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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. That is the announcement i was referring to when talking about the multiple accounts in the same scene...
  2. They are also legandary someone reminded me that i forgot never gonna give you up, but lights out is good also
  3. sadly not, you cant see who added what. And the Pokemon Theme tune IS legendary. If you want to be added you need to follow me, which can be done by pressing follow on my page. http://grooveshark.com/chewett Then i can follow you back, and then add you to the playlist.
  4. i cant speak for anyone important, but my understanding of the rules is to use common sense From my experience, the rules are applied to you as a player, no matter how many IP's you can use to log multiple accounts on. You should not have two accounts idle in the same scene, you should not have two accounts being played at the same time(some exceptions apply).
  5. Send me your username via pm and i can add you to the playlist i believe.
  6. Iv created a colloberative Magicduel Playlist here [url="http://grooveshark.com/playlist/Magicduel/69994915"]http://grooveshark.c...icduel/69994915[/url] Currently there is only 20 or so songs from my favourites, lots of variety (possibly) and such. There will be songs people dont like, i think i added one or two dubstep songs, but if you dont like em, skip em! It would be _really_ cool if others would register and add their songs, so we can get a taste of each others musical taste. You might need to "ask" to join the collaboration, and if you are unsure, forum pm me and we will try and work out how it works. If you want to add some songs but dont want to register, send me a link to the grooveshark song and i will add it. [color=#ff0000]NOTE: All songs of all types will be added. There will likely be swear words in them, so if you do not like this i would not suggest listening to this. Maybe i will make two playlists, one Safe for Work and and this current one. This is probably currently Not Safe for Work, Please treat it as such.[/color] *coughs* My musical tastes are interesting, but i do have one excuse, in the fact that my account is shared by about 5 other people, as a "House" playlist, so i can shift the blame slightly.
  7. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1335676739' post='110293'] How do you imagine that to happen? Should we make a list of words thou shalt not use? And another list of words thou shalt not use more than 3 times? And then we send that list to all the kids who register as e-mail... undoubtedly you see the problem. Plus, people are extremely flexible with written language these days, if you put a ban on something, they'll take the next best. To give one of the few examples that aren't meant to insult people, the internet is full of ads for dope, and to avoid any indexing, they do ads for Mary-Jane. It'd be incredibly hard to make a list of things you can't do in decency, and on top of the hard work, it'd be completely useless. Or we do it like MPAA: Don't like you, X-rating. Because you suck, that's why. [/quote] Agreed. We cannot define offensive, people must use their common sense, and respect other peoples wishs. If someone says they find whatever you are saying offensive, be respectful and dont use said word. We are a community after all...
  8. Nice knowing you Marv, You shall always be welcome here Have fun
  9. I would agree with Z. It is does seem unfair to blame a player who has asked someone, who supposedly should know... although i doubt about the knowledge of the rules amoung some LHO's, and then been punished because that LHO was wrong. When people ask me about various bug and abuse related things, if i tell them i think its alright, i also tell them that if they later get punished they should tell whoever is punishing that i said it was ok, and that they should also contact me. And that if i was wrong i would fight to get their punishment removed and i would take it. If someone isnt ready to accept something like this, they shouldnt be confirm it. Personally, i think the whole LHO part needs to go. These rules were mainly written when LHO's were moderators in the game, when they know a large amount about everything, and most of them were bug testers. Nowadays many LHO's lack knowledge of the rules which i do not think some of them should be in the position of telling people exactly what the rules say... Overall, LHO's do a good job, but their job nowadays is far removed from actually knowing rules...
  10. and if you press reload, then enter the details, it works fine?
  11. From what iv noticed with various *cough* alts, is behavior as such: Whenever you load the page, you load a sub page that includes the letters Each time the sub page is loaded, you get a new load of letters corrsponding to that. The code only works on the current "set" of letters, Which means if you open a authentication page one, then open another one in another tab, only the second set of letters will work, but they will work in either tab becuase it doesnt know what the image you are currently looking at work, but only what it "should" look like. Since there have been no other reported issues with the login system, im more inclined to think towards there are some funny settings your end. Its possible that <something> is doing funny things and reloading the sub page multiple times without loading the image, meaning you are seeing an image that doesnt correspond to the current set. Are you definately opening only one tab Have no other tabs for MD open Have no other browsers with MD logged in Are sure that no other accounts are logged in, while you are trying to log in (checking can be done by visiting magicduel.com/layout.php and seeing if it loads the auth page or MD) Are you sure you are not "playing around" with the session data? Are you sure you are not "playing around" with the cookie data? Whats your Browser and OS?
  12. i think the idea is they should "ideally" upload it yourself, but provided they dont use it anywhere else and agree for MD to "own" it, uploading it yourself is fine. You just take the blame for if it is used later, because it becomes the property of MD
  13. This issue is between Pipstickz and Marind Bell. If you want to know more information you should speak to our Reagent or Pip himself, If this continues complaining about Pip and such i request this topic to be closed
  14. Forum reputation should now be fixed, as are various other small bugs that were broked on the new version. If there are any issues, pm me
  15. well, if both you and me see that as stupid, why dont you change it
  16. The automatic system traps tell you to email council giving a very good reason. alts got caught and unbanned, if you have a good reason i think they will unban you, mur always did. I was under the impression demanding a ransom was bad form, and actually much worse nowadays, mur didnt like people demanding things...
  17. Currently the forum is dangerously close to the allowed limit of forum uploads. Please can you make sure all your gallery images are saved, we shall be removing random ones that shouldnt be here. Also, if you have made posts with large images that dont need to be there anymore, please consider deleting them. You can see all attachments here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=attachments Images and such that contribute to the topic, should stay, but anything that was time based that no longer has any importance please consider deleeting
  18. Is this number before or after the TK's donation? What materials are you looking for?
  19. all merged into one, please check using search before posting.
  20. Tom Pounce was attempted to Sue Isabella due to her unfairness but we removed his post and directed him to council as he was posting the riddle she asked. He would have an intresting viewpoint i guess. I shall forward him the topic. I didnt have time to participate in this or anything else
  21. Chewett


    You could have fixed it Also posting links to the wiki is much better than uploading a massive screenshot. If you were unsure, you could have added something to the talk page and commented you thought it was wrong
  22. You are allowed to sell your art. The player is NOT allowed to upload it. You have to upload your own avatars. The player is allowed to edit them, but you MUST upload them yourself
  23. You need to upload them if you draw them, but you can give the avatars to anyone when you have uploaded them. So they would need to edit them, give them to you, and them you would need to give the avatars to them.
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