Attunement. at•tune (əˈtun, əˈtyun) v.t. -tuned, -tun•ing. 1. to bring into accord, harmony, or sympathetic relationship; adjust: to attune oneself to country living. 2. to tune or bring into harmony. or also: alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard.
  15. Shadowseeker 50659 Crimson Cross functionability is missing. [17/02/13 21:56] Master of Ceremonies:Shadowseeker [17/02/13 21:57] Master of Ceremonies:his Crimson Cross amulet will have a special power: summon people by flag I did message Chew with the relevant infos when he asked me to and got a reply saying he's busy with other stuff atm. I suppose this is also to make a list?
  16. Seems to work again for me, but maybe chew cleaned it up by now.
  17. I would like to point out that with the consequences as they are, it's not exactly a true day of fear. Granted, I did not actually expect permanent losses to be incurred, but still, this was a tame day, not a fierce one. Nevertheless I regret being unable to muster any interest (and desire to participate even if I had interest)- congratulations to the winners.
  18. I'd like it back actually. For someone as inactive as me, letting me know I received a PM would be better than waiting till I log back in and check.
  19. I think I started on the 20th March and ended it until recently. I didn't keep track perfectly, so pardon me if the timing is wrong. Player Name to receive reward: Shadowseeker Period of Trial: (20.03.2013) - (16.06.2013) Proof of Pain: There's not too much for this, just a few notes. I also did get demoted from being a forum mod after a very long time of being one. (And while this is partially due to me leaving the forums for a while, I did hand it a notice of future resignation a long long while ago. Just kept delaying it and lurking while doing some mod work.) At some points I almost clicked on the links in the mood panel in MD too. And seeing the post your info there etc announcements ingame didn't really help either. [spoiler] 25.03 I want to go see the day of fear analysis the most. I miss the forums, though I'd skip over things anyways. 26.03 Wanted to put my bookmark back to realize I wouldn't. 29.03 Realized I wanted to check on day of fear info. Curiosity about the ward, results, etc...can't go check. 05.04 Being unable to check on quests and the likes sucks. 14.04 MD Anniversary and I'm missing out on quests and everything....but I'm busy with other stuff too, can't be helped. 28.05 Been a while, less busy, but I feel like I don't really want to return to the forums anymore by now. [/spoiler]
  20. I'd like to reserve a post saying I have returned to over 8 pages of unread posts. I'll post a bit more detailed stuff later in here.
  21. Might as well. I'm kind of amazed you set the deadline into June...but I think I will too participate, and go on strike. I don't think it'll be the entire time, but who knows when I'll come back here? My calendar now has an entry reminding me to come back on the 15th of June. How am I supposed to prove that I did experience pain though, when I normally just check regularly for info? Removal of bookmarks? I sincerely hope you will be able to address my concerns and explain this further ingame, for I shall not be able to read this anymore. I will also refuse reading by proxy of someone else sending me the things you post in here, since that would mean I receive news from the forums while pretending I left. See you all in a few months here. S
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