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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. This is reproducicable by me, its buggered. Moved to confirmed, http://md.chewett.co.uk/redmine/issues/54
  2. Chewett


    Freed :)
  3. Which is why its a little different :)
  4. It was planned as a quest, so it would just be another quest that you would do. The tutorial aspect of it would be that you are strongly recommended to do it, possibly even forced. But it will be a quest you can compete wherever you are.
  5. Because I am dealing with pimping the prizes a little more and want you to send the entire CTC. If you have a complaint come see me. If you wish to participate send me the full CTC before I finish organising the transfers (before christmas day essentially)
  6. Its being added back in as something similar, but not as the main starting part. As a tutorial its where we lose 90% of members that start the game, This cant go on becuase we lose so many people that might become great roleplayers. Its a too good filter. We will make the system more "gameier" so that those core "MD people" will stay because they can game with the gamers, and hopefully get and keep more "MD people"
  7. My biggest suggestion would be to play the game a bit more first :) Also, if you wish to implement a creature, talk to others about the lore of MD.
  8. This ---- Read the 3000th announcement, I think it addresses it. A25 is working on fixing the tutorial, Mur and I have just started discussion how we are going to rip out (quite literally) storymode to add in the new tutorial which will give a lot more staying power. Things take time. Lots of changes are happening :) Read: Ann. 3246
  9. I was more wanting the avatar EE used to have, and the one that he should have again :)
  10. Iv no clue, whatever one he wants back I guess :)
  11. The shuffling, showing of stuff, etc, is all really broken causing random errors all the time. Will need to fix it to resolve these issues. Ticket: http://md.chewett.co.uk/redmine/issues/52
  12. If anyone sees EE's avatar give me the ID Fixed the bug with Leixers sql issue. There is more bugs with the shop, Will open a new issue.
  13. You could never follow the rules, sending 4 gifts is not sending one :P
  14. Mur is busy. I dont have time to get what I wanted ready.
  15. Guess Mur and I cant participate then :(
  16. Just talking to Mur, He is participating :D
  17. Because we are doing it slightly differently :D
  18. Already sponsored a WP and spellstones from the MD stock :)
  19. Its in the bug list, I will possibly try and work on resolving it today IF I can get MD setup (6monthly comp upgrade and reinstall happened)
  20. Rophs, send me the details of whatever the white elephant sale. Anyone that wishs to participate, we may "boost" some of the gifts exchanged. Bonus points, Write a christmas message to the person who will be recieving your gift. Rophs contact me to finalise this. Also, change the topic name to something a little more offical. Sign me up, send me all the details. Dont send any CTC's to anyone yet rophs. Yim me tommorrow. PS: CID 61
  21. A25 is designed to remove story mode, Please read announcements. Story mode will be removed and then later replaced into the game.
  22. Some things should be fair, others shouldnt. How would you feel if won a hard quest, purchased it, and then a while later it was made free. The official viewpoint, if we were going to move these things to the credits shop, we will refund people. End of discussion here. Since you haven't been around lately, I will excuse you. The "old" MagicDuel is to make WP's insanely hard to get. The "new" MagicDuel is actually making them much easier to get. This is because there will be more of them added over time. Over the past years we have added 5+(maybe? I cant count all of them) WP's that are given freely with age. We are still looking to make them easier to collect atm. We have publicly said this a number of times FYI. What? Iv no clue what you are talking about here since I didnt even know you were active Sasha. Entertain me, What is it you are even referring to?
  23. What would you do for those who have bought it with a WP? Refund them? You will just create a new level of "common" WP items. And then, do it again? There is importance of having to spend WP's to get access to the rarer ones. Its an interesting way of "limiting" access to more powerful ones.
  24. What? This whole topic is about the MD shop, and you mention wish shop? Where do branches fit into the concept of some Wish items need to be purchased to get other items? You know there is a very important point of making you purchase the more common items? Also, the branches in MD shop let you view more different items, how would branches in WP shop work? I dont think you have got the concept of the WP shop... and if you want to talk about it make a new topic :)
  25. Very good! I like it!
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