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Everything posted by Shadowseeker

  1. Well..calculating can be easy as well, and is just a bit boring when you do it. As for coding..it's boring when you leave everything to the comp, not? Not to mention there's a load of people out there who can't code.
  2. Don't forget the Wild Hunt, or the cruelty of the fae in general, stealing children, swapping them, etc. But, isn't the fairy culture more limited to europe anyways? You may want to call teh spirits of other cultures that as well, but they're usually different from fairies.
  3. Or you just skip algorithms and thinks for a bit with paper and pen and take a few hours.. Depends on what you want to do, can you code faster or calculate faster.
  4. *hums something that vaguely reminds of..* Happy Birthday.
  5. Well, he however said he might want to reconsider the reward I think, since all solutions end up the same lately. And you need orange, black is rather easy.
  6. Then again, don't forget those who PAID for things...I can imagine not all will be happy, after all it's just taking part of MD out for no "apparent" reason. (I didn't pay, but yeah ) The idea is interesting, but might prove a hassle.
  7. I'll simply close this to prevent spam. When he gets back people will notice, after all.
  8. I admit I am surprised by this, Sage. Nevertheless, I would still like to actively recruit for staff members. It's simple observing and marking PLs, in worse cases PMing me. But also helping out people..Again, I call veterans to help, spend some time there...not like the newbies will eat you alive [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img] And the people offering lessons, think you could give me them to check over? Once I approved (which i think shouldn't be too much of a problem..more to check for spoilers/compare them) there'll be lessons on everything. Current (formerly old) staff: Princ Rhaegar Poppi Chullo
  9. That may be true, but the fact that you join an alliance means you reached a certain stage, in everything. That's why alliances allow attacks throughout MPs, not? They were originally military, and always will be to a certain degree.
  10. Not only for you MB, emotionally it's the best for veterans...but this isn't about them, rather the new ones. No more suggestions as for rules so far?
  11. *cough* The ally members have been added..I'm still writing up the rules...so now's the best time to suggest.
  12. Same here. I have that showing as well.. I'd rather wish to see it removed, just in case it does hold it.
  13. Following rules: 1.MP2, MP3 and MP4 are not to be attacked unless they are idle, or have so many heads that you could attack them inside a sanctuary anyways (7 I heard). 2.Alliance members can be attacked..it's the alliances duty to make sure they can fight. 3.Those within protection attacking those without makes them lose their protection status for the next attack. e.g. If a lower MP within the protection attacks an mp5, then that mp5 has the right to attack back. If you start, do not get blamed if someone retributes. 4.And, In case you get attacked you can return the attack, but usually I assume the people hit would be weaker. That's what the protection is for. 5.The Staff is protected as well, and I am sure people see why: They help, and thus are under protection. I won't just accept anyone in it though. They need to have a certain level. 6. Torches, once you pick any up you can be attacked...you choose to play the game of fighting, so be prepared to fight. Please refrain from excessive Roleplay in there which distracts...it's a place to fight, not to talk only. Punishment will be handled through public means..however be assured that we have means to reach EVERY MP. And that you won't like it. If you do wish to report, please attach a screenshot. Better that way. For now, the location will remain the same until enough people offer/vote for a better place. I myself will prepare lessons, and answer certain questions about combat, as long as they do not spoil too much: I wish to invite veterans to aid as well. This topic is here to gather a list of support/possible helpers. If you support, thank you. If you help, welcome, please post your servertimes when you are on most and which you are willing to spend there. Edit: I myself may not be the best leader, but I believe I have friends. Please, show me your support.
  14. [img]http://shadowseeker.redio.de/DojoEnd.JPG[/img] Apparently there is nobody wishing to stand up for it. Very well, I now claim it as mine. Topic closed, new topic will be opened after this for a list of support/helpers. I would welcome the old staff, but I will also establish my own.
  15. An idea which does not necessarily work. People would have to leave the sanc every time before they attack each other, and in case anyone idles they are lost for that. Another coding project...the idea was to have one which runs by itself. And about the PLs..that's what has been happening, and a lot of players ignore it. If so many are thinking about the dojo, why do we have this debate at all?
  16. Well...for instance, the fact that I can sit there for a few hours seeing nobody on. For instance, that I see no sign of Calyx or Sage lately. For instance, that many persons do not accept the way it is now. Hell, they didn#t even show up at the debate. This challenge is just a way to express this all, and the desire to change it. If you now do not accept it, then how dare this place call itself DOJO? Then it is nothing but a weak claim by some people who cannot see the truth.
  17. I'm still waiting. And they can try to set a time, but my time and patience is limited. So, I will wait almost a full day there.
  18. The challenge..was not replied to. This is unsatisfying. [img]http://shadowseeker.redio.de/DojoChallenge.JPG[/img]
  19. There is something I planned and orignally wanted to mention at the debate, but as my time was lmited and I did not get the chance to speak, I am writing here instead. It was my own idea before the debate came up, the debate just made me speed things up. My idea is simple: It says it is a dojo, so I hereby challenge the leaders for their sign. And with that, I intend to take over the leadership officially. Changes I would bring with myself would be: Actual basic and perhaps a few advanced lessons on combat. Allowing MP5 to be attacked. Lower MP's should get protection, but everything has to end. This is benefitial to all, since there was NO such place before. A system based on public methods to keep everything in order. Dreams which I do not have won't be used in my opinion, in case it is needed we shall see again. I heard of the idea to move the location, and I am against it. At a certain point in storyline people spawn there, so I think it to be a good idea. I know I have a few people supporting me, but I'd still like to know what the public feels. Anyone care to respond? And yes, I can be rather impatient sometimes. So, I'd like to see this happen as fast as possible. (The setup from Granos was just ideal, so I sorta hijack this topic now.)
  20. Negative EXP...is easy. It's nothing about spells, it's about mechanics. If you have not heard of the way yet, then I'm rather disappointed.
  21. The rustgold is strong, yeah..but it doesn't boost all creatures. Only one I can think of. So for many people the boost aura is useless.
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